#confession 1009
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I just rewatched DS9 and despite the stated intent of Steven Ira Behr and others that the Cardassians (or at least those that supported the Occupation) were meant to be Nazis, with current events now I can’t help but see the Cardassians as Israelis and the Bajorans as Palestinians. I suppose Behr’s signing a letter which refuses to recognise what Israel does as an ‘occupation’ means he doesn’t see the parallels. That combined with Kira’s justifications for her terrorist actions not being allowed to undermine her representation as a good even heroic person, vs Gul Dukat and other occupiers clear characterisation as pure evil, means DS9 seems rather ironic to me now.
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jjangwonie · 17 days
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𓂃⊹ ִֶָ summary: With your anonymous Twitter account, you've acquired a pretty good following and popularity, throughout your school as well. Jake, your long-time crush, is one of them, head over heels. Yet when you once confessed to him, he had rejected your confession, saying that he already has his eye on someone else. What happens when he finds out that his online crush is the person that he rejected? And... How are you going to deal with this?
𓂃⊹ ִֶָ word count: ~2.2k
TWELVE - no girl skills [written]
"What are you guys doing?"
You and Jungwon look over to the two older boys putting the drinks on the table, who are lightly scanning over Sunoo and Riki.
"What do you mean? I am super casual right now," Riki states with a stoic face while leaning his arm over the chair, one leg propped on the seat of Sunoo, who is leaned back and arms crossed, legs spread out in front of him.
"...Sure." Sunghoon takes a seat across from you, alongside Jake.
You quickly take one of the drinks, gulping down half of it. You don't notice, but Jake does the same with his drink.
Sunoo, ever the social butterfly, keeps the conversation going, regaling the group with an animated story about one of his misadventures in the school's art room. "Anyways, so that's how I ended up with my hair tainted with dark ink spots for a week." he finishes with a sigh, earning chuckles from around the table. "It's giving you a sign to dye your hair back to black." Riki nudges him.
Jungwon, noticing your silence, gently nudges you. "You okay?" he whispers, concern evident in his eyes.
You nod, forcing a smile. "Yeah, just... excited for the performance," you murmur back, grateful for his attentiveness. Meanwhile, Jake sits rigidly in his chair, his eyes darting between you and Sunghoon, clearly uncomfortable. He takes a long sip of his drink, using the glass as a shield to avoid eye contact.
Riki, never one to miss an opportunity for mischief, leans towards Jake. "So, hyung, got any embarrassing stories about Sunghoon hyung to share?" he asks with a sly grin.
Before Jake can respond, Sunghoon interjects, "Don't you dare, Jake. I know where you live." The playful threat breaks some of the tension, eliciting a genuine laugh from the group. Even you can't help but smile at your brother's antics.
Your attention is drawn to the stage as movement catches your eye. Jay and Heeseung are busy setting up, their practised movements showing their familiarity with the routine.
As they adjust the microphones, Heeseung looks up, catching sight of your table. He flashes a charming smile and waves, causing a flutter of excitement to ripple through the pub.
You raise your hand in a small wave back, a soft smile playing on your lips. For a moment, you forget about the awkwardness at the table, allowing yourself to be caught up in the anticipation of the upcoming performance.
Jay notices Heeseung's distraction and follows his gaze to your table. He grins and gives an enthusiastic thumbs up.
"Looks like they're almost ready," Sunghoon observes, his voice carrying a hint of pride for his friends.
"Thank you for letting me take the stage once again," Jay starts, resting his guitar on his lap. "Tonight, I invited my good friend Heeseung to perform a song we've been working on together."
Anticipation washes over you as you lean forward on your chair.
"I hope you all enjoy this evening, this song is called 'Highway 1009'."
The lights dim, Jay and Heeseung's music filling the pub with a warm, inviting atmosphere.
Their smooth voices and the practised strums coming from Jay's guitar make the group at the table fall into a comfortable silence, bobbing their heads to the rhythm and enjoying the performance.
While everyone else is focused on the stage, Jake's mind is elsewhere. His eyes occasionally flick towards you, then back to Sunghoon, guilt gnawing at him.
