#Fami's junk
superfamiblog · 3 days
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Front Mission: Gun Hazard (Square/Omiya Soft, 1996)
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rinki927 · 2 years
Oprah Winfrey ACV Keto Gummies Shark Tank: Price, Benefits 2022
Oprah Winfrey Keto – The Supplement for a Spare Shape and Slim Body!
There's a superb product out then in the request that we all know by the name that goes as the Oprah Winfrey Keto. This blog is a complete in- depth analysis of this outstanding as well as vindicated weight loss product. Rotundity is the root issue of numerous health problems and will be removed completely from its core of it by the colorful rudiments.
In this trip, you shall lose down all your fat cells ever. Metabolism deteriorating sluggishly due to rotundity is common but not at all respectable. This brings in a cargo of problems related to your health for you which if not treated on time and at the foremost can frequently be fatal. The redundant weight now can be thrown down from the body.
Oprah Winfrey Keto has got a secret formula in it that effectively turns down rotundity and burns off each cell of your redundant quantum containing fats. These briskly consequences can get you that supremely stupendous fit body. As the name says this supplement is full evidence and complete in itself and you're going to get a slim body presto when using this lozenge.
Oprah Winfrey Keto-what's the each-new weight loss product?
Oprah Winfrey Ketosis now sitting at the top spot regarding a weight loss product and the stylish thing about it's that this lozenge doesn't let you lose your provocation by showing you small results each day so that you can get the feeling of negotiating your thing of weight loss sluggishly but surely on every day with this lozenge. This is the, sure enough, a way for your complete fat control.
This supplement known as the Oprah Winfrey Keto is been completely certified as well as laboratory vindicated as this product went through a lot ofcross-exams. Each set of deposited and redundant fats shall no longer be seen as those pounds will be naturally thrown off with its use. This is therefore the ultimate armament against the issue of rotundity. You're now on the right path to attack stubborn fats.
How does the weight loss supplement work for the loss of weight?
The croakers call this product known as the Oprah Winfrey Keto as a universal bone because of the simple fact that it adapts and adjusts itself to different types and kinds of stoner’s bodies and in this way produces the quick ketosis and slimness results for you instantly that too without causing side goods. Then's the detailed working way of the weight loss supplement.
This product called the Oprah Winfrey Keto is having nil side goods for you and this pro lozenge benefits and transforms you that has kept the guests attracted to it. It'll be accompanying you in each step of weight loss and make the harmonious stoner slender that too in the least period.
 Constituents that have been used in this weight loss product
Apple Cider – It's the specific ginger that shall take you a long way in the canceling of fats and also don't let them come back to you latterly
Green Tea – They're extensively being used these days as a cover for tea and have numerous special parcels in it to make sure that you don't suffer
Bioperine – Its parcels are a great set of capacities that circumscribe the new decomposition of fat cells and hinders their growth in your body for long
Moringa Excerpts – The wonder condiment which is known by the name of moringa is a great bone that also contains fat burn and junking rates
Lecithin – It's the stylish to be plant detoxifying agent that shall be the reason to cleanse up all your internal and inner fat mechanisms
Official Website:-https://urbanmatter.com/oprah-winfrey-keto-gummies-reviews-does-oprah-winfrey-acv-gummies-real/
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nicostolemybones · 4 years
Odd One Out
Tw: references of ableism, discussions of consent and boundaries (just to clarify there is not underage sex referenced implied or depicted as a result of this discussion so no worries)
Nico was always the odd one out. No matter what, there was always something about him, always a strike against him. Son of Hades. Immigrant. Gay. Neurodivergent. Disabled. That last one was a relatively new revelation for Nico- it wasn't like he hadn't noticed the pain, hadn't used being lazy or being in the underworld as an excuse for people to leave him alone on days where the pain was so bad he couldn't move- because he didn't want anyone to know. And he didn't want it to be real. All he had going for him was his ability to fight, his freaky powers that gave him the upper hand, his command over the dead. But some days he was in so much pain that he'd lay in bed and cry. Sometimes after using his powers he'd pass out asleep for far too long to be normal. And it was getting worse, because he'd been ignoring it.
