#— (.reiner)
I really love this trope with the big beefy yanderes where their darling tries to run and hide, and they get behind them to grab them and hold them tight to their chest as their darling futilely struggles against their strong hold 
Like Katakuri and Reiner just look sad and easily hold you until you stop squirming. Katakuri is especially used to dealing with his family's tantrums and gives off very "You're making a scene" energy, but Reiner is just close to crying and wants you to just stop fighting and running away
Twice is also like Reiner, but if he was frantically looking for you he might have made a bunch of clones of himself to search for you and then grab you, and suddenly you're being mobbed by a bunch of Jins hugging you and begging you not to scare him like that ever again
And my current fixation, Jason, in the armor he'll just quietly grab you with ease and haul you back to the hideout (like he does to Barbara in-game). He's silent the entire time except for when he's barking out orders to his men to tighten their security; if ____ can get this close to escaping, how the hell are they gonna take on Batman? Once you're in the hideout he slams the door, sits you onto the bed, and rips off the cowl so you can look at him and see the hurt and betrayal on his face while he lays into you. Why the HELL did you leave the safehouse!? Gotham is a goddamn warzone tonight and you decided to leave the safest place in the city? All he needs you to do is just wait until Bruce is dead, and then the two of you can go wherever you want. But until then, you are staying right here--and after he puts the cowl back on, he warns darkly that if he has to keep you sedated or implant a tracking chip into you to do it, he will.
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blondeboyfriend · 11 months
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[ PAIRING ] Zeke Yeager x f!reader [ AUTHOR'S NOTE ] This is HEAVILY inspired by the business card scene in American Psycho. (I wrote this back in 2021 for a collab.) [ SYNOPSIS ] Zeke's perceived inadequacy leads him to a situation that only exacerbates his insecurities. [ WORD COUNT ] 3.2k [ CONTENT ] Modern AU (duh), not a big fan of the term "crack fic" but that's basically what this is, Zeke's only a few years older than the rest of the Warriors, sharing nudes without consent, smutty stuff is mentioned, alcohol, marijuana, body horror (Zeke describes scaphism in great detail), Zeke's probably ooc because I basically turned him into Patrick Bateman.
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Zeke’s standing in the back of the bar, cornered by his friends. His life is in shambles because you dragged him to a birthday party in the nicest part of the city on the very night he decided to make a major life choice. Tonight was the night he said fuck it and shaved off his beard.
“You look like a baby,” Porco laughs.
“Like an angular baby, like a baby with good cheekbones,” Bertholdt, the birthday boy, mutters to himself.
“Can I touch your face?”
Zeke clenches his jaw and goes to speak only to be interrupted by Reiner's tender touch.
“Wow, that is soft. You got really soft skin. What do you use?”
Zeke smacks Reiner's hand away and uses the sleeve of his flannel to wipe away his residual touch. The meathead’s compliment was sufficient; there was no need to make physical contact.
“Sisley’s Black Rose Skin Infusion Cream.” Zeke sighs, accepting Reiner’s interpersonal failure. “How drunk are you?”
Reiner grins.
“I don’t know but your girlfriend’s the one that’s making them,” Reiner says before dissolving into the crowd.
Zeke questions whether or not Reiner was actually there in the first place. He could have merely been an anxiety induced hallucination.
“I have to… go,” Zeke abruptly blurts out to no one in particular as he pushes himself through his group of friends.
Free from their grasp he kicks himself for being so inarticulate in such a genuine way. Usually his nerves were hidden by a veneer of stoicism, but now he wonders if maybe it was just the beard. 
The bar is packed and Zeke stands on his tippy toes trying to see your little head bobbing around somewhere. So many people look like you from this distance. He takes off his glasses and squints but it does little to assist him. He nearly drops them as he maneuvers them back onto his face. Eventually he hears you cackling close by. He sighs heavily once he spots you behind the bar. You look angelic, a beacon of light in a sea of complete fucking bullshit. You look him in the eyes and smile, relief washing over him.
“Don’t you have to have a license or something to be back there?” he asks you, hiding his anxiety behind a facade of smugness.
You shrug and lean over the bar to kiss his forehead.
“They ain’t kicked me out yet so… I guess not.”
