#really is one of my favorite overall ikemen suitors
solomons-poison · 1 year
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onegianthotmess · 9 months
Ikemen Vampire Rants:
👨‍👧Small Parent Headcanons👨‍👦
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Not really full family headcanons, more so what kind of dad they are. And bear with me a bit, babes, because I haven’t gone through all of the routes yet, and if we’re gonna get specific I’m on my third route.
Basically, I haven’t gotten to know each of the suitors fully save for two, who routes I’ve already completed, so please forgive me if some of the characters are a little OOC!
Napoleon Bonaparte
Both a girl and boy dad
He most likely would have two sons and one daughter, who’d be the youngest
Very supportive dad, wants his kids to be happy and enjoy what they end up doing in life
Would teach his children the value of things and to appreciate what they have, but also encourage them to be ambitious with their dreams and try to reach for the stars when they really find something they’re interested in
(Remember that this man was one of the oldest out of eight children, so he knows how to handle kiddies)
He’d teach all of his children basic swordsmanship and self defense with Jean, especially his daughter
Definitely a bit overprotective of all of his children
Always glares at any partner that is brought home and makes it clear that any mistreatment from either his child or their partner would not be tolerated in the slightest
After that and if he gets along with his child’s partner, he’s definitely the favorite in law
His title is literally “The Charismatic Leader* in the game
And his children have most likely inherited at least a little of his unintentionally charming and charismatic aura
Overall, very supportive and loving father who is firm when he needs to be and tries his best to communicate with his children
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
A girl and boy dad
He’d just have two, one boy and one girl that are most likely twins
Struggles a bit when it comes to bonding with anything outside of music and struggles a bit with feelings
I feel like he’d find it easier to talk with his son a bit more when it comes to emotions because girls tend to have more complex emotions and mature much faster then boys
But, most of his struggles would come early and they’d be over by the time the twins are a little older, and then new struggles show up with them maturing and then the process starts again
Glares at any significant others that are brought home and threatens them to make sure they have good intentions with his child
Doesn’t really warm up to any significant others until the engagement/marriage stage
But he’ll be happy as long as his children are happy
Really he’s a stern dad who just needs a bit of help to show his children how much he really loves them
He tries his best, but he occasionally needs a little push in the right direction
He just can’t really articulate how much he loves his children with anything other than music
Leonardo da Vinci
My big sleepy cat man is definitely a girl dad
Would probably have three daughters and they’re all either triplets or they’re each a year or two apart
And they’re all most definitely Purebloods
And fatherhood is definitely one of the very few things the great Renaissance Man has never experienced
Yes, he’s been around children, but he’s never raised any of his own
But he takes to it pretty naturally after holding his first daughter
He’s put in charge of teaching his daughters everything along with the occasional guest appearance of Isaac
And if they want to learn something that Leonardo surprisingly doesn��t know, like a specific language or obscure subject, he’ll sit down with them surrounded by books and begin researching before looking up at the clock and realizing that it’s time for dinner when they could’ve sworn it was just after breakfast five minutes ago
Many days have gone by quickly with the four of them buried in books in the library trying to learn something new
Leonardo also naps with his little girls, especially when they’re babies
He mostly sticks to the bed though so that they won’t fall or get hurt
He only starts napping in his usual random places like the floor or under the dining room table or in le Comte’s shed in the garden when they’re a bit older and able to move around more safely
And Leonardo is a pretty chill dad, lets his girls have independence and do what they want so long as they’re safe and it’s within reason
Wants them to find love and be happy, not just have children and marry just to produce more Pureblood Vampires
He knows when to be stern, when to be lax, when to have fun, and when to be serious with his girls
Overall, great papa who will be an amazing teacher to his girls, but he’ll probably end up dragging them into some situations that they somehow don’t get arrested in
Arthur Canon Doyle
This lovely man is a boy and girl dad
Three children, two girls with one boy in the middle, all three being happy accident babies
He was terrified inside due to his past traumas coming back to haunt him, so many nights were spent with his wife reassuring him
Definitely freaked out when his first child came, but after yelling from his wife and a couple backhanded slaps from Theo for him to get his shit together, doctor mode was activated
And when his daughter was born he instantly fell in love with her and now over protective daddy mode was forever activated
He tried to not get too sucked into his writing as he can do so he can spend time with his children and help take care of them
Teaches them to spot the little details in things but gets mad when they point out his subtle innuendos and lack of sleep and excessive coffee intake
Arthur’s wit and flirtatious energy will most likely rub off on at least one of his children and he’ll be mortified when one of them brings home their significant other because it hits him then that his babies are growing up
He cries to his wife later that night about it because he doesn’t want to let go of his babies that used to fit so snugly in his arms
But once that grief passes, Arthur has the time of his life relaying embarrassing stories and the like to his new son/daughter-in-law while his child sits there mortified and screaming at him to stop while his wife is calmly trying to get him to shut his big mouth
“They may be a charmer, but they also used to wear their spare nappies as a hat when they were starting to walk!” / “OH MY GOD! DAD, JUST STFU!” / “Arthur, that’s enough. Our child is about to pass out from how red their face is…”