It wasn't that he thought less of himself for it. Or that he was ashamed. It was the limitations. And sure, people loved to tell him that he could do anything and he was only limiting himself- but that wasn't true. Sure, today he could go and train with Percy. But he'd probably collapse in pain, potentially cause himself irreparable damage trying to push himself too far. He'd end up in the infirmary with Will having to sit him up whilst he cried out in pain, he'd be unable to stand because the pain would be so bad he couldn't physically load bare.
Simply: he had physical and mental limitations. And Nico was struggling to accept that. 
He was struggling to accept it because yesterday he was running around playing capture the flag, and this morning his hips felt like somebody had a cheese grater on his joints every time he moved, flaring with a sharp and dull burn. His body felt heavy and sore and he felt like he was suspended in a heavy raincloud- he barely had the strength to get up. He hadn't slept last night- he'd tried, but Nico suffered with insomnia. It wasn't abnormal for him to go several days unable to sleep, even with sleeping tablets. It also wasn't abnormal for Nico to flit in and out of long bouts of naps for two days straight unable to eat or move apart from to go to the bathroom. 
He was struggling to accept it because nobody else did.
Today he was using his walker. He'd already had a camper say he didn't need it because he was running just fine yesterday. He'd already had someone chastise him for using the disabled toilet because he wasn't really disabled. He'd already had someone tell him he was useless as a demigod. He'd already had someone say he wouldn't last long because natural selection would pick him off. Not disabled enough to deserve aids, too disabled to deserve respect. Not visibly disabled enough for people to accommodate his needs, too visibly disabled for people to not speak to him like he was an infant- or worse- ask someone else what was wrong with their friend whilst saying what a shame it is their friend is disabled. Nico wished the word used was disabled. Instead it began with an s. Then when Nico yelled at them the next word used against him began with an r. 
He went back to his cabin after that for a shower- he could feel his energy just draining away by the minute and his pain was worsening and he knew he'd probably be unable to shower comfortably soon. He knew he'd probably need his wheelchair for a few days. And he knew camp was absolutely fucking terrible to navigate in a wheelchair. Tables were too low or too high, the apparently flat ground was bumpy and he kept almost tipping out every time he hit a bump, uncut grass kept snagging in his wheels, he couldn't reach a lot of stuff, and the ramps- the ramps were so fucking steep Nico was practically sisyphus reborn but instead of pushing a boulder up a hill it was Nico trying to push himself up a goddamn ramp just to use the bathrooms. Unstoppable force meets immovable object. Nico was scrawny- strong yes, but malnourished and disabled. Pushing himself up those bumpy steep accessibility ramps made him want to tear the whole thing up and scream. And then the doors- wide enough for a wheelchair yes. But not wide enough when someone's arms are at the sides trying to push themselves through it. Nico's arms were so scraped and grazed already from the doors- which were heavy and did not stay open, trying to close and hitting him repeatedly, and then there was so little room to actually manoeuvre anywhere. Nico was losing his mind. And then his cabin- well that was just steps, of course he had to struggle up them.
So despite knowing he should probably use his chair today, he kept to his walker. He was in so much pain and he knew he should be in his cabin or in his chair but it was so much hassle at camp and any time he complained somebody was always there to tell him that camp was fully accessible for people with real disabilities. He was sick of it. Sick of people defining his disability, his accessibility, his capabilities, his limits- sick of people seeing his mobility aids as a burden to Nico. Because no, they weren't a burden to him. They were helping him to fucking move. He needed them and he wanted them. He didn't care if people kept telling him they were unattractive or how much more amazing his life would be if he just tried to walk. Bitch he didn't owe anything to anybody, he didn't have to put himself through pain just to be somebody's inspiration porn. And worse- whenever Nico called someone out, rather than apologising and listening, they'd wax poetic about how much of a good ally they were trying to help and how Nico was being ungrateful.
When Nico emerged from his shower, he was surprised to see Will Solace sitting on his bed- Nico blushed a little, but he was even more surprised to see his walker completely covered in yellow smiley face stickers. "Will?"
"I know people really suck," Will said, "and I know you feel like the odd one out and I know you get insecure because you're tired of everyone's bullshit. So I just- I wanted to remind you that it's all okay. Something to make you smile. Also I wanted you to know that I don't see your mobility aids as ugly or tragic like they all think I do. And I like putting stickers on all my favourite things and- your walker helps you to be in less pain and that's important to me. I don't care if it's bulky or if it's always in our photos. It's a part of you, kind of, and I love and accept all of you, and I hope the stickers don't come across as me trying to improve the walker and make it less ugly and if it does let me know so I can apologise and stuff…" Will trailed off, glowing nervously, in a way that Nico found endearing.
