#Leo can't come up with anything better and Raph is fully of the If It Fits It Fits
snackugaki · 2 years
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boys from the bay(verse)
it’s nap time, you little shit
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dragonpastels · 4 months
I've noticed a certain trend of either giving the boys dragons or turning them into dragons, and since I am legally required to participate I decided to combine the boys with another franchise I love dearly. Do y'all like How to Train Your Dragon? Transcript down below! and click for better quality!
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Raph Class: Boulder Description: The beast that spared me the other day seems to be protecting a group of smaller beasts. Which unfortunately includes that troublemaker who has been stealing from me. It watches me carefully as the others go about, but as long as I do not get too close it does not seem to be aggressive. The smaller one likes to approach me which I have tried to gently chase away, but the large beast starts to growl if I do.
Top Left: they ate a rock like it was a snack! Top Middle: the others also like to climb on top while Raphael is sleeping. Middle right: The smaller creature likes to hide in the rocks that cover their back. Bottom Middle: Whoah! It spits lava too! The boulders explode after a time leaving a crater of magma behind. Will observe from a distance.
Mikey Class: Stoker Description: The small one likes to come up to me and if I don't pet them they spit sparks at me and become agitated. it is quite the energetic guy and can tuck itself in its shell and become a spinning tornado of sparks and flames. It seems to do this more frequently when they are excited, or angry, or bored, or any strong emotion it seems.
Top Right: Latest work Middle Right: a recreation of them standing in front of their work. They seemed very proud. Bottom Right: it is kind of cute how they sleep. Their snout does not fully go into their shell. Which is quite adorable. Sweet dreams little guy. Bottom Left: The edge of their wing is rock-like. Leo Class: Strike Description: This one has been keeping a distance for some time, but It finally approached me. This one is adorned with beautiful patterns which they seem to love showing off. They seem to enjoy bothering the others and why they put up with it I will probably never know. their favorite one to bother seems to be the thief. Rightfully deserved. I saw this creature create wells of blue energy in the sky which they will fly into and disappear! I need to get closer to observe. I will name this fancy fellow Leonardo.
Top Right: Filthy thief. Middle Right: This one spits electricity! They will purposely hold a charge near me to ruin my hair... I think they find it funny... Bottom Left: I need to know what this is! Donnie Class: Mystery Description: This filthy thief is the one who has been bothering me since I became stranded here. their favorite thing to do appears to be stealing anything that interests it. List of things that interest it -a shovel -an old latch -rope I was going to trap it with -and mom's music box It appears to have made itself some armor from twisted metal and shields. that it carries on its back. Even though it freely approaches me I can not do the same or else it will flee, and when it does it hides behind Raphael. It knows Raphael will protect them. I can't think of any other name more fitting than Donatello.
Top Left: It has a hard underside but is soft on the rest of its body It didn't realize I was under it it let out a spooked squeak Middle Right: It has these strange spots along its nose. Bottom Right: I had to hide in a tree to get this view Bottom Left: Their eyes go white when they work it must be protecting its eyes. it uses its fire breath to attach the metal together.
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britt-kageryuu · 2 months
In another world/timeline/dimension/universe:
Mikey comes out of Donatellos lab, "Hey Guys, I just found something weird!" Donatello is annoyed at this. Leo and Raph decided to just watch incase they need to dodge a tool, or something.
"Mikey, how many times do I have to tell you, to stay out of my lab!?" Donatello says in exasperation.
"Well your computer is better to watch videos on, but that's not the point. I found something weird with your Computer," Mikey replies, "Let me show you!" He drags Donatello back into the lab, Leo and Raph follow behind out of curiosity.
Mikey pulls up a video on Donatellos computer. It showes a 3D model of Rise Leo, in blue swim trunks, blue crocs, his mask with long trans tails, and an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt, playing a Beat Saber type game. He's singing along to the song and looks just a second away from dancing instead of playing the game.
"You found someone using a turtle model to play games? Is that it?" Donatello asks.
Mikey shakes his head and pulls out his phone, "No, I was like, 'I'm gonna subscribe, and watch more on my phone later.'" He opens Youtube on his phone and searches for the channel. "Only I can't find this channel, or any of the videos when searching on my phone, Dude!"
Mikey hands his phone to Donatello, to show a search page that doesn't show the channel on the computer, despite having typed in the exact name of the channel/video title.
"Mikey, did you accidentally connect to a different reality, through YouTube, on my computer?" The purple coded turtle asked slowly, while trying to process this odd discovery.
"And the video you chose to show us is an alternate Fearless? Why not their Raph?" Raphael asks a little annoyed but amused. Leo elbows him in the side, "Hey, you haven't said anything about this either!"
"Red doesn't stream very often," Mikey shrugs, before going to the channel to the Rad Angel playlist, "and alot of them are work out streams, so not as fun to watch." Now the screen is showing a 3D Rise Raph model in workout gear doing guided basic stretches. Raphael goes wide eyed at the site of the large spikey turtle in red.
Donatello moves Mikey out of the way, "I'm going to look this over to see if you did anything." Mikey lets out an annoyed shout, "I'm not fully blaming you Mikey, maybe something happened when those other turtles visited us last. Now kindly leave my lab, all of you!" He shoves them out of the lab, and locks the door behind them, before returning to the computer.
Donatello spends a few minutes, not really finding any problems or anything that would be harmful to his equipment. So he decides to binge his way through some of the videos and VODs. He'll tell his brothers it's safe, and perfectly fine to continue watching this...later, after taking lots of notes on this alternate reality were they are VTubers.
This might, or might not be canon. If it is, well it's a way to introduce crossovers later. If not, well it's just a bit of fun writing.
I could not figure how to write Leo in this short, I don't know why.
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tothefiniteyou · 7 days
Something that's been in my head a while concerning the brothers and their "roles", so to speak. This is meant to be about the original Mirage comics, but applies to 2003 and IDW as well. Potentially 2012, maybe more. I don't remember the exact issues, but this WILL contain spoilers for IDW and the original comics.
Raph is the one that takes on the responsibilities no one else does/wants to. He very often has to play the part of the bad guy because his convictions are more rebellious in comparison to what Splinter teaches them, core beliefs and rules that Leo in particular takes to heart. Raph keeps his family in line through his anger, for better and worse, being the one of tough love. In volume 1 of Mirage when they retreated from New York after Leo was almost killed, he calls his brother a coward for not "finishing the job" and goes off to face the Shredder alone. He almost got killed because of his impulsiveness, yes, but Leo's always been about saving his family. So really, he had the courage to face Shredder again because it was for someone else's sake. Their whole fight was kind of gruesome and full of harsh words, but at the end of it all, Leo thanks Raph for it. It's very interesting to me. It shows that Leo, even if he was originally mad, understands that his brother was only doing it because he was scared of his family being hurt again. He sees that it was for his own good, so he expresses gratitude.
Alongside that, I've said before that it's not that Raph wants to be the leader because of the title itself, but rather that he wants freedom, and for others to listen to him. He resents Leo for holding him back, not fully understanding his brother's reasoning. He focuses more on action and less on the consequences of said actions and choices.
In essence, Raph is often the one that has to do the dirty work. His parentification in Rise is even similar to this, having to parent his brothers and be the one to tell them "no", even when it isn't his responsibility. But if no one else is going to do it, then he has to be the bad guy, even if his brothers resent him for it. At his core, he always has his family in mind, even if the execution is flawed.
Raph being thought of as the shield has always felt right to me, as shields can still be used to hurt.
On to Leo - Leo is a very existential person, and that also makes him the most spiritual. Kind of a yin and yang ordeal, with him seeing how there's a balance to things. (I would also say that he needs to assign a purpose to everything, if only to rationalize bad things. It's sort of why he has a bit of a crisis in several iterations when Splinter isn't there to guide him). He's the most "warrior-like" because of the way he values life and honors things like bushido. He'll kill to protect, but that doesn't make him callous, just "strong" (putting this in quotes for multiple reasons). I think IDW tackled this quite lovely, especially when he goes on to have a greenhouse just full of life.
However, I can't say all of this without mentioning the fact that Splinter's teachings are often flawed. I've said before that a lot of Leo's major "arcs" and "growing up" is about becoming his own person and leader, and that's still very much true. Blind Sight is my favorite story to have come from the original comics, and I think it really puts into perspective how Leo struggles to see himself as anything but a weapon. It's that bad habit of his where he must assign purpose to everything, struggling when proven wrong or having to recontextualize things. There's so much more I want to say about him and his role, but a lot of it would be reiterating my points from this post. I struggle to call Leo the sword of the team considering his words to Mikey about how, if he were to throw his katana off the roof, would that be the same as throwing himself. But in Blind Sight, he does learn that he's more than just some sword for his father to wield, and that a sword not only hurts, but protects.
People infantilize Mikey wayyyy too much in this fandom for just being the youngest, which makes me have to pick and choose my words very carefully for fear of the wrong impression. He's definitely the goofball that tends to not take things as seriously, but I think something that The Last Ronin meant to emphasize is that his "raw talent" is from a place of love. It's not that he's not the best of them all just because he lacks focus, it's that he's never seen a reason for him to have to be a warrior like that. Surrounded by his brothers, he doesn't have to try so hard. He'll watch their backs and they'll watch his. He's got the same warrior's spirit as the others, it's just that he rejects some of those teachings in his own way? Raph is often seen as the contrast to Leo, and that's typically true, but I think Mikey can be as well... In a way, Mikey has the most ties to humanity, and that's why I think he's similar to Leo in some ways. Not to say the brothers don't have humanity, but... It's so hard to word what I mean, bear with me.
Being a better warrior kind of means losing his fun-loving and go with the flow nature. He would be less like Mikey. Not to say that being good at fighting exactly equates to being deadly, but that's always a possibility, you know? IDW Mikey is such a good balance and blend of his little shit characterization and his more empathetic side. When he's the first to leave and reject Splinter's ways in IDW, this shows what I mean with him being more strong than Leo's way of being considered strong. He might not be "the best", and he might not tap into his raw talent that several characters mention, but I don't think that's what he necessarily wants. Splinter's idea of strong isn't necessarily the best.... Hopefully this section makes sense and my point gets across that Mikey is both the heart and armor of the team.
And as for Donnie... Oh boy! He has to use a gun in the original comics and actually be the one to kill (since only Raph and Leo really did that from what I can remember), and it shakes him up SO BADLY... And volume 1 just ends with him not choosing to go back to the sewers with his brothers, but to stay on the farm with Splinter for a bit. This is quite a finishing scene after ending a whole war within the city...
Donnie doesn't love his brothers any less, it just goes to show that he's never wanted to be the one to have to kill, and maybe wasn't prepared for it. While Mikey is definitely a pacifist, you can argue that Donnie is more of one. Him wielding the bo even supports this idea, as it can still be deadly, but not as lethal as his brothers' weapons. He's a very soft-hearted person that prefers to invent and give life to machines.
I hate when people think he's any less skilled in fighting than his brothers, because that's wrong! He just doesn't like violence and, dare I say it, I don't think he ever wanted to be a warrior in the same way. His intellect is a mightier and more useful weapon to him, because he can use it to keep others safe and make machines that can do all sorts of things. He'll fight to protect, same as the others, but disarming is more of his goal in the end. This makes Donnie, at least to me, both the brains and armor for the group. He's more than that, but... something something, things falling apart when Donnie is missing in SAINW.