Yeah, he went on for another hour before his wife had to catch a book their child threw at him and then he stopped
He is supportive of his children and encourages them to be ambitious, but also within reason with what they want
And he stresses the importance of having your name be known along with your work as many people didn’t know who he was and thought his famous character Sherlock Holmes was a real person and he got letters addressed to Holmes
Overall, Arthur is a loving and supportive father who’s incredibly witty and playful with his children when appropriate
Vincent van Gogh
Our sweet sunshine angel is a girl and boy dad
His daughter is probably older than his son by four or five years
Gentle daddy, he can’t get mad at his babies for anything so most sternness comes from his wife
But Vincent isn’t a complete pushover, he will make sure his children know when they’ve done something wrong and give them a talk after their timeout or whatever punishment has been administered about what they did and if they know why it was wrong of them to do that
But, let’s face it, his children are most definitely innocent angels just like him
Vincent will let his children watch him paint or sketch and encourage them to try new things when it comes to art or anything at all
He will also teach them how to defend themselves, with a little help from Napoleon and Jean, since his secret in game is literally that he can destroy anyone in a fight, including Theo
Vincent loves spending time with his wife and children, but he sometimes gets so wrapped up in his paintings that he forgets to take time away from his work to take care of himself and his family
But just one mutter from one of his children quickly pulls him away from his painting and towards some nice family time
In short, Vincent is a very gentle, loving, and affectionate father who loves his children very much and tries his hardest to pull himself out of painting so he can spend a good amount of time with them
Theodorus van Gogh
Another girl and boy dad!
Probably two daughters and a son who’s the youngest
Definitely starts to take a bit more time off from work to spend time with his family when his first child is born
Yeah, the guy is a fucking workaholic, but he loves his family more than anything!
He’ll try to at least spend one hour playing with his children every day he’s off from work as often as he can, but sometimes he needs those off days to sleep
His wife and children definitely try their best to make sure that he’s sleeping and eating and taking care of himself, but he always fears the moment when they’ve had enough and go tell on him to Uncle Vincent, thus ending in Theo looking down at the ground as his brother lectures him about self care
Theo will take his children to work with him on relatively calm days so he can teach them about hard work and the art world at the same time, but he’ll also encourage them to look into things other than art
He’ll also take his children into town with him when it’s time to walk King and they all end up going to the park and playing
He definitely asks Vincent, Jean, and Napoleon to teach his children self defense because he’s usually pretty busy, but he’ll help teach them when he has the time for it
And Theo is the dad who sneaks up at night with his kids to quietly sneak something sweet if the craving strikes and it’s hilarious to see this big intimidating man freeze in place along with his three kids as they’re caught by his wife who is just looking at Theo with an unamused look and waiting for him to come up with an excuse she won’t believe anyway
And that happens at least once a week
Theo also knows how to be firm with his children when needed, but sometimes he gets a little too scary when they mess up big time
(Theo actually made each of his children wet themselves out of fear, due to him being scary while scolding them, once when they all got into big trouble and he felt awful for a month afterwards)
Theo doesn’t like having his children be afraid of him, so on the rare occasion when he scares them too bad, he won’t talk to them for about a week and try to not glance at them because he feels so awful that they’re scared of him
But a quick hug makes that go away real quick
Overall, Theo is a very loving and diligent father who knows how to be firm when he needs to be and who needs to learn how to take care of himself before his children tell on him to Uncle Vincent or plant Lumière in his room for him to find as punishment
Osamu Dazai
My window mans is definitely a girl dad
He’d have just one daughter and she’d be his princess
And she’d end up being a bit of a menace to society because, hello, Dazai is her father
He’d want her to be very happy and do things she likes, but he’d also want her to know when to act appropriately
Sort of ironic since he uses windows more than doors and teases Isaac much like an older brother would his siblings
Dazai would definitely write short stories for his daughter and they’d become her favorite bedtime stories, probably because they were catered and written specifically for her
Dazai would definitely love having fun with his daughter and making her laugh and smile, but he’d also enjoy the quiet and serene moments where he can relax and let his clown façade drop and show what he’s really feeling around his baby girl
His daughter would definitely make him mellow out a bit more in terms of teasing because he doesn’t want her to end up teasing everyone she meets and being perceived as mean by both adults and other children
Dazai would also try and gently push his daughter to try new things and hobbies, he’d just want her to have options when it comes to what she’d like to do in life
He’d like her to find just the right thing for her to do and enjoy and he’d support her through anything she’d eventually choose
Overall, Dazai is a very fun and silly dad who occasionally drops his goofy mask to show how much he really loves his baby girl in private
Isaac Newton
I feel like he’s a girl and boy dad
One daughter, one son, they’re probably twins or a year apart
Isaac spent most of his life as a human alone and, while he teaches with Napoleon sometimes, he’s not the most experienced with children
He does try to learn as much as possible about babies and children while his wife is pregnant, but he feels woefully unprepared when his children are born and panics a bit
But he’s somehow a natural once one of them is placed in his arms???