Zeke sits down on a bar stool and holds his head in his hands. He remembers that this is a private party and the likelihood of anyone actually giving a shit is slim to none.
“Reiner called you my girlfriend.”
“Ew, why?”
Zeke peers up from his hands, the rest of his face still obscured. Anything to hide his lack of facial hair.
“Because we showed up together and he probably heard us fucking in the bathroom earlier. Can you hold these for me? I almost dropped them.”
Zeke hands you his glasses and you tuck them away in your purse.You pat his head and ruffle his wavy blonde hair. He relishes in the gentle touch of your hand.
“Reiner’s an idiot. Want a shot?”
“Two. You know what I like.”
You grab a bottle of whiskey and overpour two shots. You pass one to him and go grab the other for yourself. Zeke grabs your wrist and stares up at you.
“They’re both for me.”
You shake your head and pour yourself one. Zeke downs the whiskey, savoring the smokey taste it leaves behind on his tongue. Just as he goes to ask you about how your day was Marcel fucking Galliard taps him on the shoulder.
“Buddy, it’s been too long. How ya been?”
Marcel is hammered and he lifts Zeke off the stool into a bear hug. Zeke feels the whiskey crawl up his throat, the most painful tickle he’s been subjected to.
“Ni—nice to see you. It has been awhile,” he chokes out.
Marcel loosens his grip and takes a seat next to Zeke. He looks impeccable, his hair perfectly quaffed. His skin was practically glowing. How could such a drunk guy look so put together and handsome?
“It has been a fucking while!” Marcel exclaims once more.
Zeke scratches his ear and then subtly waves you off. You slowly walk away backwards from the men, bumping into the actual bartender.
“Colt! Coltie Boy!... Damn, dude, you alright? You look tired.”
Marcel has mistaken Zeke for Colt Grice, one of the other tall blonde guys in their friend group. It seems logical because Colt works at the same middle school as Zeke doing the same exact thing he does, teaching language arts to seventh graders. Though Zeke thinks he’s smarter and more relatable to his students. It certainly doesn’t help that he hasn’t seen Marcel in years, who likely has forgotten what he looks like.
“Well I haven’t been getting much sleep. You know me, burning the midnight oil and all.”
Marcel laughs way too hard at Zeke’s joke which wasn’t even a joke in the first place.
He grabs Zeke’s shoulder and continues. “Great, that’s great. Such a hard worker. So uh, shit what’s her name… That girl you’ve been seeing.”
Marcel snaps his fingers and grabs Zeke’s shoulder again.
“Yeah, yeah, how’s Pieck? She’s a keeper. A great girl.”
“She’s good, couldn’t be happier with her. We’re thinking about getting a dog.”
“Wow, that’s—that’s great. You deserve it, man. You’re a good guy. Not like that dork Zach Yeager.”
“His name is Zeke, Marcel.”
“Who cares? You,” Marcel pokes Zeke in the chest, just barely missing his nipple, “you’re a good guy. You got your life together. Fuck Zach, man.”
Zeke nods in agreement.
“He’s a fucking dick, you know? Sure, yeah, I haven’t seen that weirdo in years, but I don’t even have to see him to know he’s—” Marcel pauses to burp into his hand. “excuse me. To know he’s a piece of shit.”
“I can’t say I’ve ever been a fan either.”
“Fucking wears dumb glasses, like dude get a normal pair.”
“I know, right?”
“Grandpas wear those glasses, Coltie. Grand. Pas.”
Just as Zeke feels like he’s going to vomit into his own lap Bertholdt pops up from behind Marcel, eyes full of concern. 
“Hey Marcel, Porco’s out back and he’s not looking too good.”
Bertholdt’s a dirty liar and everyone except Marcel knows it. Porco’s tolerance is god-like, an unwavering cognitive marvel. Marcel sighs and stands up, stumbling out the door to the patio, Bertholdt trailing behind. He hits his forehead on the door frame on his way out.
“Are you gonna be okay?” you quietly ask, eating a maraschino cherry you stole from someone’s drink.
Zeke smiles and shakes his head. 
“It could’ve been wor—”
“Oh shit! What happened? You kinda look like dad!”
