#It drops me back into the person I was when I first read Handplates - for better or for worse. It's a very strange feeling
sysig · 5 months
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Two skeletons in a trench lab coat (Patreon)
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He’s very careful! Everything was fine before you interrupted!
#Doodles#Handplates#UT#FJdlsafjdsf Handplates fuzzes my brain#I cannot tell you how weird it feels to draw Gaster with the Lost Soul head after all this time away haha#It drops me back into the person I was when I first read Handplates - for better or for worse. It's a very strange feeling#Even drawing Sans and Papyrus again sends me back! Not as strongly but certain little details stand out#Sans' eyes especially... Very strange feeling#Anyhow! Since Fellplates sent me back down the rabbit hole and I've gotten back into rereading lightly - still not a full commitment!#Maybe soon tho 👀 I feel like I always say that haha#But in the meantime thinking of the pre-Plates Handplates time period <3 Since that's the one I'm still most familiar with haha#I love when they're still growing and learning ♪ Scaffolded baby talk! Twin language! Love 'em ♥#And fearless* mischievous little troublemakers hehe#They're so cute <3 I love the little ways they interact as young'uns - like when Papyrus will just lift Sans by his arms lol#I'd been thinking about and then had to go read the one of Sans as a the blanket/coat tickle monster and then - this ✨#''Excuse me sir I'd like One Ticket to the R Rated movie I am an adult Monster'' lol#Probably another one of those moments where Gaster is just *nervously sweats in Dad* lol - stop being so cute!#Also there's no particular meaning to when I use WingDings for his text :P Just convenience and if I remember to lol#Comics where he talks a lot are not convenient XP I have enough trouble editing on this paper ugh I will Not miss it when it's done#Even attempted this comic in as few pencil strokes/erasing as possible and it was still a pain to work with! >:0 Rude#Doubly so that I've had a Handplates comic idea for past like - year lol - and /this/ was the first one I finished pfftbl#To be fair to the other I do want to at least attempt making it a look-alike hehe ♪ You know how it is with Ideas™#I can't be too mad about it haha ♫ It did turn out quite cute after all :3
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the-undertale-mouse · 7 years
Handplates: Tempus CH 1
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    Handplates is a really cool if dark take on the Papyrus/Sans/Gaster origin story by @zarla-s and if you haven’t seen it already, I highly recommend it. This is a spin off of that in which a human enters their lives. This takes place some time before Justice falls. Tempus(Patience) would be the fifth soul. Some things may be inaccurate, but please be patient with me. I just need to get it out of my head and I need some feedback. I am reposting some chapters because I have revised a few things for greater accuracy. ~Miamouse
Chapter 1 Contact
* * *
    “Say hi to King Fluffy Buns for me. Us war survivors got to stick together.  Maybe we should have a cards night or-,” Gerson said as Gaster paid for his groceries.
    “I’m sorry, I have a very tight schedule,” Gaster said, cutting the conversation short. Not that he didn’t appreciate everything the ‘hammer of justice’ did in his time, but the old war vet had a tendency to ramble, and Gaster really did have a schedule to keep. Any time away from the lab not working was time wasted to Gaster, except he still needed to go out every now and then to buy food.
    “Don’t be such a stranger,” Gerson called.
    Gaster took his leave and started back along the road to hotland, taking special care to avoid the nonsensical beings dubbed ‘tems.’ he just didn’t have the time to deal with the silly creatures. He made it safely past them without an encounter and sighed with relief as he stepped into the darkening lantern room. He could use his one functioning eye socket to glow and show him the path, but he didn’t bother. He knew the path so well, he didn’t strictly need to see. Not many monsters came this way, it was too dark and depressing. He liked this room, it was peaceful and solitary. He did not expect someone to bump into him. He did not expect to drop half the groceries he just bought. Most of all, he did not expect them to be human. But it happened anyway.
    Panic flooded his chest cavity, despite its words of apology and concern directed towards him. A human? Here, now? Right in front of him? What to do? He had confidence he could easily capture it and bring it to the king, as was protocol, but he couldn’t stand the thought of the look in the king’s eyes after he killed yet another human. He could kill the human himself and bring the soul to the king. It would be no trouble. By the look of it, this one was a chil- not yet full grown. Weak. Inexperienced.  He would just say he found the soul like that. Tragic for the human, good for the monsters. How long could it last in the underground anyway? He was surprised it made it this far. He was doing it a favor, cutting its misery short.
    He shifted into ‘fight mode’ turning its soul dark blue from the get-go. This would be over with soon, if he worked straight through lunch, he could be back on schedule. It wasn’t anything he wasn’t used to.
* * *
    Tempus accepted that her apologies didn’t work the moment her soul became heavy and the skeleton across from her started sending bone-shaped bullets her way. The increased gravity made it difficult, but she was very good at detecting patterns and timing her movements just right. She managed to avoid all of his intricate waves of bones with the least amount of energy possible. She was able to catch a breather and “check his stats.” She did this with everyone who chose to fight her in order to understand them a little better and find a way to appease them.
    “Wing Dings Gaster. LV 4. Hurt some people on purpose. That’s probably bad. Though maybe some of it was in self-defense or something. I don’t know, I wasn’t there. HP 2000/2000 AT 36 DF 36. Royal Scientist obsessed with breaking the barrier.” Tempus gulped. Even if she didn’t lose her cute ribbon, he could kill her in easily (she was weak for a human, she only had 10 HP.) If she could negotiate a solution, she would always try that first. She had to think fast as she dodged the next, trickier volley of bones.
* * *
    The human was exceptionally skilled at dodging. Gaster would have been impressed if it weren’t so annoying. It was just making the battle drag out longer. Between the volleys of bones, the human attempted to reason with him. Its efforts were fruitless. He just tuned it out. Nothing it said mattered. They needed its soul for the barrier. There was no discussing it. Gaster did not indulge it with replies, it probably wouldn’t understand his language anyway, and he doubted it knew how to read his hands. Talking to it would be pointless, and he did not like to do anything pointless.
