lucienarcheron · 1 day
Trying to hold myself back from constantly spending my adult money on commission of my favs 😩😂
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bystandrr · 28 days
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Lando finally getting P1 and having the opportunity to sit in the centre chair in the cool-down room, and instead saying “No thanks”, and sitting on the floor is the most Lando thing I have ever seen
(Featuring: Charles taking Max’s spot, and Max doing nothing about it… again…)
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reidiot · 3 months
i feel like as a society we moved on too fast from saudi arabian gp cause what do you mean charles got the fastest lap on 40laps old tires? what do you mean kevin took the L for the team twice? what do you mean P4 for the pookiest pookie that has ever pookied? what do you mean can you bring it in, he's in the fucking wall. what do you mean little bear has more points in the championship than lance, nico, alex, zhou, kevin, daniel, esteban, yuki, logan, valtteri and pierre COMBINED? what do you mean??
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oldschoolfrp · 4 months
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Those who try to steal from the hoard may become part of the hoard (Carl Lundgren cover for Dragon 50, June 1981)
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tonyspank · 10 months
Warnings: fluff, a bit of smut, reader has leg & back tattoos, and reader calls donuts overrated LOL
Reader also has a pp 😱
Summary: You finally hang out with Jenna off duty.
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Every weekday morning was the same. You'd wake up, go to the station, talk to some of your fellow officers, maybe even your captain, then stop at the same café. You'd order the same coffee and pastry, and sit down at the same table, with the same company.
Jenna was wonderful company too. Her eyes would light up whenever you walked through the door, uniform on and everything. It was your own little ritual, one that you looked forward to every day. You'd talk about your days, your hopes, and your ambitions.
It was a sense of comfort, one that you could always count on. You could tell that Jenna was always genuinely happy to see you. That smile that you grew to love over the past year would never leave her face when you were near.
You shared a special bond with Jenna that was unlike any other, regardless if you only hung out at the café. It was like home. You'd come in the morning, or afternoon for lunch, maybe even stop by before clocking out.
"Here's your breakfast bagel and coffee, just how you like it." You look away from the window, Jenna grins, placing down your food. "Thank you." You both exchange a look, and you can't help but smile at the girl in front of you.
Jenna sits down across from you, resting her hand on her hands as you take a bite of the bagel, savoring the taste and everything that it represents. "Aren't cops supposed to eat donuts? Not bagels?" You smirk and take a sip of coffee. "Donuts are overrated," you reply, then take another bite of the bagel.
Jenna laughs. "I guess you have a point," she says. "So, how's Chris?" You snort at the question. You had told Jenna about how another officer had to go on a two-week break due to the fact that Chris had broken his butt bone. Jenna laughs at you, her smile widening even more.
"He was in a lot of pain but he's doing better now." Jenna shakes her head, still laughing. "Have you ever seen anyone break their butt bone before?" You ask, still chuckling. Jenna shakes her head. "Nope, can't say I have."
You both laugh, still, in disbelief at the situation Chris had gotten himself into.
Chris had a good sense of humor about it, though, and it was relieving to have a good laugh about it. You both shared a moment of understanding, knowing that accidents happen and it could have been any of you.
You take a sip of your coffee, nearly moaning at the taste. "Your coffee completely beats the Starbucks I had yesterday." Jenna smiles but lets out a dramatic gasp, "You went to Starbucks and not here? I'm honestly hurt!" You laugh and take another sip, "Your coffee's better, I promise. I'll never make that mistake again."
"Good, you know I take good care of you." You smile, feeling the warmth of the coffee and the warmth of her words. "I know you do," you reply. She smiles back and the two of you sit in comfortable silence. After a few minutes, you finish up your bagel, crumbling the trash up.
"What do you do when you're not saving the city?" Jenna asks randomly. You pause for a moment, taken aback by her question. You take a sip of your coffee before responding, "I uh, just walk around...maybe hang out at home, why?"
Jenna shrugs. "Just curious. It seems like you're always in your uniform. It's nice to hear you take some time to relax." You smile, feeling a bit embarrassed.
"Yeah...I guess I just like the feeling of doing something meaningful."
You then pause, thinking about how to word your next sentence. "It makes me feel like I'm doing something with my life."
Jenna nods in understanding. "I get it. Everyone needs a purpose to feel fulfilled." You take a deep breath. "I don't feel like I'm drifting anymore." Jenna smiles. "That's great. You've found something that makes you feel alive, and that's all that matters." You smile, subconsciously grabbing Jenna's hand that rests on the table.
"Maybe tomorrow we could hang out and relax together." Jenna nods, squeezing your hand. "I'd like that. Now I can finally see you outside of your uniform." You nod in agreement, the two of you still smiling.
You both laugh, and you feel your heart swell. Your shared laughter is infectious, and you can't help but feel a sense of joy and warmth spread through your chest.
You look into each other's eyes, your smiles still lingering on your faces. You feel an unspoken understanding between the two of you, a connection that you can't explain.
You clear your throat, letting go of the girl's hand and start gathering your stuff. "Well, I gotta go save the city now. I'll um...I'll pick you up tomorrow from work. What time do you get off?"
