#happy heroes Starshadow
ellenimationz · 2 months
Heavy spoilers for City of Mystery.
Speaking of which, City of Mystery may be my favorite season, but at the same time, the plot towards the end somewhat...crumbles under the tiniest of bit of scrutiny, imo. (Seriously, Happytoon, what was Finch going to do with the Star River Stone???) But at least it allowed me to make this animatic, lol.
Oh yeah I should also probably mention: I know the "correct" translation of his name would be "Vinci," but before I knew that, I took Google Translate's word that it was "Finch," and it became a habit; expect me to use "Vinci" and "Finch" interchangeably from now on. It's better than "Funch" anyhow-
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baileyblues · 2 years
Ok, i know season 18 is done, and they're working on season 19 rn (and i'm pretty sure Arcus comes back in that season so woo!)
(this is just a random rant i wanted to post-)
(!!spoilers ahead for S18!!)
I'm watching it rn and like?? I'm absolutely in love with the parallel universe! And the fact that we get to review old characters that pretty much never made a new appearance back is sooo exciting to me! (although I literally freaked out in a shocking way, that DuanDao Liu is somehow the president of the school the 5 heroes used to go to??? traumatized. /j)
I honestly loved the spin-off series called "The mystery city"!! I watched the whole series in like one day, but then I couldn't find it again though??
I am so happy and excited to see the heroes going back to Earth (the planet The mystery city takes place in, not our earth) and meeting old friends and enemies!
And i'm gonna be honest, the way the 4 knights died and were used by the 黑暗君主 (idk how to translate it to english, but he's basically the 4 knights' boss) is so brutal-
Poor Kalo is gonna be so traumatized going back there again after that time with the Ice knight turning Careful into a yeti and almost killing him- :') But then again I live on angst sooo-
Oh! As well as the fact that Starshadow and Moondance is coming back too!! :DDD poor starshadow had to literally kill her because he was out of control with imself- :') hopefully they'll be better in the parallel universe!
Yeah, i think i'm done with my rant now, here are the link to the playlist if you want to check it out (they're in Chinese because i couldn't find any english ones-): here
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h-ellllo · 3 years
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A beautiful duo
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themunflower · 4 years
Li’l Starshadow
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This kid is insane.
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multi-fandom-peep · 4 years
Another context one. (Yes he blew something up again.)
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This time it was a beach.
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ellenimationz · 3 years
Happy Heroes Dragon AU Smaugust Day #24: Starshadow
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themunflower · 4 years
“Hey guys, look what I caught!”
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Moondance: *Is wanting to eat that fish*
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themunflower · 4 years
Starshadow Woke Up
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... Mostly.
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themunflower · 4 years
A Little Moon!
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Since she’s little, maybe we need to start calling her Halfmoondance?
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themunflower · 4 years
L’il Starshadow!
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He’s that one REALLY hyper kid. You just know the caretakers in the Daycare AU have they’re hands full making sure he doesn’t run off and get lost again.
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themunflower · 5 years
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Starshadow introduces himself and Moondance.
Moondance, meanwhile, just continues to stare you down while menacingly munching her chips...
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ellenimationz · 2 years
Very First Happy Heroes Art Dump (it’s quite big)
I figured it’s finally time to show the doodles I’ve done over the years that I’ve kept to myself/the Happy Heroes Discord (not necessarily in chronological order).
A couple things before you click on that read more:
- Trigger warning for blood (on the 5th doodle)
- Spoilers for Seasons 13, 14, 15, and City of Mystery
Enjoy :)
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Some Sad S.
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Ka Pei going out for groceries, and I guess I wasn’t too used to drawing Happy S at the time or something for some reason.
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Not gonna lie, I got White Pearl-vibes from Love S when she first debuted...
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Not even they are immune to AMONGUS.
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This one requires, well, a lot more context: On the Happy Heroes Discord, I made a headcanon stating that, “Adelian shades (the kind that can be detached from the body) can stick to any Adelian, even if it doesn't belong to the [wearer], but ONLY Adelians (in other words, they can be used to identify peeps who are and aren't Adelians). For example, if Kalo were to give a pair of shades to, let's say Archie, it would stay on his face, but if he gave them to Careful S, they would fall off (he has to hold them in place).” Then @themunflower​ added on, “Shade swiping is probably a common prank among Adelian kids...One kid has a bunch of shades layered on his face like a sandwich.” I found it too funny not to make a doodle of.
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A very good sketch (imo) of Ka Pei.
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Inspired by this, lol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TJaNDBI87s
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In one class I have, there’s this whiteboard that everyone can draw on whenever they like, hence Moondance :3
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Can’t draw one without the other.
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Is it just me or do I draw Bella really inconsistently? A couple cameos.
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And here we see a precious happy boi. And yeah, it was Christmas.
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In preparation for Season 16...
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Classwork doodles.
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Invisible bow an arrows, or a thumbs up?
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These four characters have been the only characters to actually sing, like, properly, in the whole series/have the most ties to music. And because there were four of them, they could form...a barbershop quartet!
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Transferred to the whiteboard!
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Very first birthday doodle I believe. (Sorry for the bad quality ^^;)
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Lisa, NOOOOOO! (It got vandalized, and it also looks like it says “totally not Bat-Man!” lol.)
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Fixed her. Also, it appears that the quartet has expanded.
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Barbershop quartet actually managed to last, like, several months, which is really impressive! However, they did get erased eventually, and I opted to draw them again but color-coded and smaller.
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My first time drawing Russel and Stu! However, I drew it in such a way that, if I wanted everyone to be proportional, Stu had to be cut-off at the top TvT. Meanwhile, Ka Pei and Bella continue to feud in the background.
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I mean, how else was she supposed to come back?
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Similar to barbershop quartet, I noticed something all four of these dudes have:  someone they cared about and, in the climax, had an emotional beat with them; Finch had Lisa, Starshadow had Moondance, Dark Demon had Happy S, and Luthor had Doctor H. Thus, I put them in a club thing where they sort of just hang out, and they recently invited Luthor. I’d imagine Huo Ha Ha sometimes joins them for some afternoon tea. YES I KNOW THE CHAIRS ARE ABSOLUTELY AWFUL-
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Even though I drew this much earlier than anything else here, I think it’s still neat.
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This is fine. Very first Happy Heroes drawing on Procreate, though I feel like I still can’t get Happy S quite right TvT.
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Sudden increase in quality. Also, Zelia but she’s more cyborg-like.
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Beth as an Eliatrope, because both her and the Eliatrope class from Wakfu can create portals.
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multi-fandom-peep · 3 years
What are your opinions on all of the happy heroes characters? (like the main-ish ones)
I forgot this was in my inbox; I'm so sorry.
There's a crap ton of HH characters, so I'm only going to be addressing the ones I can call off the top of my head.
Happy - Child Sweet - Best Smart - Why are you like this but, he's cool Careless - Innocent baby Careful - *Fails to English* Not what most people think of him? Doctor - Overworked dad with a lack of common sense Kalo - Uh... soldier. I haven't seen enough of him to form an actual opinion.
Big.M - Sociopath Little.M - Absolute idiot; who are you Zelia - Child #2 Starshadow/Moondance - Could've been amazing if they weren't the antagonists Peach - A really flat character, honestly Lightbulb guy (??What is his English name?) - I think the creators are flip flopping with him. Suspicious - What the hell have you done Sad - I think she's nice. Sick - Background character Huo Haha - Nice dude, but I haven't seen season 8.
Let me know if there's a specific character I missed, but other than that... yeah.
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