Eren is standing in the doorway with a pair of wayfarers on. He definitely stole them from someone; there was no way he’d drop money on Ray Bans. He comes over and hugs Zeke from behind. Zeke appreciates Eren’s affection but it does nothing to soothe verbal assault he received from Marcel.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I know that was fucked up,” Eren coos. “But I am right. I can’t help that.”
It doesn’t matter if Eren is right or not. Zeke’s ego is crushed beyond repair. You shoo his brother away and drag Zeke into one of the booths, sitting across the table from him. He frowns.
“Can you sit next to me?”
The alcohol is taking hold of him. He needs attention and affection, but not too much. Anything beyond you sitting beside him, holding him close, is simply unbearable. You switch sides and scoot close to him. 
Zeke notices you staring at him. Your gaze is kind, kinder than a shithead like him deserves. He can’t remember a time in his life where he felt more insecure and unworthy of you. When your soft hand caresses his bare face he is slightly startled. However it’s a welcome gesture.
“I think you look good,” you purr.
He slinks down into his seat, bathing in your praise.
“I’m a little jealous of your jawline too.”
Zeke blushes.
“I look that good, huh?”
“No, you look like shit. I was lying the whole time. You’re the ugliest guy here.”
“Stop you’re going to make me fall in love with y—”
“Colt! The fuck?! What about Pieck, man?!”
You both turn to see a very drunk, very disheveled Marcel being carried out of the bar by Porco and Colt. Colt turns around, looking fresh as daisy, not a single line or wrinkle on his face; his skin smoother than a baby’s ass. He flashes an apologetic grin and lets go of Marcel, walking towards the two of you with utmost confidence. Porco crashes into a table because Marcel might as well be the most cumbersome person on the planet at this moment.
“This is probably the worst time to ask, but do you think I could use your study guides for my class tomorrow? I didn’t have time to throw anything together because Pieck and I were settling into our new apartment.”
Zeke wants to die right then and there. Zeke, who lives in a studio apartment with a chinchilla named Robert. Zeke, who will never own any form of home in his life. Zeke, who’s skincare routine will never make up for years of smoking and sitting in the sun.
“Wow! That’s so cool, Colt!” you pipe up, wrapping an arm around Zeke. He leans into you, desperately trying to disappear. He wants you to make the situation go away, to wrap it up with a little bow and toss it out a window.
“It’s a lot of work getting all that furniture into the penthouse that’s for sure.”
“I can imagine,” you reply eagerly, making up for Zeke’s awkwardness.
Colt just stands there grinning. 
The lull in the conversation is too much for Zeke bear. He realizes he needs to open his mouth and speak.
“Uh, you can use my study guides.”
“Oh thank you! You’re a lifesaver.” Colt turns around to see the nuclear disaster that is the Galliard brothers. “I hate to cut this short, but I have to take care of that,” he laughs. “Let’s do dinner sometime!”
Once Colt is out of earshot Zeke falls to pieces.
“Let’s do an execution sometime, Colt. Just boil me alive, send me to the boats.”
Zeke notices the quizzical look you give him and tosses his head back and groans.
“It’s a form of execution where you trap someone between two boats—row boats not ocean liners.” He knows you all too well, your perception prone to the absurd. “And you force feed them milk and honey, and you cover them with it too. And then you leave them to fester and rot in the sun like in a lake or a river.” He coughs. “Death doesn’t come quickly obviously. Flies lay eggs in your wounds, feasting upon your infected flesh. Mosquitos rise from the putrid water and buzz around you. Your body decays right before your eyes.”
“Uh,” is all you can manage to spit out.
He can’t hide his disappointment, and avoids your gaze.
“I know something that’ll cheer you up.”
“What?” he asks.
“Wanna see some dick pics?”
Zeke’s attention is thoroughly piqued. He clears his throat, trying to mask his blatant curiosity.
“Sure. Whose do you have?”
You smirk. “I got everyone.”
“Do you go around showing these to everyone?”
Zeke panics remembering the series of dick pics he sent you one night after smoking two blunts by himself. So many different angles and his face was definitely in a few of them.
“Oh god no, I don’t show them to anyone.”
He bathes in a sea of relief.
“Okay good. Let me see.”
You pull out your phone and go to your hidden photos. A barrage of dicks show up on the screen all in various states of turgidity.