'I can't believe I rejected Sunghoon's sister', he thinks, his fingers tapping nervously on his glass. 'If he finds out... No, I can't tell him.' Jake tries to lose himself in the music, but his thoughts keep circling back. 'Why am I so worried about this? It shouldn't matter, right?'
The final notes of the song ring out, snapping Jake back to reality. He joins in the enthusiastic applause, pushing his conflicted thoughts aside for now.
Soon, Jay and Heeseung join the table, still buzzing with post-performance energy. The conversation flows more freely now, the earlier awkwardness dissipating.
"So, Riki," Heeseung grins, "I hear you've been giving Jake a run for his money on the football field?"
Riki puffs up his chest. "Well, I don't like to brag, but..."
"Yes, you do," you interject with a roll of your eyes.
Jake laughs, finally relaxing a bit. "He's not wrong though. Riki's got some serious skills."
The conversation shifts, and suddenly you find yourself the center of attention as Riki recounts a recent incident with a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Oh, you should have seen it," he says, barely containing his laughter. "y/n was being particularly sour one day, so I thought I'd help her match her outfit to her attitude-"
You groan, covering his mouth with your palm. "Riki, don't you dare-" but you quickly jump back the moment you feel his teeth nip your palm and you dry your hand with a disgusted face.
"Ah, that is what happened that other day, huh?" Heeseung smirks. "Don't worry, y/n. You looked awfully cute in your gym apparel." His comment gains some snickers along the table.
"I'll get you back for this, Nishimura Riki." You huff while looking away. Jungwon slips a quick candy in your hand with a smile, signalling to not get too worked up about it.
As the night wears on, you notice Sunoo, Jungwon, and Riki exchanging glances. Suddenly, they start gathering their things.
"Well, it's been fun, but we should head out," Sunoo announces, a little too cheerfully.
You eye them suspiciously. "Wait, what? Why are you leaving?"
Jungwon gives you a meaningful look. "We've got that... thing, remember? The one we talked about earlier?"
"What thing?" you ask, genuinely confused.
Riki rolls his eyes. "The thing where we leave you to bond with your brother and his friends," he whispers, not quite softly enough.
Your eyes widen in realization and a touch of panic. "Oh. No, wait. Why?" you manage, shooting them a 'please don't leave me' look.
But your friends are already saying their goodbyes, Sunoo giving you a sneaky wink as they depart, leaving you at the table with Sunghoon, Heeseung, Jay, and Jake.
You throw your head back into your chair. 'Great. Now what?'
As if by some cosmic joke, you suddenly find yourself alone at the table with Jake. Sunghoon, Jay, and Heeseung had excused themselves, muttering something about helping the staff with equipment or getting more drinks - you weren't really paying attention, too focused on the fact that you were now in the exact situation you'd been dreading all night.
An awkward silence stretches between you and Jake, both of you fidgeting with your drinks.
That horrendous memory keeps replaying, of how much you made a fool of yourself. Your eyes linger on a spot on the wall as you rethink all your decisions up until now.
Finally, Jake clears his throat.
"Listen, y/n," he starts, his voice low and hesitant. "I wanted to apologize. For that day at the school festival. I feel terrible about how it went."
You blink and slowly face him, surprised by his directness. "Oh, um, it's okay. Really. It was some time ago and you didn't know who I was."
Jake runs a hand through his hair, a habit of his. "Did you... did you ever tell Sunghoon about it?"
You shake your head quickly. "No, no. I could never, I'd never hear the end of it. Did you?"
"No, I haven't," Jake sighs, relief evident in his voice.
A beat passes, and then Jake attempts to keep the conversation going. "So, how's your classes going? Sunghoon mentioned you were in Advanced Writing?"
You nod. "Yeah."
Jake shifts in his seat to turn to you more. "How is it? And isn't that class taught in the building on campus me and your brother are?"
"Uh, yeah. It is, but I am there briefly because it is only once a week." Your eyes shift. "And classes are okay. It's challenging but I enjoy it," you respond, offering a soft smile.