Like it just clicks for him somehow?
He knows what to do when they cry, need to be fed when his wife isn’t there, when they need to be changed, etc.
Isaac will start teaching his children at a very young age out of pure habit
“Now, with all of the prior information in mind, how would you most quickly and efficiently solve this equation?”
“Isaac, honey, our children just learned how to sit up by themselves, they’re too young for calculus…”
And he’ll stop trying to teach them subjects that are far beyond the small mind of a six month old infant
For like a week and then he’s back to his habits
“Now for the conjugation of the following verbs.”
“Isaac, they haven’t even said their first words, they’re way too young to start learning Latin…”
But both his son and daughter speak English, French, and Latin fluently by the age of three, so-
Isaac will try to not get so sucked into his work that he forgets to spend time with his children, he doesn’t want them to view him as a distant father who doesn’t care about them
He will allow them to tag along to his job at the local university to watch him teach when they’re old enough (which is around age five since they’re both so quiet and polite)
He’ll definitely try to step in when Dazai or Arthur tease his children a little, it usually turns into Isaac getting teased, but it’s the thought that counts
He’ll spend time with his children when he takes breaks, often not understanding their imaginative games and make believe they play with their toys, but he’d be very good at doing puzzles with them and building things out of wooden blocks
Isaac has definitely had to scoop Harry up a good few times so his children wouldn’t accidentally get pricked by him
But it’s bound to happen since they’re his children, thus making them curious by nature
Basically, Isaac is a very shy father who panics a bit at first, but he gets better as time goes on
Jean d’Arc
Insecure babie boy is a girl dad
He’s have two incredibly beautiful twin daughters and be a panicked wreck about it
Jean is incredibly insecure and nervous in the beginning
He viewed himself as a disgusting, dirty, unholy monster who hardly even deserved the time his wife gave him during the day and now he passed down his tainted blood to two innocent little ones who didn’t even have a say in the matter?
Yeah, he was nervous for the entirety of his wife’s pregnancy and didn’t even feel he deserved to look at his daughters, but he completely fell in love when both of them were gently placed in his arms the day they were born
His daughters would from them on be his pride and joy and the only two people he loved as much as his wife
Jean, with Napoleon’s help, would teach his girls the basics of sword fighting at the very least so that they could protect themselves and teach them about honor and morals
Of course he never wanted to have as much self loathing as he once did and he could never imagine his daughters going through those same awful feelings, so he’d remind both of them daily that he loves them and that they’re the purist, most lovely girls in the world
He’d enjoy putting his girls to bed because it meant spending time with them and reminding them of his love right before they go to sleep
Both girls get a kiss on the head and a music box will be playing as Jean reads a book for them if he’s putting the girls to bed alone or he’ll be listening along with the girls as his wife sings if she’s there with them
He’d also enjoy playing with both of his girls, and he actually spends at least an hour a day playing with them and their stuffed animals and dolls no matter how morbid things get with their small child imaginations
Affection would be a bit awkward and stiff at first, but he’d get used to it with time
Pretty much, Jean will start out insecure and panicked but will slowly become more confident in his ability to be a father and enjoy every second of raising his girls
William Shakespeare
I see Will as having just one child, a son
He definitely wouldn’t know how to handle himself or the situation when he is told by his wife that she is pregnant
Definitely goes quiet for a bit before he breaks down a little and needs some reassuring from his wife
His confidence in himself gets a bit better once his son is born
Will definitely leaves most of the early childcare in the hands of his wife and requires her to be by his side whenever he is the one caring for their son
But he definitely gets better once his son starts getting to toddler and child age
He’ll take his son on walks when he’s old enough and regale him lines from some of his plays, altering the endings to make them a little happier because he doesn’t want to see his son sad
It becomes a tradition for Will and his son to sit on the living room sofa and quietly wait for his wife to return home whenever she goes out because they both love her very much
Eventually, Will takes inspiration from his son to write stories, mostly short bedtime stories for him to tell when it’s time to go to sleep
Days out in town are always fun, since Will usually uses them as family time with his wife and son
They’ll go to shops looking at things, buying the occasional small item for their son if he’s been good, and ending by going to the park and watching their son play with other children from afar
Will never thought he’d enjoy being a father as much as he did with his new life, but here he was
He’d definitely get his son a rabbit of his own if he wanted one after playing with Puck a lot