At the end of it all, something you have to remember about all of them is that, even when they grow older, they started out as nothing more than child soldiers cultivated for the sake of revenge. Killing was always in the books, but they all have a different role on the team, and killing wasn't meant to be Donnie's. He helps with plan-making and would probably rather be support than a tank, if that makes sense.
They're heroes but but but. They're just kids, too...........Gripping my head
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kiaxet · 10 months
Once again, the latest update from @somerandomdudelmao has left me fully in my feelings, and so I come to you with ~900 words of emotion.
(This one is a rough one: content warnings for death, sibling death, self-sacrifice, and just general despair. Y'all have read the update. You know what we're doing here.)
It's supposed to be over.
Master Michelangelo-
(No, no, he's never thought of himself that way. No matter how many times he's been called Master Michelangelo, in his own head he's still just Mikey.)
-Mikey has given everything. He'd opened the portal, watched his own mystic energy - grown larger and stronger with each battle even as it consumed his youth and his very life as its fuel - tear through his arms, cracks traveling up his body until the force of it shattered his form, consuming everything that kept him bound to the physical plane in order to form one last-ditch attempt at setting things right.
He'd managed a wink and a smile, and then he'd died.
And yet he's still here. Why-
The promise. The caveat to the plan. Leo.
Leo had refused to leave him alone at the end, and Mikey will be damned before he refuses to return the favor.
Not that there'll be anything left to damn. The family's Ninpo is what connected them to the Hamato afterlife, and Mikey's is shattered, expended to give Casey a better chance at life. At this point, he's held together with the metaphysical equivalent of duct tape and spite - Donnie's favorite building materials when supplies ran short.
(Donnie's gone. Mikey failed him - failed to catch the infection, failed to cure it, failed to find his spirit amongst the Hamato ancestors. The Krang had obliterated him, and Mikey had failed to help until it was too late.)
(He can't find Raph among the ancestors, either. One more big brother failed.)
(He knows there won't be much left of Leo - not after Leo spent so long being Mikey's living shield, letting the Krang tear into his Ninpo time and time again in order to keep Mikey's intact - but he won't fail Leo. He can't. He can't.)
He's still here, for now, and that has to be good enough. He levitates, surveying a battlefield gone cold in the wake of an overwhelming Krang victory, and goes in search of his last remaining brother.
Leo's corpse isn't far - Mikey spots it near where the portal had been, face down in rock that had been blasted smooth and clean. Krang laser. There's no surviving those.
His gaze flickers upwards across the horizon, and he sees something glow near the corpse, a white outline coming into being before the color follows after, taking a familiar shape. It's-
It's Casey-
It's Casey, but he looks different. Better. His clothes are intact and clean - brand new, from the looks of it. His hair is washed and fluffy. His face and arms have filled out and his shoulders broadened, like he'd been getting good food and enough of it. He doesn't look like the Casey Mikey had made a portal for minutes ago; he looks like how they'd all wanted Casey to look, like he's finally getting what they would have killed to have been able to provide for him. He looks like a dream.
And that's how Mikey knows it's a lie.
It's the Krang. The Krang have done something, made one final twist of the knife that's been stuck in Leo's heart since the night they lost the Key - for all Mikey knows, they're going to use it to desecrate his brother's body, and he is not letting that happen. He zooms closer to Leo's corpse-
"We did it, Mikey, we got him out-"
-and feels the world tilt.
That's not Leo's corpse, because Leo's not dead. He's clinging to life, muttering nonstop in a voice barely above a whisper - he's not long for this world, but he's still here-
The lie cries out in Casey's voice and makes for his brother-
And Mikey lashes out, magic coming to his hands as easily as it ever did. It's not enough to incinerate the lie - the thing is too smart, too quick, and pulls back with only an injury to its arm. That's enough of an opening for Mikey to land in front of Leo, snarling at the lie wearing his nephew's face. "Don't. Touch. Him!" That's his brother. That's his brother. That's the only brother he has left, and he won't have him for long, but that doesn't mean the Krang can take him! "Whatever Krang trick you are-"
Spite, while fun, is no substitute for engineering. Donnie had told him that once.
The spite - and whatever else is holding him together at this point - gives out, the collapse manifesting as pain, and Mikey folds in on himself with a groan. He can fight - he will fight - but if the lie forces combat, then fighting will be the last thing he'll ever do, and Leo will die alone.
He can't. He just…he can't.
He drops to his knees, laying a spectral hand on Leo's head. Leo doesn't react - his Ninpo is shattered to begin with, and Mikey wouldn't be surprised if death's door has robbed Leo of his senses as it is - and just keeps talking.
"We got Casey through the portal, he'll be okay, he'll get to grow up without all of this, we did it, we- we- we did it, Mikey-"
Mikey kneels there, one hand on his inert brother's head as Leo's life slowly sputters out. Eventually he'll die, and what fragments are left of his spirit will disintegrate, too shattered by years of warfare to persist after death, and Mikey will let himself fade along with them. Together until the rapidly approaching end, like they'd promised.
He kneels, and waits for oblivion to come.
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fizzywashere87 · 2 months
Can you write a raph oneshot where reader comforts raph after the kraan incident and gets him a giant plushie
notes: yuhhhh i need to be doing more oneshots anyways :D I hope you like it and apologies for the super duper long wait!
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It'll Be Okay, Big Man
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You know it's crazy how fast society moves on as a whole after the world was so close to ending.
It's crazy how quick they just forget four mutants stopped an alien invasion.
Even as the city was being cleared of the debris, torn buildings, the weird ooey-gooey bubble gum looking fungus? Not even scientists knew what to call it. Either way, even as they seen the evidence something big had went down in New York City everyone just seemed to move on, making jokes about it for clout and giggles, nobody seemed to be too shaken at what happened, yeah?
Humans just seem to be silly like that. They don't acknowledge anything that they don't fully understand. Well, while society as a whole moved on, forgot that the sky opened to make way for a huge alien spaceship that seemed to come from the back of a fucking Lebanese shawarma restaurant, forgot about how it looked like a deadass apocalypse went down in New York, there were a few that acknowledged what actually happened- you could even go as to say they were in the center of everything that went down. They were probably the ones that made the spaceship explode, they were probably the ones that made the sky close back up, they could have been the reason New York was able to go back to whatever was trending that week. Don't ask me who, I probably wouldn't know.
It's hard to move on like the news channels decided they would when you were in the middle of it.
Who are these people? I know you're waiting for me to shit it out
Raphael was having a lot of trouble moving on like those silly humans did.
Those stupid thoughts wouldn't leave his head like he wished they would. This wasn't like him at all, he was so out of it. He doesn't even remember what he did under the Kraang's control if he was being deadass. Part of him wishes he did but the slightly bigger part was grateful he doesn't.
Raphael couldn't help but think it was his fault, what exactly? Everything. From the very beginning, to the end of it where it almost ended in his younger brother getting stranded in a whole ass different dimension with something his dad would've told him wasn't real because monsters didn't exist, it was Raph's fault.
Everything that happened that day still haunts him, and he hasn't told anybody about it.
Raphael hasn't told anybody how he gets little flashes- little visions- images- whatever you wanna call it- little touches- feelings- it doesn't matter. It was evident to him that the battle he had to fight internally to win the external was far deeper than he thought. 'Tough shit,' he wants to tell himself. He tries- he really does, he wants everything to be normal again, those little arguments with Leo he could deal with, they always made up- but more importantly he just wants that sticking feeling to go away.
Raphael felt dirty.
You had a feeling Raph wasn't being honest with you. He seemed... off. That's sugarcoating it, he seemed as if he was ready to break down at any moment- any second- you felt it coming.
So there you were heading, to him, you'd already sent a text explaining you on the way to the lair, ready to see your boyfriend. He seen the text and had replied with an 'okay! <3' to which you smiled at softly and picked up your pace, you and the teddy bear in your hand. You were gonna dominate the world with that motherfucker, jus look at 'im!
Earlier, you had decided to put a little gift basket together for your boyfriend. You'd figured he'd needed some extra loving right now, he wasn't so great at hiding it. That- or you knew him very well. Why can't it be both?
You put little pieces of candy you were sure he liked, a king sized bar of Twix because let's be fucking real, they're better than your grammies cookies. You'd included little plushies, a blanket, a little album of pictures with his family- you and April included, and the teddy bear which was currently in your other hand.
Raph would like it, and you hoped it would make him feel better, at least bring a sense of comfort to him in his state. Maybe added cuddles and kisses would help if it didn't. For once, you were confident in your ability to give gifts to people you actually like. The chances of him liking it were higher than the chances it would make him feel worse so you figured- hey! why the fuck not?
You're such a good partner.
Alas, you arrived at the lair, goodies in hand, high hopes for your reptilian boyfriend. You walk some ways to find Raph in his room, curling a dumbbell whilst sitting on his bed. You smile and walk towards him with the gifts in hand, "Hey teddy bear," im sorry i visibly cringed. "How are you?" You ask, testing him, will he lie and tell you he's fine? Will he open up to a conversation about it? You hoped it was the second option.
Raph's face lights up as he sees your good looking ass, even more so as he sees you brought gifts too. "Heya sugar! Raph's doing just fine," Liar "how about you?" He smiles and gets up, placing the dumbbell down and pulls you into a gentle hug. "You brought gifts?" He adds with a smile.
You decided to ignore his little lie, as you were going to bring it up in a bit anyways, instead, choosing to answer his questions. "I'm doing alright," you add with a smile, reciprocating the hug best you could with the things in your hand. "Yeah, I figured you needed a smile." And that was your first attempt to attack the situation.
Raph raised a brow, and allowed you to put the stuff down, and sit on his bed. He joined you, the bed dipping at his added weight. "Why do you say that sweetie?" You knew him better than he thought.
"Well," You start, "Lately you've been off, and by 'off' I mean you seem upset. Upset with yourself. And you've been on edge." You finish, looking at him, scanning his face, and you came to the conclusion he was about to break. "Do you want to talk about it?" You gently ask, placing the teddy bear in his lap.
Raph sighed, so many things, so much stress, so much fear. Damn. "I'm not a good brother." He says quietly, so quietly you thought it was in your head. After convincing yourself he actually spoke and you didn't hit your head that fucking hard in the morning, you sigh quietly and bring him closer to you.
"Why do you say that?" You murmur quietly, rubbing his arms in a comforting manner. You scan his face for any clue, hint, anything that might give it away (thought you were sure it was the reason you had in mind). His eyes welled up with tears and you sighed. "You don't have to tell me right now." You assured him softly, you'd figure he would talk about it when he was ready. You look to the basket of stuff and a soft smile comes across your face, he needed a small distraction right now.
"Hey Raph," You start and he looks to you with glossy eyes, giving a hum in response, you offer a small sympathetic smile to your boyfriend in return and reach for the basket and had it to him. "You never got to look at what else was inside, would you like to do that instead right now?" You ask and a small smile makes it's way across Raph's face. He clears his throat and nods, "Sure thing, sweets." He looks at you in gratitude as a silent way of calming down and thanking you for it.
