#useless lesbian Ivy
Ivy, journaling: things I’ve accomplished this week; I finally told the divine dragon that I love her. things that I need to improve on; I panicked and no homo’d it right after. going to go scream into a pillow now.
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bunniehrtz · 5 months
omg can u do mama!abby hugging reader and then babygirl suddenly says “my mama” then pushes abbys arms that are wrapped around reader (similar to the mama!abby sick fic that u did ) and then Abby teases babygirl and says “no mine” then suddenly babygirl starts crying 😭💕
silliest mama award goes to abby. also babygirl name reveal !!!!!!!!!!!!!
the front door closes as you finish tidying the once messy living room. ivy has run into her room, to make a mess in there now, probably. you sigh, sitting down on the sofa for what feels like the first time this week. a messy blonde walks into the room, leaning on the doorframe. “long day?” she asks, earning a groan in response. “you have no idea,” you laugh, watching abby walk over to you. she sits next to you on the sofa, her arms out. you immediately fall into them, embracing you in a hug you didn’t know you needed.
the house was quiet. too quiet.
you hear little taps get louder as ivy enters the room, gasping dramatically. she clambers onto the sofa, pushing you and abby apart. ivy makes herself at home on your lap, her arms crossed at her chest as she pouts up at abby. “my mama,” you widen your eyes, looking up and nodding at abby. “uh huh. your mama,” you giggle, leaning down to press kisses and blow raspberries on ivy’s cheek.
“uh, actually, baby. she’s mine,” abby pulls on your arm lightly, pulling you back into a hug. ivy now squished in between you both. “no! no, mama! off!” ivy squeals, pushing and hitting abby’s chest. “oh, so mean. just because she’s my mama too doesn’t mean you can steal her from me,” abby teases, ignoring the warning look in your eyes, now focused on ivy’s eyes welling up, her bottom lip jutting out. “oh- baby, no i’m-” “NO! MY MAMA!” ivy shouts, turning around to you to hide in your neck, sniffling softly. abby’s dumbfounded, her mouth open but nothing is coming out. you do your best to bite back a laugh. “it’s okay, baby. mama’s just joking. aren’t you?” you gesture over to abby, needing her to say something.
abby nods, slowly reaching over to rub ivy’s back. “i’m only joking, baby. promise. didn’t mean to make you upset,” she says softly, easing ivy out of your arms into her own, sitting her on her lap. “okay, mama,” ivy smiles up at her, poking her head up to place a kiss on abby’s cheek. she quickly pecks ivy’s lips, pulling her into a bear hug. you follow suit, squishing ivy between you both. “love you, mama.”
taglist @queenofmistresses @bambishaven @abigails-gf @drunkelliewilliams @abbysprettygiiirl @toasthatervee @lesbian-useless
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averyalaska · 2 years
Head First, Fearless
Larissa Weems x Fem!Reader
Summary: Larissa hires you as the new Astronomy professor at Nevermore, but danger is never far from those ivy-covered walls.
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Word Count: 46,862 (20 chapters)
Warnings: Contains smut & nsfw
✎ Ao3 Link .* :☆゚
Author's note: Forgive me for not posting all 20 chapters on Tumblr, but I just finished writing my first Larissa x Reader fic, so here's the link in case anyone missed it! Contains angst, pining, useless lesbians, a LOT of fluff, eventual smut, and of course, a happy ending.
P.S. I would love to know your thoughts on it.
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your-absent-father · 2 months
You've heard of dark haired mafia leader, now get ready for lesbian mafia leader
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Love smiled, tried not to smirk in satisfaction over the deception towards the woman's microaggression. Love sat down in the kitchen, pretending to just wait like a good cleaner who didn’t understand English that much. After the woman walked away, Love jumped up in happiness and started to walk towards the door.
“Why can’t you just let me see him?” Faint voice boomed behind the door, which made Love stop for a moment. She leaned closer towards the door, trying to decipher who was talking. 