‘Wait, I want to see mine first.”
“Fine. Weirdo.”
You scroll down to find a picture of Zeke’s hard cock. A solid six inches. Circumcised. A few veins running along the length of it, more on the green side. It’s framed by curly, untrimmed, flaxen pubic hair which suddenly Zeke is weirdly self conscious about. He can’t help but wonder if Colt has untamed pubes.
“Should I wax?”
You look at him like he has three heads.
“What? No. I like them even if they get caught in my teeth occasionally.”
You pinch his cheek and Zeke lets out a little “phew”. He doesn’t know what he’d do if you told him otherwise. The idea of ripping out his body hair terrifies him. Shaving’s bad enough, the resulting emotional anguish a burden he struggles to bear. He might die if he added physical pain into the mix.
“I appreciate the angles,” you say. “It’s artistic. The lighting hits the cum dripping off the tip perfectly.”
Zeke basks in the light of your praise.
“Nice and erect, not floppy and flaccid. It’s one of my favorites.”
He shivers at the thought of sending you a photo of his limp dick. He’s a grower, not a shower, a fact that left him feeling inadequate if he thought too hard about it.
It was seemingly unfounded. You never expressed any displeasure when you’d pull his cock out of his pants and see it in its flaccid state. No hint of judgment when you got down on your knees and sucked him off. Just pure, unadulterated joy.
“Gimme a name.”
“Let’s see the birthday boy.”
You pull up a poorly lit photo of an incredibly erect cock. No veins, very smooth with an even coloring. Zeke notices he’s uncircumcised and tries to convince himself that his dick being circumcised makes him a better person than Bertholdt.
“It’s very long,” you say, zooming in on the dick and scrolling down. “Not super thick though.”
“I’m not impressed.”
Zeke takes pride in his cock being thicker than Bertholdt’s.
“Can I ask why you have a pic of his dick?”
“He was drunk and meant to send it to Annie.”
“And you kept it?”
“Hey, whoa. I did ask.”
Zeke gives you a quizzical look. He is having trouble discerning the situation at hand and it makes him feel like he’s dying. You pat his back.
“I was like, ‘Bertl, can I keep this?’ And he was like, ‘If you feel so compelled.’ And let me tell you... I was compelled.”
“Next one,” Zeke says, glaring at the dick on your phone screen.
“Okay,” you flip through your photos, “Porco.”
You hold up your phone, showing Zeke a still image of Porco furiously masturbating on the bathroom floor.
“D—did he set up a timer on his phone?”
“Yeah, grandpa, welcome to the 21st century. We’re happy to have you.”
“You’re two years younger than me, grandma.”
You stick your tongue out at him and zoom in on Porco’s cock. His cock curves upward quite a bit, veiny but not nearly as veiny as Zeke’s. The tip is a pearlescent pink. Porco managed to catch himself in the middle of his orgasm, cum spurting upward like a geyser.
“What do you think?” you ask him.
“Cum looks a little thin, watery even.”
Zeke wants to tack on that his cum is more robust, but he realizes how pathetic it is to brag about.
“I like it when it’s thicker. Like if someone is going to come on me I wanna feel it splatter on my skin, you know?”
Zeke doesn’t know.
“Yeah I get that,” he lies.
“I appreciate the action of the shot, but it’s too busy. I see a bottle of Acqua di Gio on his bathroom counter. His plunger is in the background. I don’t like that his bathroom rug is orange.”
Zeke could hear you talk shit about Porco’s nudes all day.
“You lookin’ at Porco’s nudes?”
Reiner slides into the other side of the booth. He’s pretty drunk, skin a little pink, but he seems mostly there.
“Has everyone seen them?” Zeke asks in a panic.
“No. I overheard you guys talking,” he chastises. “You guys are really harsh critics.”
“I have standards, Reiner.”
“If people can be film critics, why not dick critics?” Zeke asks, genuinely wanting an answer.
“Hey!” You smack Reiner’s arm. “Can I show Zeke your dick?”
“I’d be offended if you didn’t. I’m not an artist, but I’ve been told I have an eye for color,” he brags.
Zeke rolls his eyes. “Hush. Let’s see the dick.”
