#*insert plankton 'gee i didn't think i'd get this far' meme*
thegrindragon · 1 year
Who would you say are your biggest inspirations, artistically?
i'd say to begin with tim burton is up there. i grew up with a lot of stuff he made/worked on without even knowing it tbh lol
currently it's just a big mishmash of the many artists i follow online. i guess if i were to pick out a few uhh...
spoonfayse with his many odd characters/creatures/settings. very dreamlike images and comics. really like his MSpaint drawings since he has such a good feel for form and can simply accomplish it with solid blocks of color. people who can do that still blows my mind lol
missmonstermel makes really cool/fun monsters with amazing linework and detail, but she's the one who really got me into mask/costume making. i remember following along while she was making her werewolf costume and i used it as a tutorial for making my first mask!
Dendril's work also really got me with it's dreamlike, surreal quality. but now she's doing more cartoony monsters and they're always so lively and exaggerated with very good form and texture. a lot of her halloween themed art also feels really nostalgic :>
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