#kurt hummel fanfiction
girlkisser13 · 3 months
kurt hummel masterlist
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* indicates smut
dating kurt hummel would include
nsfw headcanons *
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backslashdelta · 2 months
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"People shouldn't be on their own. Not when the worst things happen." ↳ Happy birthday @pouralittlewater
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glee textposts 3
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nicoise · 3 months
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Kurt held the sword over Blaine’s head before lightly tapping Blaine’s left shoulder with the flat of the blade. “I dub thee once.” He moved the blade to his right shoulder. “I dub thee twice.” Finally, he lifted the sword to rest the metal on Blaine’s head, disrupting his hair momentarily. The words felt like they were a lump caught in his throat. He knew he had to show endurance, but at the moment, to endure was just about the hardest thing he could do. He swallowed, and forced the words out. “I dub thee Knight.”
from @cryscendo's royalty fic amantium irae <3
klaine rendition of edmund leighton's "the accolade." of course also inspired by @warblercore's gorgeous art. the thing on blaine's back is supposed to be a blackbird
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mynonah · 5 months
For Falling For You by bitbybit (puttingittogether), @bitbybitwrites ' lovely universe <3
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cryscendo · 2 months
Hi, how about an abrupt,  heated kiss during the middle of a fight for Klaine?
i bet you didn’t think i would ever respond to this!! well i will say that i kinda ran away with this plot a bit. does it fit the prompt? only vaguely. BUT it’s another thrilling installment to my angel/demon au with a bit more lore thrown in. dedicating it to you as well as @porcelainvino for their various art pieces for this au <3 hope you love it and sorry for the wait!!
Paring: Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson
Word Count: 2030
Rating: T
AU: Angel/Demon AU
fic can be read under the cut <3
There were a lot of things that turned out to be just as unpleasant about falling, not including the actual falling part.
For one, he was weaker than he used to be. He did suspect that would happen, but it still hurt his ego a bit. He used to have so much power that he often didn’t even know what all to do with it. Not that he really could do much with it anyway; the big men upstairs never allowed much fun to be had. More time was spent existing as a militant entity than was spent actually basking in the alleged splendor that was heaven.
If given the option between going back to that or experiencing the pain of falling all over again, Kurt would choose to fall every damn day.
Besides, angels don’t get to play with humans like they’re Barbie dolls. And that’s way more fun.
The man before him, unsuspecting and ignorant, saw Kurt at a bar and thought he’d be an easy target. Kurt knew he perfectly looked the part of a young man getting his first drink at a bar as a twenty-one year old. Aging was such an earthly concept and Kurt was not burdened with it. But to an older man, the illusion of wide-eyed innocence was all too compelling.
Kurt claimed he ‘knew a spot’, which was just as cliché as it sounded, but it was effective nonetheless. Apparently intelligence didn’t always come with age.
It wasn’t long after he got the man to the abandoned storage facility that he knew something was terribly, terribly wrong. Not soon enough, though, for Kurt had already made quick work of knocking the man out and handcuffing him to a chair. When he came to once more, it was in a fit of panic.
“Look, I didn’t sign up for this kind of crazy! So just let me go, okay?” The man pleaded with Kurt and it was charming if nothing else. Kurt leaned over him, one knee braced against the chair in a way that could be seen as provocative in any other circumstance.
“What, am I too old for you?” Kurt asked in a mocking whine. “I swear, I’m only twenty, maybe thirty centuries old!”
“Whatever game you’re playing here, kid, I’m not interested so just let me-”
“Let him go, Kurt,” a voice spoke up behind him. Kurt grinned as he straightened up. Of course he would show up. It was impossible for him to stay away. He made a bit of a show of turning around to face the new arrival — his favorite little angel.
He turned towards the voice, maintaining his flirty tone. “Just can’t stay away from me, can you?”
“You could say that,” Blaine replied and that’s when Kurt saw it — the glint of a blade held discreetly in his palm. He recognized the weapon, as it was a piece from Heaven’s arsenal. See, a regular knife couldn’t kill Kurt.
But that one could.
Kurt’s grin dropped as he backed away from the man strapped to the chair, and subsequently also away from Blaine. “What do you think you’re doing with that?”
“You attract too much attention to yourself.”
“Well, I can’t help but pull focus,” Kurt responded in a rather clipped manner. The man in the chair began to panic even more upon being approached by Blaine.