You pull up Reiner’s dick on your phone. It’s a lower body shot, just his torso and cock in view, it’s standing straight up. His body is framed by his earth toned bedding that makes his skin look divine. He’s statuesque, like a Greek god.
“Check out my cum gutters.”
“Reiner,” you exclaim. “Gross!”
“So Zeke, what do you think?” Reiner asks eagerly.
“Impressive,” Zeke chokes out. “Very nice.”
Zeke’s ready to move on. Reiner’s color coordinating bodybuilder nudes make him want to wear clothes for the rest of his life. He pictures himself dressed in his pajamas, standing in the middle of his shower, arms crossed, looking absolutely miserable.
“Hm, I think that’s all I have. Wait. Oh my god, I forgot I have your brother’s.”
Zeke is conflicted. On one hand he feels protective of Eren and wants to destroy your phone, preserving Eren’s honor. But on the other he wants to rip Eren’s head off for sending you a picture of his dick.
“I have one!” Reiner pipes up.
“Whose?” Zeke and you ask in unison.
You start to shake your head. “No, no more dick pics. We’re done for the night.”
“No,” Zeke says, clenching his jaw. “Let’s see Colt Grice’s cock.”
You toss your head back and stare at the ceiling, preparing yourself for Zeke’s reaction. Reiner winces, realizing his mistake. But still he pulls out his phone.
“Why do you have a picture of his dick?” you ask.
“He needed a creative consultant,” he replies plainly.
Reiner goes through his phone and breathes heavily. He looks up from his phone, his lips a flat line, and he holds up Colt’s dick pic.
It’s a full body shot of Colt. His cock is thick and long, the same look and size as Zeke’s. He grabs Reiner’s phone and stares at Colt’s throbbing erection. It’s taken in his bathroom and unlike Porco's, his counter is organized, only a small bottle of expensive hand soap lurking in the corner. His dick is the perfect shade of pink, the head of his cock picturesque. It’s smooth, but not in a creepy way. It’s like it was sculpted by Rodin, rock hard and tremendous.
“Oh my god. His pubes are so trim,” Zeke mutters. 
His hand shakes and he drops the phone. Reiner grabs it, slips it into his pocket, and looks away from Zeke. The three of you sit in silence, the only sounds coming from the party.
“Is something wrong, Zeke?” you ask. “You’re sweating.”
Zeke doesn’t say anything. There isn’t anything to say. This isn’t something that can be buffed away with pity. The wounds inflicted are too deep. The pain radiating through his being will never cease. There will be no relief from his festering inadequacy. Happiness and hope for the future are rendered foreign concepts.
The man is irreparably damaged.
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sleepy-bebby · 1 year
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66K notes · View notes
walnutsupreme · 9 months
so mad i have to make content for my ocs. what do you mean he can’t just appear on my dash
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nadaboodraws · 7 months
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skinofalien · 3 months
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Shinzo wo Sasageyo!
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hqkalon · 9 months
tying up men twice your size, just to feel him thrust into the palm of your hand as he continuously chants curse words underneath his breath. “fuckk angel.” his dick twitched in your hand as you continued moving your wrist in an upwards-twist motion. usually he’d be the one reflecting the same actions on you, but much meaner. his low pants turned into small groans, watching the head of dick disappear in the palm of your small hand. “shit baby, i’m bouta cum.” he looked up at you through the wet hairs sticking against his forehead. “oohh fuckk!” you watched as his caved in, seeing how his beautiful muscles flexed as your fist tightened around his length. “angel..” his husky voice almost sounded like a pleading cry as he threw his head back against the headboard— you began pumping faster, feeling his hips jerk up, “anggh fuckk. c-cumm-ing.” he groaned, shooting a load with each stroke of your palm as he hummed in pleasure. “good boy.” a mischievous smirk ran across your face as he replicated the same devious grin. “now it’s your turn pretty girl.”
reiner, sukuna, yami, gojo, bokuto, toji, miya twins, getou
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hayakaws · 7 months
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the end ⚔️🪽
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backwzzds · 11 months
men who spread you open to tongue fuck the shit out of you. they’ll make sure to grab your pretty lips by the fold and spread them so wide open, the cool air in your room does wonders when it passes over your sensitive clit. you’ll moan at the response of the goosebumps forming over your skin, but they’ll just continue shoving their tongue in your pretty hole. it’d be an over exaggeration to say your hole was tiny. it was, but it always opened up so well for him. his tongue, his throbbing dick—your cunt always molded itself to fit around whatever piece of him belonged.
