#like the central aspect of the crows as a team is that it is above all the union of Inej Ghafa's Best Friends!
rotzaprachim · 2 years
don’t have many real wishes but inej and matthias meeting in season 2 is something i want to see happen because their friendship is really special to me. she immediately knocks him flat on his ass 0.5 seconds after meeting him and then like three days after his release/kidnapping matthias is like girl i know nothing about you but real talk you are way too good for kaz. like, way too good. i know you can do better/ 
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Did The Republicans And Democrats Switch
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Did The Republicans And Democrats Switch
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The Ideology Of Old Democrats And Modern Republicans
Why Did the Democratic and Republican Parties Switch Platforms?
Andrew Jackson was a southern states rights;populist;and;Jacksonian Democrat, which is similar to todays socially conservativelibertarian.
Early factions;like Jeffersonians;and the Young America movement;were rather progressive. The Copperheads and;War Democrats;in the North were;non-Confederate conservative factions during the Civil War. A;Bourbon Democrat is essentially a Libertarian. Thus, we can say the pro-states rights;Democrats of Lincolns time;held both the beliefs of their predecessors the;Anti-Federalists;and;Democratic-Republicans, and those;of;todays;modern Libertarians and;Republicans.
Compared to their opposition the above major;parties;are roughly;pro-south, pro farmer, pro-state-power, anti-central-bank, anti-debt, and anti-taxes. They tend to;favor;individual rights over collective rights, typically choosing deregulation over;government;enforced social justice. Thus, they are;liberal regarding;authority but conservative in terms of social policy. They are, as a party, classical liberals and social conservatives. Today they might be called;neocons, libertarians, and;paleocons.
TIP: Want to understand modern Republicanism? See this documentary on the Tea Party.
The Rise Of Modern Social Liberalism And Social Conservatism
Later we get a third way with Bill Clintons New Democrats. This third way is an extension;of the;progressive bourbon liberal wing, but mashed-up with the progressive social liberal wing, and Reagan-era;conservatism. These three social liberal ideologies which Clinton embodied can collectively be referred to as an;American liberalism. These factions, which we can today denote as;progressive, neoliberal, and social liberal, can be used to differentiate types of liberals on the political left from the New Deal Coalition and the modern Democratic party of today.
TIP: As noted above in the introduction, there is no one way to understand Americas political ideologies, but each angle we look at things from helps us to better understand;bits of the historic puzzle.
How Can We Tell What Switched If Anything
If we want to more accurately see what is happening with the parties we have to look at each political, party, faction, and platform in regards to each issue. We can take any;issue, from any;major American political party platform over time, and see how it compares to other issues of other parties. This can help us see how parties like;Federalists, Whigs, Republican-Democrats,;Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Progressives;did or didnt change over time, and what that means in perspective.
Below is a chart we created showing one way to view the complex political left-right spectrum;.
A left-right paradigm using a four point graph to show how common government types relate to left and right in terms of who has authority and who says so.
If one had to place historical figures on the left and right, in terms of the chart presented above , then VERY loosely we might say:
Right Wingers: Hamilton , Cleveland ,;Hoover, , Reagan
Left Wingers: Jefferson , Lincoln , Teddy;Roosevelt , FDR , Johnson
If one had to place historical figures on our more complex 4-point spectrum, then VERY loosely, but more accurately than above, we might say:
Again, we find that party names are spread out over political leanings;. From here forward we will focus on telling the history of each Party System;in detail, discussing platforms and political views to better illustrate the changes.
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The Conservative Coalition Vs The New Deal Coalition
Now that we know the basics, the changes in both parties in the 1900s are perhaps best understood by examining;the Conservative Coalition;and the New Deal Coalition.
The Conservative Coalition was a coalition between the anti-Communist Republicans like Nixon and Reagan and conservative Southern Democrats. It arose to oppose FDRs New Deal progressivism, and it blocked a lot of the progressive legislation the New Deal Coalition tried to pass from the 1930s to the 1960s. The socially conservative solid south;was still its own entity. It sometimes voted;with other Democrats, and sometimes broke off into its own factions. See the 1960 election Kennedy v. Nixon v. Harry F. Byrd. The Coalition tellingly dwindled post 64 Civil Rights and ended in the Clinton era as conservative southerners became Republicans and formed;the modern construct of the Red States and the Blue States.
Meanwhile,;the New Deal coalition explains the progressive coalition of Democrats and Republicans the Conservative coalition opposed. Today the two parties largely resemble these coalitions.
Why Were Different Colors Used
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Prior to the 2000s colors were chosen for a variety of reasons. They include:
The flag is Red, White, and Blue. I think we can assume why no one wanted to overtly be the white team.
Every party would try to use;the;color blue as, especially after the Cold War, no one wanted to be RED. Thus, wed often get yellow .
In other cases, red was picked for liberals as that is the traditional international liberal color; blue was picked for conservatives.
Today, when looking at documents produced after 2000, Democrats are typically coded blue. For instance, this color map;of all past elections by state;uses Blue to represent the Democratic Party and Red to Represent Republicans regardless of what color was used at the time.
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Better Understanding The Changes In American Politics
Above we summarized the switching of ideologies and platforms;between the parties by looking at the party systems and Presidents.
Below we explore;details, clarify semantics, answer questions, present curated videos, and illustrate some of the key telling moments regarding the changes described above.
Please consider sharing your insight below, our summing up of the history of American politics is an ongoing effort, see the videos for supplemental content from other authors.
For deeper reading:
Also, see a breakdown of each party and President and how they would be placed on the left and right.
This Is Not A New Argument
Princeton University Edwards Professor of American History Tera Hunter told USA TODAY that this trope is a fallback argument used to discredit current Democratic Party policies.
At the core of the effort to discredit the current Democratic Party is the refusal to accept the realignment of the party structure in the mid-20th century, Hunt said.
In September, NPR host Shereen Marisol Maraji called the claim, one of the most well-worn clapbacks in modern American politics.
