#surrogacy is women's exploitement
radifemsara · 3 months
It's funny how #they think a woman is a feeling and whatnot, till it's time for #them to exploit one as a surrogate. Then everyone seems to know and realizes who are the actual women.
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coochiequeens · 12 days
Men 60 and over are purchasing g babies through surrogacy yet the average life span of men in England is 78.8 years. What plans do they have in place if they die before the babies are legally adults?
By Sanchez Manning 14 September 2024
Almost 300 men aged over 50 have applied to become the legal father of a surrogate child over the past five years – and 43 of them are over 60, new figures reveal.
And a total of 95 single men applied to become a parent, reflecting a growing trend in men, especially older men, having babies alone with the help of surrogates.
Since the law changed in 2019 to give single people the same surrogacy rights as couple, there have been 2,162 applications from intended parents in England. 
A total of 293 would-be fathers are over 50, both solo and in couples, according to figures released following a Freedom of Information Act application from The Mail on Sunday.
Older women turning to surrogacy has already sparked debate, with high-profile figures such as Naomi Campbell using a surrogate to have children in their 50s.
And in June, a 72-year-old man was granted permission in Scotland to become the legal father of a three-year-old boy, born to a surrogate, despite the death of his wife.
Commenting on the new figures from the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service, fertility and family law expert Louisa Ghevaert said: ‘The numbers of single men and men over 50 applying for parental orders reflects wider trends in solo and later-life parenting that are set to continue.’
She added that the numbers also reflected ‘the fact there’s no legal upper age limit for a parental order’.
However, the latest disclosure has caused anger among some campaigners. Helen Gibson, of Surrogacy Concern, said: ‘We are appalled to see such high numbers of single men and older men pursuing surrogacy, often abroad and in commercial arrangements which are banned in the UK. This is a worrying trend in which mothers are erased from the lives of their children.’
But Alan White, of Surrogacy UK, said: ‘As a society, perhaps we’re more used to considering maternal instinct than we are paternal instinct, but the desire to become a parent can be strong whether you’re a man or a woman.’
The UK ranks as one of the worst countries to bring up twins and triplets, a shocking report has revealed.
Research from the Twins Trust found parents of such children are at least £20,000 worse off in the first year after birth, compared with those who have had two babies in succession.
In a ranking of developed nations that looked at financial help such as maternity pay, mental health support and childcare provision, the UK came 23rd out of 27.
Shauna Leven, chief executive of the Twins Trust, said: ‘This report lays bare the grim reality facing families with multiples – the financial burden, mental health toll and lack of support.’
The charity is calling on the Government to change maternity pay so it is paid per baby instead of per mother.
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caitlinjohns77 · 4 months
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Two American males renting a Mexican woman’s body
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marsivian · 2 months
I don't understand the appeal and the need that people, usually rich people, gays, or sometimes straight people due to sterility or whatever the reason is (for the vast majority that I see) have to have a surrogate. What's wrong with adopting a child? There are many children in the world who need a family and deserve to be loved and cared for. It's a long process, it is, obviously, but it's worth it If you want a child so badly, and what's wrong with waiting? Besides, surrogacy isn't quick either. And it's extremely inhumane for women who will carry the baby and it's a disgusting practice that shouldn't even be considered a possibility and shouldn't exist at all. The whole argument of 'but we want a child of our own' or whatever is ridiculous. A child, your hypothetically adopted son or daughter, for example, isn't and wouldn't be your child in the same way that a biological one would be? It makes it sound like families with adopted children aren't a real family or something because they don't have the same blood, when blood doesn't define a family. Blood doesn't make a family and never did or will
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euphylee · 22 days
An illegal Commercial Surrogacy company in China (and many more in the dark)
It is reported that the buyers shop for women as if they were commodities.
The eggs are removed without any use of anesthetics and with a 35cm needle. Terrifying screams echoed through the hallway.
Most of the women did not know the extreme harm of selling eggs and surrogacy. Some of them are only teenagers. By the time they realize they are starting to age rapidly, with organ failure and various diseases of the uterus and ovaries, it is too late.
People related to the illegal company were not even sent to prison.
Chinese girls and women are concerned that their country is trying to legalize surrogacy and are fighting for their rights.
This happened in a country where surrogacy is illegal. What about the countries where it is legal?How many people are buying women’s eggs, health and even life in the dark?
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barnbridges · 9 months
not to be um... siding with the catholic church on something. but yall agree with surrogacy for the WRONG REASONS and it shows.
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digitalgirls · 8 months
men are so fucking stupid
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menalez · 1 year
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i had to scroll through so much annoying rambling to get to the point and in the end it wasn’t even describing surrogacy, like, at all. surrogates nowadays often do not have any genetic ties to the child and often do not get to see the child afterwards, ever. they do not get to babysit every now and then, they do not get given a place within the family. they do not get treated as some part of the family but an incubator that is discarded after giving birth. this person really tried to use a case of communal parenting and compared that to surrogacy…
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coochiequeens · 8 months
I don't like conservative "news" media like fox and this site but no one else is talking about how surrogacy gives pedos access to kids.