Raph opens the basket and his small smile turns into a brighter grin, "Aw baby, my favorite candy! I knew keeping around would do me some good!" He gives you a wet kiss on your cheek making you giggle and swat at him with pink cheeks. "Hey!" You couldn't keep the giggles from escaping as you tried to sound mad at him for his comment, "What did you mean by that?!" Raph chuckles and shrugs, "Don't worry about it." He replies. As he looks through the basket he finds the little plushies and immediately his sadness is gone. "Baby!" He pulls you onto his lap and squeezes you tight (always careful to never be too tight), he pulls out the blankets and wraps them around you both, immediately feeling back at home. He finds the album and immediately you feel some weight lift off of his shoulders as if you two were one.
You two spend the rest of the night flipping through the photo album under the blanket as he snacks on his candy, plushies all around you guys, problems pushed aside for now. It was just you and him.
Raphael's problems were nowhere near gone, nowhere near fixed and if he sat quiet for long enough he would feel that need to be cleansed- he would feel dirty again.
Even though that may be true, he simply didn't feel it when you were there to make his mood better, it didn't erase his problems, no,
but he knows you'll always be there to tell him,
"It'll Be Okay, Big Man."
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Headcannons I have for the 2012 TMNT brothers
Warnings: none
Some of these things might contradict some small things in the plot, I've been rewatching as much as I can of this show and some of my knowledge of the show also comes from when I was younger and watched the show
Tags: Tiny bits of Angst, Fluff, Brotherly Bonding, No Beta-we die like Master Splinter,
He only drinks water and tea, man's never had any soda or anything in his life, claims it's "unhealthy" and "would ruin his physice"
He doesn't take many breaks, so his brothers have to either convince him or force him to rest or relax, he always protests but he's grateful for his brothers
He only listens to traditional Japanese music or Rock music, no in-between
Can't get through the day without making atleast one Space Hero's reference (can't remember the name of the show)
Feels guilty about every unsuccessful mission, even if it's not his fault
He has a tendency of waking up in the middle of the night to check on his brothers, with all the nightmares and guys they have to fight, he gets concerned about what may happen, so he checks on them alot
Dude feels like absolute SHIT when he gets yelled at by shredder, wether it be his own fault or the team's fault, he just feels like he should have been better and he sulks in his room everytime
Sometimes he likes to listen to Donnie, sometimes he understands what he's talking about (if Donnie dumbs it down a bit), he does like to hear about what new things he's made to benefit the team
Every so often, he likes to help Mikey plan a prank on Ralph just for the hell of it, and it's even funnier because Mikey always gets the blame
Sometimes when he sleeps, he likes to be in his shell, there isn't any reason, he just feels safe in there
Most of his brothers are pretty good at speaking Japanese, he is pretty much fluent in it
He knows sign language, he got bored one day and decided to learn it, he tells himself that if there is anyone with a hearing or speaking disability or anything like that, that he'll be ready and prepared to help them
He always thinks of others before himself, even if it costs him
He has a bunch of quotes taped up on his walls, some are kinda cringe, but some are actually pretty dang good quotes
One song he related to alot is "No Pressure" from Encanto, you'll never guess why
He gets nightmares alot more than his brothers, only Leo and Master Splinter know about it
He tried to get into Leo's Space Hero's show, but he got to annoyed at the nervous side character and gave up trying
He made Spike a little skull helmet out of cardboard once to "protect him" (even tho he has a shell) but once Mikey discovered it, he accidentally broke it, Raph has never let him live it down
He's got undiagnosed Bipolar disorder, this often makes him feel so confused about his emotions and he often hates how he's feeling because he doesn't understand why he's feeling that way
As much as he didn't trust Leatheface, he related to him alot, having an anger you can't control
Raph has had many nightmares of his anger getting in the way of him protecting his brothers and it scares him all the time, Master Splinter often has to comfort him and remind him that if he was fully in control of himself, he wouldn't hurt his brothers, angry or not
He wishes he could get a tattoo, but he knows that it would get him an ass whooping, still, if he were allowed to, he would have gotten one of him and Spike on a motorcycle on fire with sunglasses or something
Raph has shitty eyesight, it's one of the reasons he's always squinting (plus the fact he's mostly angry) but he can never find actual glasses with the right prescription in any sewer, or any glasses for that matter, Splinter knows all about this and has trained him extra to help him with this disadvantage
Sometimes he feels bad for hitting Mikey, but only when he realizes that he's hurt him more then he thought, this often leads him to making it up to him in small ways, like, watching him do something dumb, or trying some of his horrible food, he rarely apologizes, so this is his way of apologizing without saying it aloud
Has a problem with misplacing his sais (his weapons) and this often leads him to basically tearing the house apart to look for them...only for Master Splinter to show him where there are (and they were right Infront of him the whole time)
He's super insecure about the fact he's the second shortest turtle, but he won't tell his brothers or else he knows they will make fun of him, but his brothers already know he's insecure about that, they just don't want to get their ass whooped by Ralph
His brothers like to joke that he never had a rebellious phase, but that he was born a rebellious phase
His favorite color isn't actually red, it's actually silver, but his second favorite color is red, he knew he wouldn't be able to get a silver bandana, so he just went with red
He hates the nickname "Don" it kinda sounds weird to him and when his brothers call him that, he cringes on the inside
He's got Undiagnosed OCD, he constantly does little things (like flickering the lights up and down, or tapping on things a certain amount of time, washing his hands a bunch, ect ect) because it makes his mind feel at ease
Because of his OCD, he has alot of intrusive thoughts about dangers that might come to him and his family, which also brings him many nightmares, which is another reason he does alot of the little "rituals" as his brothers like to call them
Dude is VERY superstitious, tends to avoid going under ladders, using an umbrella indoors, and other things, he knows it's silly, but his mind feels alot better when he avoids these things
He likes to read human biology books because he's so fascinated by the human body and how it works
He got his tooth gap when he was first practicing the bo staff, he was trying to make it spin really fast, and it hit him straight in the face, right where he got his first grown up tooth, poor guy
He's the most flexible of the turtles, the others don't know this cause he doesn't like to show off
He strangely enjoys yoga, when he doesn't have any ideas of what to make, he'll do a couple poses with some calm music before he comes up with an idea
This man felt like he went to HEAVEN when he figured out about caffeine, it's really hard to get your hands on coffee when you live in the sewers, but he tries to find ways of getting some, or some kind of energy drink
He needs the caffeine, especially with how late he stays up, Master Splinter has said it's bad for him before, but he doesn't listen
He's terrified of being picked up by his face again, so he made a helmet specifically for his face....it broke within the first seconds of having it and his face got picked up and shaken like a rag doll again...
Undiagnosed ADHD
Due to his undiagnosed ADHD, people think he's dumb, but he can be pretty clever when he wants to
He has little freckles every where, and sometimes he likes to play connect the dots with them
He may seem dumb, but he's actually amazing at math, he doesn't see it as a problem and solution, he sees math as a pattern or a puzzle
He likes to put stickers on his shells sometimes when he finds stickers
When he tried some of Donnie's coffee, everyone thought he was gonna explode or be over hyper (even tho he's already over hyper), and they all tried to quarantine him away from them so he wouldn't break anything, but they were all super shocked to see that he mellowed out due to his Undiagnosed ADHD
Some of his stims include: swinging his nun-chucks in circles, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet, tapping in rhythms, making strange sounds or repeating small phrases, bouncing up and down, waving his arms all around, ect ect
He feels like he's the black sheep of the family since they all think differently than him, but alot of times, he tells himself it's cause he's so superior that they all can't catch up with him
Very confident and enthusiastic
He doesn't like tea, and calls it "dirty leaf water"
He uses his bandana like a napkin sometimes, so it has random stains in it that he can't get out
He's got dimples
He's very touch starved, he's so used to people bonking him on the head, that when he receives positive affection, he gets really happy
Whenever he gets overstimulated, he hides in his shell, his brothers think he's being lazy and sleeping, but sometimes Donnie or Master Splinter will bring him water or food, they don't understand why Mikey does this, but they do care for him and want to help
He absolutely hates the winter, it's to icy for skateboarding and he slips all the time
One of his dreams is to finally surf, but since he's a turtle, he can't, but he can have dreams
He's an amazing dancer and can dance to anything, he could even bust a move to Beethoven or the Nutcracker if he wanted to
He loves graffiti, sometimes when he finds old spray paint cans with some paint in them, he makes the most of them and uses it to make some of the coolest art you've ever seen
He unironically calls everyone 'bro' or 'dude' regardless of gender or species
He could talk all day about the ideas he has, they aren't very good ideas, but they're ideas
He doesn't know his lefts from his rights and often has to do the holding up the fingers thing, worst part of it is, sometimes he forgets which way an L is
He has terrible short term memory, but absolutely amazing long term memory, he can't tell you what he ate 2 seconds ago, but he can dang well tell you one of the storys Master Splinter read to him when he was super young
King of memes, constantly has a 'Boufa', 'updog', 'deez', or 'sugontheez' joke ready
He mumbles in his sleep and it's the funniest thing ever, he says just random shit, sometimes he doesn't even say coherent sentences
Once made a "that's what she said" joke, but he doesn't understand what it means and he said it at a time when it didn't make any sense
All of Them
They all have little tails
They are all box turtles without the markings
They all need therapy
They all need a hug
They all can and do go into their shells
They have all broken atleast 2 bones or more in their body
They all were homeschooled by Master Splinter
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I hope you enjoyed this! 👾💜
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its-captain-sir · 4 months
Brains and Brawn
Had a discord server secret santa exchange, this was my gift for @star-keepr! I've never written the bayverse guys before so this was a really fun experience! :D
One time, when Raph was five, he and Donnie got it into their heads to build a skate ramp.
None of them actually skated at the time. Their one and only board had a box strapped to the top of it and was mainly used as a cart between the four of them. Two people fit inside and another could push them around, but Leo said he was too tired to push even though it was his turn, and Mikey didn't want to play unless it would be his turn on the inside, leaving Raph and Donnie stranded in the cart with nowhere to go.
Hence, the ramp.
Raph got the idea from an old magazine cover he saw with a skateboarding guy going down one and looking fast, and Donnie knew enough about something called "inclined planes" from one of his science books that he said it would work. They decided on one of the lesser used tunnels of their home to be the spot they built the ramp, mostly because all the stacks of old boxes and junk around there meant they didn't have to carry anything very far.
"It has to be big," Donnie said, dropping another box onto their pile. "To reach maximum vel- vel-o-ci-ty."
Raph didn't know a lot of the big words Donnie used all the time, but bigger sounded better, so he nodded and ran to get more things. They were running out of good boxes, so they'd have to start using some of the really old waterlogged books instead. He heaved the thickest looking ones into one big stack and lugged them all the way back to Donnie, dropping them at his feet. "We won't need to be pushed ever again!"
They both cheered as their pile grew higher and higher, until it was almost too hard to lift any more over their head. "That should be big enough," Donnie said, dusting grime off his hands. "I found a good piece of wood to use for the actual ramp, I'll go grab it."