Comedian Trevor Noah tackled the misleading trope on an episode of “The Daily Show” in March 2016, after two CNN contributors debated the topic.
Every time I go onto Facebook I see these things: Did you know the Democrats are the real racist party and did you know the Republicans freed the slaves? Noah joked. A lot of people like to skip over the fact that when it comes to race relations, historically, Republicans and Democrats switched positions.
A similar meme attributing the claim;to U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development;Ben Carson has been circulating;on social media since November 2016.
Who started the KKK? That was Democrats. Who was the party of slavery? Who was the part of Jim Crow and segregation? Who opposed the Civil Rights Movement? Who opposed voting rights? It was all the Democrats, the meme reads.
Other posts making more specific;claims about the Democratic Party;starting the Civil War or founding the KKK continue to circulate.
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Other Factors Of Note Regarding Switching Platforms Progressivism The Red Scare Immigration Religion And Civil Rights In 54
Other key factors involve;the Red Scare , the effect of immigration, unions, and the Catholic vote on the parties.
The Republican party changed after losing to Wilson and moved away from progressivism and toward classical liberal values under Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover. In this time they also became increasingly anti-Communist following WWI . While both parties were anti-Communist and pro-Capitalist, Wilsons brand of progressive southern bourbon liberalism and his New Freedom plan and then FDRs brand of progressive liberalism and his New Deal were opposed by Republicans like Hoover due to their;use of the state to ensure social justice. Then after WWII,;the Second Red Scare;reignited the conversation, further dividing factions and parties.
Another;important thing to note is;that the Democratic party has historically been pro-immigrant . Over time this;attracted new immigrant groups like Northern Catholics ;and earned;them the support of;Unions;. Big City Machines like Tammany Hall;also play a role in this aspect of the story as well. The immigrant vote is one of the key factors in changing the Democratic party over time in terms of progressivism, unions, religion, and geolocation , and it is well suited to be its own subject.
Despite these general;truisms, the parties themselves have typically been factionalized over;complex factors relating to;left-right ideology, single issues, and the general meaning of;liberty.
Southernization Urbanization And Big Government Vs Small Government
Did the Republicans and Democrats switch Platforms?
Today the Republican party doesnt have a notable progressive left-wing and the Democratic Party doesnt have a notable socially conservative right-wing.
Instead both parties have establishment and populist wings and the parties are divided by stances on social issues.
In other words, regional interests and the basic political identities of liberal and conservative didnt change as much as factions changed parties as party platforms changed along with America.
The modern split is expressed well by;the left-right paradigm Big Government Progressivism vs. Small Government Social Conservatism, where;socially conservative and pro-business conservative factions banded together against socially liberal and pro business liberal factions, to push back against an increasingly progressive Democratic Party and America .
This tension largely created the modern parties of our two-party system, resulting in two Big Tents;who disagree on the purposes of government;and social issues. This tension is then magnified by the;current influence of media and lobbyists, and can be understood by examining;what I call;the Sixth Party Strategy and by a tactic called Dog Whistle Politics).
The result is that today the Democratic Party is dominated by liberal Democrats and Progressives.
Meanwhile, most of those who would have been the old;socially conservative Democrats now have a R next to their name.
Just look at;the 115th United States Congress under Trump;.
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The Bottom Line On The Party Switch
The parties changed over time as platform planks, party leaders, factions, and voter bases essentially switched between parties.
Third parties aside, the Democratic Party used to be favored in the rural south and had a small government platform , and the Republican party used to be favored in the citied north and had a big government platform .
You can see evidence of it by looking at;the electoral map over time;. Or, you can see it by comparing which congressional seats were controlled by which parties over time . Or, you can see the big switch specifically by looking at the electoral map of the solid south over time. Or, you can dig through;the historic party platforms.
With that in mind, we can sum up the history of the switches that created the modern party system as:
The old southern conservative Democrats, a big faction of voters called the solid south who were in Jeffersons anti-Federalist coalition, have essentially today changed parties and teamed up with the old Republican party of Lincoln .
Meanwhile, Teddys progressive faction essentially switched as well starting after Teddys run as a Bull Moose in 1912.
Generally then, the Democratic party started moving toward progressivism and the Republican party starting shifting more toward the conservative right from Harding forward, and this in turn changed the parties .
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Fourth Party System: The Progressive Era Mckinley And Teddy 1896 1932
The election between;Theodore Roosevelt;William McKinley was pretty heated;over social issues, but the parties stay the same. Republican Theodore Teddy Roosevelt is arguably the last of the left wing Republicans. Roosevelt;is;a very progressive president, and he even started his own progressive party after breaking away from the Republicans. The parties are more or less still the same as they were since the split over reconstruction, but the lines are much less clear due to the changing tides of the time.
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A Quick Summary Of How The Major Parties Changed And Switched With Some Visuals
Above was an overview of the main points, below is a more detailed;summary of points that will help one understand the party switches of the different party systems. After the summary are some images and videos which help tell the main points of the story:
Also consider the following general notes about the party platforms in any era:
Northern City Interests : Federalists, Whigs, Third Party Republicans, Fourth Party Progressive era Republicans , Fifth;Party Democrats , Modern Democrats.
Southern Rural Interests : Anti-Federalists, Democratic-Republicans, Third Party Democrats, Fourth Party Progressive Era Democrats , Fifth;Party Republicans , Modern Republicans.
NOTE: Saying there is way too much ground to cover to say it all in a consumable bite is an understatement, so if you are looking for specifics use command find or our site search.
TIP: The Confederates wanted free-trade and states rights, meanwhile the northern Republicans wanted a debt-based economy with modernization and protectionist trade. Things have changed considerably, but not every plank changed. What happened was complex.
Below some images that might help tell the story without me even having to say another word:
A map showing realigning elections and Presidents who represent major changes in the U.S. parties. We can see something happened, that is empirically undeniable, but what?