Jake's mouth twitches at the soft smile, feeling like the awkwardness may be fading, even if it's small. "Oh, I see. Might explain why I have never seen you around." He takes a sip of his drink as he looks around the room, still feeling a bit awkward himself.
As short small talk continues, you find yourself relaxing slightly, though your responses remain brief. Jake, on the other hand, seems to be genuinely enjoying the conversation, his earlier nervousness fading, as he leans back in his chair while facing you.
After a lull, you gather your courage and ask, "So, um, any luck with that girl you had your eye on? The one you mentioned... before."
Jake's face lights up, but then he composes himself. "Actually, yeah. We've been talking online for a bit now. It's been really nice. She's funny and sweet, and I genuinely like talking to her."
You look up. "Really?" your voice comes out a bit more as a surprise. You look down at your drink as you stir the straw around aimlessly, trying not to seem too surprised. "That's great. I'm happy for you." Your voice sounds timid, shy to talk to him face to face again.
Jake, caught up in his enthusiasm, doesn't notice your slightly strained voice. He's about to ask you about your own love life when a familiar voice cuts through the air.
"Well, well, what do we have here?"
Sunghoon's teasing tone makes both you and Jake jump slightly. He's standing there with Jay and Heeseung, a playful but slightly protective glint in his eye.
"Jake, my man," Sunghoon continues, slinging an arm around his friend's shoulders. "What exactly were you discussing with my little sister, hm?"
Jake's eyes widen, and you can almost see him mentally scrambling for a response. "We were just, uh, talking about school and stuff. Right, y/n?"
You nod quickly, perhaps a bit too enthusiastically. "Yep, just school. Very boring, academic stuff."
Heeseung raises an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. "Uh-huh. Jake not putting his girl skills to use this time?" he says with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
Jay chuckles, elbowing Heeseung. "Come on, leave them alone. I'm pretty sure that Jake doesn't have girl skills like that."
As the others settle back into their seats, the earlier one-on-one atmosphere dissipates. You look off and sigh in relief.
The night wears on, and the conversation at the table becomes more animated and relaxed. Jake finds himself leaning in, eager to learn more about you, realizing how little he actually knows compared to the rest.
"So, y/n," Jay prompts with a grin, "tell us about your latest battle with Riki."
You roll your eyes dramatically, slumping back into your seat. "Oh, where do I even start? The other day, he decided it would be hilarious to replace all my bookmarks with pictures of himself."
Sunghoon groans, "Not again. I swear, half the stories I hear at home start with 'Oh my gosh you won't believe what Riki did today.'"
"To be fair," you counter, "I got him back. Let's just say that you'll be finding glitter in his gym clothes for the upcoming days." You wave your finger around with your eyes closed, gaining a soft laugh out of Jake.
Jay chuckles, shaking his head. "I love how Jungwon and Sunoo seem so sweet toward you but have to tear you guys apart before you two tear each other's throat out."
"I think it's sweet," Heeseung chimes in, a playful look on his face. "You know, Riki might just enjoy getting a rise out of you. Some people tease the ones they want attention from."
You scoff. "Please, Riki? He's like an annoying little brat."
As the night draws to a close, everyone starts gathering their things. Sunghoon checks his phone and nudges you. "We should head home, y/n. It's getting late."
Goodbyes are exchanged, and you and Sunghoon are the first to leave. As you walk away, you can't help but let your gaze linger a second too long at the table.
Back at the pub, Jay, Heeseung, and Jake are left, nursing the last of their drinks.
Heeseung leans back in his chair, a mischievous glint in his eye. "You know, y/n looked so pretty tonight. It's really different from the school clothes."
Jay's protective instinct kicks in immediately. "Hey now, watch it. That's basically my little sister you're talking about."
Heeseung holds up his hands in mock surrender, then turns to Jake. "What do you think, Jake? You've been pretty quiet."
Jake freezes for a moment, his mind flashing back to your earlier conversation. He clears his throat, shaking his head. "She is pretty chill. She seemed shy at first, but she is cool to talk to." The others nod, yet Heeseung doesn't seem satisfied with the answer.