“Listen, man,” the guy began quickly, “you don’t need to kill him or anything! Just let me go and I’ll be on my way!”
Blaine’s eyes flickered down to the stranger, eerily calm. “You don’t need to see this,” he said simply and before the man could even begin to reply, Blaine rested his palm to his forehead, immediately knocking him out. Putting a human to sleep rather than killing them; that was so painfully just like Blaine to do.
“Why do you have that thing?” Kurt interrogated the second that the man was unconscious.
Blaine turned the knife a bit in his hand as if observing it. “Come on, Kurt, you know exactly what this is.”
Kurt maintained a semi-safe distance. “Why do you need that thing to kill me? You’ve never needed that for a demon before.” It was true. Blaine could take down a demon easily. It made them cruelly unmatched. Blaine had never threatened to kill him before, but it would be undoubtedly easy for him to do so should he want to. For Blaine, a demon is an easy target. He was an easy target.
Kurt’s grin returned. “You can’t kill me, can you?” He asked coyly.
Blaine remained serious, but Kurt could see a crack in his expression letting on that he was nervous. Kurt seemed to always have that effect on him. “Not at my rank, no,” he said simply, but Kurt knew what he meant. He wasn’t strong enough to take out Kurt. An ordinary demon, he’d have no problem. But as luck would have it, Kurt wasn’t an ordinary demon.
Kurt took a risk. He moved a few steps towards Blaine and the weapon he possessed. “You’re not going to kill me.”
“I could.”
A few more steps. “But you won’t.”
“I might.”
“But you won’t.” Kurt was directly in front of him now. He knew it was a dangerous game, but he had a point to prove. “Because if you were going to, you would’ve done it already. So tell me angel, was this a direct order from one of your bossmen, or are you just simply that obsessed with me?”
“Don’t push your luck, Kurt,” Blaine spoke, gravely serious.
“Or what?” Kurt challenged. He could feel Blaine’s steady breaths from just how close they were. Blaine’s gaze met his evenly. “If you’re going to kill me, then do it. I’m wide open.” Kurt tilted his head a fraction, his eyes alight with the rush that comes with toying with Blaine. His tone shifted into something devilishly flirtatious as he spoke again. “So, y’know, take me, I’m yours and all that.”
It was then that Blaine sprung into action. With quick work, he managed to securely grip onto the collar of Kurt’s shirt, using his strength over the other to force Kurt backwards. There was a time where Kurt may have been stronger than him. But Kurt gave all that up, and he still refused to regret it.
That didn’t mean he loved Blaine constantly using that fact against him.
Blaine got him against a wall with one particularly rough push. Kurt felt the brittle wall crack slightly behind him. Fuck, Blaine was strong.
Blaine was strong.
Once Blaine has Kurt pinned defenseless against the wall, he brings the blade down. Kurt doesn’t know whether it was thanks to adrenaline, or his own sense of speed in the face of self-preservation, but he reached up and circled his fingers around Blaine’s wrist before he could manage to connect the weapon.
The blade stilled, suspended in the air between them. Kurt imagined the scene was almost picturesque in a way — him pressed between Blaine’s firm body and the unforgiving wall, his long fingers locked around Blaine’s wrist. Angel and demon. Lovers. Enemies.
Blaine really was going to kill him.
Their shared breathing revealed the exhaustion that their overexertion had caused. Kurt knew, given his current position, he was fully at Blaine’s mercy. The mercy of an angel who just tried to kill him.
That gave Kurt little other choice. Slowly, he tugged at Blaine’s wrist until the blade was sitting just above his throat. He leveled Blaine with a steely look, deathly serious. “Well, go ahead, angel. Do what you gotta do.”
“I don’t want to kill you, Kurt,” Blaine clarified, but didn’t pull the blade away.
“Could’ve fooled me,” he bit out before he could even think to check his tone. This was, in large part, his own doing. He opened the door for Blaine to corner him, he really had no right to be upset about it actually occurring. Even in his current position, Kurt couldn’t refrain from looking down his nose at Blaine, hoping to properly demonstrate his distaste from his present circumstances. “I’m guessing you got assigned a job from one of the big men upstairs?”
“You’re lucky that it’s me and not someone else.”