"Where's it gonna go?" he asked as Donnie ran off, digging through the junk.
"At the top, try to find a good spot for it!"
He looked up at their pile. He couldn't actually see the top of it, not from the ground. Donnie might have been able to, if he was on his tippy toes, but Donnie's always been taller than him. He needed a better view.
Carefully, without knocking anything over in the rest of the pile, he started to climb up the side. It was harder than he thought to balance on everything, even though Dad had been giving them ninja training on just that. One box made him just tall enough to peak over the edge, so he stopped climbing there.
This ramp was high. Raph could see the perfect part where the flat piece should go. He bounced on his toes. If they put it in that direction, they could zoom down the tunnel forever–
"Raph, it's too heavy! I can't lift it!"
"I'm coming–!"
The box beneath him crumpled.
Next thing he knew he was on the ground, shell in the air, face on the concrete. He heard Donnie gasp first, and then he felt the sting. His knee burned, red hot.
When he flipped over, all he could see were huge red gashes across his skin, welling up with blood and dripping down his leg. And it hurt.
Raph couldn't help it. He started to cry.
"Raph!" Donnie rushed over to him. "Are you okay?"
He shook his head, pulling his knee up to his chest and holding it tightly. It hurt so bad and he was bleeding everywhere.
"Let me see it," Donnie said, trying to coax his hands away from covering the wound. Raph fought him for a moment, but his brother was insistent, tugging until it was fully exposed. Donnie pushed his glasses up on his face and leaned in close, examining it carefully.
Raph whined. There was a lot of blood.
"Am I gonna die?" he whimpered.
Donnie's head whipped up to face him, jaw dropped like he hadn't even considered the possibility. "You're not gonna die," he said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "It's just an ab- abra- ab-ra-sion." He sounded out each part of the word distinctly and carefully, not that it helped Raph to understand at all.
Donnie poked the wound while he was distracted and Raph flinched, feeling the sting start up anew. He slapped Donnie's hand away and held his leg tighter again, feeling more tears well up in his eyes. "What's that?" he bit out. Sometimes he hated when Donnie used his big words. Why couldn't he just say things normally?
"It means scrape. You can't die from scrapes," Donnie said matter-of-factly, like he always got when he knew something the rest of his brothers didn't. "They don't bleed enough." Donnie leaned in close again and Raph got ready to swat away any prodding fingers, but his brother kept his hands to himself this time. "Sometimes you hafta worry about germs getting into open wounds. There's lots of those in the sewers, but since we never got sick before we probably have imu- imi- im-mu-ni-ty."
Raph still didn't understand what Donnie was talking about, but he seemed very certain about it. Like Raph was going to be fine. He sniffed, wiping away some of his tears. Maybe it wasn't so bad. Donnie thought he would be fine, and Donnie knew everything. And even if he didn't, Raph can be tough. He's always the toughest of his brothers, Leo even said so last week after he ran with Mikey on his shoulders all around the lair and didn't even flinch once at his kicking feet.
"It doesn't even hurt now," he said, sniffling again. He just wanted Donnie to see that he was tough, but now that he thought about it, it was true. The scrape really didn't hurt that much anymore.
"We just need a bandaid," Donnie said, clapping his fist into his palm like Leo did when he had a plan. "I know where they are, be right back!"
Donnie took off for the bathroom, leaving Raph to wait on the ground. Everything was going to be fine. Or at least it was, until their youngest brother walked in.
Mikey, like the snitch he is, took one look at the blood on Raph's leg and screamed. "DAAAAAD, RAPHIE'S BLEEDING."
Donnie and him got in trouble for building a ramp, obviously, after bandaids were placed (by Splinter) and scrapes were kissed better (by Mikey). The two days after that when Splinter made them stay in the main room where he could keep an eye on them were the worst he had ever experienced in his five years of life, but the memory of Donnie's care is something that's always stuck with him over the years. Enough so that whenever he's hurt, he finds himself drawn to his purple-loving brother. The aftermath of saving the city over ten years later is no exception.
All things considered, he fared pretty well, but all the cuts he sustained are starting to sting, and one spot on his shell aches something awful. He knocks on the wall by Donnie's space—big computer screens towering everywhere, though definitely not as many as he used to have before the lair got found—and watches as his brother looks up, double takes, then jumps at the sight of him.
Raph cringes. Tensions are still high between them, between all of them really. Raph is still upset over the retromutagen, even though he was the one to smash the vial. (He's trying really hard not to think of that as a mistake.) Still, when the anger subsides, he's left feeling weird about not being on the same team as all his brothers.
He coughs into his hand as Donnie stands there like a deer in headlights. "Hey, Don," he says, not quite meeting his brother's eyes. "Couldja patch me up?" He looks up just long enough to see Donnie slowly nod and move to grab one of the first aid kits. Raph takes that as his cue to take a seat on one of the workbenches, slowly beginning to settle into his skin again. It's familiar territory: Donnie wiping disinfectant on cuts and poking bruises, pulling out rolls of bandages for the big wounds and boxes of bandaids for the little ones, explaining to Raph all of what he's doing.
Their trust in each other has been shaken lately, but Raph will always trust his brother with this. When Donnie says "Lots of bangs and scrapes, but you're going to be fine," with a small smile as he pushes up his glasses, Raph fully believes him. He's the brains of this operation, after all.
And Raph, well, he already knew he was made of tougher stuff—not even the Shredder could keep him down— but it's nice to have the reassurance anyways. That's why they do this thing, just the two of them. He hooks an arm around Donnie and pulls him in close. "Thanks, bro," he says, feeling the last of the tension between them melt away. Then, while he has his brother close to a headlock: "If you ever tell Leo or Mikey about this, I'll end you."
Donnie snorts. "Duly noted, o' pinnacle of machismo."
Raph rolls his eyes and lets him go, grinning. Some things never change.
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Idk if youve ever gotten this request before? bayverse Turtle finds out their S/O is pregnant with their little baby X3. Add as much fluff as Raph has muscle PLEASE and thank you.
I gotta go to sleep, Hope you feel better though friend.
thank you, I hope I feel better soon too <3
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This is not part of the plan
omg slight internal freak out
and by slight I mean major
he kinda pushes past it when you tell him
this boy was not prepared for that news
he goes and meditates on it a little while
and when he comes back, he's planning with you
"you were always the one I was going to spend my life with and start a family with, why not now?"
oh lord he's talking about school districts and car pooling
he's on some real dad shit and you're only in the early days of pregnancy
he buys like tiny outfits online and surprises you with them
he also looks into the support you're going to need
always asking if your feet are hurting/swollen yet in case you need him to rub them for you
just the sweetest about it
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ok so
he's so ready for this
he tries to keep his cool but as he walks away after being like "that's great, how far along are you?" you see him fist pump the air and do a little dance
he's overjoyed, truly.
he wants it to be a little girl so bad
like he has this thing about "daughters, it just sounds better, right?"
you catch him doing exercises while holding a weighted bundle of blankets
when you ask why he says "So I can do my part when I still need to work out, obviously"
he's so ready to be a father
no idea how but he's ready to work that out with you
sometimes you wake up to him stroking your belly and whispering to it
"Y'know, they can hear you when they're in there. I want her to know the sound of my voice so she knows she's always safe right from the start"
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excited from the get go!
omg he;s literally jumping for joy
"I got you pregnant, I got you pregnant"
this is also how his brothers find out, and Splinter
it takes 2 hours to calm him down from that high
baby names are the first thing on his mind
"I'm thinking like maybe if it's a girl then we call her Nokia, you know, like the phone? It's retro and cool"
that one was vito'd instantly
he also doesn't fully understand how this whole thing works
like he's so impatient that he just wants the baby now!
doesn't get why you're not showing yet either
begins to learn how to diaper everything
including Raph while he was sleeping one time
that earned him a slap round the head for sure
but he wants the be there and a part of every step, sometimes a little too much
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also very much not what he had planned
"I thought we'd have more time, you know just the two of us?"
but he comes around quickly
wants to name the baby after famous physicists
you do not
makes everything the baby will need from scratch
you have to talk him out of designing the crib with heated cup holders tho
because why the fuck would a baby need that
stays up super late looking into everything he can about pregnancy
"What if your mucus plug has fallen out?"
"Don, I'm 4 months pregnant, it hasn't, ok?"
super concerned dad, like every pain or cramp must be a bad sign
no chance he'll relax until the baby is safely in his arms
knits a baby blanket with all his and his brother's colour on it (but mainly purple) so the baby will feel like part of the team
once he gets over his initial fear, he can't imagine anything better than being a father.
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bucketofbugz · 10 months
Okay I have breathed a little bit and I can now actually articulate my feelings about mutant mayhem.
There will be spoilers, and I will put a warning before them.
Okay so I REALLY, REALLY liked this movie I'm !!!!!!
The animation was AMAZING, I loved the story so much
I literally was "KJHFSKJDHF" internally throughout the entire movie. I could not Think for a while after I left the theater I was so excited that I actually got to watch the movie
Alright, onto the spoiler part of this
I freaking loved Raph this entire movie he's so silly he just wants to exist let the boy exist let the boy get therapy.
He wasn't that big in the movie but he was the best. I might be very biased I might be a tiny bit biased because he has always been my favorite character in every iteration, but he WAS the best in this movie I SWEAR!!
He loves his brothers so much, he loves punching people so much, and as much as I would love for him to fulfill his dreams of punching someone so hard they throw up, I think April threw up enough in this movie.
April was definitely my second favorite though because. Like. I love her. I love her design, I love her character, I just love HER. I very much feel for her being terrified to be in front of a camera because I would never want to even look at a camera after that. Could have gone without seeing her throw up 9 times ovER-- but THAT"sS JUST ME IG GUESS
After Raph and April it's hard to figure out what the list of my favorite characters looks like. Because I think I like Leo, Mikey, and Donnie equally. I can't see myself preferring one over the other, at least not yet. Maybe when the show comes out I'll form a better opinion on them, but I loved all three of them so much!!
I think I'll have to wait until the show to form opinions on the other mutants as well. Because as much as I loved all of them, there were so many that we didn't get to see them all that much. But I KNOW that I love Mondo and Leatherhead they're silly <33
Splinter was GREAT. I loved how he was such a DAD in this as opposed to a mentor figure. His realizing how much he sounded like Superfly during that scene was AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Because liKE HE JUST WANTS THE BEST FOR HIS SONS. WAAA
"Donnie you should NOT be driving" THANK YOU Splinter, that's what I'VE BEEN SAYING
Uh. WOulda liked it a bit better if he hadn't made out with Scumbug on screen. But. That's,, that's just me... Good for you Splinter I hope you and your bug girlfriend are very happy?? I think?? Splinter needs to stop falling in love with bug women.
I've heard a lot of people say how towards the middle and moreso the end, the plot started feeling weird. Like a lot of the stuff that happened had no impact or it was weirdly paced. And yeah, I get that honestly. Maybe when I get the chance to watch it again (definitely not in theaters sobs) I'll get to pay more attention to the pacing and stuff but I was just too excited to be bothered about that this time around.