If his son ever did anything bad or broke something, Will would probably leave the scolding to his wife most likely because he would end up scaring his son a bit and Will would never want that to happen
After his son would be sent to a time out, Will would come in and give him a brief but stern talk and tell him what his punishment was
Will wouldn’t like punishing his son very much, but every child needs discipline to learn that there are consequences for their actions
I feel that family game night would be a thing
A few simple card games and some games of chess and checkers in the living room at least one night a week
Spoiler, Will’s wife hasn’t one a single game against the boys and they’re tied for who has the most wins
In short, Will is a loving father who needs a bit of help in the beginning, but becomes a natural after some time
He still hates punishing his son, tho-
Le Comte de Saint-Germain
A boy and girl dad!
Either two sets of twins or quadruplets with two girls and two boys, and they’re all definitely Purebloods
He will spoil tf out of them, but he will be stopped by his wife because they can’t have everything in life
Comte will keep nobility away from his family, he doesn’t want them getting involved with all of that until they’re old enough
He’ll try to spend as much time as he can with them, but sometimes he has to be away for a while and can’t avoid it
But he does play with his children and he’ll play whatever they’d like, be it games or with toys or making something together
He’s already the mom dad of the mansion, so he knows how to discipline his children when needed
And if his stare makes grown men freeze and look down at the ground in shame, you bet your ass that it makes his children hang their heads in shame when they’re being lectured on their bad behavior
But, he isn’t unfair, Comte will tell his children to go to their room and think about what they’ve done before he talks with them again and gives them their real punishment
Back to fun stuff, though!
Trips to town are fun, especially with the whole family
Sometimes it’s shopping, sometimes it’s going out to eat, sometimes it’s playing in the park, or sometimes it’s all three!
Comte loves seeing his children’s eyes light up when he says that they can go to their favorite park in town to play with their friends and some of the animals there
In conclusion, Comte was built to be a father because he already is one to his residents, but he’s even better with actual kids of his own
Sebastian/Akihiko Satou
My favorite history fanboy is a girl and boy dad!
He’d have a son and then probably twin girls a couple years later
Or maybe he’d have more kids because I’m pretty sure he’d thrive on the chaos of multiple children because he literally perfectly balances his duties as a butler to those chaotic historical figures he works for perfectly!
Sebastian is a busy guy, so he’ll most likely not have as much time as he’d like with his children
But he’d relax a bit more after Comte says that he should spend some more time with his children
And after some convincing from his wife, he’d let his children follow him around and help a little bit as he does chores around the mansion
All three of his children have Japanese names that are their real names, but they all have aliases they go by to make them fit in more in Paris
Sebastian definitely teaches his children the value of hard work early on, but also reminds them to not be like him and take a break for once
And he hates that his children and Theo’s children are in cahoots to make sure that their dads learn self care and actually sleep and eat sometimes
Sebastian will take his children into town to run errands and also go to the park for a while if they have the time
He’d always make sure his children go to bed at a proper time and do their little things before going to sleep
I see Sebastian as the type of dad to tuck his kids in and tell them stories or sing a lullaby to them in his mother tongue
But, when it comes to stories, they’re mostly about the residents’s human lives and his wife usually comes into the room around midnight to see Sebastian and their children all awake as he goes into great detail about which resident the children wanted to hear about that night
He’ll teach his children how to be gentle and nice with Lotte so that they can play with her in the garden while he tends to the flowers or hangs up the laundry
The children eventually help with sheering Lotte’s wool and learn how to knit and sew and crochet from Sebastian
He’d definitely be good at getting his children to do arts and crafts projects and he’d enjoy making little things with them as well
Overall, Sebastian is a very loving father who knows how to teach his children right and wrong and how to be responsible in a mansion full of chaotic historical figures
Strawberry boy is a girl and boy dad
Just one daughter and one son that are twins
And they’re both definitely Purebloods
I feel he’d be a bit nervous because he’s never raised a child before and he didn’t want to mess up
But his anxieties are quickly eased when he sees both of his children open their eyes
They’re so small and innocent, they deserve a world that’s peaceful and free of strife or killing
And it’s his children that motivate him even more to reach his goal of a peaceful world
Vlad will definitely do his best to spend time with his children and help to take care of them, but he’s a bit clueless on childcare and needs a bit of guidance in the beginning