“Oh yeah, I sure feel lucky.” Kurt’s fingers twitched around Blaine’s wrist as he continued to hold the blade close to Kurt’s throat. But hasn’t pressed in yet, and Kurt cannot fathom why. He has the perfect opportunity. Kurt is basically giving him a free pass, so why isn’t he going for it? “Well?”
Blaine’s grip on the weapon slacked just a bit. “Nothing is ever easy with you.”
“So why don’t you take care of the problem?”
Blaine said nothing, did nothing. He only stood and continued to watch Kurt in silence, and Kurt could practically see the flurry of thoughts swirl around in Blaine’s head. Kurt almost felt bad for the guy; he knew that he didn’t make Blaine’s job simple, and admittedly, does very little to combat that fact.
Eventually, though, Blaine shakes his head. “You’re right. I won’t do it.”
The sound of the metal blade clattering to the ground reverberated discordantly off the walls of the warehouse.
Kurt took no time to ponder Blaine’s decision to spare him. Instead, he kicked the weapon away from the two of them and then, in quick succession, flipped their two positions. Blaine didn’t put up any fight with being pushed up against the wall himself. He could break free if he really wanted to. He chose not to.
“Do you still love me, Blaine?” Kurt asked, not ready for the words to fall from his mouth before they did.
“Are demons even capable of love?”
Kurt wasn’t sure. Maybe demons who never experienced love aren’t. Love is formed from soul, grace, and humanity, of which demons have none.
But Kurt wasn’t always a demon, and he still didn’t really fit the mold of one. Fallen angels are different from regular demons. They still possess morality, at least to some extent. It was just like Kurt to never really fit in anywhere.
“Do you? Still love me?”
Honey colored eyes gazed at Kurt with something akin to sympathy, which would burn his blood if it weren’t for the fact that he so desperately needed a response.
Blaine nodded.
Kurt kissed him. He didn’t even hesitate. With Blaine pinned up against the wall, it was easy for him to leverage a searing, bruising kiss against soft lips. Blaine always tasted the same, like coffee, — such an earthly pleasure that he achieved no benefit from and only chose to indulge for its luxury — and something else a touch more divine. Kurt couldn’t quite pinpoint it, but it tasted vaguely familiar from the holy kingdom that he was no longer welcome to.
Kurt pulled away with a sigh. Blaine panted quietly, a faintly pink blush forming under tanned skin. Kurt was right about one thing, Blaine was an angel — in every sense of the word.
“I don’t suppose I can convince you to disappear for your own safety?” Blaine eventually asked.
Kurt smiled. “Not a chance in hell.”
Blaine nodded in understanding, as if he already anticipated Kurt’s response. “You always were stubborn to a fault.”
Blaine wasn’t wrong. And as much as he would love to stand here with Blaine forever, it wasn’t wise to hang around angels for too long — even if the angel in question was Blaine.
He finally stepped away from Blaine, allowing the man some space. Kurt glanced over to the man tied to the chair. He had forgotten that guy was here. He was simply a means to an end, afterall.
“You may want to wipe that guy’s mind, angel. Or else he’s going to be a real problem when he wakes up.”
Kurt headed towards the exit of the building, but not before Blaine called out to him. “Suddenly not so keen on sticking around?”
Kurt grinned, if not mostly to himself. “Oh, don’t worry, you’ll find me again. And who knows? Maybe you’ll actually have it in you to kill me next time.”
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bitbybitwrites · 1 month
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It's been awhile again since I've done any of these - lately computer issues have kept me from writing, but here's a few snippets ( one Klaine and one FirstPrince WIP) that I was working on before my computer decided to be a pain in my ass.
Thanks to the following people for tagging me for WIP Wednesday and Six/Seven/Several Sentence Sunday in the past few weeks ( if I forgot anyone in this list below I'm sorry!):
@taste-thewaste @thighzp @porcelainmortal @getmehighonmagic @littlemisskittentoes
@thesleepyskipper @alasse9 @stratocumulusperlucidus @softboynick @sophie1973
@sheepywritesfics @onthewaytosomewhere
Snippets are under the cut.
1.) From If I Can Make Your Heart My Home ( Klaine fic) cc @datshitrandom
“But you never came by when I was awake.”
“I . . I was too afraid to hear what you’d say if you saw me.”
The blood began to pulse in Blaine’s ears.  “What did you think I would have said?”