She smiles and says, "I get off at three. I'll be waiting for you." You nod at her words, sending a small smile. With one last glance, you turn and walk away, leaving her standing there, still smiling.
You were right on time, three o'clock on the dot, waiting for Jenna outside of the café. Jenna emerged from the café, a smile still lighting up her face. You got off your motorcycle, taking off your helmet. You waved to Jenna, who waved back. "No! I wanted to ride in the police cruiser!" Jenna teased you as she brought you into a hug.
You laughed and hugged her back. "Maybe next time," you said as you mounted your motorcycle. You pulled Jenna onto the back of your bike and handed her your helmet. She gave you a tight squeeze, then put the helmet on.
You felt her arms wrap around your waist as you started the engine and drove off the wind buffeted you as you travelled, and you felt Jenna's embrace tighten with each passing mile.
You pulled up to your destination, and Jenna hopped off the back of the bike. "Where are we?" She questioned, looking around at the greeny area.
You smiled at her and said, "This is my secret spot. I wanted to share it with you." Jenna's face lit up with joy as she looked around, taking in the beauty of the place. You held out your hand, and she took it before looking up at you with a smile. "C'mon, I set up a picnic."
You led Jenna down the path, and soon you arrived at the clearing with the picnic set up. Jenna was amazed, and you smiled as you watched her in admiration. "This is insane." Jenna turned to you with a look of awe. "How did you do this?" she asked.
You simply smiled and replied, "It's my pleasure. A return for your wonderful company and coffee this past year."
Jenna smiled and hugged you tightly. You enjoyed the moment, feeling content and grateful for the friendship you had built. When she pulled away you gestured her to sit, joining her shortly after and reaching inside the basket.
You pulled out a container of fruit, sandwiches, and a bottle of sparkling cider. She laughed, delighted by the surprise. "I am... astonished... honestly."
You laugh before raising your glass. "To Jenna's amazing coffee and bagels!" She smiled and raised her glass to yours, clinking them together. "To my coffee and bagels," she said, and you both took a sip.
You both shared a laugh and put your glasses down. Jenna looked at you and said, "I didn't know you had tattoos." You chuckled glancing at your legs, "Yeah, I usually have to cover them for work. I also have one on my back."
Jenna smiled and said, "Really? Can I see?" You nod in response. Jenna quickly gets up, kneeling behind you. She gently moved your shirt and her eyes widened. "That's a really awesome design."
You smile and reply, "Thanks." Her hands begin tracing the tattoo and you can't help but shiver from her touch. You turn your head slightly, meeting Jenna's face as she places her hands on your shoulder, her face only inches away from yours.
"It looks so good on you." You blush and thank her again. She gets up, moving back to her original spot. She smiles. "I'm really glad you decided to get it. It suits you."
You nod in agreement, feeling a warmth inside that you hadn't felt in a long time. "Could you pass me a grape?" Jenna reaches into the fruit container, a grab in her hand. "Catch it."
You open your mouth, trying to fight back a smile. "You think I won't catch it? I was pro at this in high school."
The grape flew in the air, and you caught it, your reflexes still sharp. You grinned in satisfaction, and Jenna clapped her hands in surprise. "That was impressive!" she exclaimed.
"Here you try." Jenna hands you the container before preparing herself to catch the grape. You took a grape from the container and threw it up in the air. Jenna's reflexes were still a bit rusty, but she managed to catch it with her hands.
"Cheater! You gotta catch it with your mouth." You quickly grabbed another grape, throwing it at Jenna, unfortunately, it fell short. Jenna tried her best to catch it, but it was too late. "Damnit!" She laughs, her hands resting on your thighs.
She pouted playfully. "I feel like a loser." You shake your head, keeping your eyes on her as you reach into the container for a strawberry.
"Here's a reward for trying." You hold out the strawberry to hand it to her, but instead, she bites it from your hand, her eyes on you the entire time.
She lets out a small moan at the sweet taste of the berry, dramatically rolling her eyes. "So good." Her own hands reach into the container, picking out a strawberry. "Try one."
You couldn't even protest before she holds the strawberry to your lips, her left hand still resting on your thigh. You take a bite, the juice of the strawberry running down the corner of your mouth.
She gently wipes it away with her thumb, her eyes never leaving yours. You can't help but blush at her closeness. "Mmm..." You hum, nodding your head, approving of the taste. She smiles at your reaction, her hand still lingering on your thigh.
Her eyes leave yours, moving to your thigh. "Did this one hurt?" She asks, her finger tracing over the tattoo on your upper thigh. You take a deep breath, feeling her gentle touch. "A bit," you reply, your voice barely audible. She nods, giving you a reassuring smile.
She pauses for a moment, her eyes locked on yours. "Jenna..." you whisper out, swallowing the lump in your throat. She nods, telling you to go on. "Can I kiss you?" Again, she nods, causing you to smile. You lift your hand to caress her cheek before closing the distance and pressing your lips to hers.
You feel her arms wrap around your neck, her breathing becoming more shallow. She parted her lips slightly, deepening the kiss. You felt like you could stay there forever, lost in the moment. You eventually pull away, both of you breathless. You smile at her, and she smiles back, her cheeks blushing.