   He was, however, intrigued that it wielded no physical weapon. This was odd for humans since most of them could not wield magic. On the off chance it could use magic, why didn’t it? It was in very real danger and did not defend itself besides dodging and expelling useless chatter. Perhaps it was luring him into a false sense of security. Its soul signature was patience after all. It could be waiting for the right moment to strike, for all he knew. As he was thinking that, the human changed tact, but not in the way he expected.
* * *
    Tempus had four different logical actions she could use on Gaster: reason, plead,  threaten and joke. In addition to actions, she could manifest magical versions of her toy knife to attack him. She dropped the real one back in the ruins when she promised herself she wouldn’t use it to hurt anyone. With magic, you could manipulate it so that the person on the receiving end could be left with 1 hp, no matter how many times you hit, but that was her most desperate move. More desperate than attempting to actually spare him or run away, both of which would be very desperate indeed, considering his strength. She was getting to that point of desperation though.
    She tried pleading and reasoning several times, hoping to wear him down, but to no effect, since he didn’t seem to be listening. Maybe he was deaf. An idea occurred to her: perhaps he wasn’t ignoring her, perhaps he actually couldn’t hear her pleas. He didn’t have ears after all. There was no guarantee he understood ASL, but it had a better chance of success than sparing him. She gave it a shot, thanking her stars she knew sign language since she was little.
  “Please stop. I’m not going to try to leave the underground. I don’t want to hurt you or your king. I know you need my soul for the barrier, but you don’t have enough anyway. Can’t I stay in peace, at least until the last two humans fall?” She had studied the plaques on the walls carefully, in an attempt to understand the history here. She knew they needed the equivalent of 7 human souls to be free. A member of the Royal Guard informed her that her soul would be the fifth in their collection, right before they threw a spear at her. Tempus made a split second decision to run for it and she ran all the way back to the darkening lantern room and right into this guy. 
* * *
    Once again, this human surprised Gaster, this time by speaking in hands; a highly unusual trait, even among monsters. He was so stunned, he forgot to ignore what it was saying. ‘It made a good argument,’ he begrudgingly acknowledged. That didn’t mean it wasn’t lying about being a pacifist. True, it didn’t have any LV or EXP but, who’s to say it would never gain some? No matter what it said, he couldn’t let it roam free. Humans were far too dangerous and unpredictable. But perhaps it didn’t have to be killed yet. If it’s power could be harnessed, then maybe freedom was closer than it seemed. Plans formed in his head for how to get and use that power. The possibilities it presented were endless. It would almost be a waste to kill it so soon.
* * *
    Gaster considered for a moment then said both out loud and with his hands, “If I let you live, will you come quietly?”
    Tempus did not like the idea of a scientist with an LV of 4 taking her captive, but what choice did she have? “Yes. I’ll come quietly.” she signed and spoke. The battle ended. 0 EXP and 0 G gained.
    “Oh, I can hear you just fine. I was just ignoring you earlier.” Gaster said bluntly.
   She had a feeling this was the case, though she had hoped better of him. “You don’t have to sign for me either. My hearing is just fine.”
   He paused and looked at her with an unreadable expression on his face. “Really now, you can understand me?” he spoke out loud only, not using his hands to sign. His tone was colored in disbelief as if he highly doubted a human like her could know what he was saying.
   Tempus had no clue what he was implying. He did have a bit of an accent, but it was nothing crazy. “Yes, I can understand you. We’re speaking the same language, aren���t we?”
    “Indeed. But for now, I would rather you didn’t speak unless spoken to until we get back to the lab. You did agree to come quietly.” Tempus decided to obey him, for now. She was patient. She would follow along, do as he said...at least until she figured something out.
* * *
     As they walked on in silence, Gaster’s mind was buzzing.  ‘The human, hereby referred to as ‘subject 3’ or ‘3-T’ diverges from the norm in several notable ways. First, it understands me, signs or no signs, furthermore, it is capable of using the signs itself. Second, it speaks in a font differing from the norm: ‘Tempus’ hence the ‘T’ in ‘3-T.’ Third, it chooses to wield no physical weapon though it may be in possession of magical ability, a rarity among humans. That is yet to be seen, but upon further inspection, it is noted subject 3 possess a certain aura and frailty unusual to its kind. This aura and frailty are reminiscent of the wizards who sealed us away nearly 1000 years ago. I’d be nostalgic if I didn’t still have the emotional scars. Last, Subject 3 is adept at timing its dodges perfectly. I suspect it has something to do with their soul signature ‘patience.’ All these things ought to be looked into and studied. Subject 3 is lucky to have piqued my interest so thoroughly...or maybe unlucky. It’s too late either way.’
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nochiquinn · 7 years
episode 104: just punch a god in the fucking face
things I have watched today: sagas of sundry, wednesday club, and now this
this is Matt and Taliesin Content Day
fifteen minutes late and someone's edm mixtape is skipping???
ah, mic issues
oh, TWO skype calls, no wonder all the tech derped. I can't manage ONE discord call usually
"if you've been naughty they unsubscribe"
mala: they'll get matt's mic right someday me: the true final boss: audio
next send the camera into the writer's room
I'm using "eaten by xenomorphs" for every excuse for dropping out of calls ever
discord: "missing his equipment" no no, his equipment was there, but his armor wasn't covering it
"Microdermabrasion: Necromantic Cantrip. Removes dead skin." goddammit alpha
it's an eyeball! nah, it's just a peeled grape. no, real shit, it's an eyeball
"I put my cold feet in bc I have no shoes" 
keyleth collecting good memories before everything goes to shit
marisha/taliesin cuddles are my entire life
I can't find my fidget cube so I'm playing pokemon instead. pokecube. fidgetmon.