Kurt sighed.  Now he was the one averting his eyes.
“That you never wanted to see me again.  That you hated me. . .” he murmured.  “I . . I hurt you, Blaine.  I can’t change how badly I fucked up.  I know I did.  I know I did big time.  And . . it was . . it was horrible of me to do everything that I did. Because you are right.  You deserved so much better than that.”
Kurt stood up and began to pace nervously.  “Look.  I was afraid. Hell, I still am a bit.  Afraid that maybe Sebastian was right.”
Blaine sat up straighter at the mention of the younger Smythe’s name. “’What?  What did Sebastian say to you?”
 Kurt flinched at the sharpness in Blaine’s tone.  “He . . he said . .” Kurt wrapped his arms around himself, sinking back into the other end of the couch.  “Sebastian said that . . I was nothing but a novelty to you. A joke . . basically some sort of low brow entertainment for you on the side.  I wasn’t anything that was worth your time. And there was no way I could be able to keep up with your . . lifestyle . . .”
Blaine paled.  “Kurt . . I would never . . you. . .you don’t really believe I felt that way . . .”
Kurt let out a wet laugh.  He shrugged his shoulders.  “No . . but . . Blaine, come on.  What could I possibly give to you?  I can’t take you to fancy restaurants or trips out to the Hamptons. I don’t own a penthouse or a limo.  I don’t even own a restaurant.  I’m just this  . .  this nobody from a rural town in Ohio. . . You’re . .”
“Don’t.  Don’t say it.”
“You’re an Anderson, Blaine.  And there’s nothing wrong with that.”
“I might have to disagree.” Blaine muttered
Kurt shook his head, his expression sofenting.  “Look, if you take your father out of the picture, the Andersons are pretty amazing.  They are caring and selfless. They are philanthropic and so loving and open-hearted.  You. . . your brother. . . your grandmother.  You’re all the same.  And it's wonderful.”
2.) From Puppy Love (FirstPrince fic) - cc @omgbarbiegurl
“Now do you have all of your stuff?  Remember you’re at Tia Nora’s tonight.”
Raf nodded.  “I packed everything.  Even a ball so I can play with Tia Nora’s next door neighbor.”
“That’s nice.” Alex said as he hustled around his apartment, shutting off lights.
“He’s adopted and he’s really nice. Sometimes he’s allowed to come over and play with me if I stay over.”
“You finish your homework first, right?” Alex asked
Raf sighed and rolled his eyes.  “Yes.  Tia Nora won’t let me do ANYTHING until I finish my homework first.”
“That’s good.  Glad you made a friend over at Nora’s.”
Alex  hummed as he started flicking through his phone , partly to see if there were any new work messages from Liam or June, partially to see if Henry had texted him. “Yeah, mijo?”
“Are you sure we can’t have a dog?”
“Raf . .”
“I’d take care of it really well, I promise . .  .” the little boy pleaded.
Alex knelt down as he could be more at eye level.  “Hey, I know you want one.  But it wouldn’t be fair to a puppy to be left alone so much - with my work schedule and then you not even being home at at Tia Nora’s place.”
“But we could bring it there.”
“Tia Nora is doing me a HUGE favor by watching you when she can.  It wouldn’t be fair if I gave her 2 kids to look after - a human one  AND a furry one.”
Raf pouted, crossing his arms.  “I don’t think she’d mind.”
Alex pulled his son into a tight hug.  “Once everything kind of slows down and we can get things settled so we’re home more, we’ll look into it.  Until then, you always can come with me to the rescue and help out playing with the animals who don’t have homes yet.  They get pretty lonely there sometimes.”
A small dramatic sigh erupted from the small frame in Alex’s arms.   He had to bit his lip to keep himself from laughing. 
“OK . . but can I do it soon?” Raf asked.
“I’ll check the schedule with Tia June and we’ll see what we can do.”
“¿Prometes? (You promise)” Raf asked as he held out his pinky to his dad eagerly.
“Si.  Lo prometo, mijo.(Yes, I promise, son.)” Alex said with a smile.
And for anyone who may want to play . . a BIG OPEN TAG . . but also:
@myheartalivewrites, @gleefulpoppet @wowbright @14carrotghoul @iboatedhere
@itsmaybitheway @little-escapist @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @sarkyblueeyes @tailsbeth-writes
@rmd-writes @cha-melodius @madas-ahatters-world @kirakiwiwrites @shegoestoeleven
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Information and guidelines (including deadlines) for the Klaine Secret Santa Gift Exchange 2024 are under the cut.