He leans over the table, a smirk on his face. "Don't you think she is pretty?" He asks, making Jake cough on his last sips. "Come on. That's Sunghoon's little sister. Don't be weird." He answers.
Jay shakes his head. "Okay, hyung. I guess we call it a night, yeah? I don't want to hear this," he says as he stands up with a lighthearted scoff.
Heeseung merely laughs and glances over at Jake before patting Jay on the back. "Okay, okay, my bad. I won't pry any more, tonight."
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©jjangwonie 2024
@jvngyoi @heexissa @i03jae @leaderwons @unhakki @istglevi-gotmesimping @dreamiestay @poohoon @j33mn @nshmrarki @ckline35 @payformycoffeeandleave @miszes @onlyhyunjin @iatemycatfreckles @tannyr98 @conwunder @cheridiaries @simsungsims @heelovesmeknot @wayzatiny @sanasour @violets-for-yj @maloilover @riksaes @heeseungspookie
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dearlexies · 2 months
engenes we need to make this comeback perfect, the boys work hard on these songs so we will work harder showing how much we love it and letting other people know about their work, so here are some ideas on how to promote romance untold on tiktok and bring attention to the album (bc we have the tiktok effect in our favor)
moonstruck = cute trend for couples we're you show videos that made you fall in love with them, edits with your favorite couple from a series/movie
xo= xo dance challenge, confess to someone giving them a paper saying "do you love me? X or O" and use the song
brought the heat back= your idol/favorite character being coll, sports celebrations (Olympics year!!!), party edits
highway 1009= friendships edit, enhypen edits about the boys
any music= boy's say's "i love you enhypen said *lyrics*
Royalty/Paranormal: cute edits with your favorite shipp
Also vote for enhypen in idolchamp and mnet plus
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confessxcrush4tcc · 9 hours
stop shooting up public high schools, target the ivy league colleges
confession 1009
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 2 years
If Tomorrow Never Comes
If Tomorrow Never Comes by Barely a human
"The first time Eijirou told Katsuki that he loved him, Katsuki had told him to stop being sappy. Eijirou just laughed, and Katsuki was glad he didn't push the subject. Since then Eijirou had told Katsuki he loved him not short of one hundred times, and Katsuki had responded in kind a full zero."
Mitsuki Bakugou always plays country music in the car. Katsuki didn't appreciate it, until he heard a song that made him think about his relationship with Kirishima.
Words: 1009, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Mitsuki, Kirishima Eijirou
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: Love Confessions, Declarations Of Love, Song Lyrics, Established Relationship, Mother-Son Relationship, Good Parent Bakugou Mitsuki, References to Country Music, Song fic, Fluff, Domestic Fluff
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43975207
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“I honestly rather have Jackie x Tom get together than even think about the possibility of Janna x Tom happening or being hinted at!”
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#1009: "I still have my Odette doll from when I was little, but she isn’t in very good condition and her original outfit is long gone, so I have her in her pink picnic dress. Recently I’ve started considering trying to find a new Odette doll so I can have her in mint condition. I love collecting Barbie movie dolls so I can study their costumes (I’m a fashion design student who hopes to become a costume maker)."
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“Ever since the zodiac kwamis were revealed minus the rabbit kwami. Someone said they read translated info, that marinette will supposedly pass the zodiacs around. I hate that it's obvious that we already knew that Nino would receive the turtle. But I hope she doesn't pass it around the entire class but meet new characters that would earn their miraculous. But I will admit that seeing Nathaniel get a miraculous would make me happy” 
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easy pete broke into my house and replaced all of my dishes with dynamite.
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glitteryglitter · 3 years
𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞
𝙰𝙽: I'm so sorry this took forever!
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: None, I think!
𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: Book! Enoch O’Connor X Reader
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 1009
Y/n and Enoch had been friends for a while now.
42 years and 230 days exactly if you were to ask either one of them.
At the moment, they were arranging Enoch 's collection of pickled organs, as you do. However, they were interrupted by Jacob
It was clear he didn't like being around the pickled organs but whatever it was, it seemed urgent enough that he ignored them.
Don't you two ever get tired of- well-organs?
"They're important, Jacob!" Y/n protested
He glanced to the side which was a big mistake on his part.