He’ll enjoy watching his children play in the garden and join them when they ask him to
Oftentimes Vlad will ask his children to come next to him as he’s watering his flowers and he’ll start telling them little facts about the ones he’s watering
He’ll even take his children into town when he goes to work as a florist and he’ll set up his little flower cart next to a park so that his children can play if they get bored but still stay within his line of sight
Vlad will usually put together bouquets to put into his children’s rooms so that they can enjoy the flowers no matter the weather or if they’re not feeling well enough to go outside
When his children misbehave, Vlad will remain calm but have this scary aura about him
He will calmly scold his children and tell them to go to their rooms so that he can think about a proper punishment for them
He knows that his children get pretty scared when they’re in trouble, so he does try to cool off a bit before he talks to them again
Vlad doesn’t like scaring his children, but he can’t just not scold them whenever they misbehave
His wife is usually the one to calm him down and she’ll be with him when he talks to their children again
But Vlad is also the parent who will sneak up at night with his children and raid the strawberries in the kitchen
They’re usually caught by Charles and Vlad’s wife at the same time
Charles is exasperated because he just got more strawberries from the market and Vlad’s wife is upset because her husband and children promised that they wouldn’t raid the strawberries again
This event occurring multiple times a week eventually leads to Vlad’s wife planting a few strawberry bushes around the garden so that there’s always at least some strawberries for Vlad and the kids and so they stop raiding the kitchen most nights
Overall, Vlad loves his children very much and wants them to grow up in his peaceful and nonviolent world
Johann Georg Faust
Faust would just have one son, I don’t see him as having more than one child
He has definitely never cared for a child before, so fatherhood is definitely a new thing he has to get used to
He’s not used to being woken up late at night by crying and he’s annoyed about it at first, but he eventually understands that his child is helpless and depends on him and his wife to survive
After that realization, he isn’t as annoyed about being woken up and he even takes the night shift sometimes, but that just makes it even harder for Charles and his wife to wake him up in the morning
He would definitely teach his son about alchemy when he was old enough
Faust would prefer for his son to not go to school outside of the castle, so he’d ask Vlad if tutors could be paid to come to the castle, even though he’d rather not ask the old goat for anything
Even though he’s usually very busy throughout the day, Faust will try to make time to spend with his son
He will occasionally take him into town to go and walk around or to the park to play with other children
And there’s no doubt that his son has gotten into a bit of trouble with Mephie
I mean, it’s a small monkey and a little boy, there’s going to be some trouble and mischief
But if there’s any ruckus while Faust is researching or experimenting, he will put a stop to it and scold his son
Faust is another parent who does scare his child when he’s angry and he doesn’t mean to
He just gets upset and tells his son to go to his room and sit on his bed until he comes and talks with him
It’ll take a little while for Faust to cool down, but when he does he feels a bit bad he was so harsh because his son is a child, he’s bound to cause a bit of mischief and trouble from time to time
Faust will talk with his son, make sure he knows why what he did was wrong, but he’ll also apologize for scaring him and being too harsh
Overall, Faust is a bit of a distant and scary father, but he does love his son and does his best to try and show it
Charles-Henri Sanson
Okay, Charles is 100% a girl dad
I see him having one daughter and maybe another one, but they’re both pretty far apart in age like say seven or eight years
Charles was ANXIOUS to say the least when he found out his lovely wife was pregnant
How could he raise a child when the blood of thousands was on his hands and he was literally nicknamed “the God of Death” while he was human?
He hardly felt deserving of his wife’s unconditional love at times, and now he helped to create a child that was now growing inside of his wife that would love him unconditionally as well?
Yeah, he had to be reassured a lot over the nine month period of his wife’s pregnancy
Labor was also a mess in the beginning
Charles was panicking and had to be smacked by Faust for him to get his shit together and to slip into his doctor mindset
Other than that, the birth went smoothly and Charles immediately fell in love with his baby girl the moment she was placed into his arms
After that, he was whipped for his daughter as much as he was whipped for his wife
He’ll definitely try to spend as much time with his baby girl as possible, caring for her with his wife and playing with her
He’ll have to be calmed down a bit while she’s a baby because he does get a bit too excited at times
But, when his daughter is a bit older, Charles will enjoy anything that has to do with spending time with her
He’ll play with her, cook with her, read to her, whatever she wants to do within reason!