Don't forget to follow us!
1) We have one very strict rule: HAVE FUN!!!!! ❤️
Enjoy this event, because that's the point! To make each other happy with a nice surprise and to make ourselves happy for being able to do that. We want you to enjoy the process itself. If you have any trouble with this, tell us and we'll try to help you and make it easier for you.
2) What type of gift can you participate with?
Fanfiction (drabble, one shot, multi-chaptered fic), drawing/painting (digital or traditional), 2in1 for superheros: comics, animation, gifset, scrapbook style montage, photo or video edit... Tell us, if you have any other idea!
For fic, I'd like to keep a minimum word counts which is 1k, HOWEVER you can participate with shorter drabbles too, if that works better for you. But in this case please write more of them, like short chapters (that not necessarily related to each other) to reach 1k.
For the others, there are no requirements, except to be creative! Which is never a problem in this fandom... ;)
3) We try to give you enough time to create your gift to make this event as stress-free as possible. That means you'll have 7-10 weeks to do this (it's your choice, depends on when you wish to post your gift in December). That's why we're starting this so early.
Signups: September 28th -  October 12th Giftee assignments: October 14th Creating period in Santa's workshop: October 14th - Dec 23th Posting period: December 1-24th
4) Everyone is welcome to joins us in any way. But if you participate, please don't forget that you'll be someone's Secret Santa this year. Which means that someone, who takes the time and effort to make a gift for someone else is expecting a gift of their own - from you. 
5.) It's okay to be a little late. It's especially okay not to post a whole multi-chaptered fic until Christmas. However, please try to post something, anything until dec 24th - even if it's "just" the first short chapter of a multi-chaptered fic. Please don't feel it's not enough, it's perfect, you just started to post a long fic, are you kidding?? Your giftee will love you for it! But please, also make sure you finish what you started, and do that within a reasonable time.
6) If you realize that you probably won't be able to post anything in time, not even one short chapter (but you are determined to do it soon): don't freak out! Just please, please communicate! Let us know and send an anonymous message to your person, let them know their gift is running a little late. Don't worry, no one will be mad at you, I promise. :) Life happens!
7) Which brings us to a very important part: If you decided to participate, please take it seriously and don't forget about it!! If you realize that you won't be able to fulfill what you've committed to, PLEASE CONTACT US ASAP because it means that we have to find a very generous new Santa for your giftee in time!!!!
8) Will we give you prompts? 
Kind of... Yes and no. We'll definitely have some (probably open) questions for every one of you about what you like, so you'll have some idea to choose from and work with - if you want to. Please look at this as an option because we do this to HELP YOU, not to sabotage your creative energy!!! :) It can make your gift more personal, but you don't have to use any of it if you have trouble with it. Again, it's an option and your giftee will know that - some people need inspiration, some people don't.
Also, if you have more questions, you can always tell us and we'll try to get more information from your giftee's interests for you.
9) No-nos:
We respect everyone's feelings and interests but please, please do the same and in your prompts try to avoid of the really dark topics, like your favorite topic EVER is <3 major character death <3 (to use a valid example). This might make your Secret Santa very anxious about how to please you. It's Christmas time, regardless of the theme of your gift, and most of us love to keep our love ones alive, well... any time of the year, really. ;) So please consider to sugar coat your feelings about this, for example, say you like angst, or that you can handle heavy topics. (So your Santa have a choice but probably won't feel like they have to kill someone for Christmas to make you happy. ;) ) //Yes, I'm traumatized, sorry about this.//
This also applies to gifts: be creative but please, avoid the very divisive topics (you know what those are), so everyone can enjoy your gift in this fandom equally.
!! AI generated art and fic are not allowed !!
10) A tip: This event is not about the gift only. Your giftee will always be happy to know that their secret Santa is thinking about them. A nice anonymous message in the question box or through us, like "I'm making your present, I hope you'll love it" or just "I'll be there soon ;) - your Santa" can put a HUGE smile on anyone's face! Please make sure you stay anonymous, though!!!!
11) Keep your giftee in secret. This is a secret mission.