Jacob swayed gently as he noticed several watery-looking eyes staring back at him from one of Enoch's jars.
Well, Miss Peregrine wants to see you, Y/n. Try to get back to her as soon as you can, okay?
They looked at him, confused.
"I'm not sure, she looked serious, but then again, she normally does. Anyways, I'd go check with her."
At that, he dashed up the stairs and slammed the door.
Jacob clearly wasn't the biggest fan of pickled organs.
"Alright." Y/n raised an eyebrow at Enoch.
He merely shook his head.
He didn't know what it was either.
Several minutes later, the door to the basement crashed open for the second time that day.
Y/n ran down the stairs and practically threw themselves on the table next to a very unsavory-looking bowl of mouse hearts.
" Enoch I don't know what to do"
About what? You know how to pickle these things, you clean them, get some salt and formaldehyde-
"No, it's not that. Just, everything's so confusing I just don't know what to do right now."
The boy raised an eyebrow.
Normally Y/n would just get to the point and talk, but today seemed a bit different.
They picked their head up from the table slightly.
"Y/n, what's bothering you?"
Enoch had dropped his usually surly attitude, this definitely wasn't normal
"Y/n tell me what's going on. As much as I hate to admit it, you're starting to act like me and i don't like it"
They took in a breath and sat up finally
"Enoch, I have a cousin in another loop and they need my help. I don't know why or how they found me but either way, I'm leaving."
Enoch almost dropped his sheep's heart.
"You're what?"
"I'm leaving, I don't have a choice!"
"Y/n...yes you do! you always have a choice! What's wrong with this loop?"
"Nothing! I really want to stay, you know I do!"
He gave them a hard look
"You know what? Do whatever you want.:
Enoch slipped out of the room and slammed the door.
Y/n sighed.
They really would miss him.
They didn't know how or why but they would.
At first, they'd thought he was like a brother, but it was clear now that wasn't it.
There was something more, definitely.
A crush? This couldn't be.
The exact cliche that always popped up in the movies Y/n had watched.
Falling in love with your best friend? No! They didn't want to!
Even that couldn't mask the fact that no matter what they did or didn't want, it had happened.
They'd fallen for Enoch, and they'd fallen hard.
Perfect! Just perfect! The worst part was they probably didn't even have a chance to confess anything.
It really was sad, but y/n knew that sitting around wouldn't help anything.
They decided to start packing their things.
After some time, they'd finally finished.
It really was strange how all the things in their room they'd acquired through the years could be stuffed into a few bags in a matter of hours.
Y/n had just finished hauling their very large heavy suitcases down the staircase, which they were cursing the existence of that moment when a voice from behind them jump.
"Y/n! Thank god I found you."
They turned around, nearly slapping the person who, to their relief, had stepped aside before y/n could whack them.
It was Enoch
He still looked downcast, but didn't seem to be angry at all.
" Well, I won't keep you for long... I just wanted to tell you something before you went away for good"
He paused again.
"I wanted to apologize. I don't want any hard feelings between us"
Y/n nodded. "Of course! It's okay, we can move past this. "
He smiled slightly, but didn't leave.
He almost seemed to be waiting for something.
"Enoch, is there something else you want to say?" Y/n asked curiously
"Well- yes"
"In that case, will you just say it, please? I don't have all day!" Y/n said with a small smile.
He rolled his eyes and took a breath in.
"Alright, well if you must know, I like you. I don't expect you to feel the same. This is terribly short notice too, but in case you do-"
A homunculus tapped y/n on the leg.
They looked down to see the small clay doll holding a flower.
"Is this for me?"
The tiny clay figure nodded as y/n took the flower, then skipped away.
"Oh my"
The familiar feeling came back.
The crush Y/n had tried so hard to forget.
There was no escaping it, they were head over heels for him.
Well, it was now or possibly never, what was the worst that could happen?
"Enoch, I'm leaving soon, but I want you to know that I feel the same way"
He nodded as y/n noticed his cheeks go pink.
"I should've told you earlier."
