#archie's pal jughead
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From Rugged, Archie's Pal Jughead #4 (1956).
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dailycanonlgbtq · 1 year
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day 6: jughead jones from archie is canonically aroace
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balu8 · 10 days
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"A Jughead never forgets!"
Archie's Pal Jughead Annual #1: Mask Me No Questions
by ?; Bill Vigoda (Pencils)
Cover by Bill Vigoda (?)
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girl-archie · 1 year
happy archie getting chopped in half day everyone!! <3 (archie gets chopped in half today btw if you even care)
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sonofaraven · 2 years
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Day 3: Lyrics - Ringtone (remix) by 100 gecs / Nobody else will be there by The National
Nobody else will be there then (Goodbyes always take us half an hour Can't we just go home?) / You wouldn't be here if it was for anyone else (My boy's got his own ringtone And when he calls me, I don't come home)
Inspo: ringtone mv, x, and the national parallels, x.
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jhsharman · 1 year
"Carpet Caper"
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All they’ve been able to learn is that the expression can be traced to 19th-century America. But “Betsy” herself remains stubbornly anonymous. As the Oxford English Dictionary comments: “The origin of the exclamation Heavens to Betsy is unknown.”
The earliest published reference found so far, according to the OED, comes from an 1857 issue of Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine: “ ‘Heavens to Betsy!’ he exclaims, clapping his hand to his throat, ‘I’ve cut my head off!’ ”
Fred Shapiro, editor of the Yale Dictionary of Quotations, found this hyphenated example in an an 1878 issue of Harper’s New Monthly Magazine: “Heavens-to-Betsy! You don’t think I ever see a copper o’ her cash, do ye?”
And the OED has this one from a short-story collection by Rose Terry Cooke, Huckleberries Gathered From New England Hills (1892): “’Heavens to Betsey!’ gasped Josiah.” (“Betsy,” as you can see, is spelled there with a second “e.”)
On the identity of Betsy, speculation goes Betsy Ross, but another line of thought is it was just a common feminine name.
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aaronshattuck · 2 years
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Recap: Reggie is marrying Jughead.
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aidenwaites · 1 year
This is the only correct opinion on riverdale that I've ever had
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mean-vampyre · 1 year
Archie realizing he is bisexual in his 30s but panicking because he is so far behind in his gay education he hardly knows how to gay, goes to the riverdale gay bar and freaks out because they ask him if he is into twinks or bears and he has flashbacks to that time he fought a bear and goes home in survival mode, and jughead is there like hey archie what's wrong dude did someone try to kill you again? but archie is like no jug i don't think i can do this bisexuality thing, betty makes it look so effortless but she doesn't get asked if she is into twinks or bears because everyone knows she is into woman who kill, and jug is like hey pal calm down I'm sure we can find a way to help you out. so they visit gay kevin for a crash course in gay but kevin is soooo condescending and gatekeeps gay because he doesn't want more dating competition, so jughead is like archie pal we have been going about this whole thing wrong we must ask the bisexuals. and they go ask fangs and toni but they assume that jughead is tagging along because he too is bisexual and toni says why don't you two come to the bi night at the white worm you can meet other bi people. so archie and jughead show up together to the bar but everyone assumes that they are a couple and keep refering to jughead as his partner and archie is like yeah haha my partner in crime. and the next day everyone thinks that jughead also came out when cheryl sends them a fruit basket and a congrats bert and ernie card.
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bughead-in-the-comics · 4 months
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From Miss Under-Stood, Archie’s Pal Jughead #10 (1952).
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dirtyriver · 4 months
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"A Tight Fit", Archie's Pal Jughead #11, April 1952, art by Bill Vigoda?
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supercap2319 · 1 year
Meeting of Heroes
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Pureheart The Powerful AKA Archibald "Archie" Andrews was no stranger to other superheroes like himself. His friends Jughead, Veronica, and Betty were also superheroes. Even Moose and Reggie. They even had allies in other areas like Greendale, home of Sabrina Spellman, code name: Enchantress. Speaking of Sabrina, she was off in another dimension dealing with magical problems that needed her attention, but she had time before she left to warn Archie and his friends that her enemies, the Greendale Thirteen, would be coming to Riverdale to take over.
The Greendale Thirteen was a group of thirteen witches that wanted to rule the mortal world and cast in an era of chaos and disarray. They wouldn't succeed. Not if Pureheart, Superteen, Miss Vanity, and Captain Hero had anything to say about it.