12) Tags to use and follow: #klainesecretsanta2024 and #kss2024  - we'll track both.
13) Do you have any questions or suggestions? Our ask box is always open!
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Ancient Rome AU, 73 BC.
Blaine and Kurt are enslaved in the same grand villa in Capua, 125 miles south of Rome. Blaine is a renowned gladiator known for his unmatched skill in the arena. Kurt is their master’s treasured body slave and performer. In a time where their love could be as dangerous as the sword, they find themselves instantly and irrevocably drawn to each other.
Read Here
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caramelcoffeeaddict · 10 months
A Season of New Developments [Klaine Fanfiction]
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Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Isabelle Wright Chapters: 1/1 [Complete] Word Count: 10,618 Rating: Teen&Up Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Different First Meeting, Christmas Fluff, Neighbors!Klaine, Coworkers!Klaine, Photographer!Blaine, Vogue!Kurt, Stylist!Kurt Summary: Shortly after Kurt moves into a new apartment building and meets his hot new neighbor, Blaine, he hires Blaine to photograph a huge fashion spread that he's organizing for the January issue of Vogue. In the meantime, the two men spend their free time getting to know one another better. Author Notes: Written for the Klaine Secret Santa Gift Exchange as a gift for @jayne89 ❤️️ Merry Christmas, Kay! 🎄 Hope you enjoy your gift! 🎁 :) Original Post Date: December 2023
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kirakiwiwrites · 2 months
Hello all! We know it’s been awhile but we have written a one shot in The Obsidian Castle verse you might enjoy if you have read that fic. We are working on another project we are very excited about, so we hope you enjoy this in the meantime! Much love- A and K
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Lovely people !! I'm here with another one shot which I wrote for @fallevs @special-bc-ur-part-of-it
Inspired by this post
Have Yourself A Merry Little Otter
Rating:General Audiences
Archive Warning:No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandoms:Glee (TV 2009),glee-klaine,klaine fandom
Relationship:Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Characters:Kurt Hummel,Blaine Anderson,Sam Evans (Glee),Original Characters
Blaine Anderson goes Christmas shopping to buy gifts for the season, only to buy something valuable for himself: a fluffy otter plushie that comes alive in one touch.
Read on AO3
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backslashdelta · 5 months
Blaine-friendly Kurtbastian Fic Recs
Putting a list together for @fallevs, but I hope this will be useful for anyone who wants to dip their toes into Kurtbastian fanfiction but doesn't want to read anything anti-Blaine! Everything included in this list will either not include Blaine at all, or if he is in the fic, it will be neutral or friendly toward him.
I've tried to include a wide range of words counts as well, so that you can start with something short and sweet or dive into something big, whatever you feel like. If anyone else has some recommendations to add, please feel free to reblog this list and add more!
Europe Is Our Playground by @glitterdammerung - 53,430 words
Summary: Eight years and half the world away from home, a chance encounter in a Paris club leads Kurt and Sebastian - each running from the ghosts of their pasts - into the diversion of chasing each other across Europe.
(Let's give them) Something to talk about by MemeKonGlee - 20,529 words
Summary: “I need you to—” “I heard you the first time,” Kurt interrupts, putting his fork and knife down on his plate and pushing his half-finished pancakes aside. “What I meant was: what the hell?” He points towards the neglected pancakes, trying to stall in the face of Kurt’s reaction. “Are you sure you don’t wanna finish that first?” The look in Kurt's eyes tells him in no uncertain terms that no, he doesn't want to finish his pancakes, Jesus. And so Sebastian has no option but to take a deep breath in, exhale slowly through his mouth and just… get on with it, internally cringing at how unbelievably ridiculous it all sounds when he puts it in words, all out there for the world (and more importantly, Kurt fucking Hummel) to judge. It all boils down to: I fucked up and I'm too proud to deal with it the mature way.
Safe Mode by flipmeforward - 18,118 words
Summary: An AU in which Kurt and Sebastian never met in high school. Instead, they meet at &brave--an up-and-coming online fashion company where Kurt is the new assistant slash blogger (one day he will figure out a better title), and Sebastian is the less than pleasant tech support guy. Kurt does his best to avoid Sebastian and his rude attitude at all possible costs, but it turns out that technology is not his friend. It also turns out that Sebastian might maybe possibly be (okay, probably is) more than just an annoying coworker.