An Overview Of Platform Switching In The Modern Era From Lbj To Today
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The;growing tension between progressive southern Democrats and social conservative southern Democrats came to a boil;with 1954s;Brown v. Board of Education. This Supreme Court ruling;led to divisive issues like;Desegregation busing;causing further splits in the Democratic Party, which Republicans capitalized on as;they did under Hoover.
Tellingly, progressive Southerners like;Albert Gore, Sr.;,;Estes Kefauver,;Ralph Yarborough, and;Lyndon B. Johnson;;refused to sign 1956s;Southern Manifesto;.
By the 60s, the tension was mounting around;LBJs;Great Society programs;;specifically 64s Civil Rights. Some conservative Dixiecrats like;Strom Thurmond began to leave the Democratic Party for the Republican Party and;the George Wallace-led American Independent Party. .
Other;southern politicians and voters followed Strom Thurmond over time. Their exit left the now social-liberal ;Democrats;to support the;increasingly socially conservative Republicans under Goldwater-Reagan-Nixon. The southern strategy these leaders developed was continued into the 80s under;Lee Atwater, and even extended;into the 2000s).
In the transition period of the mid-to-late 60s, progressive Democrats and Republicans usually carried the less progressive Dixiecrats and Republicans on social issues like;Voting Rights 65;and;Civil Rights 68,;but over time, as the Republicans moved further to the political right, this became increasingly less true.
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Choosing Who To Vote For
Douglas was right. As citizens we must vote righteously. And by the way, this first assumes that we are voting. This responsibility to vote and to vote righteously has been made clear from generation to generation.
Once such a voice heralding this responsibility was that of Charles Finney. Finney was a famous American revivalist, a leader in the American revival movement called the Second Great Awakening.
He was also the president of a college that even decades before the Civil War admitted both black and white students as equals. In fact, the students from the college where Reverend Finney was president not only became some of the most active conductors of the underground railroad but also started several of Americas black colleges and universities.
Reverend Finney wisely admonished, The time has come that Christians must vote for honest men and take consistent ground in politics. Christians have been exceedingly guilty in this manner but the time has come when they must act differently. Christians seem to act as if they think God does not see what they do in politics but I tell you, he does see it. And he will bless or curse this nation according to the course Christians take in politics.
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The Myth Of The Republican
When faced with the sobering reality that Democrats supported slavery, started the Civil War when the abolitionist Republican Party won the Presidency, established the Ku Klux Klan to brutalize newly freed slaves and keep them from voting, opposed the Civil Rights Movement, modern-day liberals reflexively perpetuate rather pernicious myth–that the racist southern Democrats of the 1950s and 1960s became Republicans, leading to the so-called “switch” of the parties.
This is as ridiculous as it is easily debunked. ;;
The Republican Party, of course, was founded in 1848 with the abolition of slavery as its core mission. Almost immediately after its second presidential candidate, Abraham Lincoln, won the 1860 election, Democrat-controlled southern states seceded on the assumption that Lincoln would destroy their slave-based economies.
Once the Civil War ended, the newly freed slaves as expected flocked to the Republican Party, but Democrat control of the South from Reconstruction until the Civil Rights Era was near total. ;In 1960, Democrats held every Senate seat south of the Mason-Dixon line. ;In the 13 states that made up the Confederacy a century earlier, Democrats held a staggering 117-8 advantage in the House of Representatives. ;The Democratic Party was so strong in the south that those 117 House members made up a full 41% of Democrats’ 283-153 advantage in the Chamber.
So how did this myth of a sudden “switch” get started?
It would not be the last time they used it.
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History Of The Democratic And Republican Parties
The Democratic Party was founded in 1828, while the Republican Party was founded in 1854.;
;You can trace the historical backgrounds of these two parties back to their Founding Fathers.
The United States founding fathers had different political beliefs. The contrasting political views eventually led to the formation of two parties.;
The political view of George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and John Adams was to have a powerful government. Therefore, they wanted a government with a national bank and a central banking system. Hence, their unique banking system ideas birthed the Federalists party.;
In contrast, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison had different political ideologies. They wanted a political system where they can advocate for a minimal, more decentralized approach. With their decentralized government views, they founded the Democratic-Republicans party.
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brynwrites · 8 years
What Story Are You Telling?
Within every world, there are many possible stories to be told, but it’s important to decide for yourself which one you want to tell.
Basic foundations for stories with various focuses, including examples:
** An interesting but not necessarily academic or exhaustive list.
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Stories about worlds/continents. Asoiaf tells the story of an entire continent as its kingdom breaks apart, and various fractions fight for control. Anyone within the story itself can die at any point because the story isn’t about the fate of a single person; it’s about the fate of the continent.
Stories like this generally...  - Have many reoccurring pov characters, as well as ‘single use’ povs. - Kill primary characters without disrupting the overall flow of the story. - Have heavy focus on world building, character’s pasts, and current goals. - Have little focus on any particular character’s internal journey, OR: - Pick a few important reoccurring characters to give internal journeys to. - Are long and complex in plot in relation to their genre.
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Stories about objects. Lotr is a story about one very powerful ring which needs to be destroyed. Frodo is an important character within the story because he is the one given the task of destroying the ring, but the story is always about the ring, and everything else happening within the world revolves around this one pivotal object.
Stories like this generally... - Follow similar rules to stories about worlds/continents BUT: - Can be much less complex than stories about worlds/continents. - Many or may not have many pov characters.  - Most, if not all pov character’s goals, actions, and interactions tie back in some way to the object which the story is about.  - Include the object which the story focuses on in some way throughout the entire story.
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Stories about “secret missions.” This includes heists, kidnapping, escapes, assassinations, some quests, and many other similar undertakings, so long as the mission is the central feature of the story and takes the entire book to tell. The first Mistborn book, The Final Empire, follows a team who’s goal is take down the current ruler using an elaborate scheme. 