That combined with the fact that their shells literally CRACKED later on in the movie??? Like HOW DID THEY WALK THAT OFF?? HOW ARE MIKEY AND RAPH WALKING AT ALL??
The fact that Raph was still the first one that offered to start singing BTS songs for Donnie despite the fact that he was currently being drained of blood by the.. the mega milker 3000.. is adorable. Brains and Brawn duo for the win guys we won in this movie they were great, The Brothers Ever.
The amount of times the turtles (especially Leo) stimmed during the movie is just!!!!!! I LOVE THAT. Autism.
Okay and now I gotta talk about the thing with Leo and April.
I love them. I love them a lot actually.
Leo's such a LOSER and yeah he has NO RIZZ. I was so scared about #1- Leo having a love interest (he doesn't have a great track record, let's be honest) #2- One of the turtles having a crush on April, but I think that they pulled it off very well! He was so stupid about it and I LOVE THAT FOR HIM. It's exactly what I was hoping for with their relationship. I really hope that it continues to be executed properly in the show and sequel and they don't butcher it. And I ESPECIALLY hope they don't have some love triangle thing with Casey again I swear I will have a breakdown (if Casey's still a teenager in MM and they let Raph and Casey have something I will forgive them for having Splinter and Scumbug make out I promise I promise I promise I just want them to be silly please please please please please please please please)
I'd already seen pictures of them without their masks before watching the movie because I stopped caring about spoilers but I still felt that surge of PANIC when Mikey's masked dropped down into the sewers like NO BACK UP PUT THAT BACK ON.
And like every iteration they DO look ugly and stupid without their masks on but honestly I think it works so much better for mutant mayhem than it does for a lot of other iterations. It's probably just the artstyle and how them looking ugly and stupid is half the point but I think they pull it off.
Leo works at best buy now. I don't care if it isn't canon. I will be believing that forever look at this idiot
I have so many more thoughts about Mutant Mayhem and I just wanna KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT but AAAAAAAAAA
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dandylovesturtles · 1 year
For the emoji ask:
⛔️, ❌️ and 🧠 (Donnie)
⛔ tons, but for ROTTMNT the only one I think is the lair games fic I've talked about on here before. tldr: Donnie and Leo's sibling rivalry boils over, they get mad, they fight, they make up, everything is happy again.
I'll stick what I did write of it under the read more after I answer the other questions.
❌ setting aside the obvious dead dove sorta stuff, I'm at a point where I don't really like writing Major Character Death as the main point of the story (as an incidental plot point is a little different). I'm also not really interested in hurt/no comfort, there's gotta be at least SOMETHING there lol.
I'm also not really interested in "everyone has a normal life" type AUs (like coffee shop or high school)
I'm sure there are more I just can't think of right now lol
🧠 (Donnie) I love the headcanon that when Donnie merged with the technodrome he fell a little in love with it. The implications of that are just *chef's kiss*
Donnie feeling so bad because that thing was used to end the world! But he's also never felt so fully and wholly understood. So accepted. So loved.
He feels the scars on his shell and he wishes he was still connected.
Anyway fic stuff (for the first question) under the cut:
“Welcome, one and all, to the Seventh Annual Lair Games! As is tradition, the first place winner of last year’s competition will now give a rousing speech!”
“Boooo!” Leo jeered as Donnie stepped up beside Splinter, his first place medal swinging around his neck. “Boooo!”
“Silence from the peanut gallery!” Donnie demanded, glaring at him, and Leo smirked back. It was what he deserved for being a sore winner - all he’d done for the last week was recount his victory from the last year, to the point that even Mikey was getting annoyed with him.
(When Leo had said as much, Raph just replied that he was a sore winner too. To which, of course, he said pish posh.)
“Ahem,” Donnie continued, folding his hands behind his back. “Gentlemen, as winner of last year’s Lair Games, I want to start this speech by offering some uplifting words. I want this to be a fun day for all of us, and so I hope you play fair, leave it all out on the field, and prepare to eat nitrogen oxides BECAUSE YOU’RE ALL GETTING SMOKED AGAIN!”
“Oh brother,” Leo heard Mikey mutter under his breath, and he chuckled.
“Now as for the prize, I think I have come up with something that will pique your interest-”
“I’m not switching rooms with you,” Leo called.
“-something that is not my room, random audience member. No, I have something better.” He theatrically cleared his throat again. “The three losing brothers will have to do whatever the winning brother says for exactly one week, starting from the moment the competition ends, and the losing brothers can only say nice things about him.”
“Hey, wait, does that mean we can ask you to build anything we want?”
Raph gasped, pumping his arm excitedly in his seat. “I can finally get my skate hawks!”
“That’s not-”
“Pizza oven pizza oven pizza oven!” Mikey cheered, throwing his arms up in elation.
“Hey, stop interrupting, this is my speech!” Donnie folded his arms, glaring down at them. “Why are you all assuming I’ll lose, anyway?”
“Uh, no offense, Donnie,” said Raph, “but you always lose.”
“I’m literally standing on the winner’s podium! Right now!” He waved the medal. “Do you not see this!?”
“Eh, last year was a fluke.” Leo waved his hand as though to erase the past. “Great idea with the prize, though; can’t wait until you guys are all calling me “Master Leo”! Ooo, or maybe I should go with “Your Highness”? Oh, or what about, “The Great and Powerful and Handsome Leonardo”?”
“Why don’t you just go ahead and add “humble” to that, too?”
“Great note, Raph. “The Great and Powerful and Handsome and Humble Leonardo”!”
“Oh no! We will be calling you no such thing, because after I win it is I who you will be calling “The Great Genius Donatello”!”
“If I win, you guys can just call me Mikey.”
“Hey guys, a note from your production crew,” April cut in. “Are you going to spend all day on this, because if so I’m gonna break for lunch.”
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
. . . a brain geared towards body horror really would have a field day with the family web au (it's me). Bc like. If Raph already had red eyes I imagine the further mutation at maturation would be along the lines of like. Seeing through cloaking magic & Illusions maybe? Maybe he had a migrane for a while while that manifested. And the twins holy mackrel the possibilities. Perhaps one of their arms getting stuck on the bridge of one's shell in the growth process? That could hurt. And with Mikey's eyes I would wager another migrane, one that aches to the bone as his skull reconfigures (part of me wants to write a horror sequence where he wakes up after, not quite sure whats going on, eyes crusted over-with what he assumes is typical sleep crust. but growing 4 new eyelids cant be a bloodless process and head wounds of any sort bleed. Bad. And then someone sees him stumbling blindly to the bathroom, blood smeared all across his face, and screams bloody murder.) Adding if they assume that's all the changes that will occur, Mikey having a simple cough, an aching throat that turns into a mess of built up web and the retching and heaving ribs because he doesn't realize there's something caught, doesn't know what to do or how to loose it
. . . . . . I adore all the fluff but I'm built for horror
Oh definitely, especially early on in the fic like this. (This is pretty much were i'm starting it since it's kind of shifted from a 'sad alternate backstory' fic to a 'solving mysteries about sad alternate backstory' fic.)
I Really like Raph's eyes not just changing color but having a little extra ability with it. Especially if they end up seeing things like Donnie's goggles do, but he doesn't notice immediately. Like it's Raph. I love the kid but he'd probably go around for a week just assuming that there was a sudden influx of yokai not wearing cloaking broaches lol.
(putting in a break b/c it's kinda long and body horror stuff) (just more developing spider traits stuff)
Honestly, the whole thing starts out pretty slow. Like Raph has some itchy eyes that no amount of sleep or eye drops will make stop. Mikey starts out with just some headaches. Donnie's side ache but not enough to be a problem (just enough that Leo tells him he should take a break from his battle shell until it's better.) Leo's the last one to start developing anything for various reasons.
But yeah, they don't really notice anythings wrong until they wake up one morning to find that Donnie's sides hurt so bad that he can't move away from his desk. And those arms coming in, hurt. Especially at the start. As far as Leo and Donnie are concerned, they still have the tiny bit of development those extra arms accomplished from before mutation. (basically just quarter sized bumps on their sides hidden under the bits of shell on their sides. they are well aware they're there and can feel if their there by touching them but it's not viable.) So when they begin developing again, the will-be arms have to force their way through that bit of shell first, kind of like how a tooth grows in through gums. And that's the most painful part of that process. That's what makes Donnie basically unable to move and Raph so concerned that he all but drags Leo out of bed to look at him. (b/c Medic Leo is my jam lol)
Raph, i think would mostly deal with some aches and burning sensations on (or behind) his eyes as his fully develop. Maybe a migraine with heightened light sensitivity so Leo tells him to stay in his room with the lights off.
And you're so right about Mikey! i feel so bad for him now! B/c those headaches would just get worse, and turn to bad migraines that feel like his skull is splitting apart. Eyes can't develop without a spot to develop, so spots would open up for them and, as you said, head wounds bleed a lot so yeah. Poor Raph would just see Mikey and just panic. And i imagine Leo's just starting his own arm development, but regardless of whatever pain he's in, he bolts out of bed b/c Raph screaming at 4am cannot be good. (and with the way things have been going with their mutations, someone probably developed a third eye or something. Scratch that, a third, fourth, fifth, and sixth eye.) But that's not it for Mikey, b/c he's developing webs too and oh that poor kid.
but yeah, early on when it's all developing, is most certainly very rough for the boys. It's painful, and scary, and they're just so confused. (and Leo's just trying to medic everyone while no experience in this or have any good idea of what's going.)
Thank you! This was really cool! Especially since it's dealing with the fic content i'm actively working on. : ) Very helpful, thanks again!
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ducknotinarow · 10 months
Splintered Fate Raphael - All Symbol Headcanons please uwu
| Send me a symbol and I will write a headcanon about…  For multimuse blogs, please specify!
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I'm extremely guilty of mostly playing as Raphael in this game I just like his dialogue a lot. I love Raph from the game so much I love his little quirk they gave him of mixing up words like the conversation about the punk frogs wanting anarchy which he confuses for Antarctica, asking why dont they just move to place it snows all the time. But, despite this he's not played off as being a meat head idiot. He is but Raphael got a lot of heart when it comes to him setting Leo straight that they are meant to be a team. I just want more of this I know it's slightly based on the IDW one butttt stil!. Also his threats crack me up "imma sit on your lap till your legs break!"
𝓕 : My muse’s handwriting. (Is it good, bad, difficult to decipher, do they prefer writing by hand or with the help of some form of machine, e.t.c.) 
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"Don' get why ya need it though?"
Okay so some of Raphs I feel at first might not seem right but when you think about his role in the game story? Raphael is impatient and can be easily irritated. And Well yeah those are common traits of this turtle after all. Raphael is an analytical thinker, often questioning everything. I wouldn't fully agree here but I will say Raph in the game dose often depending on what's going on dose question a lot. When you first cross the punk frogs he already thrown off by them before you even start fighting them. He doesn't trust the chairman at all and makes it clear in a lot of interactions. Honestly only time he isn't being this way is when it comes to finding Casey he's pretty confident they are fine. Has a hopeful attitude., is optimistic. And discreet and value silence. I dont agree on the last bit but I will say Raphael can be hopeful and even optimistic but it's very much in a Raphael way in that he knows they will win the fights and such he don't doubt that butt kicking. As you can see Raph's hand writing is messy and spaced out its because he is impatient don't take this imagine for fact he slants when he writes with out a line to guide him.