"SPLITTING THE PARTY: Don't do it. Not even in the deific planes. Guys no. Shhh. Don't do it."
marshmallowy goodness of sarenrae
vex is now abu during the cave of wonders scene
also I'm just picturing Rose Quartz's room
"such a beacon in a very dark world"
I wanna be like yo-o-ou
vecna is solas
"I'm sorry for all the cursing at first" same
raven queen and sarenrae get together and gossip about vox machina, it's basically canon
weekly appreciation for marisha's top
so did sarenrae, like, get kicked out of the country club and now none of the other members will talk to her anymore
"and just chucks her" matt no
vex has a handful of dead people in her pocket
that seems to be going around
discord: I can't believe Pike is Angela Ziegler now
look down, look back up, your goddess is in your face now
when your entire approach to religion is summarized in a D&D game
"what even are titties"
grog that's a PERSON
you're not in kansas anymore
keyleth's occasional mania is #relateablecontent
suddenly the toddler: "no SOULS, it FRUIT". (or more likely "no SOULS, it APPLE", she doesn't generalize yet)
pikemom to the rescue
I am not good at this whole "focus" thing tonight
"I jump in" has not ended well for keyleth
amicable tree
"not that one, that one's an asshole"
"it casts so much shade" SHOUTS
"new npc: dicktree"
it's the tree from broken age
keyleth is me for like the last two weeks
it's the noons from keys to the kingdom!
(please read keys to the kingdom)
lol tech difficulties as the giveaway word
I don't know what's going on but I just saw matt mouth "what the fuck" very emphatically
dumb break thought: I enjoy that he emphasizes that sarenrae has dark skin. too easy to fall into the "goddess of light = fair-skinned" trope
"there's no shade" "I BEG TO DIFFER"
"rocks fall, everybody dies"
"benny hill music commences"
"this has to be heaven, the doors just keep opening"
keep your hand at the level of your eye
it's gaster from the handplates comics
(don't look at me like that, zarla is my favorite forever)
pelor-senpai noticed them
not sure how I feel about percy squirming out of being regarded by any of these deities
like it makes sense, given his past and how he generally feels about the gods? but also percy stop shoving people in front of you every time the teacher calls your name
still picturing the thing in the flask. or envy.
SLAYER'S TAKE. the sphinx lady whose name I don't remember!
well fuck you too buddy
or vex that works but percyyyyy my disaster child
"fuck 'im and dash" "never calling him back"
oh shit it's a resurrection ritual
just threaten the fucking gods, nbd
"the future I have chosen" no that's okay I wasn't using my heart
grog stole the pope
salt and pepper twins
NIGHT TRAP liam why
matt if you really cared about east coasters you'd stop starting encounters at 1 am our time
"other country-ers"
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gasters-story · 7 years
Chapter 6
Word Count: 2,278
Vedran was checking on the small crack from Gaster being knocked over. He leans in to get a closer look at it. “Is it getting any bigger? Any noticeable chipping?” Gaster shakes his head no. “Lets just hope it doesn’t get any bigger. It may affect your vision in the eye it’s above.” Vedran leans back from checking, relaxing a bit. He normally did this for Gaster’s health, not wanting it to be any worse.
It has been a while. The human leader before died and had lost most of his determination he had due to depression that had caused him to give up on a lot, and his son became his replacement. They have a different political system than monsters. It’s based mostly on soul type. For reasons, the person with the most determination is leader. If it lowers during your reign, you will be replaced until it goes back up enough.
With the new leader came… Issues at the lab, mainly for Gaster. Things got rougher for him. Everything seemed to get worse, making the perseverance in his soul grow though. He held on as best as he could, even through the pain.
Vedran had offered pain pills before to Gaster, but he would always rejected them, saying he’ll be fine. Now, though, he will ask for them a lot. It helped after experiments, so Vedran always made sure to bring some now. Gaster was extremely grateful, not realizing until the first time how useful they were. He always thanked him each time he gave him them. After taking them, he’ll lay down to rest a bit. Vedran would watch and make sure to wake him up before he got in trouble if he did fall asleep.
The new leader’s first experiment for Gaster that he decided was a handplate, forced to be drilled into Gaster’s left hand. Vedran is still mad about it, saying it was not supposed to happen and was never discussed at a meeting, but Gaster would just stare at and read it, not to bothered to be mad besides when it was drilled. ’S-0, AWD’ was carved into the iron. He didn’t know what it meant, besides the top words being Subject-0. The bottom initials, he guessed, didn’t make too much sense.
The “memory issues” also noticeably kicked up with the new leader too. Gaster hated it. He would remember something happening, but Vedran wouldn’t. The day wouldn’t have changed either. Sometimes it’s midday when it happens. He dealt with it for almost a year now, and it had no pattern or warning.
With wanting to figure out what is happening, he started to sneak around, looking for answers somewhere in the lab. He knew he could get in serious trouble, but it’s not like anything could get any worse, right? It was his only hope to solve the mystery of what happened. He wanted to know, no, he needed to know. At least, it felt like it for him.
Vedran had left just a bit ago after checking up on him, so Gaster was now sneaking around using teleportation and taking careful steps, making sure to be careful around each corner. If even Vedran found him he would scold him and tell him to go back, so this was a secret to keep to himself for once, and why he waited for him to leave. It wasn’t long before he came across a few scientists, two specifically talking to each other. He listened from around a corner, back to the wall.
“A lot of lives are going to be saved with the new leader, more than the last!” One says. Both of them are smiling, without a care it seems as their conversation continues.
“You mean with the resets being for almost everyone? Unlike in March when the leader’s close friend died?” The other asks, making Gaster’s eye lights widen in shock. Resets…?
“Yeah! Sure, we will have to repeat days a lot more, but humans can just remember and repeat. Not too big of a deal. Monsters won’t remember, but they’ll just continue normally anyways.” The one agrees, and it starts to click for Gaster. The humans were behind this. The leader has caused the day to restart. He somehow remembers… It clicked again. I’m half monster and half human.
“W-what-” Gaster breathes out in shock by accident, making them turn their heads his way. He freezes in fear when he realizes, only to be grabbed by the arm and dragged out suddenly.
