#I know you're not active rn but hopefully you'll see this when you come back :P
stick-by-me · 3 months
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Riddle me this...
New follower sticker for: @arabriddler!
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localplaguenurse · 4 months
Thinking of doomed to die ver for the boys
I was thinking of cancer like as in either Jason or Oli got it, like sure it can be cured but there’s no guarantee it’ll be gone for good, it’ll most likely come back. So they would spend the last couple years,months, and days doing everything they always wanted to do together before the unavoidable happens.
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Well Ivy, you're (hopefully) asleep rn as I'm answering so idk if you'll see the notif for this being answered first, or my discord messages.
I don't think I explicitly told you this, and I don't know if you put the pieces together yourself, but Oli's creator is @wretchedshade, who actually had cancer herself. She's beat it since, and she actually just got her bloodwork done again and she's still in the clear.
As such, I had her help in writing this out. This is all based on our instagram messages. I'm also going to put a "read more" here because while it won't get into the nitty gritty details, cancer is not fun. Actually got a little emotional typing it out rip-
Content warning: cancer and cancer treatments, referenced smoking and drug/alcohol usage, mentions of depression and suicide
Oli would more than likely develop lung cancer. He was a smoker for a while and he did start quitting around the time he and Jason got together, fully ditching the habit once the two brought Alice home. It's stage two cancer because Shade wants to be nice, so he'd be doing light chemo and taking medication. She wanted to make it stage three like hers was where he needs emergency surgery, heavy chemo, possible radiation.
Since it's the lungs though, which are delicate, he'd have to do chemo/radiation to shrink the cancer/tumors down before they have to actually go poking around in there and making the really hard decisions.
"And despite it all and the constant pain, nausea, breathing problems and losing his hair, Oli still has a smile on his face bc even though he's been told his chances are good, if something does go wrong he doesn't want his husband and daughter's last memory of him to be how much he suffered." - Shade
Jason would refuse to cry in front of Oli or Alice. He needs to be their support system. Alice is young, she doesn't fully understand why this is happening and is scared she's going to lose her papa, and Oli's the actual cancer patient. The cancer patient doesn't need to console the healthy man and tell him everything's going to be okay, because Jason's not the one with cancer. He saves his tears for when no one is around and for the day Oli gets cleared.
If it were Jason, it would more than likely be pancreatic cancer, possibly even leading to liver cancer. While his main and worst addiction was cocaine, he was also a really heavy drinker during his band days. Even in the years after leaving the band, he still struggled with alcohol and binge drinking every now and then whenever he had a really bad day.
Regardless of the stage of cancer and if he is/isn't going to make it, he's pulling out his "bucket list," something he whipped up back when he was a suicidal teenager who thought he was going to go out in a drug fueled blaze of glory like all the other rockstars he admired did. It's a dumb list of dumb shit, but he picks out a few activities that he thinks are still fun or doable, and he does them with his friends and family so that regardless of where he winds up, they'll think of the fun times before the shitty ones.
It would also be one of those instances where he actually talks to and tries to spend time with his dad. Hell, it might be enough that his dad finally stops being a bitter bastard and gives Jason's "nontraditional" family a chance. Jason got his spite and temper from someone, but even his dad knows this is not a time to be a bigot when his first and only child is sick.
He also doesn't want anyone making comments about his hair. No jokes, no remarks, no pointing out bald spots. Jason's favourite part of his appearance is his hair, and he was devastated hearing he'd lose it during his treatment. What lessens the sting is him and his daughter picking out chemo beanies and wigs for when he finally goes bald. It also helps to make Alice less worried about everything, and is a nice bonding experience during a really difficult situation.
Alice kind of exists in my head in a perpetual limbo of either baby or small kindergartener, maybe a teenager. I'm picturing her being 5-6, still really young. She's a sweet child and loves her dads dearly, so when they get a call about a fight at school, it turns out it's because she started hitting a kid that made a comment about whichever dad has cancer. Jason's "talk shit get hit" mentality is genetic. She felt bad because she doesn't like hitting people, but other than that she refused to apologize to the other kid.
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zorciarkrildrush · 10 months
I occasionally see religious centers (and I know rn my mom is into one) whose entire selling point is "Let's talk this out! We're not so different! Let's have real and honest dialogue and we'll both benefit :)" and it's such cutesy wholesome marketing and also such a load of bullshit
Like it's the same deal as religious people saying "just be respectful about X, that's not so hard!" And "just come over on Saturday/Sunday! For the community! Just cover up! Just say a prayer over this one thing!"