✈ : My muse and  traveling. (If they do it frequently and why, if they never left their home town, e.t.c.)
"Only through those weird portal 'hings." I do kind of feel the portals into the chairman shop are meant to be some weird distorting space but for the sake of this answer I don't feel like this Raphael has been all that many places. Despite liking the docks he's not big on boats. He gets motion sickness uwu buuut he don't like that being know. Cause hes a big tough guy can't be letting others know some waves make him feel like pucking his pizza u-u.
✿ : My muse and nature. (If they are an ‘outdoorsy type’, like the sound of bird’s singing, if they have never set foot in a forest, e.t.c.) 
"I like the sound of rain and the ocean waves.." I wouldn't call him the outdoorsy type but he loves going out to the dock to simply listen to the ocean waves. It's a such a nice calming sound. He likes to sneak away on his own and just stay on the docks by himself where he listens to the water for hours on end. But he also has a love for rain because it reminds him of someone special more so those stormy nights.
☼ : My muse’s first memory. (Where it was, who was with them, how this memory makes them feel, e.t.c.) 
"Firs' memory? uh I guess I 'member Splinter showing me 'hat origami book?"
Splinter often always tries to really help Raphael with his anger in different ways expect 12 u-u were not here for me to rant about this though XD
Splinter knows Raphael doesn't mean anything by his temper, but he dose want to help his son control said temper. Granted video game I feel Raphael has a bit better handle on his temper knowing when best to really let lose at worse? He is just quick to become confrontational. Brash and ready to throw in insults and such As seen with him and Leo's interaction from the comic tie in of the game. Raphael seems the type working with his hands helps him over quite mediation. But Splinter doesn't want to resort to 'hit things' he want's Raph to think. So he got him into the practice of folding paper and well he ended up getting pretty good at it. Since he was a kid he start making simple things like paper frogs. But hes far more skilled now and sometimes can be found in his hammock just making whatever comes to mind like flowers or cranes. He has a set of turtles in blue, red, purple and orange paper respectively that he keeps in his room, they are the only ones he don't throw out and will be a bit upset if you mess with them. Splinter made them for him when teaching him about origami, with them is a messy made rat that Raphael made to go with them.
☙ : My muse’s favourite food. (Bonus: A memory, be it good or bad, associated with said food.)
"Pizza with ranch ta dip it in."
Raphael also has a special soft spot for Splinter's Noodle surprise dish even if it's a little too salty.
♬ : My muse and music. (What type of music they like listening to and in what context, what music they would never listen to, e.t.c.)
"Good music."
Raphael's a fan of rock music and heavy metal it's what he has blasting in his room when he works out or when hes helping Donnie with any vehicles. Has a very bad habit of listening to music far louder than he needs to or should for sure. He dose like some pop music and that's the only time he will make use of headphones or lowering the music. Raphael a bit more touchy on keeping his tough guy appearance on display.
↺ : My muse and the past. (Do they live in the past and struggle to let go of past grievances, or move on more easily, is there anything in their past they want to forget, e.t.c.) 
"Eh not really, ain't much point."
Kinda sorta of, he dose and he doesn't. It sort of depends in all truth on what it is about. As stated in his own ways Raph can be hopefully and optimistic even. He is a very straight forward guy and he doesn't often keep to his past too much more where to go from here. He tends to blow of fails pretty well to just more annoyed that he has to start again. Only thing to do is get back out there and fight again standing around and moping doesn't get anything done after all.
☾ : My muse and sleep. (How much they sleep, how much they wish to sleep, if there is something that never fails to put them to sleep, e.t.c.) 
"Eh I sleep when I gotta" Not like his twin who doesn't seem to understand he needs to go bed, Raphael just is someone who can easily stay up late with out meaning to so much. Mostly because well staying up late means he can sneak out to the surface and maybe get in to a brawl or two. So he tends to be up pretty late often not going to bed till about late in the night and sleeping in if he can the following day. Raphael can actually get by with few hours of sleep, he'll just be a bit more grumpy but everyone is used to him being grumpy just means he sometimes might take a nap in the middle of the day. Which means the turtle is staying up late once again cause he won't be tried come night time.
✧ : My muse and art. (If they have an artistic side or not and why, favourite artist if they have one, e.t.c.) 
"eh I dunno much 'bout it."
Outside his love in origami he's not following his name sake here,
❃ : My muse and social media. (If the muse is/would be on social media and why/why not, their general opinion on it, e.t.c.) 
"I still don' get way Don rather 'ight online than in person?" Raph uses social media just not for the social aspect of it he likes things like tiktok and youtube, but anything that's more for interaction? Nah he just likes to watch videos and such. As established in other replies he doesn't even know Twitter is an app ant a person. So for a good well he's just gonna call Yvonne twitter. Raphael isn't much of a social person in the first place so sites that are more for that?
That being said he dose in fact use Tumblr himself, mostly to re blog stuff like memes and such. He likes to post his origami stuff here and there they tend to go unseen he also likes to take pictures of his bike i'm sorry I can't not see raphie having a bike himself uwu so his feed is mostly memes and almost macanic aesthetics
✉  : My muse and others. (If they social and outgoing or more introverted, and why. If they prefer communicating with others face to face or in written form, e.t.c.). 
"Eh I don' care much ta talk to a lot folks."
Like I said Raphael isn't really all that social of turtle himself. Hes someone that clicks with a few people at best and kinds of sticks to those only. Sure he can decent with others but it's clear if someone is his friend or not. Because that's when hes far more rowdy and out going. So pretty much an introvert and some people just drain him more than others and this dose go towards his own brothers even. Mikey and Leo tend to be more draining to deal with for him and often why Leo and Mikey can wear on his nerves so badly. Donnie? Donnie is the exception. Don is clam to be around the person Raph can be alone together with not to odd to find him near Don's work bench late at night. If he's in a pretty bad mood Don's kind of the only person who he will be nice towards. It's that twin biased uwu
▶ : My muse and level of education. (If the muse has some form of education, what education they perhaps wish they had, e.t.c.). 
"...uh what?"
Raphael is a beautiful sweet boy but he ain't got much going on in his skull ;3; it's why he tends to mix things up so much it is nice that he isn't corrected to often though in truth it could be because everyone used to this idiots dumbassary even when he is corrected least by Splinter he doesn't take offense to it.
◐ : My muse and animals. (If they like animals and treat them well, do not care for them at all, e.t.c.). 
"Eh I am one?"
I feel like all Raphael's are in fact animal lovers uwu I think Raph has a liking for cats the most, least ally cats seem to like him sometimes he keep little treats on hand that he can feed to any he comes across. It's cause he is also an alley cat himself they just vibe together uwu also the image of big mean look Raph with a cat rubbing against his leg well he tries to keep looking mean is adorable to me uwu
❒ : My muse and gifts. (If they are good/bad at finding gifts, good/bad at receiving gifts, good/bad at wrapping gifts, e.t.c.) 
"hmm Dad seems ta 'ike the mug we got 'em 'hat time?"
I feel Raph might not be the best with gifts but it's clear he had the person in mind he might not ever give the perfect gift or maybe even a good gift. But he did have the other person in mind and I feel that often that matters more. It's not a careless gift more maybe they would like this thing. And bless him he dose try he's just not the best, like he gives Casey things they might like simply cause they like hockey but it's kind of a dumb gift like a little hockey stick pen.
☘ : My muse’s relation with their family. (If they speak with each other and how much, if they are close or estranged, e.t.c.). 
"I'd do anythin' to keep it together."
Raphael loves his family he is loyal to them even if he can come across as critical toward his brothers. Especially Leo. Raphael is reckless in fights because he much rather take a hit over any of his brothers, He focused on landing critical hit when it comes to fights because the sooner he takes an opponent done the better. Because then that mean less chance for the others getting hurt. Raphael's love and dedication to his family is just as much a part of him as his anger is. Raph takes being the protect of his family very seriously and it extends to anyone consider family, but the world is so big and so full of harmful things.
Losing Splinter of course put him in the same panic as everyone else, but he felt fighting enough would be the answer. but as they go over and over again through many of the same fights only for it to be made into some twisted game? Wore down on him. Was he not doing enough? If he was fighting better than they would have their dad back right? He tries his best to stay as support for the team the muscle a tank that can take it all. But emotionally? he was falling apart and coming undone. The longer they went with out their dad? The less home was feeling like well home. Recalling all his memories with Splinter wondering if he been taking it all for granted this whole time? All Raph wants is to bring his dad back home. But he also can't let those cracks be seen hes the idiot muscle head who jumps into fights after all.
His connection his brothers is something unbreakable and that nothing can come between. Even if he fights with Leo he still follows them into battle he just wants Leo to get over himself. They aren't like the foot following order without question. They are meant to be a team why can't Leo get that?
Don as mentioned hes got a biased towards. Raphael doesn't ever mind when Don feels the need to run into his room and grip over an argument he has online. And hes easy to assume if Don needs him for anything he don't even have to ask Raph will be there. Heck he might just follow Donnie with out a mention needing to be made. Don asks Raph if he could come with him a moment and Raph's just gets up uncaring why.
Mikey still gets on his nerves it's what baby bros do best, and he loves him despite it. He actually likes some of Mikey's jokes even more if Don joins in with them and Leo hates it. Raphael honestly wishes he could be a bit more optimistic like Mikey so it's why he tries in his own way. If you want to really piss him of though? hurt Mikey and that all it takes. Tends to be wary around Slash for this reason since Mikey's close to them.
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acey-ccubus · 1 year
So- Just to show you guys i'm NOT dead- here's some news-my phones broken so I cant post any art at the moment BuT! I still have something for you, and that is: The first draft of TMNST before the story got completely edited- ______________________________________________________________
He finally had convinced Raph, (with the help of Leo and Donnie) to let him go on his second solo mission after months of him being protective over his little brother. Ever since he opened the portal to save Leo, his brothers, especially Raph, were more careful with him, especially his arms, they shook so much after his adrenaline had run out and he could barely hold anything. His arms were getting better though. And he had a better—though still looser grip on things. He still loved to do art and ached when he could barely hold on to any of his art materials. He started with finger painting and worked his way up,  now being able to work with paint on canvas.   
He went to the auction house to get a limited edition Lou jitsu movie soundtrack disc from Jitsu for Justice. The mission went really smoothly, “a little too smooth,” mind Raph said suspiciously. Mikey, waved off mind Raph a little with his own enthusiasm that he proved he could really go on missions by himself. He headed home with the game, flipping on rooftops until he reached a sewer opening. He opened the lid and headed down. “I can't wait to get home and rub it in Raph's face once again!” and speaking of the turtle, his intercom on his wrist came in and Raph’s voice came through. “Hey buddy, is everything going ok?” he asked in his gentle baby voice, Mikey doesn't really know if he does that unconsciously or what but he grinned triumphantly. “Of course Raph! In fact it's better than ok cause I got the sound, and I did it by myself.”  “Really?” he heard Raph ask in surprise “that's great!” which was now in relief. Mikey walked at least two yards down the sewer hall while they talked. He didn't hear it while Raph was talking to him, but he did eventually. 
