jokingluna · 11 days
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Alexa joke.
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chelseajackarmy · 2 months
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Bam Margera 1996
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astrolovecosmos · 9 months
🌼Earth - Seeks safety and stability
🌊Water - Seeks connection and feeling
🌬️Air - Seeks freedom of thought and expression
🔥Fire - Seeks meaning and passion
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element-tournament · 10 months
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Forms the basis of all life
What diamonds, coal, and pencil lead are made of
Used to make graphene, one of the strongest materials (one atom of thickness is 200x stronger than steel)
Not to be confused with Silicone
Could potentially be used to make life instead of carbon
Used in a lot of electronics, hence the name of silicon valley
Has a distinctive purple glow
used in neon signs
often mistaken as a pirate's favorite element
Found in high quantity in bananas
burning it produces a light purple or red flame
the first metal to be discovered by electrolysis
Used in cancer treatment
Used in toothpaste
The most accurate atomic clock (to one second in the 200 million years) uses strontium atoms
the most receptive and most electronegative of all the chemical elements
oxygen, helium, neon, and argon are the only elements fluorine can't react with
the only element that can react with noble gases, specifically xenon, krypton, and radon
the most diamagnetic metal (meaning it gets repelled by magnets instead of attracted)
Known for its unique shape and colorful style
the last lanthanoid to be discovered
Named after the dwarf planet Pluto
Was once thought to have been discovered by Enrico Fermi along with element 93, but he was actually mistaken. He named it Hesperium.
An unnaturally poor conductor of electricity
Used to make atomic bombs, even more powerful than uranium
Known by some as the "forbidden gummy"
Turns a vibrant blue when heated to extreme temperatures
Named after kobolds, who are "mythical, death-dealing goblins" (not the lizard kobold)
One of only three elements that are ferromagnetic at room temperature
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rebswashere · 8 months
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A flameo hotgal elemental satyr character!
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insanae-threads · 4 months
Your best match of the Zodiac Trine aspect edition
NOTE: This is by gender so that one usually seems to work out together than say the reverse. Every zodiac will have a best match. Trine is by the same element of one another.
Aries man: Sagittarius woman
Aries woman: Leo man
Taurus man: Virgo woman
Taurus woman: Capricorn man
Gemini man: Libra woman
Gemini woman: Aquarius man
Cancer man: Scorpio woman
Cancer woman: Pisces man
Leo man: Aries woman
Leo woman: Sagittarius man
Virgo man: Capricorn woman
Virgo woman: Taurus man
Libra man: Aquarius woman
Libra woman: Gemini man
Scorpio man: Pisces woman
Scorpio woman: Cancer man
Sagittarius man: Leo woman
Sagittarius woman: Aries man
Capricorn man: Taurus woman
Capricorn woman: Virgo man
Aquarius man: Gemini woman
Aquarius woman: Libra man
Pisces man: Cancer woman
Pisces woman: Scorpio man
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godbirdart · 1 year
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「 outfit reference commission for Cerurulean 」❄️
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littlemoonastrology · 6 months
All About: CANCER ♋︎ - The Zodiac Signs
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This post will cover all the basic information needed to understand Cancer, the fourth Zodiac Sign!
Take a look at my other posts to see more information on: Aries, Taurus and Gemini!
Lights... Camera... Action... Because Leo is coming next, keep a look out!
If you feel like this post has helped you feel free to Follow, Reblog or Repost (as long as I'm credited! I'm relatively new to Tumblr so I'm still learning about how all this works)!
Cancer ♋︎
Date (Only applies to Sun Signs): June 21 - July 22
Symbol: ♋︎ - The Crab
Associated House: Fourth
Associated Degrees: 4°, 16°, 28°
Associated Energy: Feminine
Planetary Ruler(s): ☾ Moon (Modern and Traditional)
Element: Water
Modality: Cardinal
Keywords: Observant, Protective, Strategic, Expressive, Caring, Nurturing
If you ever need a friend who has always got your back, a Cancer is the right one for the job! Natives of Cancer placements are naturally quite protective, caring and observant people, wanting to nurture the things they care about. When you first meet a Cancer, it may be a somewhat awkward or comforting energy as they tend to be shy when first meeting people, but once they open up and show you who they are that is when you know a Cancer trusts you. On the other end of the spectrum, a Cancer may be friendly to everyone and displays their nature a lot more. This placement, whilst they may enjoy self-improvement and be blunt when giving advice, what they really need is someone who understands them, validates their emotions and cares about the friendship/relationship just as much as them.
Contrary to popular belief of Cancer placements being lazy, they can be extremely hardworking, strategic and put their all into something if they care about it enough. Although this can end up in burn-out if they don't monitor the amount of effort being put in, then the rewards being received.