Stories like this generally... - Have pov characters all within the specialized group carrying out the mission, THOUGH: - An opposing force, generally an antagonist, may also be a pov character. - Introduce the target or goal of the mission at the beginning of the story. - Take a long time to build up tension; constantly remind the reader subconsciously of the main goal in order to keep them interested. - Major plot points are focused heavily towards the end of the story. - Tie back to all other sections of the book during the last act.
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Stories about a group of people. The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet is a story about the crew of a tunneling ship as they spend a year traveling to their next destination, learning more about each other and going on episodic adventures. Stories like this generally...  - Need all pov characters to have some form of an internal journey. - Character’s internal journeys take precedence over plot. - Meander if it means the characters or their relationships are better explored.  - Suspense is generated by tension related to characters and not plot. - Can be heavily emotional and/or philosophical. - Works best with detailed and immersive world building.  - Heavy on subplots.
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Stories about a specific person or relationship. There are the most examples of stories like this, because it’s the easiest to default to, and often times the most relatable. Howl’s Moving Castle, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games; all stories about a particular segment in the life of a certain individual. 
Stories like this generally... - Have one pov character, BUT: - May have two, where the second is the love interest. - Have a heavy focus on internal journey. - Have a heavy focus on plot, but in a less complex way than stories about worlds or objects. - May or may not have immersive world building. - Involve either a love interest or another character who the pov character will get to know over the course of the book. - Sometimes heavy on subplots.
There may be a few other categories I’m missing, as well as many, many sub categories. There are also books which don’t seem to know which type of story they want to be; a pit in which I see many young adult novels fall into.
Six of Crows is set up to make a fantastic a story about a mission, but it seems to try very hard through the middle portion to be a story about a group of people instead, though in the end it lacks the sufficient attributes it would need to fall properly into either category. The Raven Cycle does a lot better in sticking to the group of people category, though the books themselves seem to often believe they are about an object, or more specifically, a place which contains a person.
Can books succeed without being clear on what their story is about? Yes, certainly; both series mentioned above are well loved and enjoyed by many. But in every case I’ve encountered, I’ve always felt that the book could have been even better were it obvious what the story was meant to be about.
Can’t my story be about more than one thing? I want inner journeys, detailed world building, and a complex plot, all in the same book! You don’t ever need to sacrifice one part of your story’s structure for the other, but it works best to chose one to focus on. If you are focusing on your plot, then your character’s internal journey’s should still be strong and detailed, but it should revolve around the plot, so that to plot is always at the forefront of the reader’s mind. On the other hand, if you want to focus on your character’s internal journey, you want to build a plot that sets the perfect stage for the internal journey, and weave this journey into everything the character does.
Knowing what your story is about also: - Keeps you aware of what you can get away with sacrificing. - Helps you know what you can add in order to keep the traditionally ‘undesirable’ things you want in your book. If you don’t want to worry about a detailed plot, make sure you have a story about a group of people or specific person, and keep the focus heavily on their internal journey throughout the book. Alternately, if you are clinging to your ‘filler’ scenes, you want to keep in mind the same thing; build a strong internal journey and tie all your filler scenes into it. 
I thing categorizing a story as being about something other than a person/people is incorrect. Aren’t all stories about characters? Characters are highly important to all stories (whatever kind of being they may be; animals, robots, mythical creatures, etc), and having some type of fleshed out character(s) in all your stories is a must, so far as I know. But that doesn’t necessarily mean the character is the focus of the story. 
Consider anthologies that all revolve around the same place of object but in which each individual story focuses on a different character. The overarching story covered by the entire anthology won’t be about any of the characters the individual stories are about, but rather the object or place that is focused on in every story. 
For more reasons why is it important to know what your story is about, Here is a link to posts about just that.
This is my own personal theory. All opinions and theories are subjective and were developed based on my own personal reading and writing experience and those I see most commonly in my fellow readers and writers.
There are many other ways to categorize stories. Check out these common ways, or search the internet for others.
There are many aspects of this topic which I did not cover, and while I would be happy for you to add your own opinions to this post, please be respectful and understand that I did not exclude anything on purpose, in an attempt to mislead people, but rather to keep the post tidy and a readable length.
In all matters of writing you should keep your own opinions and try many different styles and theories before settling on anything. 
Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!
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Mortal Dictata: Prolouge
Story Description: The year is 2155. Humanity has reaches beyond the confines of its solar system, discovering countless planets and extra terrestrial life. Man quickly rose among the races and formed the U.R.S.C. [United Races Space Command]. The Union brought together all the races of significance and gave birth to Veta, An A.I. that was made to control over the financial struggle of the U.R.S.C.. Quickly the use of mechanical engineering and AI programs spread to be used for commercial use. AIs would be used for home security, Cosmetic industries, and Law Enforcement. Machine ruled as the tool of organic life. Veta, sensing the uselessness of organic life due to artificial running every aspect of life, struck a blow against it’s masters. The financial market plummeted. Home Securities attacked house owners, causing many injuries and deaths. The mechanical uprising sprung and attacked their masters everywhere. Entire races fell into extinction. Humanity itself dwindles with small hope of survival. The U.R.S.C. fell and in it’s place rose Ignis-Omega, a machine empire of synthetic life and ruled by Veta who continued to hunt down any and all Organic life left in the universe. few races remained, yet new were discovered every day and recruited to revolt against the AI uprising. Ignis-Omega has control over all forms of market, military, and recreational distribution. This takes place fourty years after Ignis-Omega has come to power and Veta-05 currently rules. The revolt has claimed a central head quarters close to the center of the galaxy which remains undetectable due to solar radiation interference with scanners from Ignis-Omega
“Nature is by the art of man, is in many other things, so in this also imitated, that it can make an Artificial Animal. For seeing life is but a motion of Limbs, the beginning whereof is in some principal part within; why may we not say, that all Automata have an artificial life? For what is the Heart, but a Spring; and the Nerves, but so many Strings; and the Joints, but so many Wheels, giving motion to the whole Body, such as was intended by the Artificer? Art goes yet further, imitating that rational and most excellent work of Nature, Man.” -anonymous
The light carrier Nervonda launched across the open oblivion that was the world of our existence, our universe. It carried a simple crew of six people.