There were intense sounds of buzzing and scuttling in the direction he was walking in, and it was only getting closer. “What is that? Where are you?” Raph asked now, but he could barely hear him over the buzzing. Mikey decided to run in the other direction “Um- I don’t know, but i’ll see you guys soon-” “Mikey!” Raph was yelling now, “where are you? Were coming to come get-” the bugs were so much louder this time, cutting him off completely. And he booked it. He made the mistake of looking back and a swarm of insects were heading his way. They lit up the walls of the sewers and their true amount respectively, this encouraged him to run even faster, though it was still very much evident that he couldn't out run them for long. So he looked out for the way he came in in the first place. He had never been so terrified of bugs his whole life. As he pushed open the sewer hole, he felt them on his legs, and he finally screamed, a loud shriek, pushing himself out fully and violently pushing the bugs off of him. Thousands of bugs from the sewers started coming out and Mikey quickly moved out of the way of the drain, Avoiding the bugs and waising no time. He  scrambled up a nearby building's rooftop, and just sat there for a second. Attempting to calm down from his racing heart, and looking around to make sure the bugs didn't follow him. A few seconds later his brothers came to pick him up. “Mikey!” Leo shouted and Mikey looked up to see them land on the rooftop. “We came here as fast as we could." “we heard you scream! Are you ok?” Mikey struggled to find words and when he did they came out in shudders. It took him a minute to process what they were saying to him as his eyes were trained on empty sky as the bugs dispersed.
Donnie searched for any injuries on him with goggles. Mikey tore his eyes away from the sky to look at His brothers who were also looking where they thought he was “There were… ” he stands despite his shaky legs in an attempt to future prove he was alright. “I'll be ok,” he said to reassure them. They headed back to the lair and Mikey went with Leo to the med bay after Donnie reported finding a couple bites on his legs, there was no poison, thankfully, but they still had to clean and dress the bite. Mikey noticed the stubble panic in Ralph's face when he heard he got bit. Leo was in the middle of cleaning the bites when Mikey huffed in annoyance “It doesn't hurt that bad does it?” he teased, shaking the bottle of alcohol in his hands as he went to dab another cotton ball with the liquid. “It's not that. I just feel like I finally got somewhere with the mission and…” Wait. Did he still have the disk? He looked around then remembered that he probably left it out near that sewer opening. He groaned “what's wrong Angelo?” Leo asked, finally dressing the wound. “I left it behind,” he said, running his hands down his face. He knew what he ment immediately  “The Soundtrack? That's alright lil bro, as your favorite brother, disc guy will pick it up for you” he grinned at his dorky pun and Mikey smiled a little “that was so bad.” He hadn't realized how tired he was until he woke up in his bed in the middle of the night. Checking the clock, 3: 40 am. He got up to get a snack. He went into the fridge and opened the door and had his sights on a shared bowl of  leftovers, left in there. He found it touching that his brothers shared something out for him. He went to warm it up in the microwave, placing his plate inside and closing the door to the microwave. The problem presented itself when he moved his 
 Unfortunately though, it seemed he couldn't let go of the door “what the-” he pulled his hand harder this time and the door to the microwave moved with him. He looked around frantically, he thought about calling for anyone’s help, his brother's names caught in his throat. He continued to pry his hand off, this time his other hand on the door so he didn’t break it off, “He-” he wanted to say help, but yelped the last part when his hand suddenly popped off of the door handle and sent him stumbling back into the kitchen counter “ow!” he rubbed the back of his shell.  ______________________________________________________________
Ao3 is much more confusing than I thought- but I'll figure it out!(hopefully-) in the mean time- Ill just have drafts and probably digital art if I feel any better to draw today.
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thelaundrybitch · 2 years
Little Blue Hearts Update - Chapter 10
Hello Turtle Doves!
I'm updating tonight because, sadly, I have my father's funeral to attend on Saturday, and we will be very busy for the next few days.
Please don't crucify me with this next chapter. I promise there's good reason 😂
So, hang in there 😘
I'd like to showcase my beautiful and amazing new Cover Art done by my girl @leosgirl82 because she's the absolute best 😍🥰
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*screams with joy*
Also, we have a new POV in this chapter! I hope you all enjoy!
18+ content - for mature audiences only!
Reblogs only, please!
Raph's Recap
Earlier that day...
Of course, he makes a big entrance. Why wouldn't he? He's Leo after all.
I roll my eyes as he offers the woman his hand along with his best Prince-fucking-Charming smile.
Not that I blame him. Between listening to all of Ashley's stories and then meeting the beauty in person... The attraction is real.
But that's enough of that.
I smirk as I see Master Splinter out of the corner of my eye, coming out of the dojo - fully robed, thank GOD -just as Honor Boy starts flirting and teasing poor Liv.
"Oh? And who is your favorite?" I hear him say to her, as he moves a stray piece of hair from her face.
"Leonardo!" Scolds Sensei.
Leo looks up and knows he's in trouble.
"Stop teasing that poor woman. Where are your manners?! I taught you better."
"Sorry, Sensei," says Leo, who now looks like he wants to crawl in a hole.
"I'm not the one who needs an apology."
Leo looks back down at her with that... Look on his face, and I can feel my stomach turn. Donnie doesn't stand a chance.
"Please forgive my inappropriate behavior. I should have never treated a lady like that." He holds his hand out and waits for the woman to reciprocate a response. Which she does, gently putting her tiny hand in his.
His breath hitches for a fraction of a second when their skin touches, his smile genuine. "I hope you can forgive me and that we can start again," he says to her softly. His whole demeanor changing.
"Of course," she says, blushing up at him. "I'm sorry for not allowing you to introduce yourself in the first place. I didn't mean to be a big creep about it."
I can't help but chuckle at her well-placed sass, clearly taking a dig at herself. I'm not the only one either, resulting in Sensei clearing his voice.
Aaannnd there he goes... Right back to schmoozing her.
"Liv, I'd like you to meet Master Splinter," he says, looking like Prince Charming, again.
She seems quite taken by him, which is interesting. She's either fangirling over the whole comic book character thing- which is hot as fuck, by the way- or, Leo is her favorite from the many series that have been done about us. Friggen Eastman. Leo was always his favorite too.
Watching them interact, is absolutely heart-wrenching- especially the way she's looking at Leo. I feel for poor Donnie having to watch this woman - who he's been gushing about for weeks - being swept off her feet by the knight-in-shining-armor himself.
Fucking guy.
And of course, Master Splinter sided with Leo and Mike about Liv staying in Leo's guestroom. Sure, he's a light sleeper, but I'm sure Don would've been able to set up some kind of an alarm system to warn him if she was trying to sneak out.
But, I digress. It is what it is.
I watch as Liv bows to Sensei.
Yeah...Work it girl.
"Master Splinter, I'm so overwhelmed with happiness, and I'm so happy to be here. I am truly honored to be trusted by all of you."
Oh, no. The poor thing is about to get some of the worst news of her lifetime. I'll take the asshole lead on this, so Sensei doesn't get dubbed the 'bad guy'.
"Nobody said anything about trust, sweetheart," I say, straight-faced and arms crossed, so she knows I'm serious.
She looks up at me, confusion in her eyes.
"This is true," says Master Splinter, agreeing with me.
"Leonardo will fill you in on your stay here until we feel you can be trusted."
Someone may as well have told her she only had 24 hours left to live. Her face goes pale and you can see her whole world crashing down around her.
Amazingly, she recovers quickly, saying she understands and even smiles at Sensei. Damn, girl.
Sensei turns to me looking for assistance. I step toward him and give him my arm to help him back to his room.
Once we get a few steps down the hallway that leads to his and Leo's rooms, he says, "She took that extremely well... I'd like to stand here and listen to what she has to say to her cousin, however."
I chuckle, "You catch those death lasers she shot across the room, too?"
He smirks, "She's only human, you know. But yes. I want to know how she responds."
We stand in the safety of the shadows near the entrance of the hallway, listening as a cool, calm, and collected Liv expresses nothing but love and concern for her very apologetic and anxious cousin.
"Hmm," hums Sensei. "I'm not sure even I've had that kind of patience for you boys."
Go, girl, go. You'll earn Dad's trust real fast if this is how you are.
"I think I've heard enough. Please help me back to my room, Raphael."
I walk him to his door and pause, "Sensei..."
"What's troubling you, my son?" Says the old rat as he looks me in the eye.
"I don't want you to feel like I don't trust your judgment..."
"But..." He encourages me.
"Well, do you really think it's the best idea to put her in Leo's guestroom?"
"Raphael. Leo deserves a chance at happiness, too."
"But what about Donnie?"
"Donnie has had a very unfair advantage. He knows her more intimately than she probably even knows herself. He's very proficient in his research," says Master Splinter.
"He also knows how to hold his own with a woman... Clearly," he says, eyes going wide.
"I see everything, my son. Don't mistake me as my old age. I also know all of you, very well. If you hold interest in Liv, that's one thing, but other than that, let Donnie and Leo work things out."
I nod, in understanding.
"And more importantly, Raphael,"
"Yes, Sensei?"
"The choice will be Evelyn's."
"Evelyn?" I ask, furrowing my brow.
"Yes. Liv."
And with that he shuffles into his bedroom, gently closing the door behind him.
Frig. Even her name is beautiful.
Then I hear it. Mikey.
"Really?! 'Cause, it looks to me like Leo's got you in his arms with his lips on your ear!" He yells, like the little shit he is.
Oh hell no.
I come stomping down the hall into the common room, as Leo looks up at me with big eyes, then back down to Liv. He's holding her like he’s her lover.
I stand there giving him a disapproving and questioning look.
He lets her go, very reluctantly, looking pained as he separates from her.
What the fuck is goin' on with him. This isn't Leo.
"She tripped," Leo explains, "I just stopped her from falling. I was bringing her to see where she'll be staying."
"Uh-huh," I say, a little unsure of what's going on between them, or how I should proceed -Especially after what Sensei just said. "Maybe instead of stuffing her in your room, you should let her choose which guestroom she wants to stay in."
Leo sighs and shifts uncomfortably.
"Raph, we've been over this. It was agreed that she would stay in my guestroom because I'm a light sleeper, and it's less likely she'd be able to sneak out."
Liv's face drops, a look of pain flashes across her attractive features.
"Your guest room?" She asks.
Leo closes his eyes and sighs, swallowing the guilt that's ready to consume him. "Yes. You have to go through my room to get to it. There are no other exits except the one that goes through my room."
Liv stands there. Speechless, motionless.
"If you'd prefer..." Leo starts, trying to console her as he reaches for her.
"I'd prefer to go home,” she says, cutting him off and jerking away from his touch, causing Leo to blanch. “Unfortunately for me, I can't," she glares.
"Because I'm being held hostage."
Yep. I'm out.
I turn and head to the kitchen with Mikey, Don, and Ashley as quickly as I can while Liv damn near has a nervous breakdown.
I practically run into the kitchen, probably looking guilty as hell. Everyone is sitting at the breakfast table.
"Oh hey, Raph!" Says Mike, shoving a piece of pizza into his mouth.