The fertility industry is handing designer babies over to men with zero vetting or scrutiny of their mental fitness or criminal history.
Surrogacy is risky for children. Not just the risk of a primal wound via intentional birth mother separation. Not just the risk of identity struggles if their genetic mother is purchased from a catalog. Not just the risk of mother-hunger if they are raised in a home absent maternal love. 
Surrogacy puts children at risk for the worst kinds of abuse. 
That became glaringly obvious last month when YouTubers Shane Dawson and partner Ryan Adams announced the birth of twin boys. Dawson’s long history of sexualizing children is well-known and well-documented. Evie magazine detailed concerning incidents including Dawson pretending to masturbate while watching 11-year-old Willow Smith’s music video, referring to a 6-year-old fan as “kind of sexy,” justifying pedophilia as a mere “fetish,” typing “naked baby” in a child pornography search and remarking that the returns were “sexy,” and proclaiming, “I would rape all of you” when viewing a series of photos featuring young girls wearing his merchandise.
In one show, he instructed a 12-year-old to eat a “cocktail weenie” with the recognition that child molesters comprise a significant portion of his audience. Dawson and Adam have another 10 embryos in frozen storage should they decide they want a few more children around the house.
We hope no harm comes to the boys to whom Dawson and Adams have been granted (via surrogacy contract) parental rights. But other surrogate-born children were not so fortunate.
Contrary to what you may think, surrogacy isn’t just about helping infertile couples have babies. When we look at how surrogacy is actually practiced and promoted, we see surrogacy isn’t about babies, it’s about on-demand, designer babies shipped worldwide. And sometimes, those babies are shipped directly to child abusers.
We don’t know the raw numbers because, unlike organ donation, the medical wing of #BigFertility requires no tracking or follow-up of those who avail themselves of their services. (Apparently, there’s more concern about the survival of a kidney than a child.) And unlike adoption, which heavily vets and screens prospective parents and monitors the child post-placement, surrogate-born children are not known to social workers and often disappear across international borders.
Even when safeguards are in place, predators often go to great lengths to acquire children to abuse. In 2022, the country was horrified by the story of a suburban pedophile ring set up by two married men who raped and pimped out their adopted sons. 
That children created by a fertility industry with no mechanism (and no desire) to scrutinize intended parents for things like mental fitness, criminal records, or predatory history end up in the homes of dangerous adults should surprise no one.
Absent any kind of record-keeping or follow-up on these children, those of us who reject surrogacy on the grounds that it violates the rights of children, must piece together the risks when stories of child victimization emerge. 
These 5 Pedophiles Mail-Ordered Babies
Psychiatrist Jo Erik Brøyn held a high position in Norwegian social services responsible for child protection and was involved in several high-profile cases of child removal. He also acquired two boys through an Indian surrogate. In 2018, police discovered 20 years’ worth of child pornography in his possession — more than 20,000 images and 4,000 hours of videos — depicting child sexual abuse including “boys masturbating each other, fixed/sexualized violence against children, anal sex by men with boys or oral sex of children (including toddlers) on grown men.” He was sentenced to less than two years in prison. Some sources report that the boys have been returned to his care.
An unnamed German pedophile hired a Russian surrogate for €60,000 who birthed the baby in Greece. He then flew the child back to Germany. In 2020, a regional court found him guilty of child abuse and producing and possessing child pornography. His child was a subject of 16 of those cases between the ages of 2 and 3, and the defendant was in possession of 175,000 images of child pornography. He was sentenced to five years in prison. The child was removed from his custody. 
In 2013, Mark Newton and Peter Truong were convicted of subjecting their surrogate-born son to “the worst [pedophile] rings … if not the worst ring I’ve ever heard of,” according to one investigator. After paying a Russian surrogate $8,000 to carry the child, the pair began to violate the boy as a newborn.
“The abuse began just days after his birth and over six years the couple traveled the world, offering him up for sex with at least eight men, recording the abuse and uploading the footage to an international syndicate known as the Boy Lovers Network.” Police believe the pair created the boy through surrogacy “for the sole purpose of exploitation.” The child was removed from their custody, and the men are serving decades-long sentences.
During the height of the Indian surrogacy boom, it was revealed that an Israeli sex offender had procured a little girl via surrogacy. Had #BigFertility had any kind of vetting in place or required fingerprinting or simply character references, it would likely have been discovered that the man had spent 18 months in jail for sexually abusing young children under his supervision. The discovery shocked authorities in both India and Israel, but because they couldn’t prove that abuse had yet taken place, there was no ground to remove the girl from his custody. It did however validate India’s decision to ban single men and gay couples, who composed 30-50 percent of intended parents, from the Indian surrogacy market.