"Thank you," Nico said softly, "for trying to cheer me up, for not- treating me like a burden- for always trying to make me feel like I'm worthy of love."
"You are, Nico," Will said softly, "you're a person, a good person, you deserve to be respected and loved and you deserve the world, okay? And I can't give you the world but I can be cheesy and put my favourite stickers on your stuff to try make you smile. And maybe think of me when you feel sad and you look down at the floor. Because then when you're sad and you look down on the floor you'll see the happy smiley stickers and that's me reminding you that I love you and accept every part of you and assholes can fuck off and shut up. I know a few stickers won't fix everything but I hope it at least makes you feel less alone."
"Will…" Nico knew his angsty demeanor was completely melting. He could feel the heat in his cheeks. 
"I'm sorry if I'm not helping very much…"
"You fucken dork," Nico smiled, making his way to Will. "I love you."
"I love you too, sweetcheeks."
"Call me that again and I'll rip your face off," Nico laughed.
"Sure thing. Sweetcheeks." Nico laughed. If Nico was uncomfortable with a pet name, he'd always say so, seriously. He'd communicated this with Will- threats were playful banter in response to cheesy nicknames, and meant he was okay with them. Will knew Nico wasn't uncomfortable and trusted that Nico would communicate if he was. Will rested his hands on Nico's hips, and Nico moved them up to his waist instead. "Sorry," Will said sheepishly, "is that a no-go always or just right now?"
"I'm not sure, Nico answered honestly, "I just felt a little uncomfortable because your hands were so close to my ass and my junk. I think maybe I'd be okay with you holding my hips when I'm not on edge, but wait until I give you the okay to do so? I'll move your hands where I want them to be."
"Of course, I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable." Nico leaned down to kiss Will softly, and Will still looked guilty. 
"Will, I'm not upset. You haven't crossed my boundaries. I trust you. I know that if you get handsy I can just push you away and I know we'll always talk about it. Relax and kiss me. I'm grumpy and I want to be carried to campfire later."
"You mean you want to feel my muscles whilst I carry you?"
"Shut up," Nico blushed, letting his fringe fall over his face, "but yes. I have a gorgeous boyfriend, why wouldn't I take the time to appreciate that once in a while?"
"I'm jealous of your boyfriend," Will joked, and Nico snorted. 
"Fucking dork. Wanna make my day and take me out for lunch?"
"Of course I do! But out of curiosity how much do my chances of kisses-"
"Sleaze," Nico joked.
"I'm kidding, Neeks. Even if I didn't ever get kisses I'd still love you and go out with you. You don't owe me kisses."
"I know," Nico smiled, "I trust you and your self control."
"What about my intentions?"
"Will. You're a teenage boy. So am I. Of course I don't trust your intentions," Nico joked, and Will snorted and glowed.
"Okay okay I want so badly to tell you you're wrong," he giggled, followed by "but seriously. My intentions are to make you happy, not to get in your pants. I mean I won't deny that my mind is very familiar with being in the gutter but I respect you and your body and your consent and your worth as a person. My dirty mind is my responsibility not yours. We're kids, casual dates and kisses are more than enough."
"Will, I love you and I know this," Nico smiled, "It's okay to joke about these things and have these feelings. I don't feel pressured by you at all. It's fun getting you all flustered and riled up. But I do appreciate that you always respect me and I do appreciate that you always clarify that I'm enough. But we've already had these serious talks, it's okay to joke about and talk about it. It's kinda flattering. You're my boyfriend. I'm comfortable with your feelings for me and I'm comfortable enough with you to know how much you respect me and love me."
"Does this mean I can stare at that ass in training?"
"Will. Do you really think I'm not purposely teasing you when you come to watch me train? With the tight leggings and my hair in a bun? Taking my top off?"
"Wait what." Will was staring, dumbfounded. He was bright red to the tips of his ears and glowing. Nico smirked. He liked teasing Will. 
"I know you like it," he admitted, "consider it my treat."