“Stefan is resting. I am just following the doctors’ orders.” Chill ran down Love’s spine as she heard the name Beatrix just berated her for mentioning. Someone wanted to see Stevie after he was bailed, and Stevie was still in bad shape. Love had an urge to just jump to the other side, and demand to see Stevie so he could tell her every answer to a question her mind was full of.
“That’s… That’s… I don’t believe you. I think you are just hiding him from me.” The first voice was meek as it tried to overpower the other, a demeaning female voice that made Love have chills, but be tiny bit turned on by.
“Elize, you have no fucking idea what’s going on right now. This is much more than just Beatrix and Stefan’s little band. After all of this, this whole company is still ruined, all because of some rat, and I am trying my fucking hardest to keep this company holding on till that little redhead is dead so I can blame all of this on her. I haven’t had time to give you an ounce of my time, time that even a second is worth more than your entire lifetime. You holding hands with my brother isn’t number one on my priority list, he is barely even capable of talking to me right now.” Love’s mouth popped open. The women talking were Elize Grant and Evalyn Harkness. The two sisters of the band members. The manager and the CEO. Love had jumped into a gold mine, and she didn’t even plan to do so. 
“I know, please, I just… “ Elize’s pleas were meek compared to Evalyn’s commanding voice. Love could hear Elize walk around, probably trying not to look at Evalyn. “You owe me that much. You didn’t bail Nikita out. She is the most innocent but is suffering because you won’t help her. You know any of it isn’t her fault, and the bastard deserved to rot in jail. Even Stevie has done things more despicable than her.”
“Don’t patronize me about your sister. I have a plan, and the only thing you are doing is losing my time to something frankly fucking useless.” Love could hear Evalyn’s breathing more clearly, like she was getting more agitated by the second. “I love your sister. Don’t ever make me sound like I don’t. I would destroy the whole prison and start a fucking civil war if I had the men right now. But I don’t.” Love could hear a voice crack in Evalyn’s voice, or what she thought was one. 
There was a moment of silence, before Elize sighed purely defeated. “Would you take Ivy? Our mom is old, she can’t take her, and I am hounded by the police every day. I’m sure you have some people that could take care of her for a bit, just so the police won’t take her.”
Love could hear voices become more hushed, so Love leaned closer so she could hear Evalyns response. “Leave from the restaurant’s backdoor. There shouldn’t be any reporters there. If you ever talk to me like this again, I won’t hesitate to kill you. So I hope I won’t see you here again.”
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taglist because i forgot from last ones: @guessillcallitart @dyrewrites @wildswrites
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disaster-theysbian · 1 year
Because @morningsolitude has specifically requested it, here is the rest of the Useless Lesbian Story of how my partner and I got together.
Quick backstory, we'd been friends for a year or so before having a platonic cuddle at a party. Then we realised our feelings weren't very platonic at all, and proceeded to dance around the issue for the next two months because... well, useless lesbians.
It started with me popping round to use her printer. Then it was popping round for cups of tea. Cooking dinner together. That kind of thing. We had a movie night where we shared our Favourite Stupid Films from our childhood, and it ended with a Very Awkward Handshake (story here )
Anyway, the following night was a Christmas movie night with all of our friends, including her brother and brother-in-law. All of them were getting ready to knock our heads together. Whereas the night before we'd had a sort-of cuddle under a blanket, we were so conscious of people watching us that we were sitting bolt upright and not touching.
Then our phones start pinging. A few of our friends started posting cute animal cuddle gifs in the group chat. We were smoking at the ears by this point. I went to the loo and actually heard her voice from upstairs (she never shouts, ever) calling her brother in law a twat!
She gave me a lift home that night and it was excruciatingly awkward as ever. But we both knew something was there, and we both knew that neither of us were going to be brave enough to say it.
So I decided I didn't have to say anything at all.
That week was Christmas, so I made her a card. A silver elephant wearing a Santa hat on a dark forest green background, bordered with holly and ivy, holding a single sprig of mistletoe in its trunk.