You both laugh nervously, and she leans her forehead against yours. You stare into each other's eyes for a few moments, feeling a connection that was unexpected yet undeniable. You stay like that for a while, just enjoying the moment and savoring the feeling.
"Fuck the police?" She mumbles, biting down on her lip. You can't help but chuckle. "Fuck the police."
And fuck the police was she doing. "Shit, Jenna..." You whine out, grabbing her hips. She grins, pushing you back onto the bed. "You know you love it," She says, her lips curving into a smirk.
She moves her hips, and you gasp, lost in the moment. You grip her hips and pull her closer, letting out a moan as she continues her movements. "Fuck me."
"I am, baby." She laughs before letting out a loud moan. "You're so big, fuck." Her hand moves from your core to your thigh, and her movements become faster and more intense, pushing you closer to the edge.
She's clearly enjoying the experience, her movements are becoming more passionate as your pleasure intensifies. You can feel her desire to bring you to the peak of pleasure and you give in to it, letting her take you there.
"I'm cumming!" She yells out, her grip on your thigh tightening. Her back arches as she rides you, her muscles tense as her orgasm takes over her body. You can feel her body shudder against yours as she comes down from her high and collapses against your chest. You wrap your arms around her, before flipping her over on her back.
You start to move inside of her again, your movements slow and gentle. She moans softly, her eyes half open, her breathing heavy. You kiss her gently, your lips lingering at the moment as you both enjoy the sensations of being together. She wraps her arms around you and pulls you closer, her fingers tracing circles on your back, over your tattoo.
She looks up at you, her eyes full of love and desire, and you know she'll remember this moment forever. You kiss her again, this time more passionately and with more urgency. You both know there's no need to rush; the night is still young and you both have all the time in the world.
You begin trailing kissing down her neck as your hips move slowly against hers, her breathing becoming heavier as her hands grip your shoulders. You whisper in her ear softly, "You feel so good, Jen."
She moans in response, her fingers running through your hair as you press your lips against her collarbone. You feel her body quiver beneath you as your hands travel down her curves. Finally, you meet her gaze, and she smiles.
"Faster, Y/N..." she whines, her bottom lip trapped between her teeth. You comply, increasing your movements, and soon she's clinging onto you, her breath coming out in short gasps. "Yes, fuck." You can feel her body quivering beneath you, her grip on your shoulders tightening with each thrust. She screams out your name, her head thrown back in pleasure as you hit the right spot.
"Right there, shit. I'm about to cum again." You continue to move inside her, your body responding to her every whim. You lean down, your lips seeking hers as you both reach the peak of pleasure together.
She cries out your name, her voice low and husky as she comes down again, her eyes closed and a satisfied smile playing on her lips. You collapse onto her, both of you panting and sweaty as you bask in the afterglow.
You stay like that for a few moments before you reluctantly pull away, looking into her eyes with love and admiration. You give her a gentle kiss on the forehead, a silent promise of more to come before you both drift off into a peaceful sleep.
It was now morning time and you leaned against Jenna's kitchen counter, sipping on a mug of coffee she made for you as she took in your features.
She smiled lovingly at you before speaking up. "I could get used to this. You just walk around my place in your underwear, showing off your body and tattoos."
You chuckled, feeling a warmth inside your chest that made you feel like you were home. You grabbed her hand and pulled her close, pressing your lips against hers. "Me too." You placed another kiss on her lips before pulling away.
"Hungry?" She smiled and nodded. You stood up and began walking to the fridge, but Jenna stopped you. "No, baby. I'm hungry for you." Your eyebrows raise in surprise, "Oh."
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bitchiswild · 12 days
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Cute Distraction
Subby G!P Yunjin x Fem!Reader
Warnings: hmmm good question! It’s SMUT.
Word Count: 1.8k
A/n: school is now done 😎 I should be back on my grind 😛
“Y/nnnn, pleaseeee,” Yunjin whined, staring at you with her puppy-like eyes, practically begging for your attention.
You were in the middle of reading your book, the one assigned to your class by your professor. You needed to read this book to write your upcoming essay, but Yunjin was distracting you. She had been needy all day.
You glanced at her—the pout on her face, her puppy eyes, and the way her hand was touching your leg. You really wanted to give in, but you decided to toy with her a little more.
With a sigh, you set your book down and looked at her. “What is it, Yunjin?” you asked, trying to keep your tone neutral.
“Y/n, I’m bored,” she complained, her voice almost a whimper. “You’ve been reading that book forever.”
“It’s important,” you replied, picking up the book again and pretending to read. “I need to finish this for my essay.”
“But I need you,” she said, her voice dropping to a sultry whisper. Her hand slid a little higher on your leg, sending a shiver up your spine.
You bit your lip, fighting the urge to give in. “You need to learn to be patient,” you said, trying to sound stern. “I’ll be done soon.”
Yunjin pouted even more, her lower lip jutting out adorably. “Please, Y/n,” she said, her fingers lightly tracing patterns on your thigh. “Just a little break?”
You closed your eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. “Fine,” you said finally, setting the book aside again. “But only for a little while.”
Her face lit up with a triumphant smile as she leaned in closer. “Thank you, Y/n,” she whispered, her breath warm against your skin.