"Enoch," Y/n pulled him into a hug
"All that matters is that we both know how we feel"
Five hours later, Y/n had been introduced to their new ymbryne.
Everyone had come out of the house to their goodbyes.
As Y/n waved goodbye, they felt unbearably sad.
Of course they wanted to see their cousin and meet new peculiars, but they'd stayed with these people for so so long.
It felt like they were losing too many people in too short of a time.
It felt so wrong.
Unfortunately, it had to be done, no matter how unpleasant leaving was.
Lastly, Y/n faced Enoch.
Abruptly, he pressed a kiss to their cheek, discreetly enough that even Miss Peregrine didn't notice.
"Stay safe, Y/n" he whispered.
They nodded.
"I'll be back Enoch, I promise"
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responding to 1009 I want to point out that Palestinian freedom fighters were one of the groups Ira Steven Behr explicitly compared the Bajoran Resistance to 🖖
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henqtic · 3 years
21 and 40 in kisses with rafe please 🥺
authors note: ofc and thanks for requesting <33 // this turned out way longer than i expected lol
prompt/s: we'll face this together kisses + tummy kisses
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join my sleepover <3 (closing tomorrow night so flood me with blurb request <33)
pairing: fanon!rafe cameron x reader
summary: no matter what ever amount of lines would show up on the stick, rafe promised you would be in this together— no matter what.
word count: 1.0k (1009). | warnings: teen pregnancy— pretty sure rafe is 19 in the show so they're not too young, some angst but mostly fluff
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your teeth sunk down into the worn nail of your thumb once more, cracking every knuckle possible in your fingers, running your hands over your face and through your hair.
it had to be nearly the twentieth time the cycle went around in just one minute, the one you gave yourself to process after peeing on a stick you and rafe had just got from cvs in a cloud of uncomfortable silence and then washed your hands, slowly, making sure to give yourself just a little more time before having to open the door.
you had agreed to do it together, see whether a single line would show up and dismiss all of your worries or if a twin would come along with it and confirm them all.
you should've known this would happen, you and rafe weren't exactly the most careful pair in the world— not caring about what was ahead but simply trying to live in a moment.
careless, that's what you were.
now you were in the bathroom, going through all of the ways you attempted to deny it yourself— all of the morning sickness for nearly a week and a half, pushing away the eggs along with the breakfast he would make every morning. 
scrunching your nose at the recipe of chocolate chip cookies you had made together one night in junior year, it being more chocolate chip than cookie itself.
you knew it was overly sweet but it had never bothered you until then.
and the throwing up at the sole smell of the extreme spicy noodles topper brought over to tanneyhill for you to all try two days ago when you'd usually have a high tolerance for those sorts of things.
rafes holding back of your hair, telling you that whatever seasoning they put in it probably just irritated your nose and that you could put a clamp on it when it was your turn really making it click.
you didn't do that of course, you went up to his room and fell asleep. but still, even with all of those things you could've just brushed off as your taste changing, your period hadn't been there that whole time and more— today marking three and half weeks. 
the possibility of it somehow becoming irregular again being thrown straight out the window and you finally fessing up to rafe about it all, the thing that started all of this.
you don't even think he processed it himself, immediately pulling you into a tight hug at the confession and digging his head deep into the crook of your neck so you wouldn't hear his heavy sigh.
both of you not knowing what the manner of it was, just that neither of you wasn’t anything close to being ready for it, not mature or responsible enough— but maybe you could be.
“is it okay for me to come in now?” you heard him ask from the other side of the door, head resting against the wood seeing as he never left, probably using the time to contemplate all of the things you were.
you moved from your spot with a determined breath, turning the knob and allowing him to come in, your attention automatically diverting away from his soft gaze and to any other part of the room as you waited.
“y/n?” he asked after a few quiet moments, wanting to get you to look at him instead, not trying for much longer before simply grabbing your shoulders and moving your chin so that you were eye to eye.
both of them riddled with hints of red from rubbing at them gnawed at bottom lips, and looks of worry engraved into both of your faces— his just being more out of worry of the right words to say to you to make it all better.