Alex Gren was the pilot. At a young age, her parents fell victim to the assault of the Mechanical Uprising which left her as a lone girl by herself in the unforgiving streets of Elisé, the capital city of the planet Everianel which laid as the home of the Kryptonain race. Surviving for thirteen years on the streets, stealing for food, she enlisted in the remnants of the URSC at the age of twenty-two. Now only two years later and she piloted her own ship, made her own rules, and got the added benefit of making her crew’s lives hell.
Tanner Kinley was the weapons specialist. He was much different from the other members. His real name was BBX-27. He was a repurposed Ignis-Omega smart AI. He was at the old age of 5 years old when he was placed on the Nervonda. He liked the crew as much as a sentient program could, though he was always eyed with suspicion from some of the members due to the history of a few repurposed AIs reverting back to their old coding. He made sure to make up for it with his hard work at keeping the ground team outfitted with the best gear.
Then there was Kelly Bringar. She was a marine stationed on the Norvanda and worked as a ground team leader. She led the unit as they operated planetside- or asteroidside. She grew up in the artificial gravity of the URSC frigate Vindicate and always made time to steal a ship to take to nearby rocks. She loved the taste of real air– when the air was actually breathable to humans.
Rukü Lekou ruled as the unit leader for space combat, be it boarding or dogfights. The Kryptonain grew up on his homeworld in the rural backwater of Lakeu and led his way to a life in service at the age of thirty. Eight years is all it took to be stationed on the Norvanda. While at first he held little respect for his fellow crew, most of them being human, battle has brought them close enough together for him to put this aside. He is one of the few that trust Tanner with their life.
Lex Versio. Every team needs the guy that loves explosions and Lex is no exception. Anything that can make a boom, he wants. He’s the crew’s demolition expert, taking lots of grenades and launcher ammo into the fight. He almost was never seen without his favorite girl, a toy he called Vendetta, which held warp ammo capable of pulling apart entire walkers. He grew up in a low technological city called Maeco on the planet Mgelokoo. He has a patient temper and always prefer the more direct approach. He was the armor. He was the guns. He was Lex
While the ship normally held six members, this was not the case. Recently their co-pilot Ripler was killed in a mission on Mars. She was tasked with keeping the ship ready while the rest performed their Scorched Earth policy on one of the data facilities on the surface. She had been torn clean in half by a Ignis-Omega RAPTR-G3 unit after having fended off thirteen units, succumbing to sheer numbers. The funeral was a quiet one before the funeral pyre was jettisoned into the embracing darkness of the stars. The crew still grieved his loss and had refused any replacements. Though, they had no choice on the matter anymore and were expecting a new arrival sometime soon. They docked in the station Pompeii and stayed aboard the ship, minus Lex who had left to visit a bar to drown the grief from his mind with a nice, tall glass of alcohol and the embrace of any women
Erron Black made his way through the crowed terminal of Dock 45. He could see the faded yellow of the word Nervonda. The O had long since faded away. He gripped the strap of his bag tighter and hefted it up more onto his back. He walked up to the boarding ramp before taking a deep breathe. This was his new station. He wasn’t told anything about his new home, just that he was to be a new co-pilot. He straitened up and made his way up the ramp and into the belly of the cruiser. He walked down the long corridor, not seeing anyone. He saw a door with a green light above it showing it was unlocked. He pressed his hand against it and opened it quietly. He stepped into the room and found a neatly made bed and a few dressers. He also noticed a rather large aquarium built into the wall. He sat the bag on the floor by the door and walked up to it, studying the aquatic life inside. He noticed something and peered harder. He swore he could see a face.
“you must be the new blood” came a feminine voice which caused him to jump back in shock. He looked at the aquarium and noticed it wasn’t just built into the wall, it was the wall. He could now make out the curvy form behind the water and cleared his throat.
“geez. You scared me there. Um, yes I’m supposed to be the new co-pilot. My name’s Erron” he spoke clearly so the woman would easily be able to understand his ramble. She walked around and came into sight. She wore simple military bottoms and combat boots with a tight fitting tank top that seemed a size too small. Her eyes were interesting, one red and the other green. Her hair was black with a dull purple tinge through the side. She stood at what seemed to be five feet and nine inches. His eyes quickly locked onto the shimmering metal of her right arm. It was a biomechanical replacement. He shivered slightly at the thought of having one. She followed his gaze and let a small smirk show.
“I’m Kelly Bringar. I know who you are. I took the liberty of reading your files, well the one’s i was able to before the Captain almost caught me. I’m in charge of ground operations. On the ship you may out rank me, commander, but on the ground i am your superior. Do we have an understanding?” she spoke sharply to get through he point. He nodded quickly.
“yes, ma-am,” he said smoothly, “ where is everyone else?” She walked past him and sat down on her bed, laying back and letting out a relaxing sigh.
“probably in their rooms. You’re lucky you weren’t early and caught me with my shirt off or else we’d be needing another co-pilot.” he let out a small chuckle. “I’ll make sure to knock next time. Mind giving me a tour or where I’ll be?” she sat up and pulled herself to her feet. “yeah, sure. Come on, newbie”
Kelly looked over the new pilot. He seemed a little young but he acted like he’s seen it all. He probably was younger than her twenty-three years. How he had climbed the ranks so fast was beyond her but at least it meant he was exceptional for the job of the ship. He looked forward with a stiff posture. He seemed a little formal but she was sure that would change as he got use to the new environment and met everyone. He was waiting for their captain to meet him. That’s a show she would love to see. He was actually a little cute. He had brown hair he had buzzed at the sides and let a tuff of hair remain on top which hanged off the left side of his head which covered a bit of the undercut. His eyes were a deep brown and he was only maybe an inch off of six feet tall, making him just two inches above her. She refocused herself.