However, as strong a Cancer may come across - when threatened by something which they view as having lots of control over them they may hide away and become extremely passive, looking for ways to escape. This could be something like a parent, responsibility or an environment where there is a lot of change taking place (examples!). At first they may bottle things up, but if it brews long enough then comes resentment, bitterness, saltiness and it needs to be let out. This can cause a Cancer to act out in anger or upset, maybe become somewhat self-absorbed in the way they view things because it just feels like "no one gets it". Sometimes instead of acting out, they may become passive aggressive instead and continue harbouring resentment. Unless this placement learns healthy communication and has a mode to express themselves, it is possible for these negative emotions to become a cycle.
When a Cancer placement finally feels supported, validated, understood and like they are being nurtured they form an attachment and become a lot more confident, wanting to share themselves with the world. In some cases, this may breed some kind of codependency or over-reliance and this placement may forget to nurture their other responsibilities and interests.
Zodiac Sign
Each of the Zodiac Signs are a constellation. The Zodiac Sign shows how a Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House is being represented and expressed. Once a Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House falls into a Zodiac Sign, it adopts the energy of it.
For example: if Mercury falls into the constellation Sagittarius, Mercury adopts Sagittarian traits. If the 6th House falls into the constellation Aquarius, the 6th House adopts Aquarian traits.
Associated House
The Houses in Astrology are dependent on the time and location of birth in a Natal Chart and there are 12 different ones. Each of these 12 Houses are then assigned to a Zodiac Sign and 1 or 2 Planetary Rulers. The Houses in Astrology show you what area of life the energy of the Zodiac and Planets/Asteroids/Fixed Points is appointed to and helps provide depth into the chart.
For example: Capricorn's Associated House is the 10th House.
Associated Degrees
When a Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House falls into a Zodiac Sign constellation, it will be appointed a Degree. This Degree shows how far along the Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House is in a Zodiac Sign. Each Degree is also associated with a Zodiac Sign, meaning when this Degree comes up it can nuance the way the Zodiac Sign of a Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House is being represented.
For example: Mars is 6° in the Zodiac Cancer, 6° represents Virgo - therefore the Cancer Mars also takes on Virgo traits. The 2nd House is 23° in the Zodiac Scorpio, 23° represents Aquarius - therefore the 2nd House in Scorpio takes on Aquarian traits.
Planetary Ruler(s)
This phrase refers to the Planet(s) that rule a Zodiac Sign. When a Planet falls into the Zodiac Sign it has rulership over, the energy of both the Planet and the Zodiac Sign is amplified.
For example: Pisces' Planetary Ruler is Neptune.
Modern / Traditional
These words are associated with two kinds of Astrology: Modern Astrology and Traditional Astrology. Traditional Astrology refers to Astrology that was practiced before the 19th century, whilst Modern Astrology refers to Astrology that is practiced now. Some people choose to practice Traditional Astrology, some people choose to practice Modern Astrology, whilst some others might practice both types or combine them together.
Each Zodiac Sign/Planet/House/Degree is associated with an Element and this covers certain traits which are unique to the Zodiac Sign/Planet/House/Degree they correspond to.
These Elements are: Fire, Air, Water and Earth.
Much like an Element, each Zodiac Sign/Planet/House/Degree is associated with a Modality. The Modality describes what the focus of a placement is and how the energy is expressed.
There are 3 different Modalities: Cardinal, Mutable and Fixed.
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noosphe-re · 28 days
Etymology of 'phosphorous'
1640s, "substance or organism that shines of itself," from Latin phosphorus "light-bringing," also "the morning star" (a sense attested in English from 1620), from Greek Phosphoros "morning star," literally "torchbearer," from phōs "light," contraction of phaos "light, daylight" (related to phainein "to show, to bring to light," from PIE root *bha- (1) "to shine") + phoros "bearer," from pherein "to carry" (from PIE root *bher- (1) "to carry," also "to bear children").
As the name of a solid, non-metallic, combustible chemical element, it is recorded from 1680, originally one among several substances so called; the word used exclusively of the element from c. 1750. It was discovered in 1669 by Henning Brand, merchant and alchemist of Hamburg, who derived it from urine. Lavoisier demonstrated it was an element in 1777. According to Flood, "It is the first element whose discoverer is known."
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sleeping-circle-old · 8 months
Chemical Symbols - Chemistry
The name of an element depends on the language being spoken
However, the world of science forms a global 🌍community
That is why we have chemical symbols; universal 1 or 2 letter symbols each representing an element - so every scientist, no matter what nationality can understand! 😄
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chelseajackarmy · 7 months
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mariraven · 5 months
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pellinni-photo · 1 year
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sakura branch in blossom. pink tender flowers - sakura branch in blossom. pink tender flowers
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you-fuckers-are-asses · 2 months
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Element Spring 2001
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inabigworld · 11 months
You are the river. You are not the dead leaves that float along the current. You are not the broken tree limbs scattered about after a storm. You are not the pollution that floods the stream. You are not the ice that freezes over during the winter. You are the river.
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