I was also told this personally, a lot - why not say this prayer before bed? It barely takes any time and you'll only benefit. Why not look into this thing? You're so smart and surely you'll come to interesting conclusions. Why not this, why not that, it's a small thing, it's only to be respectful, it's only to honor tradition, it's to honor mom, honor grandpa, and so on and on and on
And it's just, completely and truly one way. Nobody's out here making whole ass propaganda campaigns to turn you away from religion. Nobody puts on an 80s Rowdy Troublemaker voice and tells you to put down that prayer book and come consort with them listening to godless music. Sure I guess it happens passively, but if we're talking active influence - the two don't compare, like, ever.
I don't want to have a dialogue, because the point of the dialogue is ONLY to convince me. Pick up another habit. Lean more towards us. That's it, nobody's on the other side excited to learn about my heathen ways and maybe they'll come away with a little life lesson on their own. They're right and I'm wrong and hopefully they can nudge me towards their rightness, clothed as they are in wholesome and accepting and nonproblematic talking points.
I even saw this brought up with religious households - what happens when a theist/believing/traditional parent raises children with an atheist or agnostic parent?
There's an overwhelming statistic to this: the nonbelieving parent leans more towards religion. The education they give their kids will lean more towards religion. Either that or the relationship doesn't really work out, honestly. Again, statistically.
I'm not saying religious people are evil, or that people aren't entitled to practice whatever belief they want (in the privacy of their own home ehuehheuehe), but organized religion trying to convince me they don't proselytize? That this is about dialogue and a back and forth? Fuck you, it really really isn't.
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sukugo · 9 months
Yeah I wasn't sure if you're okay with leaks and spoilers so I tried to be vague. It's alright, I'll wait till you're seen the chapter! Do you typically read the official translation on Sundays/Mondays or fantranslations that come out 1-2 days after the leaks? There's another thing I noticed actually, I'd like to think that it proved my theory right? I'll save that for later as well.
Oh yes please read The Path To Insanity, on AO3! I highly recommend it. It's so good to the point where I couldn't stop thinking about it for few days lol.
Hmm I think so, most of us have been suffering after some Bad Shit™ happened and I think you'll be affected too. Sending you positive vibes in advance! It's good that you're actively avoiding leaks because the fandom is literally imploding rn, it's chaos everywhere. Though surprisingly it didn't hit me as hard as I thought it would. I think it's due to the fact that I'm too busy being conflicted at how it was executed and stressed over how future chapters would turn out so I don't really have the capacity for sadness atm.
I wonder what you'll think after you've read it. Like personally I found it pretty haphazard and laughable lmao. It just feels strange and surreal in a bad way, maybe Gege meant to set tone like this on purpose? Idk. This chapter has a vastly different vibe from the rest of the manga to me so I'm trying to refrain myself from being reactionary and impulsive like others. I'll wait for Public Enemy #1 (Gege) to continue the story instead lol, based on some context clues there's still a slight chance that this might be just another sick and twisted joke from that demonic cat. Hopefully. I wanna beat his ass though he'd better sleep with one eye open
i usually just read the chapter on sundays when it comes out (which is kinda funny bc i DO read the fan trans too haha). but im gonna be honest, im considering reading the scanlation earlier this time agdkdhskd. i'll see what i do dgfdgd
but well. even tho i havent seen the leaks i do know What Happens (there's quite literally no way to not know, it's everywhere). bc oh boy is it imploding. yesterday i decided to take a small peek into twitter and it was. on fire. i closed it immediately, i was not gonna deal with all that csjdhdjd. but my tumblr's been pretty peaceful! it's so easy to avoid things here if u have the tags filtered, tho even then, i just haven't gotten so much of it on my dash anyways
and about the last thing u say, from the little things i came across, i did see that there were mixed feelings about the chapter, but as i haven't actually seen the leaks i can't really comment. so yeah ill come back to give u a proper reply after ive read the chapter!! :D
AS FOR THE PATH TO INSANITY I STARTED READING IT YESTERDAY ACDJHDJSH. ive only read 2 chs but GDJDH EXTRA BRATTY TEEN GOJO WITH SUKUNA!!!!! lately I've just been so into specifically that, so yeah im enjoying it <3333
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complexgods · 2 years
Hello pretty boy! I hope you're doing well, or better. I'm sorry for not being super active on Tumblr nowadays. And I'm sorry that you feel conflicted when it comes to writing :(.
I wish I could do more but the best I can do rn is offer you hugs, kisses, and support, and to tell you that it's okay to feel what you're feeling! It's hard to deal with and makes you feel conflicted. Sometimes it happens to the best of us and we just need to take a step back and forget about it. Don't feel guilty for not updating more or not answering requests! Easier said than done, but writing takes a lot of time and isn't a one-and-done kind of thing. I know that you may want to keep going, but by doing so, you'll burn out faster and faster and start to dread the process. Even if it isn't typing words out onto a doc, constantly pushing yourself to want something or to do something will create that effect.