He’ll even start taking her into town to go on walks to enjoy the scenery, to go to cafes every once in a while, and to go to the park when she wants to play with other children
Of course, Charles is always included in these games because children love him
He’s not the best at disciplining his daughter, he loves her almost too much to be upset at her
But, he knows that she’ll need to be disciplined by both him and her mother, so while her mother does the first bit of scolding and sends her to her room for a little while, it will be Charles who goes up to his daughter’s room and talks with her to make sure she knows what she did was wrong and why before giving her her actual punishment that he and his wife deemed fit
And Charles loves having a baby girl so much he and his wife decided to have another child who turned out to be a girl!
The previous headcanons also go for his second daughter, he loves her just as much as his first daughter and his wife
When his older daughter gets to the age where she brings a significant other over, Charles has mixed feelings
He’s happy that she’s happy, but he’s sad that she’s growing up and suspicious of this partner and whether or not they’re actually good enough for her
So Charles is friendly and civil, yes, but also has this eerily too happy aura about him that makes him pretty scary
Overall, Charles loves being a father to his baby girls and is very loving and supportive of them!
Finally done with this after a couple months! I will most likely end up doing descriptions of the children and family life I mentioned in this rant and at least physical descriptions of the suitor’s wives/partners because I’m not just sticking to the appearance of the MC in the game. I’m sorry, but her look is just a bit too boring, despite being a playable character that the player is supposed to insert themselves into in a way. I just feel MC stand ins always have the same look and that it wouldn’t hurt to change it up just a tiny bit and make it a little more interesting like a different hair color OTHER than brown! Just saying!
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Ikemen Sengoku Suitors: Their Favorite Kind of Hug
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Tawny! I adore this ask and I adore you! Thank you for requesting it, and I really hope that you enjoy these hugs from your warlord boys~! :3
Characters: All of the current Ikemen Sengoku Suitors!
Overall Rating: General
Tagging: @emeraldtawny​​ because this is your request! And also because Happy Sappy Saturday!
Warnings: None!
•  [Here’s where I’d put links… if Tumblr allowed them. Please click on my blog to view more of my work!!] • Requests are Closed, but Commissions are Open! •
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Nobunaga: He gives hugs in public or private – no space is safe from hugs when Nobunaga is involved. You have been embraced in the hall, in the kitchens, on your way to council meetings, and in his room. While some hugs are brief, the squeezing of his arms is reminiscent of his favorite kind of hugs: tight, reassuring ones that make you feel loved and safe. No harm shall come your way under his watch, now that he has something to protect.  
Hideyoshi: Any hugs that Hideyoshi offered at first were motherly and protective. You could feel the coddling in his embrace as he fussed over your latest transgression. However, as your relationship progressed into one of a more romance nature, so did your hugs. They became all-encompassing and adoring, but the only way they become his favorite is if they are coupled with a kiss, pressed oh-so delicately to your lips.
Mitsuhide: Any embrace that this man starts only occurs in private. His arms snake around you slowly, pulling you towards him as he gazes up at your moonlit features. Only after he has had his fill of admiring you does he fall back onto the futon. The way you sink into him when settled on top of him is his favorite sensation in the world – knowing that you trust him like this and are willing to be with him, no matter what happens.
Masamune: Masamune needs to feel like one with you when he hugs. He much prefers when he hugs you from the front, so that you can tuck your face against his neck, your arms can wrap around him, and he can feel the way you lean into him. On occasion, he will pick you up when you embrace, loving your little squeak of joy and the way your face lights up when he gazes at you from below. The two of you are in a relationship – you are one. And, if he can help it, he will never be parted from you for long.
Ieyasu: His words soften ever so slightly when you first enter a relationship, but as you know, the romantic parts that follow vary wildly. His favorite hugs are the one he gives you from behind, where he’s able to tug you towards him and tuck his chin on your head. You always allow yourself to lean back against him, closing your eyes with a happy hum. And because you close your eyes, you can’t see his blush. He’s very grateful for that.
Mitsunari: He has lots of difficulty hugging at first. Mitsunari has always been sensitive to touch and others embracing him, preferring to initiate whatever contact he has to endure. After entering a relationship, he expresses a desire to hug you and allow you to do the same back, but struggles if you start them. Your proposed solution? Hand hugs. Slowly tangling your fingers together and drawing him towards you. These become his favorite kind of hug, because they assist with making the slow transition to hugging with bodies and arms.