“How much did you hear?!” One barks at him, staring him dead in the face. His face was an angry scowl versus Gaster’s scared one.
“I-I o-only just got here!” He lies in a panic, trying to get the scientist to let go. The scientist just gripped harder and the other walked up to them from the side.
“How are you out of your room?! You shouldn’t be able to get out without help!” He grabbed him by his shirt and a bit of his scarf, forcing Gaster to be lifted up a bit where he has to be on the tip of his toes to touch the ground, not even letting go of his arm.
“I-i- don’t know-!” They slammed him against the wall, growling. He grunted, sure he heard something crack.
“We are taking you back to your room, and you will not leave again unless told to, got it?!” The one yells at him, making him tear up as he nods. He got his information… but was it really worth it?
Their grip loosened, but they threw him forward, causing him to fall on the floor, unable to get a good grip and stand before it happened. He picked himself up a bit, noticing the red crowding the top of his vision. He put a hand to his eye, feeling the crack above it. The crack had climbed up his skull higher. No- He felt a bit of panic surge through him, as he put his hand down to see red on it. He whimpered and fully stood up, beginning to walk back to the cell.
The scientist followed behind, confused on how they had to unlock the cell and put him in, even though he got out. They shrugged it off, walking away, only to come back a bit later with a first aid kit. “Clean yourself up.” One of them says, tossing it over to Gaster, who catches it.
He’s shocked at first, but appreciates it. “U-um t-thank you…” he says, looking down and opening it. Vedran had taught him how to use one just in case, luckily.
“Tsk.” The one makes an annoyed grin before walking off with the other directly behind, who also looked a bit annoyed. Gaster ignores it and sits down. He begins to use the stuff on himself, being careful with the now bigger crack.
It wasn’t long before Vedran came along, seeing into the cell and noticing. He opens the cell, face showing anger, worry, and a bit of panic. “What happened?!” He walks over, kneels down in front of Gaster, begins to use the first aid kit on him as well.
“I got knocked over again…” Vedran sighs at his answer, a bit confused by it too.
“Did they come to you looking angry? I only left for a little while…” They couldn’t have done an experiment. Vedran knew that well since they took a while to do in the first place.
“N-no…” Gaster was hesitant to say the rest. He didn’t want Vedran mad at him.
“Then why? There is some reason this happened.” Vedran wiped the blood away as best he could, disinfecting as well before beginning to wrap the crack up. Gaster winced as the disinfectant stung.
“I-” Should he say? Vedran won’t be too mad… would he…? “I got out of the cell on purpose to search the lab for answers…” He mumbled, starting to tear up with regret. Vedran paused what he was doing for a moment, causing Gaster to have a slight panic.
“Wingdin, did you teleport around the lab when I told you it wasn’t wise…?” Vedran asks slowly. Gaster took a minute to answer.
“Y-yes…” He finally stated. His voice sounded choked up as he tried not to cry. It wasn’t worth it anymore. He shouldn’t have done it. “I’m s-sorry…” He grabbed his scarf with both his hands and used it to bury his face out of shame and regret. “I-I’m so sorry…” Vedran continued what he was doing again. “I just wanted to see what was going on with the time stuff!” Vedran sighed.
“Wingdin, I told you not to worry about that.” Vedran finally replied. Gaster was shaking by now, out of fear mostly.
Gaster quickly lowers his scarf a bit from his face, still held up by his hands. “But Vedr-!” He cut Gaster off, to his surprise.
“Wingdin Gaster!” Vedran called his full name, making him shrink back and shut up. He dropped his scarf to hang loosely around his neck, looking down at it. Vedran took a deep breath before saying anything more. “Look, I’ve been trying to figure it out as well. Whether it be something to do with your species or a flaw in your revival, I have no clue what is making you have things like this happen to you.”
“I know why…” Gaster mumbled out, staring down at his scarf. He played with the scarf, using it as a fidget tool for his hands. Vedran stared at him wide eyed, a bit too shocked to speak. “That’s why they threw me to the ground. I found out their power as humans.” He finally looks up, staring directly at Vedran. “They are resetting the days.” Vedran had to take a minute to recollect himself, stopping what he was doing.
“What do yo- how??” He was confused, but Gaster seemed to understand it better than the person who teaches him things, having experienced it himself.
“Monsters can’t remember the resetted days apparently. I don’t know why… but it may be because they have weaker souls like you told me.” He put a hand to his chest, directly in the location of where his abnormal soul rest in his ribcage, and closed his eyes. “I may have been titled as a ‘monster’ to many, but that’s not fully me. I’m half and half.”
Vedran didn’t need to think on this. He knew he was right, as much as it doesn’t seem as obvious as it probably should. He still had some human qualities, not many, but some. Slightly slow healing for when he had lower levels of magic… The purple colored glow around his soul… His soul is theorized to last a while after death… Also being able to remember resets, apparently.
“That may be so… And sheds new light on what humans are capable of…” Vedran says and Gaster opens his eyes back up, putting his hand down.
“Do you not know they can do that? I expected you did… they just didn’t want me to know. Then again your reactions make sense…” He looks down at his hands, now in his lap. “So they don’t tell the monsters…?”
Vedran sighs. “Apparently not, and I would probably end up in a situation worse than you if they know that I know…” He glances to the side. “Way worse…”
Gaster looks back up at Vedran, who looks back at Gaster. “So we tell no one and let know one know! I don’t want you hurt over my stupid choices.” Gaster explains. “They know I know, but they shouldn’t know I told you. Let them punish me for it, not you.”
Vedran gives a sympathetic look, not really wanting what is going to probably happen to Gaster just for this. “Fine. I’ll try my best to help you out. I'm… not sure what I can do, though, until it happens…”
Gaster gives a smile. “It’s fine! I can deal even if it gets worse! I’ve dealt for a four years and almost 5 now! And as you said, I’m a soul of perseverance, no?” Vedran couldn’t help but smile back.