She came round for a cup of tea before giving me a lift to our craft group's Christmas party. I gave her the envelope. And promptly hid behind a cushion as she opened it and read what was inside: "Shall we address the elephant in the room?"
The next thing I knew she gently took the cushion away from me and pulled me into the gentlest, warmest, most comforting hug I'd ever had. I let myself melt in her arms.
I had come to realise, and realised over and over during the first year of our relationship, that I'd never known love before I knew her. Attraction? Yes. Desire? Yes. Infatuation? Yes. Codepedency? Trauma bonding? An innate, unmet need for validation that was preyed upon by multiple people? Yep yep yep.
Before I confessed my feelings to her, I didn't really care if she didn't share them. I just loved being with her. I loved watching her smile and laugh, and infodump about her favourite things. I just wanted to be around her. And the way she made me feel.
She made me feel like I was worthy of care and respect, without me doing anything in particular or saying anything in particular, or liking the same things as her, or looking a certain way. This was something I'd rarely felt, not just with romantic partners but among friends and family. As friends, she never treated me like I was extra special, never said anything cheesy like "you're perfect just the way you are". But I felt special just being around her. Just sitting there having cups of tea or eating dinner, folding laundry, doing normal shit. I'm not the only person who feels this way around her. She is so well loved among our friends because she so quietly, innocuously, makes you feel like you matter, without love-bombing you or putting you on a pedestal. She doesn't even know she's doing it.
She has given me back so much of my faith in humanity, in kindness, in patience, and optimism. She has given me back my own self, that I hid under layers and layers of people-pleasing cultivated by 25 years of toxic environments.
On Valentine's day just gone, I asked her to be my wife.
And she said yes.
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sagespirit-wc · 9 months
hii u can call me sage or ivy. i’m 21 and this is my wc side blog (my main is thelittlefrogblog if u wanna see silly stuff i post there)
some things i’m currently working on + what they will entail, just in case you’re interested:
full disclosure i’m a full time student and my obsession w warriors goes on and off so the progress may be slow/nonexistent at times
my first warriors fanfic piece is in progress. it’s called Oh Starclan, Not Again (much like oh god not again the hp fic) in which starclan makes firestar go back in time before he joins after his death cause they’re a bag of dicks and he’s the cat jesus. i think it’s fun and silly. it’s on AO3 under my pseud sagespirit currently.
my second idea was based on an idea moonkitti mentioned in one of their vids - they mentioned they wanted to see the next warriors series based far off in the future and that sounded dope so i made an au type thing based far in the warrior future. it includes a big old prophecy, a bunch of lesbian medicine cats, and prophecy cats including queens and full grown cats alongside two cute warrior apprentices who will fall in love (and not die or become toxic) so watch out for that. it will be very selfish
and ofc you can’t write warriors fanfic if you don’t rewrite the series so that’s my plan for my third project - it’ll be essentially the same plot as the og but i will change things that made me mad and more selfish choices, such as:
lionblaze is no longer boring and is now the himboist of himbos to ever himbo
hollyleaf is gay (probably for cinder)
names that i think are dumb will be changed (mostly nostalgia-fueled, sorry)
bramble will not be an abusive piece of shit and will actually be a dope husband and father
he will also die/retire earlier cause i want him to
firestar doesn’t have a thing for spottedleaf and loves his wife sandstorm and only his wife sandstorm
they also have more kits than squirrel and leaf cause i think fire would love being a dad
jay is slightly less of a little shit - still sarcastic but his heart is less frozen and his bitterness comes from his love and fear of losing those he loves
when they change the code they will also change the whole med cats not having mates/kits thing cause it’s dumb
starclan ISNT a huge bag of dicks
more death/less useless background characters
useless background characters get personalities
women aren’t vilified for no reason other than for the hatred of women
and more to be determined - those are just what i know so far i want to change
so yeah hope that excites anyone at all and if it doesn’t too bad i’m still going to keep writing it. if it does excite you and you have more ideas feel free to let me know and i just might include them!!