Kenshin: He has many favorite ways to hug you – or so he would claim. However, he has one favorite type: the one that comes after a moment of jealousy, of possessive feelings, a need to remind everyone you belong to him. These hugs are tight, restrictive, and keep you pinned against him. Any attempt at conversation or squeaks that you make from such an embrace will have him wanting to silence you with his own lips.
Shingen: Shingen hugs do not come quietly. They are all-encompassing, his muscles keeping you in a firm hold while you are tucked against his chest. You can inhale all of his scent in this position, feeling near-overwhelmed by his embrace. What they also come with is excessive amounts of praise, often flirtatious or romantic in nature. He wants you to feel loved when he hugs you, and wants you to know the depth of his affection for you, too.
Yukimura: Oddly enough, while Yukimura is a bear-hugger who is happy to lift you up and hug you tight, those are not his favorite hugs. His favorites are ones that typically involve one arm. This is not because they are less of a commitment. Instead, they’re ones he can give at any time. Whether throwing his arm around you while walking, or laying side-by-side in bed together and pulling you close to him, he likes the simplistic intimacy of this kind of hug… and the way you occasionally return it by throwing an arm around him.
Sasuke: This ninja is more cuddly than you would expect, even if he comes from modern times like you do! Sasuke loves the moments at night where you get to be in each other’s arms, a few private hours to yourselves. It does not matter where you are, whether on the roof, in his room, in your room, or out somewhere in a field – all that matters is that you are with him, his arms are around you, and the two of you can talk the night away.
Kennyo: His favorite hugs are the ones that come from you. Your arms wrapping about him in a delicate embrace, just barely able to reach around him. Leaning against his chest, humming when you hear his heartbeat and when you feel the warm of his arms reaching around to embrace you as well. Feeling your love in this fashion is near-unmatched by anything else.  
Ranmaru: Cuddling up against you is Ranmaru’s favorite place to be. However, his favorite kind of hug to give is one that is spontaneous. His arms flinging around you to trap you against him, bringing you intimately close. They can come from any direction, so you are never sure what to expect when it comes to Ranmaru. All you know is that you love these vibrant, beautiful hugs from your boyfriend, full of adoration for the relationship you have.
Yoshimoto: All of Yoshimoto’s hugs come with kisses – they’re part of the deal. They are most often pressed against your forehead in an act of reverence, his arms slowly wrapping around you to pull you closer to him. He only wants to adore you, his hands starting to roam the closer you press against him. Murmurs of his love are spoken against your lips, a tempting force that you can hardly resist.
Motonari: This captain will sweep you off your feet, constantly finding new ways to surprise you. He loves that little shriek you let out when you leave solid ground, caught up in his embrace. You throw your arms about his neck each and every time, as if trying to pull him back down with you – but the wave is not so easily tamed. You go where he goes, now, at the mercy of his strong hold and stronger growls if you tug him down for a kiss.
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ga-yuu · 4 years
Cybird 20 Day Challenge
Day 2- Favorite suitor and why?
@aurora-godshawk  I don’t know if it suppose to be one character from  each game or one character I overall love. Anyway I’ll choose one character from each. I haven’t played any games before Ikemen sengoku, so I don’g know much about MidCin, LLH etc.
IkeSen- Mitsuhide
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It was Nobunaga at first. But after playing Kenshin’s route, he became my favorite character. Later on, when Mitsuhide’s route was released, I just loved him. Him, his route, his new outfits, his real personality under that fox mask is pure gold. He is such a teaser, but at the same time he is a sweetheart from inside.
IkeRev- Ray Blackwell
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I had my eyes on this guy, when I first saw the game in google play. Ray according to me is a very calm. From his looks to his character, everything his sweet. His route also was amazing. What I love most about him is his love for cats. He is like the ‘Lord of cats’ like Kenshin is ‘Lord of Bunnies’.
IkeVamp - Leonardo Da Vinci
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Why I love him, you ask?.....Well, he is a DADDY!! Yes that’s it, that’s the only reason I love him. I love older men very much. This guy here is an older man. I love Comte too, but this guy is so sexy and so matured. I could just look at him all day. I really love playing routes of characters that are so matured and intelligent. AAAHHH!!!! just look at him, he is sooooooo sexyyyyyy!!!!!!! God I’m melting just by looking at him.