“Right.” He agrees, letting out a sigh. Inside, he was still a bit panicky, but he hid it from Gaster, not wanting him to worry either, so he just continued helping Gaster’s crack, using healing magic a bit on it.
This power of humans scared Vedran of them more now. He always had a fear of them, and it didn’t help some brat kid decided to throw rocks at him and end up leaving a small scar above his left eye. Some kid with black hair got the other to stop, but they ended up arguing. That was… Six years ago? The kids seemed like middle schoolers too.
Vedran finally finished, looking at it a bit to make sure it was done properly, and then starts to put the kit away. Gaster takes some wipes quickly from it first, wiping the blood off his hand from earlier. Made him notice his hands were a bit scratched, but it would heal. Vedran puts the kit away, taking the wipes to throw away later when he got the chance. For now, he set them on top of the kit.
“How about we get you learning more things? We still have a few things you haven’t learned yet.” Vedran offers, hoping to lighten the mood, and it worked. Gaster perked up.
“Sure!” He exclaimed and Vedran got a 11th grade science book. Back to this normal schedule of Vedran teaching him. It was nice…
But what happened later, was something Gaster never expected…
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the-undertale-mouse · 7 years
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                  Handplates: Tempus CH 2 The Plate
Handplates is a really cool if dark take on the Papyrus/Sans/Gaster origin story by @zarla-s​ and if you haven’t seen it already, I highly recommend it. This is a spinoff of that in which a human enters their lives. This takes place some time before Justice falls. She would be the fifth soul. Some things may be inaccurate, but please be patient with me. I just need to get it out of my head and I need some feedback. I will be reposting some old chapters because I have revised a few things for greater accuracy. ~miamouse
   Gaster decided to spend a bit of MP to create a ‘shortcut’ directly to his private lab. The increased exhaustion was worth avoiding Alphys and the questions she would ask. “This way, hurry up.”  It obeyed wordlessly and in the blink of an eye they were in his office.
   First, he needed to prepare a hand plate for Subject 3. The hand plate served two major purposes: it established the subjects as objects and prevented escape by means of a tracking device. At least 3-T couldn't remove its arm without causing itself extreme pain, so they could skip that lesson. He had a third plate made long ago in case he ever needed to replace Subjects 1 or 2.  He abandoned the idea of replacement after a while since it would be too painful...for his foot, where he would get the required material from. In any case, it was good to have a use for it. He used a laser to etch in the the new subject’s number and letter ‘3-T.’
   As subject 3 watched, its face paled.  “Are you going to brand me with that?! WDG are your initials, but what’s the 3 for? And how did you know my name started with ‘T’?” Gaster was impressed by how close its guess was. What he was about to do was similar to branding.
   Gaster had gotten used to questions like these from the other two subjects and decided long ago it was much less annoying to just answer as long as the matter was of little consequence. “I’m not going to brand you, it's more of a...label. 3 because you are the third subject- no, the other two are not humans. They are...artificial constructs. The ‘T’ is coincidence. It has nothing to do with your name, which from this day forth is irrelevant. It has more to do with your speech signature ‘Tempus.”
   “That is my name! My nickname anyway. It's my favorite font! This is spooky.” despite everything, Subject 3 seemed amazed that Gaster had guessed its chosen name.
   It was hardly a guess, he was simply following tradition. He was a little perplexed how the human knew that. Few monsters other than skeletons spoke in distinct ‘fonts.’ As far as he knew, only skeletons could tell one voice’s ‘font’ from another. Subject 3 definitely looked human. But once again it defied norms...It warranted study, but in the end it didn't matter how monster like or even skeleton like it was. Its soul was necessary to break the barrier.
  With that in mind, Gaster strapped it down tight then grabbed his drill and the plate and did not look at the human as he said in an emotionless voice, “Hold still.”  It was time for the human's first lesson in this lab: a hand plate makes you an object.
* * *
   Pain. Incredible pain in her right hand. Did no one tell this mad scientist hands were not meant to be drilled in?! By the look of things, he hadn't even spared his own hands. Or maybe someone did that to him and in his mind that made it ok to do it to others. That didn't make it ok, but perhaps a little more understandable.
   It was still excruciating. Tempus bit back her screams. She hated being seen as weak due to her frail nature, so she trained herself not to cry or scream unless she absolutely couldn't help it. This came close. She kept her mouth shut and blocked most of it, but some sound escaped involuntarily and tears streamed down her face. The actual drilling didn't take long, but the pain persisted. Finally, Tempus felt her consciousness slipping; her body sparing her from the pain.
* * *
   Subject 3 seemed to take the drilling well, it hardly made a peep, compared to the wailing of the other two. Gaster was just thinking about the extraordinary strength of humans when it passed out.
   He didn't want it to die yet! He had plans for it! Plans that required a live specimen! He checked its Hp. It had dropped from 10 to 5. He didn't understand. Even the ultra fragile subject 1 had not lost any HP. He noticed the streams of red leaking from its hand making a mess on the floor. “Blood...animals need that...this calls for attention, right…subject 2! I need subject 2!”
 Skeletons didn’t bleed and in his haste to get the drilling over with, he had forgotten how different humans were. In any case he couldn’t fix it and Subject 2 was much more reliable with his healing magic than Subject 1. He found himself running down the hall to the cells. He slapped his hand on the scanner, and explained quickly, “I need Subject 2 to come with me now. It’s urgent!”
  “What?” asked 2-P, curious.
  “Why?” asked 1-S, suspicious.
  “Urgently!” Gaster emphasized.
* * *
   2-P followed close behind Gaster without another word. He didn't seem angry, more like worried. Something was wrong and he needed 2-P’s help specifically. That usually meant healing, but as far as he knew, all three of them were fine. So maybe it was something else. 2-P was so busy puzzling about what he was going to do, he didn't notice they were heading for one of his least favorite rooms: the room where he received his hand plate. Only once they were inside did he realize where they were. This was a place you didn't forget easily. 2-P trembled involuntarily and stopped moving forward.