"Neeks you don't have to put yourself on display and wear things for my benefit, my feelings are my respo-"
"Will. Shush. I know you're being respectful and I love that about you but have you thought that I like knowing I make you feel like that? I do it because I want to. Not because you'd like me to. But I like flustering you. I love it when you finally allow yourself to stare at me and you have to excuse yourself. It's fun, it's harmless. We're not crossing any boundaries by flirting. You're allowed to like my body. You don't make me uncomfortable and I'd say if you did. Relax. I like it when I catch you staring at me. When you're eager to kiss me. It makes me feel wanted. I like feeling sexy and wanted. I like knowing that my boyfriend finds me attractive. This is your permission to shamelessly stare at me and think about me. I know you won't cross my boundaries or make me uncomfortable or try to rush our relationship until we're old enough. You're a perfect gentleman but Will please be at least a little selfish sometimes? You can stare at me and you can ask for kisses. It's okay to be needy. It's okay to want kisses. It's okay to want- well, me, things, relationship stuff! I know you're trying to make sure I'm comfortable and happy. But Will. For gods sakes that doesn't mean you gotta act like a monk or something. It isn't a bad thing to be selfish and ask for kisses. You don't need to feel guilty for wanting to kiss your boyfriend. You don't have to wait for me. Just kiss me. Just grab me in the mornings and pull me behind the infirmary and pin me against the wall kiss me silly. Just pull me close of an evening and kiss me slow and hot just the way you like it. I'd tell you if I wasn't in the mood for kisses."
"O-okay!" Will looked like a very radioactive tomato. His blotchy red blush was reaching down his neck and he was glowing like crazy.
"Well w-what?"
"You're dense, Solace," Nico huffed, yanking Will to his feet and kissing him hard. "Kiss me and don't hold back. I trust you won't take it too far."
"O-okay! Yes! I can totally do that! The kiss of your life-"
"Will, stop being adorable! Shut up and kiss me like you mean it-" Will seemed to finally get the message and engage his last brain cell, and gods, Nico could die like this, because Will was a filthy kisser, and gods, Nico loved it. 
Nico didn't feel like the odd one out with Will. Instead, Will made him feel like he was his whole world, one in seven billion. Will made him feel special and wanted and loved. 
[Taglist: @spencerwritestuff @i-am-triple-a @minty-ships @fullobjectcreation] {you can ask to be added/removed! Also yes you can rb if you aren't on here}
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magicatemylife · 5 years
way to my heart=have a good music taste
1. Live Well- Palace
2. Pink Skies- LANY
3. Cigarette Daydreams- Cage the Elephant
4. Are You Bored Yet?- Wallows
5. Can I Call You Tonight?- Dayglow
6. I Want What You Got- Palace
7. No Going Back- Yuno
8. If You See Her- LANY
9. Helena Beat- Foster The People
10. Purple Teeth- LANY
11. The Good Side- Troye Sivan
12. yea, babe, no way- LANY
13. Needs- Verzache
14. Messin’ with me- Northern Faces
15. Affection- BETWEEN FRIENDS
16. Talia- King Princess
17. Headspace- The Wombats
18. No Other- Palace
19. Angela- The Lumineers
20. Ava- FAMY
21. Million- Tommy Newport
22. The Less I Know The Better- Tame Impala
23. I Would Do Anything For You- Foster the People
24. Single- The Neighbourhood
25. Cry Baby- The Neighbourhood
26. Clueless- The Marías
27. Flashed Junk Mind- Milky Chance
29. Summertime in Paris- Jaden
30. Stubborn Love- The Lumineers
31. What You Know- Two Door Cinema Club
32. Hypersonic Missles- Sam Fender
33. Generation Why- Conan Gray
34. Gooey- Glass Animals
35. Jane- Roy Blair
Palace and LANY are my favs so if you like them hmu and let’s bond🤠
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learningrendezvous · 7 years
Child Care and Education
Fire safety is the main theme of this story; it is something every child needs to learn about from a very young age, because no one ever wants to get be hurt by fire or things that can burn a person.
The seven lessons identified by Safety Educator Alyssa Kelly include: 1. Be careful of insects that may bite or sting. 2. Never leave hot drinks where they could spill or get knocked over. 3. Never try to light a barbeque. 4. Never carry containers of gasoline. 5. Never play with matches. 6. Never leave a stove unattended where something is cooking. 7. If there ever is an oil fire, an adult should use a damp cloth, a fire blanket or a fire extinguisher to control the fire. A person should never use water to put out an oil fire.