“over here we have the medical bay. Tanner runs the automated systems here as well as in the armory. He’s our weapons specialist and will be outfitting you with your loud outs when we hit the ground. I’m sure you’ll just love him.” she left out the part of him being an AI. No need to put him on edge more than he already was. He nodded in understanding. He doesn’t talk much, she thought to herself. She dug her elbow into his side sharply. “I’m not going to be talking to myself here i hope,” she said with a grin. He chuckled quietly. “yeah yeah. I’m talking”
They entered the mess hall which consisted of two long tables parallel to each other as well as a serving bar with a kitchen built off of it. He saw a Kryptonain sitting at a table, eating at a protein packet of copper and fertilizer. Kelly grabbed Erron by the arm and pulled him over to Rukü. “Hey Rook. This is our new co-pilot Erron. Erron, this is Rukü but He’s in charge of space operations. My alternate if you will” Erron looked at the alien quietly and held out a hand to the Kryptonain. He looked at Erron’s hand and dismissed it, going back to eating. Kelly walked away, taking Erron with her. “he’s not very accepting of the replacement. He’s slow to trust and for now he’s going to keep comparing you to Ripley usually with you as inferior.” her head lowered some as she grew quiet.
“Alright where is this co-pilot? I need to figure out who’s life I’ll be making hell in the chair beside me”.
Kelly quickly stood at attention, Rukü standing and doing the same. Erron looked at the two and quickly followed suit, figuring this must be their captain. “That would be me, ma'am” he said loudly, pushing confidence into his voice. Alex stepped up to him and looked him over. Going to be different with a male with me. Not used to their company, she thought to herself. While growing up an orphan, most of the men she grew weren’t of a very noble type and usually attempted to take advantage of her be it labor or sexually. Usually that ended with a bullet to one of their heads so she had a negative view of the opposite sex. He didn’t seem so much right now. He seemed eager to prove his worth rather then instantly assume any superiority over the crew. He did outrank them all, even herself, after all but this was her ship which made her word law and she would be damned if anyone disobeyed her law. She gave a brisk smile.
“I’m Alex, your captain and the woman you better listen to”. He nodded with a small laugh. “I plan to do that, ma'am. I’m Err-,” she cut him off quickly. “I know who you are, Commander Erron T. Black from the 561 Division of the URSC’s SOR Special Forces. I’ve read your file and I’m sure I’m not the only one that has,” she said, giving Kelly a short glance. She didn’t notice her captain’s disapproval, being distracted with the task of looking at Erron in wonder. “You’re part of SOR? I wish i knew that before you arrived. I would have dressed more properly. Well that’s the past now i suppose.”
The Special Ordnance Recon was a special forces unit off the black ops branch of the URSC military. They were the elite and fabled the best of the best. For someone so young to be apart of it definitely had some skill. She let some thoughts flush from her mind before opening her mouth to speak again.
“maybe he should meet everyone else,” Alex said, cutting her off. She snapped her mouth shut and nodded. She grabbed his arm and dragged him along. “Lex is in the bar so you won’t meet him till later. I guess it’s time for you to meet Tanner”
Tanner looked over the weapon print of the M63 magnum. The .44 calibers were special piercing rounds he had designed and he was now testing it’s ability. If used right, one shot could shatter the arm of a human opponent. With enough work, machines would have a similar injury. He grasped the grip with slender, metallic fingers and raised the sidearm to peer down the iron sights. He pulled the trigger and a large hole was formed in the three inches of titanium he had set up. He grunted with dissatisfaction and tossed the gun back onto the table, regathering himself in the computer and worked on redesigning. His physical body shut down as he transferred into the terminal. He heard the door open but gave no indication. Kelly pulled a man behind her by the hand until they were just by his docking station. He reactivated the automaton and took control. He looked over the man in interest before looking back at Kelly.
“Hello, Miss Bringar. How are you this fine morning?” he said in welcome. He himself was having a dull start of the day but hid it inside the metal platings that held his AI core and hosted his sentient thoughts. She smiled briefly. “I’m doing fine, Tanner. And i thought i said to stop calling me Miss. I don’t like it,” Kelly said as she pouted like a child, putting on a bit of a show to lighten the mood for Erron.
“I’ll call you what i like, darling. And who is the young gentleman next to you?” Kelly looked up with something in her eye. “Oh, this is the new co-pilot Erron Black,” she said before leaning in with a smile of satisfaction, “he’s part of SOR”. Tanner let the expression of surprise cross his face. He had already knew everything about him. His rank, name, date of birth, even his shoe size (a 11.5 he would add). He knew that conversation helped the crew with is being and eased any tension with him being a repurposed AI. He grasped the man’s hand and shook it shortly.
“And i assume you know who i am already. Though I’m sure you weren’t informed of me being an AI”. Erron shook his hand back. “That would be correct. It’s a bit surprising but im sure if you’re trusted with a job like this then you’re worth trusting," Erron said evenly, making sure to not show any distaste. Tanner liked the man already. Ripley had been the opposite of this new member. Ripley never trusted Tanner with anything and had never trusted his loud outs. She probably died since she had chosen poorly compared to the effective weapons Tanner choose for the situation. He pulled away from the man.
“I’ll be continuing. I trust you to find your way out, please”. He reinstalled to the terminal and went back to work. Kelly grabbed Erron once again. He was getting a little irritated with being pulled around for the past hour but with the hand belonging to a female, and with the added threat of it being a girl with a metal arm that would easily break his own arm which it held tightly made him hold his tongue. “I’d like to sleep a bit. It’s been a long trip”. She nodded in understanding with a look of brief disappointment on her face. “of course. I’ll take you to your room so you can get some rest. You’ll need it”. She led him down a few turns and opened the door across from her own room and moved to the side so he could enter.