 “Come along. We’re not here for you. I need your help with the thing strapped in over there,” Gaster said.
   The person strapped in on the table appeared to be sleeping. They were...different. 2-P couldn't quite put his finger on it. They were roughly the same shape as a skeleton, but somehow...squishier ? Softer? Plushier? Then he noticed their hand, shining with the all too familiar hand plate and leaking some kind of red fluid.
   “You...you drilled their hand and now they're hurt!” 2-P accused.
   “You can point fingers later. Right now I need you to mend it. At least make it stop leaking all over the floor. Do you think you can handle that?” Gaster demanded.
   “Yes, of course. I’ll do my best. But for them not the floor.”
   2-P channeled greenish ‘niceness’ energy into his hands and put them both on the hand of the stranger. As he concentrated, he connected his consciousness with theirs: a swirling vortex of thought and feeling. The energy there was nothing like what 2-P had ever felt before; it was much more intense, vibrant, stronger even in their injured state.
   Their inner self was curled in a ball, crying. 2-P made his way over to them and held out his hand. The stranger stopped crying and looked up. After a long moment of hesitation,  they took his hand. 2-P pulled them up on their feet and into a hug, and after a bit, they hugged back.
   Back in the physical plain, the leaking had indeed stopped and the stranger opened their eyes. The eyes were quite different from what 2-P had come to expect. Instead of dark all around and white in the middle, these were white all around and darker in the middle, with rings of blue just before the darkness. It was like they were glowing, but not quite. 2-P couldn't help but stare curiously.
* * *
   Tempus woke to a pair of eye sockets staring into her soul. She stared back, unable to utter a single syllable, until her hand throbbed and she gave an involuntary, “ah!�� and went to rub it only to find a metal plate there.
   The smaller skeleton's hands flew to their mouth in concern. “Oh no! Does it still hurt? Of course it does, mine hurt for a long time afterwards. I did my best. I could-”
   The initial shock wore off and Tempus breathed a little. Yeah, it still hurt like heck, but it was manageable now. She realized this little guy was responsible for erasing the pain. She smiled weakly and managed a “thanks.”
   The smaller skeleton still looked concerned when they said, “It's the least I could do.” They weren't really that small. They were about Tempus’ size, maybe an inch or two taller, come to think of it. The skeleton’s face was the spitting image of Gaster’s, but 150% more innocent and less...broken. They were clothed in a green hospital gown and on their skeletal right hand gleamed a plate just like hers except it read ‘WDG-2 P’
   Gaster had said there were 2 others: ‘artificial constructs.’ She thought he meant robots or something, but this was more like a... clone. The WDG marked him as one of Gaster’s belongings,The ‘2’ stood for Subject 2, but what did the ‘P’ stand for? Gaster had said something about voice signatures, which seemed to be fonts judging by her signature ‘Tempus’ and Gaster's first name ‘Wingdings.’
   Tempus remembered that it was a symbol font, which must be why he was surprised she could understand his voice. She knew it because she and her best friend used to write secret messages to each other in wingdings. It was easy once you got the hang of it. She went through all the ‘p’ fonts she knew, trying to decide how their voice matched up. One of her favorite fonts was called ‘Papyrus’ and it seemed to fit, especially when put in all caps, but she wasn’t sure why. She decided to test her theory. “My ‘T’ stands for Tempus, my name, which also happens to be my favorite font and apparently what my voice sounds like. Your voice reminds me of the Papyrus font. Does the P stand for Papyrus?” she asked.
   “Papyrus? I haven’t heard of different ‘fonts’ But I like it! I am usually called Subject 2 or 2-P or Brother, but if you want to call me Papyrus, then I don’t mind at all.” he beamed.
   “It’s nice to meet you, Papyrus” she said sincerely.
   Papyrus’ eye sockets seemed to sparkle at that simple statement. Like he never heard those words used like that before and he enjoyed hearing it. “Likewise!” he responded.
   Gaster was watching their interactions carefully. Like he was ready to intervene if the big bad human lifted a finger against his creation. He was oddly protective over his ‘artificial construct.’
   Just then, another skeleton entered the room. “you left the cell unlocked, so i figured i was allowed to follow....who’s that? they have a hand plate...did you make another...no, it doesn't make sense. they're not the same. where did they come from? what are you going to do with them?” This skeleton was dressed like Papyrus, but they were shorter, and had a rounder face with bigger eye sockets that had white pupil-like dots in the middle. If Tempus could pick a font for them, it would definitely be ‘comic sans’ but she thought it better to ask them first.
   Before she could, Gaster stepped between them. “Stay away from Subject 1.” He ordered, surprisingly protective.
   “Why? You didn't say anything when I was talking to Papyrus. What's the difference?”
   “The difference is that Subject 1 is incredibly fragile. Even the slightest injury could prove fatal to him,” Gaster explained.
   Tempus knew a thing or two about being labeled as ‘fragile’ and she hated it. “I’m not going to hurt him! I just want to meet him!”
   “A likely story,” Gaster said, but moved aside anyway. “Any funny business, and you are going to regret it deeply,” Gaster threatened unnecessary. Of course she would regret it if she hurt someone!
   Tempus threw Gaster a glare, and moved towards the smallest skeleton.
* * *
   the person was different than anyone 1-S ever saw, but that wasn't saying much when he only ever saw two other people his whole life. they were about as tall as his brother, give or take a couple of centimeters. they looked like a skeleton wrapped in some sort of squishy material with some brownish yellow fluff on top that draped their head and went just past their shoulders. their features were pleasant enough, he guessed. again, he didn't have much to compare them with. the most striking feature were the eyes: white with black dots instead of black with white dots. each had a ring of blue around the black, as if they were glowing, but it wasn't quite the same effect.
   “Hi, my name is Tempus, what's yours?” asked Tempus. the name suited them. it seemed to match their words, though he never heard of any ‘Tempus’ before.