In 2014, intended parents Wendy and David Farnell commissioned twin surrogate children in Thailand, then a global hotspot for surrogacy. The little girl, Pipah, was healthy, but the little boy, Gammy, had serious medical issues as well as Down Syndrome. A scandal erupted when the couple took the little girl back to Australia but abandoned Gammy to be raised by the Thai surrogate.
It was then discovered that David had been jailed in the late 1990s for sexually molesting two girls under the age of 10, and was charged, convicted, and sentenced again in 1998 on six counts of indecently dealing with a child under the age of 13. When his criminal record was revealed and investigated, a judge determined there was “a low risk of harm if Pipah stays in that home,” and she remained in the care of Wendy and David until his death in 2020. The “Baby Gammy” case was one of several scandals that prompted the Thai government to ban commercial surrogacy altogether. 
Many of the above cases are older, the results of contracts that were drawn up when surrogacy was less common. Since then, the surrogacy industry has grown exponentially with a projected 1,000 percent increase by 2032. In addition, there are entire organizations devoted to delivering custom-ordered babies to men, none of which will have to submit to background checks or fingerprinting. So expect more cases of surrogate-born child exploitation in the coming years. 
Whether or not the child ends up abused, whether it’s paid or altruistic, whether it’s traditional or gestational, and regardless of the intended parent’s household composition, surrogacy always violates the rights of the child. It is not a problem that can be solved through regulation. The only way to protect children is to ban surrogacy worldwide.
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bulldagger-bait · 8 months
Surrogacy is unethical and evil.
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immaculatasknight · 1 year
Commodification of women
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female-terrorism · 3 months
“Not every person has the right to be a parent” is a sentiment I feel is widely accepted in leftist circles, referring largely to abusive households. But this doesn’t get taken to condemn surrogacy and egg-donating industries. Like Jesus Christ why do most leftists not care about this flavor of stuff when it financially exploits women, and subjects them to unnecessary harm? All just because it means infertile women and homosexual couples can have a different way to have children to raise? What happened to “having children isn’t a guaranteed right” Of course I know it’s because of misogyny, but good grief.
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Witnessing the commodification of women is profoundly painful and deeply unsettling. My heart aches at the sight of a society that so callously reduces women to mere objects or merchandise. The normalization of practices like prostitution, pornography, and surrogacy—each of which dehumanizes and exploits women and girls—fills me with a sense of visceral outrage and sorrow.
Seeing women’s bodies treated as commodities, whether through the objectification in advertising or the exploitation in pornography, feels like a direct assault on our inherent dignity. It’s devastating to observe how deeply ingrained this objectification has become, to the point where it is often seen as normal or even progressive. This is a heartbreaking distortion of reality, masking the systemic abuse and violence faced by countless women.
The rise of surrogacy, often hailed as a modern advancement, adds another layer to this sorrow. The reduction of women to mere vessels for childbirth is an affront to their autonomy and humanity. It is profoundly disheartening to see how easily the complex, personal experience of motherhood can be stripped away and turned into a commercial transaction.
The emotional toll of witnessing this normalization is immense. It feels like a deep, continuous ache—a combination of anger, sadness, and frustration. The disconnection between women’s bodies and their identities, the denial of their personal experiences and value, and the relentless exploitation they endure are profoundly troubling. My heart bleeds for the countless women who suffer under these systems of oppression and this suffering should never be accepted.
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hadesoftheladies · 18 days
choice feminism really curbed female class consciousness because the amount of women who are advocating for prostitution and surrogacy as rights they and their rapist husbands deserve instead of actually seeing these exploited women as human beings worthy of dignity and in need of support is sickening. and then they have the gall to call it a feminist principle to advocate for their slavery and sale.
if he could do it to her, he would do it to you. if women are up for sale, we are all viable products, you selfish fucking pea brains.
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vampyfem · 4 months
Surrogacy is so fucking evil and I hate how wokies try and act like it’s a miracle that they can exploit a woman’s body so they could have a kid while there are millions of children in foster care or orphanages that need to be adopted.
They either don’t get how life threatening child birth is or they simply don’t care.
Labour is called labour for a reason.
Stop renting women’s bodies.
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i deeply hope the western world will look back in a few decades and shake our head in horror about the current state of things. the normalisation of consuming hardcore porn. the legalisation and trivialisation of prostitution. the transitioning of mentally ill people. the grooming of young women into onlyfans. surrogacy. the continuing devaluation of female labour, of labour in the health, education and social sector. the normalisation of beauty surgery, the distortion of female faces and bodies with extreme conturing and fillers. the attack on womens rights by claiming there is no such thing as a woman. letting people drown in the ocean, pushing people back to countries where they will be tortured and imprisoned. the commodification of everything including sexuality. technological progress that serves corporate interest instead of the common good. the systemic exploitation of people from the global south. im trying not to give up hope but its hard.
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