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vividviverrid · 1 year
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the reposing force of the great lakes;
---by kael knoxton martin, a (real) wip intro.
genre - science fiction, superhero fiction.
age range - adult.
status - working on first draft.
content warnings - child abuse, drug use (marijuana), discussions of homophobia and transphobia, unhealthy relationships, gore, suicidal ideation.
In the fictional city of Knife's Edge, Michigan, home to the headquarters of the Reposing Force of the Great Lakes, a superhero collective is tasked with protecting the Great Lakes region from any supernatural threats or metahumans misusing their powers. The Reposing Force is massive, and its heroes are treated like celebrities, as if they're above reproach. The Great Lakes Reposing Force is largely corrupt, preferring publicity and self-gain over the actual goal of helping citizens that the Force was founded with.
Metahuman Ivy White is on her way to a recruitment appointment, with the goal of becoming a member of the Reposing Force. She lives in her car, struggles with mental health issues, and generally views membership to the Force as a last resort attempt to improve her life. Ivy meets Kingsley Henneth and Rowan James during the interview; both of them have powers almost as unique as her own, and all three of them get embarrassingly rejected for having "useless and embarrassing powers". Kingsley and Rowan invite Ivy to stay with them after her car breaks down. At roughly the same time, the leader of the Reposing Force, Graham Case, is making a deal with the queen of the demonic dimension Xulthea to trap his best friend, Soren's wife in the main city for eternity so she is unable to expose proof of a gay adulterous affair to the public.
After finding out what Graham had done, Soren, secretly an extremely powerful metahuman himself, believes his wife to be suffering in Xulthea, so he kidnaps the entire Reposing Force and tricks the queen of Xulthea into giving him free passage between Earth and the parts of Xulthea that are so unpredictably nightmarish that no one lives there. Trapping the Force in what is essentially endless psychological torture, in a realm that naturally must use their deepest fears against them, Soren tells Graham that he and his friends will remain there until his wife is freed. Meanwhile, his wife, Jessica, is unexpectedly bonding with the queen of Xulthea, perfectly safe, watching her husband destroy the city they both once loved.
Also, it turns out Soren missed one member of the Reposing Force. Kira Ramos, the Force's second-in-command who was out of the country visiting family at the time of the kidnapping, returns to Knife's Edge a day later, and must pick up the pieces and retrieve her friends before any supervillain senses an opportunity and decides to wreak havoc in the city. She recruits Ivy and Ivy's new friends to save the Reposing Force, promising high ranking membership and immense fame if they can complete the task.
ivy white, 26, she/her, cis + bi. superpower: super strength when a certain amount of thc is in her system.
rowan james, 26, he/him, gay trans man. superpower: think waterbending but with cheese.
kingsley henneth, 27, he/him, cis + bi. superpower: fashion and accessories manifestation.
winter westbloom, 26, she/her, unlabelled. superpower: can see into someone's past when touching an object they owned.
kira ramos, 28, she/her, nonbinary lesbian. superpower: fire manipulation.
zee the bee, ageless-adult, he/him, nonbinary male-aligned heterosexual. superpower: flight, due to being half-bee; can manifest anything from nightmares into reality.
xorna, around 4000 (or 40 in earth years), she/her, nonbinary lesbian. demon queen of the dimension xulthea.
jessica hollows, 34, she/her, cis bisexual. not a metahuman; soren's wife.
soren, 35, he/him, cis bisexual. superpower: can manifest anything from his daydreams into reality.
domino ferncutter, 32, she/her, cisgender bisexual. creates an ai called oculomancer that becomes sentient; she tries to use ivy as oculomancer's host body.
graham case, 55, he/him, cis gay man (closeted). superpower: invisibility, accelerated speed.