Come On And Mess Me Up by @pouralittlewater - 215,339 words
Summary: “It’s like...When Harry Met Sally,” Santana told him. “No. That was me and Blaine.” “How? You literally got together in months. You and Sebastian have been skirting the issue for years. This whole “will they, won’t they” thing is getting old.” Or, when Sebastian enrolls in McKinley High and joins Glee right before the duet competition. What Kurt thinks could be the start to a great friendship in gay camaraderie quickly explodes in his face as he realizes being around Sebastian makes him want to set the other boy on fire. However, over time, that feeling dissipates. Even without the title of friendship, the two become ingrained in each other's lives in a way neither ever expected to.
Thunderbolts & Lightning by @alphabees-writes - 1,854 words
Summary: Sebastian has a plan. It goes wrong, and then right, and then wrong again.
tension bars by @cryscendo - 824 words
Summary: Prompt by backslashdelta: kurt, sports!au (gymnastics), exes, “sometimes, i sit in bed and wonder what would happen if things were different.”
I Want The World To See You'll Be With Me by @backslashdelta (me!) - 2,405 words
Summary: Kurt and Sebastian attend a Christmas party, and Sebastian has a special surprise for Kurt afterward.
Dessert by @nalasan - 1,175 words
Summary: “Oh my God,” Sebastian says, staring at the plate in front of him. “We have to break up.” Kurt, who has just walked into their living room and is still in his winter coat, raises his eyebrow quizzically; his expression more bemused than worried, “And why is that?” “Just look at that,” Sebastian replies, gesturing at the table in front of him like he is seeing it for the first time: the white tablecloth, the candles in their silver candleholders, the white roses in their vase in the middle of the table, and the dinner Sebastian has been preparing since he came home three hours ago.
And Why Is That? by @20xbetterthanu - 41,321 words
Summary: "I love you, and I hate myself for that." "And why is that?" Love hurts.
Note from me: this fic is definitely not anti-Blaine, however it does heavily involve Blaine and he is Not having a good time, so I maybe wouldn't recommend it if you want to avoid him (and the other boys!) being sad.
A Change In The Weather by cacophonylights - 209,414 words
Summary: The summer before college Kurt is shocked when Sebastian comes to him with a timely offer he can’t refuse.  He’ll get something he needs to realize his dreams, but in return he has to play the role of Sebastian’s boyfriend for the summer.  Neither of them know just how much their worlds are about to change. For a GKM prompt.
Note from me: this fic COULD be considered anti-Blaine, but I don't personally consider it to be; it maybe doesn't paint him in the most positive light, but I think it's still neutral enough to be on this list, and it's essentially required reading at this point! Also, it is famously unfinished, but there are a couple fan sequels: ACITW AU by @lady-divine-writes A Drop In The Ocean by @daftydraw and jwmelmoth The ACITW link above is for livejournal, but you can also find the original fic on AO3 in two parts here and here.
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esilher · 11 months
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This image took me ages...
I started it forever ago, then left it to rest, change this and that...
Now I want to move forward so here it is on it's own adventure!
This is for the fanfiction "The Seduction" by @hkvoyage
I should have put makeup or masks on them, but hey, let's say it happens a little later, in an intimate moment. And so we can see their face better.
And Blaine quickly discovered Kurt's weak spot and took advantage of it...
I have a love relationship with Venice... I had to draw something for this story.
Thank you for writing!!
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nicoise · 4 months
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pride art except it's the scene from @kurtsascot's treading water
Rainbows painted on his face. Glitter Hairspray. A Love is Love crop top- Kurt looked ridiculous, and he’d never be caught dead wearing it any other time, but that hardly mattered. Dressing so loudly felt like a big fuck you to every homophobic bigot he had the displeasure of knowing in small-town Ohio.  Kurt was happy, happier than he had been in a long time.
gave blaine the green shorts just for fun. still excruciatingly new to digital art sorry if it's wonky
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mynonah · 9 days
Hi everyone! <3
It seems like the last few months of the year will be full of awesome events in fandom, so before I do anything I'd like to ask you all if you still have interest/capacity for Klaine Secret Santa this year? Unfortunately, @quizasvivamos doesn't have time for doing this lovely event this year due to her other commitments, but if you're interested, I'd be happy to organize it with @esilher's help.
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