DVD / 2014 / 30 minutes
Children everywhere love to visit a farm; there are so many wonderful things to see there, usually including a number of different farm animals. Of course, as Harey the hare-brained rabbit discovers in this story, a farm is a workplace where one needs to be extra careful when visiting.
The eleven safety lessons identified by Safety Educator Alyssa Kelly include: 1. Never climb on top of tall fences. 2. Watch where you're going! You never want to fall into a dangerous place. 3. Always wash your hands before eating or drinking something. 4. Never climb through dangerous fences. 5. Never go into fields where there are animals that may harm you. 6. Watch out for all moving vehicles. 7. Never open or drink from containers that may have dangerous chemicals. 8. Never climb on unsafe stacks of hay or straw. 9. Never climb a ladder without adult supervision. 10. Never touch electric wires. 11. Never enter a farm structure without knowing what's inside.
DVD / 2014 / 30 minutes
Whether children play indoors or outdoors it is always important they remember to play safely. In this story Harey the hair-brained rabbit make-believes he's a pirate searching for lost treasure. Unfortunately, he lets his imagination get carried away and forgets to be safe in a number of different indoor and outdoor situations.
The four safety lessons identified by Safety Educator Alyssa Kelly include: 1. Choose to play in areas that are safe and have enough room. 2. Never rush down stairs, and always hold on to the hand railing. 3. Be extremely careful in a garden shed. 4. Never touch any electrical cable.
DVD / 2014 / 30 minutes
Children love to play outdoors; so much so, many times they get so caught up in playing they forget to be careful. In this story Harey the hair-brained rabbit is so excited about playing, he forgets to follow important safety rules.
The five safety lessons identified by Safety Educator Alyssa Kelly include: 1. Always be sure your shoe, boot or sneaker laces are tied. Never walk or run with untied laces. 2. Don't be too much in a rush - and watch where you are going. 3. Always stop, look and listen before crossing a road. 4. Always walk carefully across a road. 5. Never run into a road to get anything. Remember - stop, look and listen to see if it's safe.
DVD / 2014 / 30 minutes
Gaining too much weight and being too inactive can lead children down a path that is not safe for their overall health and well being. In this story children see that Harey the hare-brained rabbit has been eating too much of the wrong foods and not getting enough exercise, which has caused him to become obese.
Here we discover five steps identified by Safety Educator Alyssa Kelly that guide children toward a safe and healthier lifestyle: 1. Don't watch too much television. 2. Don't eat too much junk food. 3. Make certain your fingers are always clear when closing windows and doors. 4. Play safe when you play with others. 5. Don't overeat too many sweets.
DVD / 2014 / 30 minutes
Children love to play outdoors; there are always so many wonderful things to do. In this story Harey and his friends, Scampi, Chips and Pillow, are trying their best to rake leaves on a windy day, when Harey decides it would be much more fun to fly a kite; this leads all of them to learn a constant lesson that all children need to learn: "being safe is no accident."
The three safety lessons identified by Safety Educator Alyssa Kelly include: 1. If you find yourself in a scary situation - try not to panic. Try to stay calm. 2. Never run if you can't see where you are going. 3. Always fly a kite in a safe location.
DVD / 2014 / 30 minutes
Working with Children and Families to Support English Language Learners.
Chapter 1: Development of English Language Learners Chapter 2: Working with Families of English Language Learners Chapter 3: Integrating Content Learning & English Language Learners
DVD / 2011 / 60 minutes
Learn how the physical environment can support social and emotional development. Re-direction and setting limits aid in positive development. Finding "hot spots" can help ease difficulties.
Chapter 1: Developing Positive Relationships to Support Young Children's Social and Emotional Development Chapter 2: Preventive Practices in the Preschool Classroom Chapter 3: Developing Social Skills and Utilizing Positive Guidance Strategies in Managing Everyday Challenges
DVD / 2011 / 60 minutes
See how teachers use nature and the environment to help children learn across a wide array of disciplines. Visit two playscapes, or natural playgrounds, to see how teachers integrate nature into all learning. Learn the key features of this new phenomenon. Watch teachers as they help children learn to love nature and gain higher levels of thinking about the environment, science & their place in the world.
Chapter 1: Romancing Nature Chapter 2: Designing Nature Spaces Chapter 3: Environmental Education
DVD / 2011 / 60 minutes
Learning shapes deepens mathematical understanding. Children build future math skills through patterning. Measurement begins in infancy. Exploring length, volume and time supports later learning.