The picture fizzles out, fading slow back into a void-black screen, and she’s gone. The secondhand store employee’s words echo through her mind: fucking Reposing Force, I swear to God… But the gates open, swift and fast like a predator. Ivy looks up into the skies, watches the building as it goes up and up and up, boundless above her. She takes a deep, deep breath, and begins walking again. She’s always walking, always transporting herself between what is real and what is fantasy and what is dreaded. When she isn’t walking literally, her body exhausted from its nomadic nature, she’s walking metaphorically, through the graveyard of her past, her former self an angelic statue fixed above a headstone. Ivy is adept at pushing through obstacles of any kind. She moves forward whether the universe likes it or not. She enters the building, and her boots make a thudding sound on the teal tile beneath her. There’s a mural behind the front desk—scenery of Lake Michigan that is too vibrant, too dreamlike, to be real or accurate. The state of Michigan is never that serene. But regardless, she approaches the desk. It’s a different secretary; how many fucking employees does this place have? She asks for Ivy’s name with a monotone voice, thanks her for it in a monotone voice. Ivy cannot help it. Her mind wanders to situations, to possibilities unknown. Are these employees super=powered too, are they considered lower than the heroic division? If she gets this job, will she be doing boring secretary work for the rest of her life? If she manages to get this job, will she get the opportunity to disrespect others, just as they have done to her? Would she ever get the opportunity to do true good, or will they stick her at a desk for eternity? She wouldn’t be able to handle that.
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ask to be added/removed.
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It's been a minute since I saw the convo but I gave Ivy my bond ring and if she wasn't straight up professing her obsession with Alear then it was very much a "and they were very good friends :)))" vibe, same with their post game bio
Ivy "My wyvern missed you" Fire Emblem is such a useless lesbian I adore her
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 9 months
A What If Scenario no one asked for(title might change)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/0uVOxRy by GothElke What If Harley never noticed that the flower was plastic? What if when she ran off someone else got to her. Someone who wanted revenge? With Harley Not being at the Wedding Gordon's Plan went smoothly and capture everyone who was in the Corn Factory. Poison Ivy was going back to Arkham. To her surprise and relief Harley Quinn was not with them. But where was Harley Quinn? And most importantly would Ivy ever see her again ? Ps: I am terrible with summaries and titles bare with me :D Words: 739, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harley Quinn (Cartoon 2019), Harley Quinn (Comics) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, Gen, Multi Characters: Harleen Quinzel, Pamela Isley, Charles "Chuck" Brown, Joker (DCU), Jim Gordon, Harvey Dent, Clayface, Frank the Plant (DCU), Bruce Wayne Relationships: Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, Pamela Isley & Harleen Quinzel, Charles "Chuck" Brown/Pamela Isley Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Past Relationship(s), Past Abuse, Harleen Quinzel Has Issues, Harleen Quinzel Needs a Hug, Torture, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Harleen Quinzel Loves Pamela Isley, Pamela Isley Loves Harleen Quinzel, Useless Lesbians, Protective Pamela Isley, Past Joker (DCU)/Harleen Quinzel read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/0uVOxRy
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carmen-sandal-eggos · 4 years
Girl flirting: So... do you listen to girl in red?
Ivy: Nah, but I listen to MCR.
One year later
Ivy thinking about it: WAIT A MINUTE-
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harleen-isleyy · 4 years
The Floor is Lava
Warnings: nada, useless Harlivy fluff again, am so bored please send me requests <3
Ivy trudged up the final flight of stairs leading to the floor where her and Harley’s apartment was situated. The elevator being down was the cherry on top of a rather frustrating day. The flower shop had been absolutely dead for the third consecutive day which was now effectively cutting into profits. Nothing was more damaging than watching the place where she had poured all of her time and passion into begin to fail. The redhead clenched her fists in irritation.
As Ivy proceeded through the door, she was stopped in her tracks at the sight of their kitchen chairs scattered about the living room, couch cushions ripped off of the couch and thrown haphazardly about the floor, and the couch itself dragged out and away from the window. Had someone broken in? Before the redhead had the chance to call out to her girlfriend, a whirlwind of blonde hair wizzed passed her. Harley launched herself from chair to chair, nearly tipping the final one over as she threw herself atop of an end table. She teetered precariously near the edge, nearly losing her balance before throwing Ivy a beaming grin.