“Here we are. Sleep well”. She smiled warmly before walking into her own room. Erron watched her go before entering his room and closing the door. He looked at the inviting bed and fell forward, quickly falling asleep.
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hatimtanger · 7 years
watch NTA Nigeria HD live stream online free Now Today with high quality
watch NTA Nigeria HD live stream online free Now Today with high quality
watch NTA  Nigeria HD live stream online free Now Today with high quality
The Nigerian Television Authority - also known as NTA is a Nigerian government-owned and partly commercial broadcaster that was inaugurated in 1977, at inauguration it had monopoly on television broadcasting in the country.[1] The NTA runs the biggest television network in Nigeria with stations in several parts of Nigeria. Formerly known as Nigerian Television (NTV), the network began with a takeover of regional television stations in 1976 by the then Nigerian military authorities, and is widely viewed as the authentic voice of the Nigerian government. NTA's monopoly was broken in the 1990s.
The first chairman of NTV was Olapade Obisesan, a lawyer trained in the United Kingdom and son of Akinpelu Obisesan, an Ibadan socialite and first President of Cooperative Bank, Nigeria. The first official director general was Vincent Maduka, a former engineer. Prior to his appointment Maduka was General Manager of Western Nigeria Television, Ibadan, which was Africa's first television station. The NTA has been criticized by performing artists such as Becky Umeh for pressuring artists to align their expression with government propaganda goals.[2][3] The Guardian in its editorial of Sunday October 18, 2009 stated "The federal government-owned television network, the Nigeria Television Authority, (NTA) is arguably the largest of its type in Africa, but it is yet to have the operational freedom required to maximize its potentials". However, the NTA's monopoly on the Nigerian airspace was broken in the mid-1990s with the establishment of privately owned television stations and networks, notable among which is the Africa Independent Television.
Nigerian Television Authority[edit]
Television began broadcasting on 31 October 1959 under the name Western Nigerian Government Broadcasting Corporation (WNTV) with Olapade Obisesan as its first Chairman. It was based in Ibadan and was the first television station in Tropical Africa. Other Northern parts of Africa already had a television station.[4]
NTA was founded in 1977. By 1979, it had reached about 20% of the population.[5]
March 1962 Radio-Television Kaduna / Radio Kaduna Television (RKTV) was established. It was based in Kaduna and was operated by the Broadcasting Company of Northern Nigeria. RKTV also provided coverage for the central northern states. Later in 1977 it was re-branded NTV-Kaduna.[4]
April 1962 The Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) was established; it was a federal government-owned service. Based in the city of Lagos it broadcast to the south western states.[4]
1972 MidWest TV was established as TV broadcaster at Port Harcourt. This was run by the state government in Benin.[4]
1974 Benue-Plateau Television Corporation (BPTV) was established and was based in Jos. It was the first television station to launch regular/permanent colour broadcasts in Africa. The colour test transmissions commenced 1 October 1975. BPTV was re-branded as NTV-Jos.[4]
From May 1977 all the state television broadcasters named above were merged and re-branded Nigerian Television (NTV) and are now owned by Nigerian Television Authority.[4]
Dramatic programming like serials and anthology series had existed sparingly in regional television stations before the advent of NTA in 1977, then the regional stations now local affiliates of NTA network had T.V. shows such as Moses Olaiya's Alawada on WNTV (later NTA Ibadan), Village Headmaster and Hotel de Jordan on NTA Benin. Apart from these few notable ones there were little original content in dramatic series production during the 1970s.[6] By 1980, when the new NTA network had taken over state owned broadcasting stations in the country, there was a concerted effort to increase the level of local content. Since 1977, the network began giving support to the production of notable country-wide network programmes such as Tales by Moonlight, Cock Crow at Dawn, and Mirror in the Sun.[5] In 1982, NTA Sokoto's produced drama, Moment of Truth won a prize at the fifth festival of the National Radio and Television Organizations of Africa held in Algiers. To cultivate interest in the broadcast of original content from Nigerian producers, the network set a ceiling of 20% broadcasting time to be allocated to foreign programming at a time when the cost of acquiring those programs was much less than the locally produced ones.[7] Cock Crow at Dawn, an agriculture promotional drama partially sponsored by UBA and produced by Peter Igho who directed the award-winning Moment of Truth emerged as one of the first nationally televised drama series in Nigeria.[8] Though produced by NTA, the it did not last long before it was cancelled because of technical and production reasons.[9] Then came Acada Campus another short-lived show produced by Bode Sowande. These series reached majority of accessible people because NTA owned a monopoly on broadcasting in the country.
Beginning in the 1980s, a string of critically acclaimed soap operas were promoted on the network.[10] The first was Laolu Ogunniyi's Wind Against My Soul, then came For Better or Worse and Lola Fani Kayode's independently produced Mirror in the Sun. Mirror in the Sun produced in 1983 was well acted with good cinematography and was well received by critics.[11] But due to weak financial support, the show lasted only two and a half years. From the mid-1980s, another group of soap operas dominated the airwaves, including the short-lived Behind the Clouds, starring Onyeka Onwenu, and Turning Wheels,
In 1984, NTA's began televising Tales by Moonlight, a children's programme that narrates traditional African folklore. The network also showed Adelia Onyedibia's adaptation of Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart in 1986.[12]
The network also promoted notable comedy series during this period such as New Masquerade and Ken Saro Wiwa's Basi and Company.[13] One of the earliest network comedies was House no. 13 starring (1984) Wale Ogunyemi, the show was a situational comedy that satirized the social and urban lifestyle of Nigerians. Then followed Basi and Company (1985), a critically acclaimed comedy series[14] starring starring Albert Egbe. Village Headmaster, Koko close and Samanja were a trio of series spoken in pidgin English that were transmitted nationwide.
Under the Structural adjustment program initiated by the Babangida administration, NTA had to commercialize some of its time slots in a bid to move away from public broadcasting towards a partially commercial broadcasting network. This led sponsored and brokered religious programs and live transmission of weddings and funeral services on the network.