As she wrapped her arms around you, you couldn’t help but smile. “Has my baby been needy all day?” you hummed, pushing her to lie down on the couch. You got on top of her, running your hand all over her body.
Yunjin giggled softly, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “You have no idea,” she murmured, arching her back slightly to press closer to you. “It’s been torture waiting for you to finish that book.”
You chuckled, your fingers tracing delicate patterns along her sides. “Well, I guess I can take a little break to give you some attention,” you whispered, your lips brushing against her ear. “But you have to promise to let me finish my reading later.”
She nodded eagerly, her hands gripping your shoulders. “I promise,” she said breathlessly. “Just don’t make me wait any longer.”
You leaned down, capturing her lips in a slow, teasing kiss. Yunjin sighed against your mouth, her fingers tangling in your hair. You deepened the kiss, your hand slipping under her shirt to caress the warm skin of her waist.
“Y/n,” she moaned softly, her bucking against yours. “Please…”
You pulled back slightly, looking into her eyes. “Please what?” you asked, enjoying the way her cheeks flushed with desire.
“Please don’t tease me,” she begged, her voice trembling with need.
You smiled, leaning down to kiss her again. “Alright, baby,” you murmured against her lips. “I’ll give you what you want.”
You teasingly dropped down until your face was level with her clothed crotch. Your hands gripped her sweats, the imprint of her hardening member showing clearly, making your clit twitch at the sight. You teased her clothed member, running your fingers lightly over the fabric, causing Yunjin to buck her hips and whine.
“Y/n, please,” she whimpered, her voice high-pitched and desperate.
You smiled up at her, enjoying the effect you had on her. “What’s the matter, baby?” you asked, your fingers tracing the outline of her erection. “Do you want me to stop?”
“No,” she gasped, her voice cracking. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”
You chuckled softly, slipping your fingers under the waistband of her sweats and slowly pulling them down. Yunjin’s hips lifted to help you, her breath hitching as her member sprang free, straining against her underwear.
You leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to her clothed length, feeling her shudder beneath you. “You’ve been so patient,” you murmured, your breath hot against her sensitive skin. “I think you deserve a reward.”
“Please,” she begged, her voice barely more than a whine. “Please, Y/n. I need you.”
With deliberate slowness, you pulled her underwear down, freeing her completely. Yunjin’s member twitched, a bead of pre-cum glistening at the tip. You licked your lips, feeling a surge of arousal at the sight.
“Y/n,” she whined, her hands gripping the couch cushions tightly. “Please don’t tease me. I can’t take it.”
You kissed the tip, tasting the salty sweetness of her pre-cum. Yunjin moaned loudly, her body trembling. “Oh god, Y/n,” she breathed, her voice rising in pitch. “Please. I need more.”
You hummed in response, taking her tip into your mouth and sucking gently. Yunjin’s hips bucked involuntarily, and you placed your hands on her thighs to hold her still. Slowly, you took more of her into your mouth, your tongue swirling around her shaft.
“Y/n,” she whimpered, her voice cracking with desperation. “Please, please, please.”
You increased your pace, sucking harder and moving your head up and down her length. Yunjin’s moans grew louder, her body writhing beneath you. “I’m so close,” she cried, her voice breaking. “Please, don’t stop. I’m so close.”
With a final, desperate cry, she came, her member pulsing in your mouth as you swallowed her release. You continued to suck gently, milking every drop from her, before finally pulling back. As you looked up, you noticed tears rolling down Yunjin’s flushed cheeks, her eyes half-lidded with satisfaction and overwhelmed emotion.
You reached up, gently wiping away her tears. “You okay baby?” you asked softly, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
“Amazing,” she whispered, her voice hoarse from whining and crying. She reached out to pull you up for a kiss. “You’re amazing.”
You kissed her softly, feeling her arms wrap around you. As you pulled back, you noticed the renewed desire in her eyes, her member still half-hard against your thigh. A mischievous smile spread across your face as you straddled her, your own arousal making your movements deliberate and slow.
“Ready for more?” you murmured, grinding your hips against her, feeling her length harden again beneath you.
Yunjin gasped, her hands gripping your hips tightly. “Y/n, please,” she whimpered, her voice filled with need.
You reached down, guiding her member to your entrance, your wetness making it easy. Slowly, you sank down onto her, both of you moaning at the sensation. You paused for a moment, adjusting to the fullness, before you began to move.
Yunjin’s hands moved to your waist, helping to guide your movements. Her eyes were locked on yours, the intensity of her gaze sending shivers down your spine. You rode her slowly at first, savoring every moment, but soon your need overtook you, and you began to move faster.
“Y/n,” she moaned, her head falling back against the couch. “You feel so good. So tight.”
You leaned forward, your hands bracing on her shoulders as you rode her harder, the sounds of your bodies meeting filling the room. “Yunjin,” you gasped, your own pleasure building with every thrust. “I’m so close.”
“Me too,” she whimpered, her hips thrusting up to meet yours. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”
With a final, desperate cry, you came, your body trembling as waves of pleasure washed over you. Yunjin followed moments later, her own release triggered by the sight and feel of your climax. You could feel her pulsing inside you, filling you up with her cum, intensifying your pleasure. You collapsed against her, both of you panting and spent
For a moment, you both just lay there, basking in the afterglow. Finally, you lifted your head to look at her, a satisfied smile on your face. “How was that, baby?”