Taking a break from socials, or doing small writing exercises may help. Try doing some fun prompts or jot down something that stirs an idea inside you. If you don't like how you write, then read some of your favorite writers works and study what you do like about them! It also take a while to build enough confidence in your writing, and that's okay! Sorry for the rambling, just know that I support you!! ❤️❤️❤️
- kiss kiss fall in love anon
HI MY LOVE thank you so so much for your kind words, I appreciate them and you!! So much!!!! I'm sending you so many kisses and hugs and I hope you are staying well and healthy! Your message really brightened my day (really just seeing you sent me and ask makes my heart go whooshsjkdhc) !!!!! Work is finally a bit easier atm so hopefully I'll be lurking on here more so I won't miss your messages by too long <3
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rxdyzsoull · 3 years
≡;- ꒰ ° Kageyama x Male!Reader part 4 sub-part 1 ꒱
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⎯ "third person pov" ⎯୧
Hinata woke up at around 6 AM. He rubbed his eyes and got out of his room to make some cereal for breakfast. As he walked through the hallway, he saw Kageyama emerge from Y/N's room. Hinata smirked. "Soooo, what were you doing in Y/N's room huh?" he said rather loudly. Kageyama shushed him. "Boke, you'll wake him up!" Hinata just giggled.
Five minutes later, Y/N got up and went downstairs. He saw Kageyama and Hinata go to the kitchen. "I am getting pretty hungry myself," Y/N thought. So he decided to go to the store and buy some bread and jam. He had enough money for a whole bag of sliced bread, so he thought of get one for the whole team. While he was heading to the store, he saw a boy with hair that looked like pudding sitting on a concrete platform (whatever you call those things). He thought the guy might be lost, and went over to him. He saw that he was playing on a Nintendo switch, which he is too broke to afford. "Are you lost?" he then asked. The pudding head turned to see who spoke. "Um, no, I just came here to take a break." he replied softly. "Oh, okay." Y/N said. He took a peek at the boy's bag and saw a pair of volleyball shoes. "No way, you're a volleyball player?" Y/N exclaimed. "Yeah, I am. It tires me sometimes, though, and that's why I'm here." he said. "By the way, I'm Kozume Kenma. What's your name?" "I'm Y/N L/N. Pleasure to meet you, Kenma-kun!" Y/N replied, smiling. Kenma couldn't help but blush. He saw the letters on Y/N's shirt that read "Karasuno." "So he's who I'm playing against later." Kenma thought. "Kenma, there you are! Come on, we have to get back." A bedhead appeared and called Kenma. "And you are?" he said to Y/N. "I'm Y/N L/N. Who are you?" Y/N replied. "Tetsurou Kuroo's the name. I've been looking for Kenma here 'cause he's like, 5 minutes late for practice." The guy named Kuroo said. "Well, guess we'll see each other later, Y/N." Kenma said as he walked back with Kuroo. "Hopefully. See ya!" Y/N waved at him. Kenma waved back, smiling. He then sighed happily. "Seems as if someone fancies ol' Y/N over there, hm?" Kuroo said, smirking. "Shut up, rooster head." Kenma replied, covering his head to hide his blush. "Hey, that was uncalled for!" Kuroo exclaimed.
Y/N got back from the store and went to the kitchen to see everybody at the table. "Where have you been, Y/N?" Daichi asked. "I just wanted to treat everyone, so I got some sliced bread!" he said holding out the bag he bought. "I also got strawberry jam for us! It's not much but—" He was gonna finish his sentence when Nishinoya yelled, "LET'S GET THIS BREAD!!!" Almost all of the others laughed, and proceeded to eat. "By the way, you all have done your assignments, right?" Daichi asked. While the rest of the team replied with a "Yes," Kageyama and Y/N just kept silent. "Shit, I was so caught up in Y/N's situation that I forgot to do it!" Kageyama thought. Y/N knew what Kageyama was thinking about. He felt bad for dragging Kageyama into his own personal problems. "Y/N? Kageyama?" Daichi caught the attention of the two. "Um....." Y/N began. He wondered whether to tell the truth or not. He sighed, and answered, "Well......some stuff happened yesterday and I was kinda caught up with it." "And you, Kageyama?" Daichi said to Kageyama as Tsukishima chuckled. "I was um, helping Y/N with his situation." Kageyama replied, looking guilty. "Wait wait wait, don't tell me you guys—you know..." Tanaka said, his dirty mind in play. "WHAT, NO, WHAT THE FUCK????" Y/N and Kageyama said at the same time, faces fully red. "Then, what did you guys do?" Ennoshita asked. "I......just don't wanna talk about it right now, okay?" Y/N replied. Daichi sighed. "Well, you both better finish it before this afternoon, or I will have to suspend you two from future activities." Y/N and Kageyama just nodded their heads.