IkeGenji- Yoshitsune
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This one his an angel. He also has a scary side, and I don’t want to have this guy as an enemy. He is the most sweetest character I have ever met. He is not Tsundere, not an airhead but not a hardcore Yandere like Kenshin. He is a Yandere but a softie at the same time. He can just make anyone blush even at the smallest things. He’s just complete sweetheart, that makes me want to treasure him so much. He’s just MMMMMMHHHHHHHH!!! CUTIEEEEEE!!!!
IkePri- Clavis Lelouch
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Even though I don’t know much about this guy, I still love him. The only knowledge I have about this guy is from playing Chevalier’s route. But I still found him interesting.
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iamnojedi501 · 4 years
Ikemen Revolution Avatar & Suitor Ranking ♥️
Ikemen Revolution is arguably my favorite app of all the Cybird series. I’ve had it for close to 2 years now and I’m STILL obsessed. This was such a unique and intriguing concept, I was doomed to fall in love (many times).
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This is my cute little avatar named Anastasia 🥰 I love her.
Friend code: P5EQQS69V
✨IkeRev Ranking✨
1. Lancelot Kingsley: IM ACTUALLY IN LOVE WITH LANCELOT ugh I guess I just have a thing for the routes where he actively tries NOT to fall in love but does anyway 😍 very masculine & presh at the same time
2. Oliver Knight: This guy literally STOLE MY HEART in his route I was not prepared. I have a legit weakness for tsunderes. He’s such a hottie and PRECIOUS when he starts to fall for MC. Still obsessed with his rescue mission. I’m ngl his curse is a tad weird at the end, but tbh the way he acts is sooo accurate of boys 🙄 I didn’t even cringe bc boys are just dumb & do dumb things sometimes. (Sry for the essay lol I’m just passionate) Overall I love him ❤️
3. Ray Blackwell: Loooove friends to lovers almost as much as enemies to lovers 😍 he’s so noble & kind. Love love love everything about his route.
4. Fenrir Godspeed: Another friends to lovers that I ADORE. Fenrir is always so real and his passion is 🔥 all I’m going to say is I LOVE the Lake of Tears scene.
5. Harr Silver: I’m OBSESSED with him every time he shows up in someone’s route. So stinkin cute and mysterious. Loved all the Harr content in Loki’s and Sirius’s routes. I need his route ASAP!!!
6. Dalim (Dum Tweedle): IM READY FOR DALIM I’m so interested to see more content & I already can’t get enough. I think I have a type lol.
7. Edgar Bright: Was NOT expecting Edgar’s route to be as good as it was but I loved watching him fall in love with MC 🥺
8. Sirius Oswald: Love an older guy 🤩 He’s for real sexy and SO CUTE. I love it when he blushes I honestly die every time.
9. Zero: ANOTHER CUTIE I love Zero so much!!! He has such an intriguing backstory & I also love MC’s uncondional love for him because he deserves the world. (Also am I the only one who thinks of Taylor Lautner?)
10. Luka Clemence: Another baby that deserves the world!!! He comes across as innocent but DANG he’s also fire. Not usually all about the innocent types but Luka’s great.
11. Kyle Ash: A fun read and a cutie!! Not my fave route, but we love an intellectual 🤩 Still kinda concerned about how proud he seems of being the “weakest member of the red army” though??
12. Jonah Clemence: I usually LOVE stories where the guy tries to woo the girl for a bet, but honestly Jonah’s personality is a little unrelatable. He’s so pretty 😍 but why is he always talking about how great he is in third person? Lol. Idk I’ll give his route another shot at some point!
13. Dean Tweedle: Seems pretty cool but I’m already team Dalim 🥰 I’ll probably still enjoy his route when it comes out though!
14. Loki Genetta: He’s such a cutie but all of the cat comparison traits fell super flat imo I’m sorry 😬 they just made him seem super immature. I’m sure that was probably the point, but that’s just my opinion!
15. Seth Hyde: Very cute!! But a little over the top sometimes? Idk his personality seems very exaggerated occasionally, but I’m very interested in his mysterious side. I can probably make a better analysis once we get his route!
16. Blanc Lapin: Very very gentlemanly ❤️ but I kind of love Blanc more in a platonic way. Not sure I’ll relate to his route very much, but I could be mistaken! We shall see :)
17. Mousse Atlas: In my very honest opinion I’m really not interested in Mousse at all. Another one that I see platonically, and I don’t think his route will change that. Always love new characters though!
Bonus: Amon Jabberwock! I have no idea if Amon will ever have a route (I don’t keep up with the jp version) but I would be interested in reading it! I don’t think I can rank him at this point though, so until/if he gets a route he will just be the added bonus. Crazy dude though 🤙🏻
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