   “my given is name Subject 1, or just 1-S. i am also known as brother, if you want to be nice, i guess.”
   Tempus frowned thoughtfully, “How do you feel about Comic Sans, or maybe just Sans to be casual?”
   1-S didn’t know what to make of this. he knew ‘comic’ meant funny, and ‘sans’ meant without, but the way tempus said it, it seemed to mean something different, something better. ‘Comic Sans’ sounded like something that resonated with his being; it felt right and he liked it. his face cracked into a smile, “sure. if you wanna call me that, i’m game.”
   Tempus smiled, “Sans it is then.” they held out their hand and sans stared at it, unsure what the gesture meant.
   Tempus cocked their head to the side and frowned a little. “Don't you know how to greet a new pal?” they seemed a little sad and concerned.
   sans shook his head. he had never done much greeting at all ever.
   Tempus sighed, “I guess I should have expected this. If you ever meet someone new, however unlikely,” they paused to glare at Gaster (sans was beginning to like this person) “the nice thing to do is take their hand in yours and move it up and down, like this,” Tempus did as they said. it felt kind of nice. their hand was soft and warm. sans smiled a little. then frowned as he felt the plate and realized that gaster had already hurt his new ‘pal.’ did that man ever take a break from hurting people?
   “Do you not like it? I’m sorry. You don't have to shake hands, it’s more of a suggestion. Not everyone does it. Heck, some people don't even have hands. It's just something I'm used to.” Tempus reminded him of his brother a little, the way they apologized like that.
   “no, no. it’s not you it’s gaster. he drilled a plate on you too. it seems new. does it still hurt?” sans asked. his plate hurt for days after he got it.
   “Yeah, it’s still pretty sore. I just got it a few minutes ago. It was awful. I passed out and everything. But Papyrus healed it so that the pain at least isn't as sharp.” sans hatred for gaster grew in conjunction with his love for his brother, along with sympathy for his new pal… ‘pal’ didn't seem right. too distant, despite them having just met.
   Papyrus came over to join the conversation as well. “I’m glad I was able to help,” he said. “Brothers like us should stick together.”
   “Brothers? What do you mean-oh! you guys haven't met any girls before, have you?” Tempus asked.
   sans never heard that word before. he looked over at Papyrus and he looked just as confused. If gaster knew, he didn't say. he just put his head in his hand and sighed, exasperated, though sans couldn't imagine why.
    Papyrus went ahead and asked, “What's a girl?”
    Tempus answered patiently, “Being a girl means a lot of things, but the short version is I prefer to be referred to as ‘she/her’ instead of ‘they/them’ or ‘he/him’ or especially ‘it.’ It also means you would say ‘sister’ instead of ‘brother.” for some reason, her face glowed a bit red and she was smiling a little at the end. she was different, but that made her interesting. of course gaster had to spoil it.
“Alright, that's enough. It is not your sister. It is not related to you in any way. Come on, all of you. We are heading back to the cells.” gaster said with a note of finality. whatever. he couldn't stop sans from calling Papyrus brother. now he was determined to call Tempus sister. he didn't quite know what the relationship should be between them, but he felt like she deserved it. like Papyrus said, brothers and sisters needed to stick together.
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the-undertale-mouse · 7 years
Handplates : Tempus Pt 1
    Handplates is a really cool if dark take on the Papyrus/Sans origin story by @zarla-s and if you haven’t seen it already, I highly recommend it. This is a spinoff of that in which a human enters their lives. Some things may be inaccurate, but please be patient with me. I just need to get it out of my head and I need some feedback. ~miamouse
  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5
“Say hi to King Fluffy Buns for me. Us war vets got to stick together.  Maybe we should have a cards night or-,” Gerson said as Gaster paid for his groceries.
    “I’m sorry I have a very tight schedule,” Gaster said, cutting the conversation short. Not that he didn’t appreciate everything the ‘hammer of justice’ did in his time, but the old war vet had a tendency to ramble, and Gaster really did have a schedule to keep. Any time away from the lab not working was time wasted to Gaster, except he still needed to go out every now and then to buy food.
    “Don’t be such a stranger,” Gerson said well-meaningly.
    Gaster took his leave and started back along the road to Hotland, taking special care to avoid the nonsensical beings dubbed ‘tems.’ he just didn’t have the time to deal with the silly creatures. He made it safely past them without an encounter and sighed with relief as he stepped into the darkening lantern room. He could use his one functioning eye socket to glow and show him the path, but he didn’t bother. He knew the path so well, he didn’t strictly need to see. Not many monsters came this way, it was too dark and depressing. He liked this room, it was peaceful and solitary. He did not expect someone to bump into him. He did not expect to drop half the groceries he just bought. He did not expect them to scream, “Ah! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you!” Most of all, he did not expect them to be human. But it happened anyway.
    Panic flooded his chest cavity, despite their words of apology and concern directed towards him. A human? Here, now? Right in front of him? What to do? He had confidence he could easily capture it and bring it to the king, as was protocol, but he couldn’t stand the thought of the look in the king’s eyes after he killed yet another human. He could kill the human himself and bring the soul to the king. It would be no trouble, he’d killed his fair share in the war, and those were adults. By the look of it, this one was a child not yet full grown. He would just say he found it that way. Tragic for the human, good for the monsters. How long could it last in the underground anyway? He was surprised it made it this far. He was doing it a favor, cutting off its misery short.
    He shifted into ‘fight mode’ turning its soul blue from the get-go (well, darker blue, since it was already a pale blue.) This would be over with soon, if he worked straight through lunch, he could be back on schedule. It wasn’t anything he wasn’t used to.
* * *
    Tempus accepted that her apologies didn’t work the moment her soul became heavy and the skeleton across from her started sending bone-shaped bullets her way. The increased gravity made it difficult, but she was very good at detecting patterns and timing her movements just right. She managed to avoid all of his intricate waves of bones with the least amount of energy possible. She was able to catch a breather and use a little trick she called “check stats.” She did this with everyone who chose to fight her in order to understand them a little better and find a way to appease them.