(SOOOOO, this is just sub-part 1 of part 4 lol. I can't think of a further plot rn, so I'll leave it at this for now. Oh yeah, @haikyuuublog part 4 sub-part 1 is here! I'll make a sub-part 2 once I have something in mind.)
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hisfearlesshaz · 3 years
My lessons will be online, mostly, but fuckin uni didn't say much. I probably will be at the dorm. I don't think nice things about Turkey anymore, sorryyyyy. (Maybe the foods🤨)
There's no guarantee of anything, and I'm hoping for you the best. You'll do your best.❣
I don't think you're awkward. Nope, you don't follow me. I was just a fan of your art.🥺🥺🥺 If I remember correctly, I followed you after your 'Literally Making Love' fanart. Ohhhh, I didn't want to watch shameless after the 8th season. Idk why.
I feel the same as you. That was one of the reasons of chose my major. But it's SO EXHAUSTING. Sometimes, thinking about dropping the uni and changing my major.
I'm in a little hurry right now (baking a cake!!!), so I may be writing silly or meaningless things. About crushing on a guy; I can't say the right things about it from this perspective, but it might be empathy or crush. (The last time I had a crush on a guy, I was in 10th grade. He's like my closest friend now and has a lovely girlfriend, but I'm not sure if she likes me or not hahauaa. (Funny info lolll) Yeah, I may not know what I am saying hahahaaahaha.) Asexuality is a spectrum. You might have a crush on him. 🤷‍♀️ Ughhhh, people who say things like that just shut your fucking mouth. Nobody has to 'find the right person ', love someone, or be in a relationship, etc.
Love you too!! Never apologize about talking so much, because we are all stressed youth and love talking with people who don't know us irl. I WILL come to you when I'm ready without being on anon and say just simple 'Hi!' -🐶🍽🍂 So you'll know who i am.🤭
(Also i'm so excited for Louis' documentary and Harry's tour!!!! Isn't Change great????)
Uffff I don't want to do another year of online classes, it's hard to stay focused and I need to start uni with the right mindset and find my study method and stuff and I need to be there to do it. Let's hope for the best! Thank you :)
Well maybe you don't think so but I do feel like I am, so. Lol. Ouchh nooo I thought I was already following you but like this I have no idea who you are! (Not that I had one before but these are just DETAILS). And yeah I feel like a lot of people saw my blog thanks to that one, even if it's not my most popular. Out of curiosity, how did you find it?
Noooo why?? I know you just said you don't know why but whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Ughhh I'm thinking of dropping out and I didn't even start 😭 but I know I won't because of the money my family already spent lol. Two weeks remaining before it starts!!!!!! Shit!!!!!!! Hahahahhhah I just hope I'll like it and manage to do everything on time and nicely.
Do you remember what cake were you baking?? Anyways, yeah idk what it was/is but I'm home now and won't probably see him for months or maybe ever again, so problem solved 😂 And in the end I think it was just me making a new friend and wanting him to like me even though I'm stupid and younger and blah blah blah. I'm genuinely happy I met him but that's it lol. Last time I had a crush for someone was last year before covid but with the pandemic and all he stopped coming to school (we were classmates) and without seeing him it just went away 😂 but actually I have to thank whatever made him stop answering my messages because a drug addict not completely over his ex and constantly in trouble with the police is not ideal :/
Yyyyyyeeeeeeah I know it is but still idk idk idk idk everything is very confused rn and I have so many things to think about and this one just stays on the back of my mind waiting for me to have time. Hopefully with the start of uni I'll be more organised *fingers crossed*
I hope you liked (and like) them!! I loved the doc and the show but I'm not actively following hary's tour (oops, but I'll catch up hahaha) so idk about that. I would love to know what he'll do with the european dates though. I wanna see you too Harry!! Ugh!! (no I don't have a ticket. shh, let me dream).
Thanks for reading all the stuff I write, you're lovely and talking to you is always suuuuuuper nice 🖤💖 Sorry again for answering after so long! From now on I'll go back to my old activity time hahaha
(also, it's half past midnight right now. Just so you know that I actually kept my promise and answered this evening!! But today it's the day my data plan refreshes and I have no money on my SIM so I have no internet until the morning when I can turn on the wifi 😒)
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