"Uh, Raph, what's wrong?" Asks Donnie, looking at me with concern.
Ashley and Mikey stop eating and look at me.
"Sooo... I may have mentioned... You know, just now... In the common room... That Liv was… Uh...
goingtobestayinginLeo'sguestroom." I let out nervously.
"Oooh-kaaay..." Says Ashley, standing, and looking like she was getting ready to go rescue her cousin.
"How did you say it, Raph..." Donnie says, more like a warning than a question.
"Raph?" Mikey asks innocently, an encouraging look on his face.
I shuffle a bit before answering. "It may have been something along the lines of him stuffing her in his guestroom, and her not having a choice..." I confess with a guilty grimace.
"Oh, no..." Ashley says with a horrified expression on her face, running to the door, and almost into Master Splinter.
"Easy child," he says, reaching up to touch her shoulder. "Your cousin is fine," he tells her.
We all look back and forth at one another, confused and surprised.
"She even apologized to Leonardo for her behavior. I believe she said... I'm frustrated, but I understand. And I'm also frustrated that I understand."
Ashley let's out a visible sigh of relief. "Yea, that sounds like something she'd say."
"So where are they now?" Asks Donnie, anxiously.
"In Leonardo's guestroom, I imagine," says Master Splinter with a satisfied smile on his face.
Donnie stands up, a look of panic spreading over his face.
"Sit down, Donatello," commands Sensei. "Finish your dinner. You will have time to spend with our guest later."
Donnie sits back down, shoulders slumped in defeat.
"Oh, shoot!" Ashley yells. "I need to get to work! I'm gonna be late!" She exclaims, as she kisses Mikey and runs out the kitchen door. She pokes her head back in for a moment and says, "Thank you Master Splinter," a grateful smile on her face.
He smiles and nods at her, then turns to the rest of us, "A piece of pizza, please."
After dinner, we meet up in the common room, and by chance, Liv and Leo end up meeting us there.
She looks to be in 'la-la' land as Donnie is trying to talk to her and find out if she needs anything.
No response.
"Geez Leo, did you break her?" Donnie says, exasperated, waving a hand in front of her face. "Liv?"
"Hmm?" She seems to realize she's being talked to, snapping out of her daze and looking back and forth between my two brothers.
I don't miss the sneaky wink Leo gives her either.
"Donnie, I'm so sorry. It's been a long day, and I've had a lot to take in. My brain was... Visiting my happy place," she says with a seductive smirk, Leo's eyes going wide as he clears his throat.
"Right..." Says Donnie, his eyes darting between Liv and Leo, looking panicked and agitated. "Well, as I was saying, we are going topside to go on patrol shortly, and we are stopping to get your belongings at Ashley's. Do you need or want anything else?" Donnie asks, finally.
"No, but can you please make sure all my shower stuff gets put into my luggage bag before you bring it back, though? It should all be in the purple toiletry bag on the back of the toilet. Oh, and my toothbrush too, please?" She asks him, with the world's most beautiful smile I've ever seen.
I smile. Girl's over here killin' it. Her smile is to die for.
Donnie smiles back, relaxing a bit, "Of course, Sunshine," he coos, "What color is your toothbrush?"
It's the black, electric Sonicare. It's plugged in on the back of the sink. Thanks, Donnie," she says, giving him an even bigger smile.
I chuckle internally. Donnie's gonna need a cold shower before we leave.
"Of course. Anything," he gushes.
Looking back at Leo, he goes deadly serious, a warning in his eyes, "Let us know when you're ready to head out."
Leo nods, and my two younger brothers head toward the Lab to prepare for patrol. I decide to hang back to see what's going on.
Leo looks down at Liv, affection spilling across his face. He lowers his voice to almost a whisper, his lips dangerously close to her face.
"Will you be alright?" He asks.
"I think so." She says looking all dreamy-eyed, and leaning in toward him. "Am I allowed to watch... a movie... or... something?" She asks as Leo closes in on her mouth with his own.
"Of course!" I say loudly, walking toward them, causing them to jump. "Let me show you how everything works, little lady," I say, smiling down at her with the sexiest smile I can plaster across my face.
Jesus, what am I doing.
I can't stop myself and step between Liv and Leo. I bend in toward the blonde and gently take her small hand in mine, hooking her arm through mine…
"Come with me, Sweetheart," I flirt, causing her eyes to go wide while she turns the color of my bandana.
Little Blue Hearts Master list HERE
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*If you aren’t on this list, please let me know if you want me to tag you in my other work or if you prefer me to not tag you 😘
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trashcanfanfics · 3 years
Hello, um I have this request. Can you do a fic were Bayverse Raph and his S.O get into a huge fight and he hurts her feelings and hurt her physically with his fists and he realized of what he had done. A few days later he appears on your window but he see her with bruises in a half of her face and he feels very guilty ay himself for do that. And Raph knocks on your window and he appears with roses and chocolates and beg for forgiveness??🤭❤️❤️
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(P.D: You can use this GIF if you want to)
Oof angst. I love it. :) also hope you don't mind that I used a different gif!
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Raph was mad. Again. He was shouting at Leo who was just trying to make sure everyone was on track. Donnie and Mikey quickly got out of the way of the two so they wouldn't get caught up in the argument.
"You think you're so high and mighty just because you're the oldest! You only care about bossin' us around!" Raph points a finger at Leo as the former scoffs and crosses his arms. You had arrived to this argument and had been advised by Donnie to stay out of it but Raph's shouting was putting you on edge.
"Raph, hey, maybe calm down? We could go for a walk to clear your head, how's that sound?" You gently laid a hand on his upper forearm in caution. He glared down at you and you smiled nervously back. He moved his arm and turned to face you fully.
"So now you're defendin' him?! You think I'm in the wrong for wanting a little choice in how I carry myself?!" He snarls at you, causing you to flinch slightly. You aren't good at confrontation but he needs to calm down. He's not in the right headspace right now.
"No! That's not what I'm saying at all! I just think that shouting doesn't solve anything!" You match his form, arms folded across your chest and looking him in the eye. He throws his arms up, exasperated.
"So you think that I never solve anything?! That's rich comin' from you!" His words confuse and anger you. You glare at him.
"And what's that supposed to mean?" Your hands are shaking and gripping on to your arms like a lifeline, something to keep you grounded.
"Hey, maybe we need to separate and think for a minute." Leo's voice cuts in and you look at him. His arms are up the hands palm towards you both with caution written into his features.
"Yer not in this, not anymore! This ain't your business!" Raph growls out and uncrosses his arms to point another finger at Leo. Your blood is boiling.
"Don't talk to him like that! You're just mad because you can't get what you want!" You jab your own finger at Raph in accusation. He took a breath in.
"Okay, alright. Well you don't even know what YOU want! Ya seem ta want to put your nose into others' problems 'cause you can't deal with your own! 'Cause a that, you don't seem ta understand that ya ain't that mature either! You cry like a baby at any inconvenience that comes yer way and yet! Nothing is ever fixed! All you do about it is nothing! Now that I'm tryna fix my own problems, you seem pretty interested!" He screams at you and the words hit you like a train. He just announced to the entire lair that you have issues.
"Crying is no better than what you're doing right now!" Was all you could muster to speak. You were fighting back tears, the shaking in your arms overtook your enire being. Raph took this as a sign of aggression.
"Well fuck you then! You're just a bitch who can't understand jack shit 'bout me!" He raises his fist and hit your face, hard enough to send you to the floor. You let out a pained shout as you fall. The pain blossoming all over the left side of your face is overwhelming, but nothing compare to the aching in your chest.
You hear some shouting but can't focus on it. Your chest hurts too much to even think. What hurts the most is that Raph is the one that hurt you. Your boyfriend, your friend, the one you love so dearly and he hurt you. He yelled at you and then hit you. You start crying even though it hurt.
The next thing you know, you're in someone's arms and being taken from the lair. Cool night air greets you as you open your one good eye, the other swelling slightly, to the night sky, tears slowly travelling down your face. You look at your carrier and see that it's Donnie. He looks back at you sadly. You don't feel anything, just empty, even as the tears continue to flow.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through this. Let's get you home, okay?" He takes you to your apartment, opens the window and then climbs in. Donnie sets you on your couch and politely asks to see the injury to make sure it's not too serious. You, in your apathetic state of mind, let him gently grab your face and look over the already forming bruise. He said it was just a bruise and some swelling, nothing was broken or cracked. Once again apologizing and telling you to put an ice pack on it to reduce swelling, he left to go back to the lair.
After getting the ice pack and holding it there a while, you decided to just go to sleep on the couch, not having the energy to do much else. Laying down causes more pain to shoot through your face, but you ignore it in favor of drifting off.
A noise rose you from your slumber and a pained groan left you as you lifted yourself up. Your face was throbbing as you stood to see where the noise came from. There it was again. You look over to the livingroom window to see Raph on the fire escape, roses and a box in hand. This caused sadness, hurt, and betrayal to swirl in your gut. It expressed itself in anger. You storm over to the window and threw it open.
"You better not be thinking that you can just give me flowers and-" you squint at the box "chocolates to get me to just fall back into your arms." You crossed your arms as Raph looks down and shuffles his feet, causing the escape to squeak. You sigh. "Get in here before someone sees you." You move to the side to let him in. He climbs in as carefully as he can. Raph always had more of a tough time getting in your window than his brothers due to his bulkier stature.
Once he was inside, you closed the window behind him before turning to walk over to the couch where you pick up the forgotten ice pack and return it to your dingy freezer. He had set down the roses and chocolates on the coffee table, avoiding your gaze. You clear your throat to get his attention.
"Look, y/n, I-" He meets your eyes before he gets a good look at your face, staring at the giant bruise and swollen eye. He stays quiet, his face contorted into pain and sadness.
"You hurt me, Raphael." He flinches at your use of his full name. "You hurt my feelings and then you hurt me physically. If you even for a second think that I'm going to just brush over this-!"
"I don't expect ya to. I just wanted to come 'n' tell ya I'm sorry. I know what I said hurt you, and I know that...hitting you was wrong." He seems almost ready to disapear. The guilt written all over his face said that he truely was sorry. You felt your stomach tie in knots and all you wanted to do was hug him and give him sweet kisses,but you held it back. You're not going to roll over that easy.
"Thank you for your apology." He looks you in the eye with utter sadness. "And I also want to say I'm sorry. I said some mean things too." He shook his head.
"No need to be sorry, I probably deserved it." He chuckles slightly as you sigh. "'Sides, I couldn't be mad at ya for longer'n five minutes." A small smile graced your features. He cleared his throat after a minute and made his way back to the window.
"Where are you going?" You ask in confusion. Raph turns back to you with the same amount of confusion.
"To the lair? Uh," he looks down then back up, "why?" You looked him up and down before sighing and motioning him over to the couch where you plopped yourself onto. He hesitantly joins you on your right.
"Raph, I love you, and even though I can't forgive you for this...I don't want to end this relationship. In time, maybe I could forgive, but for now...let's just stay like this." You lean your head on his shoulder and close your eyes. He gently rest his head on yours in response.
Well. I hope this is what you imagined! Please feel free to send in any requests your little hearts desire!!
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