“Hiya, pretty girl, how was yer day?” Harley quipped, brushing stray stands of blonde hair from her forehead. Ivy watched her chest heave quickly as she tried to catch her breath. Whatever the girl was up to, it seemed that she had been at it for a while. Ivy rose a questioning eyebrow, but chose to save her inquires. She breezed through the living room, grabbing a cushion from the floor and tossing it carelessly back onto the couch before taking a seat. Harley furrowed her brows and pursed her lips in a pout at this.
“Hey, I was usin’ that!” She interjected. Pam chose to ignore this.
“The shop was empty again, it’s beginning to worry me.” The botanist confessed, shrugging her jacket off and throwing it unceremoniously into the coffee table. Harley’s features softened in sympathy. She above all others knew what the flower shop meant to her favorite florist.
“Awe, Pammy, it’s jus’ an off week, I’m sure it’s gonna pick right back up before ya know it!” She encouraged with a sweet smile. She watched her girlfriend propel herself forward, leaping gracefully into the coffee table right in front of her red headed girlfriend.
“What are you doing, Harl?” Ivy finally asked the question that had been itching in the back of her head. The look on Harley’s face screamed bewilderment.
“Tha floor is lava, Pammy!” She stated matter-of-fact-ly, as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. Was Ivy supposed to reach that conclusion on her own? She rolled her eyes at this notion, shaking her head.
“You are absolutely ridiculous.”
“Awful bold words comin’ from tha girl with her feet in lava.” Harley challenged with narrowed eyes, balancing on the balls of her feet in a crouching position. Ivy raised an eyebrow at this, as if to challenge her kiddish girlfriend right back.
And when in the history of ever did Harley not accept a challenge.
Pam was promptly sent back into her seat as Harley launched herself off of the table and right into Ivy’s lap with a screech of “Home base!” As her fingers promptly dug into the florist’s vulnerable sides. Pam shrieked in surprise initially, which transitioned into laughter as Harleys fingers danced up and down her ribs and under her arms. The blonde peppered playful kisses all over the woman’s face and neck, grinning victoriously. She had pulled Ivy from her sour mood, and that was all that she had really wanted. Before Ivy could retaliate, Harley had leapt up from her lap and took off down the hallway. Ivy bolted from her place on the couch, speeding down the hall and into the bedroom after her girlfriend. The girl’s childish antics never did fail to make her feel at least a little bit better.
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bunniehrtz · 5 months
mommy reader dealing with her first period since having our beloved babygirl, and Abby, as always, looking out for reader
ooohhh my baby girls
clutching onto the hot water bottle on your lower abdomen, you turn over to your left, feeling oh so sorry for yourself. the third romantic comedy on your tv, your fourth cup of tea on the side, now cold. you go to sit up, stopping in your tracks as abby enters the room, tutting to herself. “nope. down. don’t make me tell you again,” she warns, you put your hands up in surrender, laying back down.
abby had put you on bed rest for the past week and the following week, the week after that too, probably.
“yeah, mama! sleepin’!” ivy waddles in, climbing onto the couch where you’re laying. she messily clambers on top of you as you quickly swipe the hot water bottle from your stomach, placing it on the floor next to you.
“come, lay down, baby,” you gesture over, ivy laying on your stomach, her head on your chest. you place a kiss her curly, messy hair.
abby walks over, picking up the half drunk tea and taking it into the kitchen, putting the kettle on to make you another. you sigh into ivy’s curls, your eyes closing gently. you hear abby walk back in, placing the mug back where she found it, this time piping hot. “careful, baby,” she warns you again, so protective. she taps your shoulder, lifting you up gently to slot herself behind you. your head on her chest, ivy’s head on yours.
“mama?” ivy rubs her eye roughly, abby’s hand pulling it away.
“yeah, baby?” abby says, her cheek rested on your head.
“baby in mama’s tummy?” she asks, poking your stomach. you immediately shake your head, laughing softly.
“no, baby. you want a brother or sister?” you ask, leaning in to place a kiss on her forehead. she nods feverishly, a big grin on her face.