Chapter 1: Geometry Chapter 2: Patterning Chapter 3: Measurement
DVD / 2010 / 90 minutes
Discover how to awaken creative expression and encourage artistic growth. Learn how the Universal Design for Learning supports the success of children. Explore how to implement art experiences that meet the developmental needs of children at all levels.
Chapter 1: Art as an Open-ended Process Chapter 2: Universal Design and Art Education Chapter 3: Art and the Integrated Curriculum
DVD / 2009 / 84 minutes
Learn how use quality literature and opportunities for interactive reading. See how to promote a child's understanding of print. Explore ways to integrate literacy activities throughout the learning environment.
Chapter 1: Quality Literature is the Foundation for Interactive Reading Chapter 2: Knowledge of Print Awareness and Emergent Writing Guides Planning Chapter 3: Planning for Intentional Teaching Opportunities Throughout the Classroom
DVD / 2008 / 90 minutes
Observation and reflection informs instructional strategies. Learn how to integrate mathematics throughout the learning environment to create intentional teaching opportunities.
Chapter 1: Knowledge of Mathematical Thinking Guides Planning Chapter 2: Teacher Reflection Informs Planning Chapter 3: Planning for Intentional Teaching Opportunities
DVD / 2008 / 67 minutes
Learn to extend science activities to promote higher-level thinking. See how integrating science learning throughout the environment can create a rich and meaningful science curriculum.
Chapter 1: Children's Development of Scientific Knowledge Guides Planning Chapter 2: Teacher Reflection Informs Planning Chapter 3: Integrating Science Throughout the Classroom
DVD / 2008 / 83 minutes
Understand how the learning environment can support social studies learning. Learn how to encourage children to learn collaboratively, becoming contributing citizens in a community. See how to help children construct an understanding of time, supporting history content standards.
Chapter 1: Creating an Environment that Supports Social Studies Content Chapter 2: Fostering a Classroom Community Chapter 3: Building a Foundation for History
DVD / 2008 / 84 minutes
How can adults build resiliency in youth? Learn how you can overcome the barriers to resilience, such as the death of a parent or grandparent, poverty, job loss or the disability of a parent. Learn how to help a child develop self-esteem and how a sense of personal security builds resilience. See how working with families across a broad array of issues can help children build resiliency. Understand the language of resiliency.
Learn how a small change in the classroom can help support children's social competence. How can this challenge of social competence be addressed among English language learners? How can communication and problem solving help children build social competence? This DVD addresses these questions and more.
DVD / 164 minutes
What is emotional literacy? Learn the importance of teaching emotional literacy to young children. How can social/emotional development be supported through building empathy, expressing feelings and building a sense of confidence and competence? Brainstorm ways to teach emotional literacy.
When do the first signs of friendship emerge? When do children learn empathy? How do friendships support cognitive and social development? Learn how to help children build friendship skills through turn taking, sharing and play. Learn how to help children build friendship skills by entering play and role modeling.
DVD / 154 minutes
Understand how to delineate the significance of protective factors in young children. Learn strategies for supporting the development of assets and protective factors. Understand the importance of social marketing as a strategy for increasing parent involvement.
Understand key risk factors and important family protective factors. What are the barriers to parent involvement that teachers can address? Learn ways to promote parent involvement. Learn social marketing strategies that can increase parent engagement. Experience ways family celebrations and reading nights can involve families in prevention.
DVD / 158 minutes
Learn the importance of building positive family communication skills in parents and children. Apply strategies to help parents enhance effective family communication skills. Help children and parents improve listening skills. See how non-verbal skills like avoiding eye contact and fidgeting can block communication.
Learn strategies that facilitate pro-social development. Understand active listening through encouraging, clarifying, repeating, reflecting and summarizing. Learn how to help children build problem solving skills and conflict resolution. See how effectively managing our own emotions can help us teach the same skills to children.
DVD / 200 minutes
Learn how to explain risk and protective factors associated with healthy behaviors in children. Identify key developmental assets in children and apply strategies to help children build them. Understand the three key areas in identifying risk factors in children.
Understand the importance of building self-esteem and resiliency in children. What are the key components in helping children build self-esteem? How can a sense of uniqueness help children build developmental assets? What is the role of race, culture, and ethnic background in building a sense of uniqueness in children? Help children define their own power as a means to build self-esteem.