Yunjin smiled weakly, her eyes still shining with tears and satisfaction. “Perfect,” she whispered, pulling you close for a tender kiss. You kissed her back, savoring the intimacy, but you could still feel her hardness growing again, pressing against you, her need far from satiated. A mischievous thought crossed your mind as you flipped the two of you over, putting Yunjin on top. She gasped, her eyes wide with surprise and anticipation.
“Y/n,” she whimpered, her voice trembling. “What are you doing?”
You grinned up at her, running your hands along her sides. “I think it’s your turn to take control,” you whispered, teasingly lifting your hips to brush against her. “But remember, you’re still my subby baby.”
Yunjin bit her lip, a shiver running through her body. “Please, Y/n,” she whined, her hips moving almost instinctively against you. “I need you.”
You guided her, positioning her member at your entrance. “Then take me,” you murmured, your voice low and commanding. “Show me how much you need me.”
With a desperate moan, Yunjin pushed into you, her movements hesitant at first. Her eyes fluttered shut, her hands gripping your hips as she began to move. The feeling of her filling you completely made you moan, your own arousal heightening with every thrust.
“Y/n,” she whined, her voice cracking with desperation. “It feels so good. I can’t... I can’t hold back.”
“Don’t,” you encouraged, wrapping your legs around her to pull her deeper. “Let go, Yunjin. Give in to it.”
She sobbed softly, her thrusts becoming more erratic and needy. “Please, Y/n,” she whimpered, tears streaming down her face. “I need you so much. I’m so close.”
You reached up, wiping away her tears with your thumb. “I know, baby,” you whispered, your own voice trembling with pleasure. “I’m close too. Don’t stop.”
With a final, desperate cry, Yunjin came again, her body shaking with the intensity of her release. Her movements triggered your own climax, and you cried out, your body arching against hers as waves of pleasure washed over you.
For a moment, you both just lay there, panting and trembling, holding onto each other. Finally, Yunjin collapsed against you, her face buried in your neck, still softly whimpering.
“You did so well, baby,” you murmured, stroking her hair gently. “You’re amazing.”
“Y/n,” she whispered, her voice hoarse. “I... I love you.”
You smiled, your heart swelling with emotion. “I love you too, Yunjin,” you replied, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. “Now, let’s rest for a bit, okay?”
“Now,” you said with a playful grin, “can I finally finish my book?”
Yunjin laughed softly, nodding. “I suppose,” she said, her voice still breathless. “But don’t take too long. I might need you again.”
You chuckled, giving her one last kiss before reaching for your book. With Yunjin by your side, you knew that no matter how many times you got distracted, you’d always come back to her.
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quisters · 6 months
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This entire show is my problematic fav
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disease · 1 year
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Young Charles Leclerc
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← Main Masterlist
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motoshima · 8 months
Bora entrar no melhor grupo de tumblr no wpp?
Só vem!! ♥️♥️ (reblog para ajudar)
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lucienarcheron · 28 days
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permission granted by the lovely artist, lucien vanserra / they have more to share on their pateron ~
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blamemma · 9 months
Daniel Ricciardo and Gianpiero Lambiase | Singapore Marina Bay Circuit | 📹
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sennaverstappen · 3 months
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✩ Gianpiero Lambiase after Max's fast lap ♡ Bahrain, 21.02.2024 ✩
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writtingsomestuff · 3 months
"from Lord Perceval (a.k.a. charles leclerc)" I'M CRYING. This man knows how to make me emotional.
Carlos, te quiero <3
And that support message to Ollie tho!
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metamorphical · 6 months
"You're being rude, and I don't like that."
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Pairing: G!P Irene x fem Y/N
Summary: Irene comes home, to see Y/N being cold and bratty.
TW: Rough, unprotected sex.
WC: 678
You stood in front of the sink, your hands submerged in the soapy water. You couldn't help but feel bored out of your mind. Scrubbing dishes wasn't exactly the most thrilling task in the world, yet it was something that ought to be done. You mechanically bathed each plate and utensil, in the soapy water. Your mind wanders off to more interesting things. The sound of water running and the clanking of dishes echoed through the empty kitchen, adding to the monotony of it all.
Polishing dishes in the empty apartment, feeling exhausted and drained. You couldn't help but feel sick of constantly pleasing Irene. It seemed like no matter what you did, it was never enough. However, before you could realise it, you slowly drifted off to sleep. Well, at least you thought... because Irene had just arrived. "God! As if my day couldn't get any worse." You mumbled to yourself, unaware that Irene could hear.
"What did you just say Y/N?" Irene rasps, evidently furious about what you previously said. "Look, I'm just tired. Is that what you wanted to hear?" You said, not meaning to come off as rude. Yet, you did, and that made Irene infuriated. "You're being rude, and I don't like that." Irene growls, before gripping onto your waist. 