“we can make that happen, baby,” you can hear the smirk on abby’s face. you roll your eyes, laying ivy back down on your chest.
taglist @queenofmistresses @bambishaven @abigails-gf @drunkelliewilliams @abbysprettygiiirl @toasthatervee @lesbian-useless
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armandyke · 6 years
Guess who bought another plant lmao
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hashtagonlyingotham · 3 years
Look, if the bats ever find me wrapped in Poison Ivy's vines or something like that, don't presume it wasn't consensual and that I am not 100% willing to see where it goes -sincerely, a useless gothamite lesbian #onltingotham #willyoubeturnedonbyasupervillain #look #itseitherdeath #ormaybenastytimes #ifpoisonivyiswilling #itsawinwin
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bittysims · 7 years
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The date ended at the large sculpture across the plaza from the gallery. Anabelle paused for a long moment before leaning in to kiss Juliette. She was sure she was moving too fast, but she hadn’t had a girlfriend since her early high school years, and Juliette was the prettiest girl she’d ever seen. She was so overwhelmed by the idea that someone could even like her, much less someone like Juliette.
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sollucets · 2 years
it’s ocposting hours again but in a different direction than last time. forgive me. this is much less anything i think anyone wants to read than even the last time i did this but i am sorting out very important issues /s
so i used my kids ivy and aster for twc, for n and m respectively, and i kind of want to use someone different for m. i didn’t have a full handle on all the li’s characters yet (and frankly i still don’t have it 100%, i’m looking at you f we will be dating soon what is Going On in that head of yours) and now that i do, i have the urge to change the configuration
so, right now i have ivy with n & aster with m. ivy is an extremely correct choice for n, to be clear, i have no intention of changing that. nat(e) x ivy is godtier, actually, and i’m so excited to play through that route. but i think that aster x mason is.... not correct, irritatingly enough, which is sad, because aster’s the only one of the original tree name gang who i think would use the bold mason flirts. this is kind of why i’m considering making a new oc for m? because of my four that i commonly use for this kind of game, ash doesn’t fit well, and bri... i mean let’s not lie, briony would 100% let morgan ruin her life, that is one free ticket to useless lesbian hell, but like, the blushy flustered responses that would suit bri x m are just not that interesting to me, and (more importantly) i have some... Thoughts... about bri x ava.
see aster is not... a bad choice for m, like, compatibility-wise? they’re h-word as all get out and they’re an outrageous flirt (aster is my angel, you understand) but aster is one of my more emotionally intelligent ocs, and, uh, therein lies the problem. do you see the problem. admittedly i have not yet tried to play m’s route in a ‘no i will not have Just Sex’ with you kind of way so i don’t know how that..... like, works? but tbh the specific dynamic that i like so much about m is ‘yes i know it is a bad idea but i am both horny and whipped’ vs mason’s ‘no thoughts head empty what could these feelings possibly mean hmm ok let’s fuck’ and truthfully i know, i just know, that aster wouldn’t do that to themself
so...... a possibility i have been considering (pretty intently actually, the more i think about it the more sense it makes) is my boy kieran, who is currently my rdv sweetheart oc. he has both the horny energy and the balls to bold flirt with mason, and his general vibe of calm assuredness would suit them in their quieter moments. AND he has poor enough emotional awareness to do the yes of course we can be fuckbuddies. no it is not enough for me but i will take what i think i can get. plus plus given original kieran is an *investigator*, this suits him. i am liking it more the more i think about it. that said i have heard that m calls boy detectives ‘handsome’ instead of sweetheart which is... sad, especially for kier. :(
so as it stands... kier or maybe a full new kid for m, and then briony with ava & ivy with... nate? the gender doesn’t super matter for ivy and i am interested in seeing nate, as i have as of yet only encountered nat. i know the differences are not huge but, eh, idk, let me switch it up. as for f, i think i’d like to try some of their route before i decide Who Shall Be For Them
this has been silly rambling. i am using this to sort out my thoughts so it’s not very coherent, pardon me
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