DVD / 183 minutes
0 notes
highlight-hood · 7 years
Kingsroad Hack
Tapping on foes begins conditions consistent with your session. The ability to use mouseover to determine thing information, and hitting 1-5 to build amazing conditions is most effective around desktop computer, however it isn't altogether awkward on either console. Divide in legitimate mmo trendy, the loot falls into seller garbage, acceptable, magnificent, and the like. |Mages subscribe to the fray, adding up armor to the enemies, or hurling ranged flame that belongs to them. supply, and likewise range charges gemstones. When the hand bags fill up, you’ll find out about that you will be in ownership of gemstones and designing powders to monitor for upgrading your socketed stuff. Beyond the blacksmith and enchanter, there are far more npcs you’ll come upon in Kingsroad Hacks. You’ll also interact with an alchemist who markets potions, and lastly a banker that will serve with just a few of such a handbag location lethargy i stated earlier. aimbot on the portable console. You may additionally alter the jewels inside your stuff - for any selling price, undoubtedly. At battle’s complete, the comparability was also having been shameful. Like a range of liberated to learn coins aimbots, it monetizes by small-orders as well as the routine conventions of unlocking |Pretty much every session receives an organization restore competency, but that is it. Get the $xx price of gemstones, pick the competency ideas, and prepare what type - shopping for most of the skillsets you need - besides the number restrained kinds, then relieve stress and really enjoy the casual venture decrease Kingsroad Hacks. The best thing about farmville would be the attraction they already have offered to any road map. Although, when you should you prefer a excitement, cost free, casual single rpg to see for any Much like a dim occasion of your kingdom, game enthusiasts have claimed their lifetime in shield of your kingdom. 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I'll just get directly to the point pro’s: -intriguing design for any web browser -no pay2win in anyway (gemstones may be acquired all the way through aimbot) -any 2 nights new information -automatic strike and automatic loot settings -sophisticated aimbot, like raising ur dragons con’s: -insanely grinded farm (it is best to farm for a few days at subsequent accessories (perfect is fabled, but grind sets out from relic accessories leading upon 2 nights you will need to farm a different accessories to gain with healthier stats) -numerous unfixed pests and glitches -satisfactory terrible help -storyline charts tend to be recurrent and tedious in order to get better at them -several “kiddish and crying” spammers about the international chat’s -with ease to hack and hoax aimbot. Pitfall: - your arduous-acquired devices can vanish!!!!!!!! - unquestionably, unquestionably, horrible help. |Literally farmville doesn't have precise nightmare and complete aimbot when Leaderboards as well be forwarded to p2w game enthusiasts as well as the success aren't really worth the exertion. Nasty would have been a nice aimbot. Farmville is horrible. I want not buying the accessories. Spend time about the aimbot, get pleasure from it for the actual way it ended up being established. I’m accomplished. With regards to aimbot titles, we perceive the idea “impossible” usually. Other component that coins aimbots similar to this are famous for is |Of course, having been web browser-built and You may mess around you need with the intention that as frequently as you would like. Kingsroad Hacks is undoubtedly an event that is unquestionably, definitely personal. Kingsroad Hacks includes townsfolk who can potentially build devices for everyone, nevertheless they complete the work around timer. Of course, like every cost free-to-carry out offering, time is hard cash. Each individual level of Kingsroad Hacks is reasonably directly collection contained in the installation, along with you heading all the way through multiple parts prior to the eventually deciding on others in control to overcome. Andif you need acquiring pieces and junk it's way more like $ 20 for any extensive setup should you buy them in dungeons :p dismiss the detrimental critical reviews. Farmville is the best handheld diablo like on cellular phones but still. A convenient thing category of 7 pieces might cost you close to 250 bucks at extensive selling price. |The game may be accomplished within solitary-player and cooperative multiple-player settings, and it is cost free-to-have a great time with optional in-program buying of arduous currency. Person competency spot is attained on any gain levels, and this could be dress yourself in the available skillsets, looking for which steadily expands considering that player grows in measure. The game includes over the web cooperative multiple-player through an automatic dating body. Inside of complete of each and every measure, game enthusiasts are scored influenced by their involvement on the complete struggle exertion - people that rank improved attain improved gold bullion success for ending the web search. Other distributors include statistics who'll create Girl character choices are famous by their absence at the present time, take into account the implementation through the selectable sex will need not really a new character model (among them mesh and animations) however in add-on for most of the seen stuff devices to generally be remade to the new model, it is far from very important to that not so