Despite not being here to help, Sabrina didn't leave her super pals completely alone. She was sending one of her closest friends to come and help them.
It was a good thing too, because they could use all the help they could get. Even though they all had super strength, they were still outnumbered by nine. The witches blasted them with their magic as Archie took on the head witch. She gave him an uninterested look. "You think you can stop us, child?" Her voice was oozing with overconfidence. "We are not of this earth. Nothing on this planet can stop us." She boasted.
"Well, I'm sure as hell gonna try." Pureheart told her as he flew towards her, fist raised for a punch. The witch laughed as she summoned a blast of blue magical energy as it crashed into Archie, knocking him back as he tried to break through it with punches. He kept punching himself a path with his brawn before the witch cast a shield to protect herself as Pureheart slammed his fists into the wall of magic to break through. The head witch summoned lightning and struck Archie down to the ground as he created a small crater from his descent.
He grunted as he looked up at the witch as she summoned a fireball in her hands and as she was about to throw it down at Archie, one of her fellow witches told her something as her face shifted from smug to complete anger and shock as the head witch barked orders for her fellow wiccans to blast their magic towards the sky as Archie frown in confusion as Betty and Veronica helped him up. “What the hell are they shooting at?” Captain Hero, Jughead, asked.
He got his answer as a ball of light that looked similar to a comet was heading towards them, as the witches' powers seemed to be ineffective against this thing. Each strike of magic made it seem bigger and more powerful as Pureheart watched the comet strike five witches down to the ground as the remaining eight either attacked and got hit by the ball of light, or tried to escape and got caught until only the head witch was left.
The ball of energy stopped as it formed a person with a red, black, yellow suit. He wore a black helmet and a red visor to cover his face as the mysterious flying man smiled at the witch. “Long time no see, witch bitch.”
“Why won’t you die?!” the witch shrieked as she blasted him with blue fire as he flew towards it and Archie’s heart dropped at that. Seeing this hero getting burned alive was unsettling, but luckily, he wasn’t. The new hero shot a stream of his own energy that glowed and sparkled like a miniature galaxy as the two energy forces collided over each other, trying to consume the other one as the witch was losing her edge. She struggled to push back. “You can’t win. We won’t be imprisoned again.”
“Too late. You’ve lost.” The hero pushed more energy until it exploded, causing a blinding light and Pureheart covered his eyes until it was all clear. They all looked to see the mystery hero standing there with the witch in his arms, unconscious. “There. She won’t be able to take over your town now.”
Archie swallowed as he walked towards the male hero and held out his hand. “Thanks for coming when you did. You saved our asses.”
The guy flashed Pureheart a grin that made his heart skip a beat. “No problem, Pureheart The Powerful. You and the Superteens are doing a great job. Keep up the good work.” He rounded up all the witches and put them together as he used his powers to create a large ball to fit all of them in. “See ya around.”
Archie watched him go as he smiled like an idiot before he remembered that they didn’t catch his name. “Wait! What’s your name?”
The guy looked down at them and smiled once again. “The Comet. But you can call me Y/N.” Then he was gone.
“Cool.” Archie whispered to himself.
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bea-in-my-bonnet · 1 year
I love the idea of Jughead and Betty getting married in the 50s. Not bc i think they’re “endgame”(I’m sorry I cringed as i wrote that) but bc I want the arc of repressed housewife Betty getting tired of her husband’s distance and following him and she sees him and Archie just hanging out shirtless like best bros do and assumes they are having an affair.
This unleashes her female rage and she finds her inner serial killer. But just as she’s about to take revenge on Jughead, Famous Hollywood star Veronica who has recently moved to Riverdale shows up at her book club. Betty is so distracted and into Veronica that she decides to just divorce jughead. Turns out she was the one cheating! She and Veronica leave town and go to Hollywood, where they secretly continue their affair while remaining “best gal pals” in public. Betty puts her killer instincts to use and becomes a producer.
Meanwhile, Jughead figures out that he’s gay and ace after Betty tells him that she knows about him and Archie. Through no homo damage control he re-examines his and Archie’s relationship and finally picks up on the homoeroticism dripping from every interaction (puts warning triangle on floor, “watch out for this puddle of homoeroticism, dear”). He and Archie go on to be “business partners” in whatever job Archie is doing that week. The End.