"Stop!" You whimpered, you hated to admit but despite being so aggravated, you still adored the feeling of Irene's touch. "Quiet." Irene orders and she slowly unbuttons her shirt, one button at a time. Her delicate collarbones are unveiled, and they look as if they were sculpted by the hands of Picasso. After she finishes unbuttoning her shirt, she unbuckles her belt, and with a slight tug, she frees herself from the restraint of her slacks. You likewise did the same as Irene, freeing yourself from your garments.
Irene then inserts two fingers into you, smirking as you cry out in pleasure. It was like music to Irene, and she was infatuated by your moans and mewls for more. Irene thrusts her fingers continuously, and your moans grow louder. "I thought you'd be excited to see me after a while, but you were so bratty. I guess that means I have to punish you." 
Oh, but you were so helpless. You whined, begged and whimpered - yet nothing would stop Irene as she continued to finger you mercilessly. As if the pleasure couldn't get any better, Irene began to swirl her tongue around your collarbone, wrapping her mouth over your neck. "T-Too much..." Was all you could say, and it was surprising that you could even communicate. Knowing how Irene was thrusting her fingers into your soaked core, and giving you hickeys at the same time.
It felt unreal, the pleasure of being fingered and given hickeys at the same time. Your walls were drenched, clamping around Irene's fingers and your breath hitching, as your thighs trembled. You were just so aroused, and needed to cum. You tried to buck your hips onto her fingers, whining and begging for some sort of friction. "Irene, p-please?" You begged, but that only made things worse as Irene pulled out, leaving you dripping and desperate. 
You whined and whined, and it felt like hours. Well, that was until Irene grasped onto your neck and hammered into you with her cock. "Fuck!" You moaned, your back arching and your eyes rolling. Irene was quite audible too, grunting with each passing second. Her pounds only hastened at the presence of you arching your back and rolling your eyes. 
"What a slut, taking my cock like a good girl." Irene growled. "Irene, I'm going to-" Before you could finish, your juices spill, and your body goes limp. This was the same for Irene, as she shot her thick load into you, the milky-white substance oozing out, whilst Irene slowly thrusted. You could feel her cock getting soft, and she gradually pulls out. 
"I'm sorry for being so harsh baby." Irene said softly, she would always be smitten and soft after moments like these, and you find it so precious. 
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bitchiswild · 6 months
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Her Angel
GP Winter x F! Reader
Warnings: Blood, Killing , beginning is kinda gruesome, slightly rough smut, fluff, creampie, breeding, etc. 💃🏼
Word Count: 2.5k
A/n: Mafia leader minjeong 🧎‍♀️
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"Boss, he’s here." Winter's eyes snapped up toward her underboss Karina, the pen slipping from her grip. A glint of steely resolve flashed in her gaze as she rose from her seat, her expression hardening with determination. Without a word, she strode purposefully to the door, her underboss trailing behind her.
With measured steps, Winter descended the staircase, the sound of her heels reverberating against the concrete walls of the dimly lit basement. There, in the stark shadows, a man sat bound to a chair, his body bruised, his head bowed in a display of defeat.
Witnessing the sight, a surge of revulsion and fury twisted Winter's features. She approached him, her presence casting a foreboding aura in the enclosed space. Standing tall before the captive, she bore into him with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine.
Reaching out, she grasped his hair firmly, coercing his head upwards until his gaze met hers in an unflinching confrontation. Her eyes radiated an icy, and unyielding resolve.
The man winced, his voice strained with agony as he pleaded, "Please, I didn't know."
Winter's expression remained unforgiving, her silence deafening in the oppressive atmosphere of the basement's stillness. Her gaze bore into his, a testament to her displeasure and the depth of her disappointment.
Winter's voice sliced through the air, raspy and chilling. "I'm glad you understand who I am." Her words carried an edge, laden with a cold finality. With deliberate steps, she advanced toward a table adorned with an array of weaponry, her silhouette casting ominous shadows against the basement walls.
The man, desperate and pleading, persisted, "I didn't know she was yours. Just let me go, I promise I won't say anything."
Slowly, almost deliberately, Winter turned her head toward him. In her hand, a knife caught the glint of the dim light, its presence ominous. Her movements were deliberate, measured, as she closed the distance between them, each step echoing the gravity of her intent.
Her countenance betrayed no emotion as she approached, the stark determination in her eyes painting a chilling picture of what was to come. The silence in the room grew palpable as the scene unfolded, a haunting prelude to an impending resolution.
The man's voice cracked with desperation, tears streaming down his face. "Please," he begged, his voice trembling with fear and anguish.
Winter paid no remorse. She raised the knife, stabbed the man's hand, and twisted it. He screamed in agony. An evil smirk appeared on her face; it was like music to her ears. She withdrew the knife and performed the same action on the second hand, except this time she purposefully severed a finger. Blood gushed on her pants. She glanced down at it, admiring the pretty crimson, but she was getting bored at this point. She got behind the man, raising the knife to his neck. "No one touches my wife.” She said menacingly.
"N-ggghdjsdfj…." The man began to scream, but Winter sliced his throat, causing him to gargle on his own blood.
As the man's life drained away, Winter felt a surge of satisfaction, relishing in the sight of his agony. The room fell silent, except for the gurgling sounds of his last breaths.