    ‘Wing Dings Gaster. LV 6. Hurt some people on purpose. That’s probably bad. Though maybe some of it was in self-defense or something. I don’t know, I wasn’t there. HP 200/200 MP 55/60 AT 6 DF 7. Royal Scientist obsessed with breaking the barrier.’ Tempus gulped. Even if she didn’t lose her cute ribbon, he could kill her in 2 hits (she was weak for a human, she only had 10 HP.) She could use one of her tricks like “redo” or “teleport” but those always left her feeling tired and hungry. If she could negotiate a solution, she would always try that first. She had to think fast as she dodged the next, trickier volley of bones.
* * *
    The human was exceptionally skilled at dodging. Gaster would have been impressed if it weren’t so annoying. It was just making the battle drag out longer. Between the volleys of bones, the human attempted to reason with him. Its efforts were fruitless. He just tuned it out. Nothing it said mattered. They needed its soul for the barrier. There was no discussing it. Gaster did not indulge it with replies, it probably wouldn’t understand his accent anyway, and he doubted it knew how to read his hands. Talking to it would be pointless, and he did not like to do anything pointless. He was, however, intrigued that it wielded no physical weapon. This was odd for humans since most of them could not wield magic. On the off chance it could use magic, why didn’t it? It was in very real danger and did not defend itself besides dodging and expelling useless chatter. Perhaps it was luring him into a false sense of security. Its soul signature was patience after all. It could be waiting for the right moment to strike, for all he knew. As he was thinking that, the human changed tact, but not in the way he expected.
* * *
    Tempus had four different logical actions she could use on Gaster: reason, plead,  threaten and joke. In addition to actions, she could use a ‘trick’ to manifest magical versions of her toy knife to attack him. She dropped the real one back in the ruins when she promised herself she wouldn’t use it to hurt anyone. With magic, you could manipulate it so that the person on the receiving end could be left with 1 hp, no matter how many times you hit, but that was her most desperate move. More desperate than attempting to actually spare him or run away, both of which would be very desperate indeed, considering his strength. She was getting to that point of desperation though.
    She tried pleading and reasoning several times, hoping to wear him down, but to no effect, since he didn’t seem to be listening. Maybe he was deaf. An idea occurred to her: perhaps he wasn’t ignoring her, perhaps he actually couldn’t hear her pleas. He didn’t have ears after all. There was no guarantee he understood ASL, but it had a better chance of success than sparing him. She gave it a shot, thanking her stars she knew sign language since she was little.
  “Please stop. I’m not going to try to leave the underground. I don’t want to hurt you or your king. I know you need my soul for the barrier, but you don’t have enough anyway. Can’t I stay in peace, at least until the last human falls?”
* * *
    Once again, this human surprised Gaster, this time by speaking in hands; a highly unusual trait, even among monsters; many understood, but few actually knew how to use it themselves. He was so stunned, he forgot to ignore what it was saying. ‘It made a good argument,’ he begrudgingly acknowledged. That didn’t mean it wasn’t lying about being a pacifist. True, it didn’t have any LV or EXP but, who’s to say it would never gain some? No matter what it said, he couldn’t let it roam free. Humans were far too dangerous and unpredictable. But perhaps it didn’t have to be killed yet. If its power could be restrained, harnessed, then maybe freedom was closer than it seemed. Plans formed in his head for how to get and use that power. The possibilities it presented were endless. It would almost be a waste to kill it so soon.
* * *
    Gaster considered for a moment then said both out loud and with his hands, “If I let you live, will you come quietly?”
    Tempus did not like the idea of an LV 6 scientist taking her captive, but what choice did she have? “Yes. I’ll come quietly.” she signed and spoke. The battle ended. 0 EXP and 0 G gained.
    “Oh, I can hear you just fine. I was just ignoring you earlier.” Gaster said bluntly.
   She had a feeling this was the case, though she had hoped better of him. “You don’t have to sign for me either. My hearing is just fine.”
   He paused and looked at her with an unreadable expression on his face. “Really now, you can understand me?” he spoke out loud only, neither using his hands or magic to sign. His tone was colored in disbelief as if he highly doubted a human like her could know what he was saying.
   Tempus had no clue what he was implying. He did have a bit of an accent, but it was nothing crazy. “Yes, I can understand you. We’re speaking the same language, aren’t we?”
    “Indeed. But for now, I would rather you didn’t speak unless spoken to until we get back to the lab. You did agree to come quietly.” That’s not what that meant and he knew it, he was just being smug. But Tempus obeyed him. She was patient. She would follow along, do as he said...at least until she figured something out.
* * *
     As they walked on in silence, Gaster’s mind was buzzing.  ‘The human, hereby referred to as ‘subject 3’ or ‘3-T’ diverges from the norm in several notable ways. First, it understands me, signs or no signs, furthermore, it is capable of using the signs itself. Second, it speaks in a distinct font, as a skeleton would. Said font could be seen as a mix between the fonts used by Subjects 1 and 2. Given a name, the font would be ‘Tempus’ hence the ‘T’ in ‘3-T’ but I’m not telling it that, lest it feels special or something. Third, it chooses to wield no physical weapon though it may be in possession of magical ability, a rarity among humans. That is yet to be seen, but upon further inspection, it is noted subject 3 possess a certain aura and frailty unusual to its kind. This aura and frailty are reminiscent of the wizards who betrayed their monster kin(as far as I am aware, all wizards have some monster blood in them) and sealed us away nearly 1000 years ago. I’d be nostalgic if I didn’t still have the battle scars. Last, Subject 3 is adept at timing its dodges perfectly. I suspect it has something to do with its soul signature ‘patience.’ All these things ought to be looked into and studied. Subject 3 is lucky to have piqued my interest so thoroughly...or maybe unlucky. It’s too late either way.’
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