“look, i love you and no matter what the result is, i still am. and— and if you decide that you wanna keep it, we can, we’ll work through it together. i’m not letting you go through this alone,” he promised, soothing you further by rubbing his thumbs on the apples of your cheeks, not getting any further than your mouth moving from side to side before you simply shook him away.
“rafe c’mon, be realistic— we’re still teenagers, both of us live with our parents and neither of us have anything remotely close to a stable job,” you ranted in one breath, more tears welling in your eyes but cooling down once you saw the drop in his hopeful expression with a huffing sigh, “we can’t, even if we wanted to, we’re not ready for this.”
crying, you were sobbing at this point— falling into his body as he held you tight in his arms again and allowed you to do so freely.
after a minute or two, the cries becoming softer, he pulled you away— wiping at your face before kissing all the wetness away. all of your face, little pecks getting left before he landed on your lips.
“we’ll face this together,” he mumbled against them, the smile on your face becoming straightened.
“are you one hundred percent sure though?” you pressured on, biting your lip at the chance that his mind may just change in the seconds given.
the cameron’s alone weren’t the most hospitable people out there and if one of their songs didn’t want to raise a child born out of wedlock, he probably wouldn't.
but your eyes only became pooled in with love as he dipped down from standing over you, down to his knees so that he could place small kisses into your stomach, faint mutters but you could still understand them well enough— “no matter what.”
your smile grew again, nearly ear to eat as you started to feel a little better about it all— only faltering by the slightest bit as he asked the question of what the result was, your eyes closing with a squeeze, knowing that no matter what it said, it would change your relationships entirely.
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🔖—!! @velqvet @pogueslandia @jemimah-b99 @darklingbrekksov @lieswithoutfairytales @badbussylol @lieswithoutfairytales @a-bolanos @vinniehcker @drewstarkeysbitchh @supernaturallydc-blog @victoriadeangeliswifey @nehireerdogan @canibeoneofthepogues @clearbolts @urskaa @i-love-scott-mccall @joeybslut @jellyddog 
to be tagged in future rafe cameron works + other characters in the obx fandom and other fandoms i write for, fill out this form <3
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dearlexies · 2 months
engenes we should be taking advantage of enhypen's popularity especially on tiktok and instagram. in the long run if we maintain these streams we can easily make it be one of the most streamed songs by the end of this year. let's try make other people outside the kpop fandom know about enhypen, so here are some ideas on how to use the song for trends and edits for tiktok
moonstruck = cute trend for couples we're you show videos of your partner that made you fall in love with them, edits with your favorite shipp
xo= xo dance challenge, confess to someone making to them a paper where they have to mark X or O
bthb= your idol being coll, celebration, party edits, Olympic edits
highway 1009= friendship edit, enhypen edits about the boys
any music="boys say 'i love you' but enhypen said 'lyrics of a music'
paranormal, royalty, your eyes only = shipp edits
one year // two weekends
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armysantiny · 3 years
nct dream masterlist
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© all work belongs to armysantiny and is protected under copyright. No translating/reposting or claiming my work as your own.
f = fluff, a = angst, req = requested, 18+ = smut, fem-r = female reader, gen-r = gender-neutral reader, m-r = male reader
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Huang Renjun | 런줜
My Exception (600 w.c)
gn-r, f, summary: Renjun’s reading time is sacred; a dedicated few hours every weekend spent with him, his wax melts, a book, and a hot drink. Though he can make an exception for y/n. He can always make an  exception for them.
Lee Jeno | 이제노
Stars and Smiles (865 w.c)
fem-r, f, no summary
Hot Chocolate and Crushes (1009 w.c)
gen-r, f, no summary
Eye Smile (850 w.c)
gen-r, f, no summary
Na Jaemin | 나재민
Pink and Blue (734 w.c)
m-r, f, no summary
Marshmallow confessions (1.03k w.c)
gen-r, f, no summary
Zhong Chenle | 천러
Park Jisung | 박지성
Books and Glasses pt 1 (3.47k) (disc.)
fem-r, f, no summary
Shifting Appearance pt.1 (4.37k)
m-r, f, a, summary: Y/n knew there was something different about his classmate. He didn’t have the same scent as the other humans in class. After a large macchiato-sized dose of wolfsbane enters the vampire’s system, y/n can’t control his urges, and Jisung has no choice but to shift to show the vampire the truth.