In a commanding tone, Winter directed Karina, who had been observing the entire scene, "Clean this up."
"You got it," Karina responded with a nod, moving swiftly to attend to the aftermath without question.
Winter ascended the stairs and made a beeline for her car, eager to head home to you, her wife.
A mere couple of nights ago, You, Winter, and her formidable gang—graced one of Winter's exclusive strip clubs. The club, a sanctuary of opulence and secrecy, buzzed with an electric atmosphere. As a feared gang leader, Winter held court with an air of command, her presence casting a shadow that demanded both respect and fear.
In this world, everyone knew the unspoken rules. Fear dictated respect, but there was one unbreakable decree: no one dared to encroach upon her wife. Amidst the allure and chaos of the night, it was an understood truth—her wife was off-limits to anyone but Winter, a privilege granted exclusively to her within their formidable realm.
In the midst of the club's pulsating energy, an outcast of a man dared to disregard the unspoken rule, making you uncomfortable. Locked in a momentary gaze with Winter, a silent plea for intervention passed between you.
Instantly, Winter rose from her seat, determination etched across her features as she strode purposefully towards you. However, before she could reach your side, Karina, her loyal underboss, intercepted the intrusion. With a swift and decisive move, Karina deflected the man away, a testament to her unwavering commitment to Winter's protection.
Acknowledging Karina's swift response, Winter settled back into her seat, a tacit trust placed in her capable underboss. Her eyes, though, remained fixed on you, a silent reassurance communicated through her unwavering gaze—a promise that she was there, vigilant and ready, should anything escalate.
The guy grumbled but yielded to Karina's unwavering stare, backing away reluctantly. With a silent nod, Karina guided you back to Winter's side, her protective presence a reassuring shield.
Safe in Winter's embrace, you expressed the desire to leave, and she complied without hesitation. As she made her way out, her eyes caught Karina's, a wordless agreement passing between them—an unspoken understanding that the man who dared to lay a hand on you would face consequences.
In an unspoken pact between Winter and her loyal underboss and friend, Karina took matters into her own hands. The man found himself kidnapped and bound in the basement of their gang mansion—an ominous testament to the consequences of defying Winter's boundaries, especially when it came to you, her cherished partner.
Before Winter could even reach the threshold, there you stood, an ethereal vision in the soft glow of the hallway lights, adorned in a lustrous silk robe that cascaded gently around you. Your presence seemed to command the space, a captivating allure drawing Winter's attention even before she crossed the threshold.
The fabric draped elegantly against your frame, the sheen of the material accentuating every contour and curve, hinting at a quiet confidence. The robe's delicate folds danced with every subtle movement, casting an air of effortless grace upon you.
To Winter, you were a breathtaking sight. As her eyes fell upon you, admiration sparked within her, a swell of affection flooding her heart. The way the light played upon your features, highlighting the elegance in every gesture, made her pause, her chest swelling with love and adoration.
In that moment, seeing you standing there, leaning against the archway, Winter couldn't help but marvel at your beauty. The way you carried yourself, your serene presence against the familiar backdrop of their home, stirred a profound sense of love within her. Your beauty, both inside and out, was a constant marvel to Winter, and she cherished every moment she spent in your presence.
"Welcome home, my love," I exclaimed, my eyes bright with an unmistakable spark of excitement as Winter stepped through the door, her presence filling the space.
"Welcome indeed," she rasped, her voice laced with a hint of longing, as she closed the distance between us. Pulling me close, she enveloped me in a kiss that held a silent narrative of our reunion.
Her lips, a gentle yet fervent touch, conveyed a depth of emotion that stirred a symphony of feelings within me. The warmth of her embrace, the scent of her lingering cologne, and the soft brush of her hand against my cheek created a tapestry of intimacy, a moment suspended in time that whispered of our unspoken connection.
I withdrew slightly, my eyes tracing the patterns of blood adorning Winter's attire. The crimson stains, stark against the fabric, stood as a testament to the tumultuous nature of her day. Gazing into her calm eyes, I couldn't help but notice the weariness that hid behind her stoic expression, a silent narrative of the challenges she faced.
"Long day?" I inquired softly, my concern etched in the furrow of my brows as I guided her inside, determined to help her find solace in our home. Urging her gently toward our sanctuary, I intended to procure a fresh change of clothes to alleviate the weight of the day.
"Just an average day at the Kim estates," she quipped in a teasing tone, her attempt to lighten the mood despite the gravity of the situation. I moved towards our closet, reaching for a new set of clothes, ready to offer her respite from the day's trials.
However, before I could hand her the garments, she intercepted them with a swift motion, tossing them onto the bed. "Missed you," she confessed, her voice filled with genuine adoration. Drawing me into her embrace once more, her closeness was a comforting reassurance amidst the chaos, a genuine yearning for connection after enduring the trials of her world.
“Minjeong!" I exclaimed, a laugh bubbling up. "You're covered in blood. Let's get you cleaned up."
"Help me?" she asked, pouting slightly.
"How are you a gang leader? Hmm? You're just too cute," I teased, a playful grin tugging at my lips.
"What do you mean? I'm not cute; I'm hot and sexy," she retorted, feigning offense and pouting once more.