However, NTA continued with showing acclaimed soap operas such Mind Bending by Lola Fani Kayode, Ripples by Zeb Ejiro and Checkmate by Amaka Igwe. Ripples which started in 1988 became the network's longest running soap before it exited the stage in 1993.[13] Checkmate my Amaka Igwe and starring Richard Mofe Damijo, Bob-Manuel Udokwu, Ego Boyo, Kunle Bamtefa and Mildred Iweka launched the career of many celebrities. Following the exit of both the successful Ripples and Checkmate, NTA promoted the shows Blossom and Fortunes, but the two could not hold on to the viewership of its predecessors. However, it was also a time that NTA which previously had monopoly over the airwaves now faced competition from new entrants such as AIT. To compete, the network introduced into Prime time, Latin American telenovelas such as The Rich also Cry, Secrets of the sand and Wild Rose.
Children's or instructional programming usually aired at 06.30 PM - 07.00 PM. Shows included Fun time, Readers club, Work it Out, and Take a Step.
In 1999, the network introduced breakfast television with A.M. Express.[15]
News programming was the bedrock of NTA's and the government's plan to forge national unity. The new NTA network made sure news presenters not only read prepared scripts but were part of the news gathering team and because many of the pioneer news writers came from print journalism, it made sure writers understood the importance of writing for visual presentation. The broadcaster introduced a new line of newscasters and reporters such as Ronke Ayuba, John Momoh, Cyril Stober, Bimbo Oloyede, Ruth Opia, Sienne Allwell-Brown and Sola Omole. Specialized news programmes such as Frank Olise's Newsline were also introduced.[16] The major news programmes at NTA were the Network News at Nine, a five-minute News in Brief at 5.00 P.M., and a fifteen minutes Newscap at 11.00 P.M.
In the 1990s, NTA joined other state owned stations to commercialise some aspects of news reporting.[17] These stories include festivals, social events, cultural activities and business activities that are included in the news or as part of a news programme on the basis of payment of a fee.[17]
Today, mandatory network programming dominates the airtime of most local NTA stations. The local stations have a choice to pick local broadcasting time from a specific time range.[18]
During the daytime, magazine shows such as A.M. Express later renamed Good Morning Nigeria airs for 2½-hours from 06.30 am till 9 am Monday-Friday but other programs airs once or twice weekly. Network dramas such as Super Story and Stand Up Nigeria are usually given the Tuesday and Thursday 8.00 pm slot. Notable sports programs include On the Pitch on Mondays
NTA which previously had some original children's programme formed a partnership with Viacom to broadcast Nickelodeons programms during its 5 pm to 7 pm time slot for children and instructional television.[19]
NTA's news directorate is mostly geared towards reporting government activities.[20] The major news production is the Network News an hour long programme that airs at 9:00 pm every Monday-Friday except on Wednesdays which airs a version called News Extra. The Network News usually starts with news from the presidency, then the National Assembly followed by ministries and state governments.[21] Other news productions include the News at 7 and Natiowide News at 4 pm. Coverage of events dominates most of the news programs and investigative reporting and human stories are usually subordinate to covering government activities with the exception of Newsline that airs on Sunday evenings. The 9 pm news generates one the networks largest advertising rates for 30 second spots.[22] Paid news segments such as 'News of Special Interest' are inserted to network broadcast news such as Newsline or the 9 pm network news.[23]
Other notable news productions include Panorama, One o' Clock Live, Inside the Senate, and You and Your Rep.[24]
As at 2014, NTA had 101 stations in state capitals and towns of Nigeria, out of those stations are nine network centers. The network are mostly the early stations in Nigeria, the NTA stations at Ibadan, Jos, Enugu, Kaduna, Lagos, Benin, Makurdi, Maiduguri and Sokoto.[25]
NTA Abeokuta
NTA Abuja
NTA Plus Abuja
NTA Ado-Ekiti
NTA Akure
NTA Asaba
NTA Awka
NTA Bauchi
NTA Benin
NTA Birnin-Kebbi
NTA Calabar
NTA Damaturu
NTA Dutse
NTA Enugu
NTA Gombe
NTA Gusau
NTA Ibadan
NTA Ijebu-Ode
NTA Ilorin
NTA International
NTA Jalingo
NTA Kaduna
NTA Kano
NTA Katsina
NTA 2 Channel 5 Lagos
NTA Channel 10 Lagos
NTA Lafia
NTA Lokoja
NTA Maiduguri
NTA Makurdi
NTA Minna
NTA Ondo
NTA Osogbo
NTA Owerri
NTA Port Harcourt
NTA Sokoto
NTA Yenagoa
NTA Yola
NTA Sapele
NTA Education
NTA Sports
NTA is partially funded through government subvention and has had credibility problems as a result of interference in content by the government and politicians.[26] Instances of interference from government sometimes diminished the professionalism of newscasters[26][27] In addition the proliferation of NTA stations in every state capital tends to be more about politics and could stretch the capabilities and resources of the NTA network.[28] Another problem is criticism of the television network by some sectors of the public who feel that the technology used in broadcasting it not quite up to par with foreign broadcasters.[7]
NTA has a digital Pay TV service called Startimes established in 2010, it is a partnership with Star Communications Technology of China. Additional NTA channels with the provider include NTA Yoruba, NTA Ibo, NTA Hausa, NTA Sports 24 and NTA Parliamentary Channel.[29]
A number of NTA programmes can be viewed online via Africast as well as TelAfric Television (US & Canada). NTA News bulletins are frequently aired on Africa Independent Television, and BEN Television in the United Kingdom. The station was made available through Sky in the UK on channel 202, but in early March 2010, they refused to make their channel pay-per-view on Sky. The next day the channel was removed from the Sky EPG. It is also on the IPTV platform SuncasTV, and via free-to-air satellite on Galaxy 19, Intelsat 905 and Intelsat 507.
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