the way that you gaped in and out the more times he shoved his tongue inside you caught him in amazement. he’d hum in delight as he’d tongue fucked you, annoying giving his tongue the same treatment his delicious cock got any time it slithered between your plush thighs. you could feel every inch of his muscle prodding inside your own. he was so in love with you, there was no definition or privacy or boundaries when it came to you two. what was yours was his and what was his was yours.
he ate your pussy like it was a medal and he was the champion. after he was done with you, tongue and jaw locked from immensely fucking you in such dire conditions, he looked up at you with the entire bottom half of his chin completely soaked in the evidence of your arousal.
“mhm, you got some good pussy there, mama.”
REINER, TOJI, eren, JEAN, connie, RENJI, benimaru, SANJI, ACE, zoro, LUFFY, GOJO + any of ur faves
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nkogneatho · 11 months
—cw: fem!reader, dacryphilia, size kink, pet names, pulled this one out of my cunt so idk who to specify but insert any big man here.
Your cries are not ignored. They just happen to fuel his ego. Broad pelvis concealing your sweet, wet core and his balls are drenched in your juices. His dickhead forcing out all the cum you have hidden inside as he pushes it in.
It hurts. The stretch is too much to bear. But you don't want him to stop either. Your pussy wants to devour him till you're fucked apart. You're scared. You need him desperately, but what if he doesn't fit?
"Then I'll make it fit. Don'tcha worry, sweetheart." He doesn't hurt you. His mushroom head settles near your entrance to make sure it is getting used to it. To make sure it'll welcome when he pushes that big cock inside you.
And when he finally knows you're ready, the man uses all his force in ramming his thick cock inside you, knocking out the air in your lungs. You're overwhelmed. You want to cry. But at the same time, you need to feel that man as if he is deep in your fucking throat. A lump of air is formed in your oesophagus and you feel like you need extra effort to breathe. He comes to the rescue and slams his dick another time, making that lump disappear and all you feel now is a cocksleeve made for him. No matter how big you are, you feel tiny when his body hovers over you. You feel as if you're just a small cumsock sewn for his dick.
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kiwie-not-kiwi · 2 months
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I’m very happy to introduce you my new button badges collection ! 🎉 They will be available in my shop very soon !! It was so good to draw everyone safe, happy and reunited ! 🥰☀️
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Reiner's superiors noticing him pining for a Darling and deciding to use her as a way to keep him motivated. They'll convince/coerce/outright FORCE her to accept his advances and be with him as a sick kind of prize
The saddest part is that Reiner, underneath the delusions he likes to believe in, he knows that they're not with him willingly. And he loves them but...he doesn't care. He needs them, they're ALL he has. He'll come back to his quarters and practically tackle them in a hug, breathing in their scent and clutching them tight. His nightmares are less intense when they're in bed with him. The only reason he agrees to go on long missions is because he needs to do everything possible to keep them in his life, and that means being the best Warrior possible.
If they're from before he goes to Paradise, he'd keep dozens of little mementos of them while he's away: a locket with their picture and a few pieces of their hair, a handkerchief with their scent all over it, a stolen note with their handwriting he'd taken when he first stalked her. He's masturbated to all three of them while on away missions.
I think that while he's in Paradise, he'd insist that they stay on the ship docked at the coast with the crew for the months he'd be away--that way he can see them as soon as possible. If they're someone he falls in love with while in Paradise, he'd snatch them up and refuse to leave with Zeke and the others until they let him bring her.
Either way, the first time he's with her he's a desperate man and it SHOWS. His hands are shaking when he cups her cheek and starts to undress her, he's crying a little as he smiles and says such sweet, passionate, terrifying things to her while holding her down.
"I love you, I love you so much...I'd die for you. I'd KILL for you. I've done so much to keep you safe and close to me, and I'd do it all again in a heartbeat."
"Please, please don't cry! I promise I'm going to make you feel so good, we're gonna feel so good together. Smile for me."