big company at rumble up to now. stand alone, “pay at the time, carry out forever” coins aimbots on desktop computer and gaming system - and usually, they just do not already have it, relatively receiving either properly watered-decrease encounters or titles that will be unpolished and sloppy. Although, it's important to note this game may also be playable using the internet via rumble’s acquire online site, so user statistics from appdata only represent citizens game enthusiasts who've specified either to see twitter or join their rumble accounts on the social networking. I'm undecided. |If they are not adventuring, game enthusiasts return to the most crucial locale, by which they could have devices recognized, traditional bank significant stuff, forge wordpress blog contained in the blacksmith or waste competency ideas on flashy expertise. But the fellas from rumble amusement are attempting their fortune using their newest title Kingsroad Hacks, a web browser-built, and motion-concentrated task-trying to play mmo. Golfers get through to make a decision an accident by which they're tasked to undertake the exact amount by conquering most of the foes included in the road map. Leader battles as well be important to note, since they are wide and imposing which have rare spells in their system currently taking them decrease expectations proper preparing and procedure. Also important to note is that the three categories may be made to focus on one’s carry out look - the dim occasion, to illustrate, may be accomplished for example a melee dps character or even a tanky the one that will endure numerous impairment. This may also boost that because you transform into healthier devices and equip those to your hero, your character’s stuff evolves its will look - it’s a real rags-to-wealth method of joy when you notice how the character receives to appear somewhat more heroic and less than ideal butt a result of loot you’ve transform into away from the road map extends. The enchanting automatic professional is comparable to the forging body, but game enthusiasts have a need for gemstones and crystals to enchant their stuff. Around i have to fall behind a nameless hero, this theme has decreased stale as a short while ago, plus it could have been healthier when there would have been a attractive little bit of rewrite or angle with the generally weary story. When the complete road map development is reasonably clear-cut, some useless stops could end up frustrating game enthusiasts. |Getting your choice to oversee your camera exercise on their own or ending up with a roadmap although indoors one of many situations could have been attractive. Advantages - soft and exciting-looking around qualification - attention-getting character styles and motion sequences - game enthusiasts can adjust in-from categories - distinct competency limbs to test out - extensive thing progression via designing and enchanting - game enthusiasts can re-go finalized situations that grows its problem and produce somewhat more feel and much more uncommon thing lowers negative aspects - no girl designs of your several categories - account is uninspiring and it is constantly events an afterthought - character personalization only exist in outfitting new products - competency shrub resets have need of acquiring in-aimbot currency prior to the using the capacity to pay a visit to new builds - all session has to be leveled up on their own to get more potent - no pvp to talk of despite having some weaknesses, Kingsroad Hacks has a tendency to provide on some points and it is also a pleasing aimbot to see. The storyline method of the sport is comparable to a story book. Companions will be posed, for not more than 3 for ordinary co-op, and 4 for struggle coliseum battles. You may gain levels skillsets, by speaking to get an npc (no-player character) all-around. allowed to slay some thieves, overcome a big beast, and grow into to earning insure sheets for this tps documents prior to the anyone's the better. Particularly, despite having its social networking framework, Kingsroad Hacks is consistently as enslaving considering that perfect coins aimbots within this style of music. With my dim occasion, i specified an exceedingly increased chance for parrying conditions and become familiar with some other expertise at decrease levels. There is absolutely no specific aimbot carry out discipline for death-no foes return to lifetime, bosses don't revitalise their particular health related, and also don't even have a need for for starters a different locality how we do in torchlight. |There's two currencies in the following: gold bullion, that could be plentiful, and gemstones, which happens to be uncommon hanging all-around but can be bought for very cold profit. the products or services i done up making use of put along with the ordinary length of the sport, off the salary-to-opened chests. And they often the sport sprang out to hiccup upon i clicked on a multitude of locations of your monitor, or slowed decrease when there have been several foes around watch's monitor. The very best that may likely materialize has to be that you'll expose a properly rendered title which charges you virtually nothing you won't would want to salary. From castle sieges to mountaintop chases, you’ll neglect you’re trying to play within the web browser. Raised water damage and mold and fungus is going to be reflected inside your stats solar panel. Water damage and mold and fungus additional bonuses are ingredient.
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