"Sure, Min, let's take off your clothes so I can wash them," I offered, starting to unbutton her shirt to assist.
Winter, with a tender touch, rubbed my sides as I carefully assisted her. Her gestures carried a silent acknowledgment, a comforting reassurance amidst the situation. Guiding her towards our ensuite, I walked alongside, feeling her supportive presence. The gentle rubs on my sides from Winter conveyed a subtle tenderness, a small yet powerful display of her care for me in that moment.
Carefully, I prepared a bath for Winter, intent on easing the weight of the day from her shoulders. With precision, I added bubbles and a few drops of fragrant lavender oil, the soothing aroma mingling with the warm steam. Winter observed the process, her eyes reflecting a sense of gratitude and affection for the care I was providing without hesitation.
"Thank you, angel," she whispered softly as she sank into the inviting bath, a sigh of relief escaping her lips as the stress began to dissipate.
"Of course, Min," I responded, settling nearby as she soaked in the soothing waters. The gentle ambiance of the bath enveloped us in a tranquil moment, the unspoken bond between us palpable in the way I tended to her needs, offering comfort in silence as she found solace in the serenity of the bath.
"Come join me," Winter invited, extending her hand in a gesture that beckoned me to share the tranquil moment with her.
Slipping out of my robe, I readied myself to join her, feeling the steam from the bath embrace my skin as I approached the inviting warmth. With each step, the serene ambiance of the room wrapped around me, offering a sense of tranquility that matched Winter's calming presence.
Winter's touch on my sides in the bath was soothing, both of us unwinding in the warmth of the water. However, the ambiance took a turn as an unexpected desire began to stir between us.
Winter’s hand cascaded from my waist to my core. Her fingers stop right above your clit, making you quiver. She smirked, leaning closer to your ear she whispers “ Turned on angel?” She continued her assault on your clit , sending electrical currents through your body at the feeling.
“Fuck Minjeong” I sighed out in pleasure. You could feel her hardening behind you, so you reached back and pumped her shaft.
“Fuck angel” She groaned. Inserting three of her fingers inside you, curling it immediately causing you to cry out in pleasure. Her lips latched on to your neck marking them, but she couldn't take it anymore. She pulled out her fingers causing you to whimper, and softly pushed you forward turning you around to face her. She stood up, lifting you in her arms, and made her way to the bedroom. Upon entering, she gently placed you on the bed, desire burning in her gaze.
“ I wanted to take it easy on you” She rasped with desire. “But that can wait”. Her voice, low and sultry, sent shivers down my spine as she leaned in closer. Winter gripped your neck, choking you slightly as she pressed her lips to mine. Your core burning in pleasure as she continued thrusting her fingers inside of you. The intensity of her touch matched the fire in her eyes. " Fuck Minjeong" You mewled."J-just like that."
Winter growled as she continued to please you. Her skilled hands moved with precision, each touch igniting a new wave of pleasure. "Fuck, look at you, angel." The room was filled with the sound of my moans, and the air was thick with desire. She pulled her finger out of my core, sucking her fingers while she pumped her shaft. Her other hand, still on my neck, grips it harder this time, my vision blurring slightly. "Delicious as always," she remarked with a smirk.
Your eyes trailed down to her cock, precum oozing from the tip. Winter took notice of this and guided her dick to your core, thrusting her entire length inside you
“Shit!” You cried out, the bed creaks as she rams into you. Your hands tug her hair making Winter moan and grunt as her hips slap against yours. She fucks you hard in the mattress, her lips crashing into yours.
Her hips unrelenting as you wrapped your legs around her waist, your legs are starting to get sore. She now angles her hips, the vein on her dick rubbing your insides deliciously, filling you to the brim with the snaps of her hips. “Good girl taking me so well.” She purred. “ Fuck -you feel so good around me angel, let me put a baby inside you.”
“Yess, fuck, Minjeong!” I cried out.
“I’ll fill you up till you're carrying my babies” She said, as she continued pounding into my core harshly.
Your body on fire, burning with ecstasy as you cried out for her. Your cunt clenches around her hard dick. Winter knows you're close, so she started to rub your clit which sent you ever the edge. “Shit minjeong I’m cumming” You moaned out, your eyes shut closed as your mouth agape opened as your orgasm knocked your breath away. Your legs shake with pleasure. Winter moans at the tightness of your pussy and shoots her load inside you as she keeps thrusting, her cum leaking out of you as she fills you till the brim, making you full of her seed, sweat gleaming on her forehead as she keeps herself inside of you. Once she softens she pulls away kissing you and caressing your stomach.
"You're mine, Y/n," she uttered softly, the weight of every word laced with unwavering commitment. Her gaze held a mosaic of love and determination, a testament to the depth of her emotions. "I promise to protect you and our future children, to shield them from every storm that may come our way.”
"Thank you, Minjeong. I'll always be by your side forever," I expressed gently, the assurance resonating in my words.
Who would've thought, huh? Falling for someone like her, the one who leads an entire gang. She's usually this stoic, formidable figure that everyone fears, yet with you, she sheds that tough exterior. It's like she's a completely different person—gentle, compassionate.
Your Minjeong.
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