"You look so cute when you're sleeping, y'know. I finally get to see it up close and not through your window."
"You know how I had that whole story in my head about being a Soldier, not a warrior? You were part of it; I'd fight the Titans, live to the end of the war, and then I'd settle down on a farm with you as my wife. Hehe...I even tried drawing up what your wedding dress could look like and learn to sew so I could make it myself. Once we're back in Marley, we'll get married for real."
"Your panties...fuck, they look so pretty. I always wanted to see what the pair I stole from you looked like when you were wearing them, instead of all folded up in your drawer."
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incepstla · 7 months
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Shingeki no kyojin (2013 - 2023) Special 2 - First major appearances vs Last appearances
Thank you for all these amazing characters. ♡
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aiizenn · 1 year
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men who would have a big wolfy grin after making you squirt for the first time. practically laughing at you, laughing at how they fucked you so dumb all you could do was squirt.
“daddy fucked you dumb, hmm? feel good?” he groaned. “you look so fucking pathetic, pussy all stretched, whimpering like a bitch. making such a big mess” you felt embarrassed, humiliated. it was your first time feeling such pleasure, you didn’t know what it was until it happened. his words made your pussy clench, loving every second of him humiliating you. you turn your head away, feeling flustered.
“look at me.” he ordered. and you obeyed, not daring to defy him. “you’re gonna do that again, but this time it’ll be in my mouth.” he says as he lowers his head, kissing and biting the inside of your thighs. “you hear me.” “yes daddy.” he smirks before giving your clit a good long lick. “atta girl.”
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༊ * · ˚ reiner, eren, kenpachi, grimmjow, isshin, aizen, gintoki, toushirou, toji, gojo, sukuna, muzan, uzui, hak, trevor fckn belmont
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mommypieck · 5 months
⌗︙・reiner eating u out on his knees ⸜⸜・
reiner is a sucker for eating you out and he's not scared to be desperate. he's not scared to whine and beg to just have a little taste of your cunt.
"please." he begs, falling to his knees in front of you. his strong arms wrapping around your legs and he uses his nose to hike up your skirt.
"you're like a puppy." you whine, trying to push his head away. you have meeting with your friends in about ten minutes and there's no time for fooling around.
"please, i need it so bad." he practically sobs. you sign, finally giving in his pleads. his mouth latches on your clit the second you push your panties to the side. he's obsessed, completely in transe from your juices. you're leaking all over his face but he doesn't care. in fact, he loves it. your pussy is his home, somewhere where he belongs. doesn't matter if it's his cock or his tongue. even tho, he would never tell you but it's tongue. as much as he loves when your pussy squeezes him, he loves tasting you more better. reiner looks pathetic, on his knees in front of you, face in your cunt. your skirt fell down again and it's over his eyes and you can't see his expression. but it's better this way, because he wants to devour you a bit longer before you cum. you know you would cum just from seeing his desperate face. maybe he's even tearing up because you finally allowed him to taste you after 2 torturous days. you shake as you cum in his mouth and reiner laps at the nectar.
"thank you so much, love. have fun, but please come home early so i can taste you again."
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brutallygod · 3 months
minors don't interact !
cw: female!reader, size difference, belly bulge.
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size difference, size difference, size difference!! imagine!!
“it won’t fit!” you sob out loud, hair clinging to your sweaty face as you roll your hips. your walls flutter around the thick cock in you, trying to suck him in but failing. he's bigger than you and your pretty cunt always struggles to take all of him. but you're determined today, telling him you wanted to fit everything in you.
he trails his fingers up and down your side before one hand snakes down to thumb at your clit while the other large hand clasps your hip. "i'll make it fit," he promises, soft as he pleasures you. he rubs your clit, making you wetter for a smoother entry. you’re whimpering as you slowly sink down, taking more and more of his cock. a mix of pleasure and pain courses through your veins and you gasp out as soon as you manage to take every inch of him.
"there you go, good girl," he praises, kissing your temple as he moves the hand on your hips to rest on your lower stomach, where an imprint of his cock shows under your skin. his fingers still rubs your clit. "look at how deep my cock is, spreading your cunt open and making you mine."
reiner braun, ushijima wakatoshi, jing yuan, + your fav!
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