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walkingmusical · 10 months
this love came back to me
1975. she did it. she really went a did it.
veronica lodge won best director at the oscars, and archie couldn’t be more proud of her as she went up on stage to accept the golden statue.
it was especially emotional when he remembered that it was for the seven year flame; a screenplay that his old pal, jughead, wrote. and when he thought about how much the romance in this movie resonated with his own love for his wife, there was no way he could hold back the waterworks.
and there were more tears to come.
jughead ended up pulling both of them aside and telling them that they led another life in another timeline. and that they were sent back to the 50s after a comet hit riverdale. that the screenplay he wrote only told a small part of their love story.
in that moment, archie remembered everything. and when he looked over to veronica, he could see that she also remembered.
only emotions could trigger their old memories. being around people from their past life. and the only way to remember absolutely everything, was to have a strong emotional connection with someone from their past life when they were told.
there was a glitch when they were sent back, and jughead never truly forgot about the old timeline. his memories returned gradually over the years. cheryl and toni got their memories back not long after high school, and that was when jughead figured out what it took for everyone else to remember.
archie and veronica’s happy marriage gave them the capacity to remember everything. there wasn’t much hope for everyone else. archie found that a little sad.
when the two of them got home, they sat down in the living room to talk. the first thing that dawned on veronica was that they hurt each other in the other timeline, but archie knew exactly what to say.
“i believe that you also said in that timeline that you only cared about the present.” archie said, reaching out for her hand.
veronica smiled, and allowed their fingers to intertwine.
“and there was more good in our relationship than bad.” he added. “as far as i’m concerned, i learned today that i’ve loved you for much longer than i thought i did.”
when veronica moved over to rest her head on his shoulder, he knew her mind was at ease.
“i think i’ve loved you since 2017.” veronica said, with a light chortle in her tone. it was all so absurd and sweet.
“i’ve definitely loved you since 2017.” archie responded, wrapping his arm around her back.
varchie appreciation week, day 7 - free day
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liege-of-the-bees · 10 months
S7e16: Stag
Everything I have seen abt this episode so far has been insane I'm so fucking excited
Fuck why did they have to bring Grundy back
Also Betty being like 'I want that, men and woman. I want that'
Lizzo has been such a non-character but that scene was fun
See the 'Jughead coincidentally being gone everytime horny stuff goes on' would be so much funnier if Jughead was made Aro-ace canonically like in the comics. Sex plotline start and Jughead just gets magically summoned elsewhere
Cheryl just wants to paint naked women
Kevin and Clay canonically watch gay porn in the Babylonium
'Gal pal' Kevin and Clay know what you're doing Veronica don't even pretend
This is the funniest way they could've brought her back
Nothing more subtle then developing lesbian pinups in the school darkroom
Fellas is it gay to watch gay porn together
Veronica has a crush on Polly and you can't convince me otherwise
Please don't push the Jughead/Veronica thing again. Not after the misogyny. Not after the lesbianism.
This Polly is actually so fun
This is the gayest straight porn scene ever
The funniest fucking way for Archie and Reggie to discover their bisexuality
They should shower together
Julian clocked them so hard ngl
It's gonna be another wrestling movie isn't it
God I wish Evelyn was there to react
Clay: 'I think you should have gay sex Archie'
Fellas is it gay to have sex if its also with a woman
Betty that's your sister please
Oh never mind it's not incest she just wants it to be her
'Expanded our horizons'
Cheryl's gothic horror returns
I love you Cheryl you're doing great sweetie
Get her Betty
God I'm so attracted to Lili Reinhart
Fuck off I will not accept this as anything but Veronica's comphet
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bireggiemantle · 2 years
guys this horrible thing happened to me, jughead, today.
basically, me, jughead, and my good pal, archie, were walking down the sidewalk, talking about something meaningless, like hamburgers. just kidding. hamburgers aren't meaningless. anyway then this bus screeches up, stops next to us, and a bunch of people with “down with weirdos” shirts climbed out and started beating me, jughead, up. my close pal, archie, was punched and kicked a bit too, but he managed to avoid brutalization by going for their faces. he's very good at punching people. after figuring out what’s happening, I, jughead, started attacking them back, getting them off of him, archie, and I, jughead. I, jughead, was quite injured but I, jughead, refused to call 911, since sheriff keller is kind of a bitch. my friend, archie, was fine, with only a cut on his courageous arm that he let me patch up. just a warning to all my fellow beanie-enthusiasts out there, be careful of the "down with weirdos" bus. they are attacking innocents and their absolutely ripped best friends.
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