poritora · 2 days
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emilyych · 2 days
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We don’t discuss the bow Odysseus.
full comic strip under cut
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biglarry5 · 3 days
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dragonroilz · 2 days
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I LOVE MITHRIXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mementoasts · 2 days
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somewhere else?
some ramblings below:
something something, jon landed in erebus and was healed from the stab wound by the time he woke up. he's still connected to the eye and has been able to manage on his own more or less, but he's generally been nerfed and is also struggling to concentrate as an effect of erebus being a place the eye can't really see.
he meets melinoe in the fountain chamber, where he's been able to catch his breathe and try to think about what to do next, and how to reach martin, who he's been separated from. the chamber has the added benefit of being spider free, probably thanks to the cat that frequents the area.
martin is in the fields of mourning, however jon isn't able to see that far deep into the underworld, much less be able to go down there himself. he can, at the very least, sense that he IS there somewhere. martin probably assumes that jon is dead, and some mix of of the lonely and being in the fields has him doing not so well :( can eventually be found by melinoe, sitting alone in a chamber next to one of those statues that watch you
uhh something something, eventually they're reunited and get a happy ending xD
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aroi-te-roi · 15 hours
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An HadesxPersephone reference? YAASS✨
Repost August 2023 ☕Support my art by donating in my Ko-fi
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7clubs · 21 hours
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eris doodling
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sigeel · 2 days
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new punderworld is up and we get to meet the good boi!
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azurejacques · 1 day
Hades telling Melinoë “risk not your everything”,,,, such a parallel to Patroclus telling Zagreus to tell Achilles to risk it all…. I’m ill. The parallels of risking oneself for love and family
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letteyeyo · 2 days
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“The sigil of frost…”
for my beloved mel and her grandma!
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thetimetraveler24 · 3 days
It’s kind of funny because statistically, there is a 100% escape rate of demigods from Tartarus. If you count gods and titans, there’s either a 90% or a 92% escape rate (depending on whether you subscribe to all six of Kronos’s kids freed the cyclops and hundred hand ones or just the three gods). This is all based on people who willingly went there and attempted an escape (or who lived there and attempted to escape in Damasen’s case). So this doesn’t even take into account that monsters die, return to Tartarus, and escape all the time.
So we have: Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, Hestia, Nico (2x), Percy, Annabeth, Bob/Iapetus, Damasen, Apollo (sort of) and Will who have all been. That is 14 instances and the only one who didn’t make it out is Damasen who we could probably lop in with the regular Tartarus denizens who didn’t willingly go there. In that case, it becomes a 100% escape rate all around.
Just breaking down the demigods that went and made it:
Percy Jackson - extremely powerful godly powers, very good swordsman
Annabeth Chase - does not have offensive godly powers, but she’s an accomplished strategist and talented with weapons
Nico di Angelo - extremely powerful godly powers, very good swordsman, was not in a great headspace the first time, had a buddy the second time so that was a lot better for him
Will Solace - very powerful healer and also has plague powers, brought zero weapons
They all have various different skill sets and I think are a decent sample of the different types of demigods Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter might have to offer.
So statistically, a demigod’s odds are pretty good if they want to pop down there for a quick visit and then get out. That exotic tour destinations thing might work out. Nyx might need to start advertising.
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somepinkthing · 2 days
Its very interesting how many people are saying zagreus "had a childhood" in comparison to melinoe given that he had his father and the house of hades at the time, either forgetting what hades was like or not clocking just how shit of a dad hades actually was. I'm here to inform you that they BOTH had a childhood! It just was two different variations of suck. Melinoe's longing is only because she's been raised to idealize the life she might have had after zag's efforts to fix things paid off. That doesn't mean zagreus lived a childhood worth longing after.
Zagreus wasn't running away just to be rebellious and difficult, it was just framed that way because that's how Hades saw it. Hades's only good point as a dad back then was that he at least wasn't as bad as his own dad.... who ate him. Bar was literally set in hell and hades barely hovered right above it. Even discounting the implication that he was even worse back when zagreus was a small child, hades was already every flavor of emotionally and physically abusive there was—hell he was abusive as a manager, let alone a dad. He would literally rather personally beat and kill you than talk to you about why he's banned surface visiting. And this is only after manipulating ppl you care about into doing the same. The house of hades may be melinoe's dream, but it was zagreus's prison. Literally. Like he wasn't allowed to leave. The whole premise of the first game was that all of this trouble was gone through just so zagreus could even so much as take a walk. And hades frames that as something reasonable and we are the unreasonable ones for not seeing that
Sure, zag had one parent and a house (prison) to go back to. But that doesn't mean that either of them have a childhood worth envying. You could point out that zag had stability (if the house of hades could be counted as stability). I could point out that at least melinoe was always made to feel wanted and important (if being seen as a savior counts). It's an oversimplification on both ends because while both of them did have people who cared and things about their life that they loved, neither of them grew up in a stellar environment. Zagreus wasn't a brat, he was as reasonable as his circumstances were allowing.
TLDR Hades was a much worse dad than the people who seem to think zagreus had it soo much easier are clocking and zagreus grew up in an environment that was actually extremely abusive (a fact that he himself doesn't appear aware of throughout the whole game, even after persephone points it out).
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klauswalz · 20 hours
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dragonroilz · 2 days
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Another one. Have you come to regale my splendor?
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Hello there. . . . Ah. You're asleep. You wouldn't mind if I took a few things, right?
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deadbaguette · 3 days
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Coloured trad doodles!!
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mushratting · 13 hours
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been watching my friend play hades
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