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Huang Renjun | 런줜
Lee Jeno | 이제노
Na Jaemin | 나재민
21:00 |  15:20 | 12:44
Zhong Chenle | 천러
17:30 |  14:20
Park Jisung | 박지성
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Huang Renjun | 런줜
Renjun dating a superfan
soft bf headcanon
atudy date headcanons
Lee Jeno | 이제노
Na Jaemin | 나재민
Zhong Chenle | 천러
Park Jisung | 박지성
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ao3feed-stony · 2 years
by Dracolonia
A last confession and a different ending for Endgame
Words: 1009, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Love Confessions
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41336454
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cami-chats · 4 years
Year Of Fanfic 2020
684,938 words
WHAT A YEAR. Wow. 684,938 words published on AO3!!! (I’d say about 50k of that wasn’t actually written this year and is instead from WIP’s that started from previous years, but that still leaves me with a solid 600k words. which. geez.) 
Last year was at 400k, and my goal for this year was to stay around that area, not PASS IT BY 200K. I’m not expecting this to happen again, so I hope everyone was happy with this lmao. 
This year had fics for: Avatar (2009), Beauty Pop (manga), Charmed (TV 1998), Check Please! (webcomic), Harry Potter, Julie And The Phantoms, Jurassic World, Lady Bloodfight, Marvel, Newsies (1992), Shadowhunters, That ‘70′s Show, The Umbrella Academy, The Witcher, and Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle. 
Full list of fics under the cut (with word count and link), if anyone wants to take a peek at the bullshit I’ve been up to >.< 
Avatar (2009)
Blue Sun (3711 words) Sharing (10164 words) You Can't Share Everything (1257 words)
Beauty Pop
The Golden Pair (5094 words)
Crossed (2678 words) A Charmed Past (2586 words) Forget Me Not (1120 words)
Check Please!
Gotta be damned because I want it all (30613 words) Take My Hand (15245 words) Still Family (3575 words) Too Old (1964 words) Red Ferrari (1024 words) Pickup After-Party (680 words)
Harry Potter
The Potter's, Both Old And New (86071 words) WIP! Harry's Parents (1567 words) I'm his, but he's not mine. (3890 words) Baby Steps (3816 words) If he kisses you, it just means he's touch starved (1694 words) I Never Did Like Roses (2659 words) When did you last check? (1499 words) Shocked Reactions (1351 words) Past Mistakes (1907 words) Seduction was never so difficult (2581 words) Wartime Sacrifices (9846 words) Hi Hungry, I'm Dad (2890 words) In the closet, but not like that (1592 words) A Game Changing Kiss (1026 words) Oblivious was never so cute (1874 words) Logically (743 words) Not Who I Remember (1108 words) Boys And Marriages (9768 words) Mais bien sûr (901 words) Back To You (4456 words) Anything For You (1371 words) Just An Inch (740 words) Love At Night (1524 words) Puppy Eyes (1137 words) Grown (1255 words) I Knew You First (1686 words) Birthday Wish (2016 words) Caller ID: Daddy (604 words) Family Time (673 words) My Best Friend (2961 words) Everything About You (2074 words) Every Kiss (3136 words) Out Of Commission (1691 words) For The Crowd (928 words) It's Just Sex (2055 words) Thicker And Better (1890 words) My Son (1583 words) A Little Bit Of Failure (772 words) Just Go With It (1495 words) Lay Your Love Down Soft And Sweet (5480 words) Metal Decoration (1329 words) Innocent? (1577 words) Jail Break (1530 words) One Turn To Another (2445 words) Return To Me, My Love (5010 words) Warmth (819 words) Bring Your Kid To Work Day (760 words) A Little Vivian Ward (5977 words) How To Lie (8975 words) Since You Been Gone (2542 words) Unromantic Confession (983 words) Your Hands (423 words) The Best Hugs (1509 words) Waiting Around (2014 words) Through The Gates Of Hell, I'm By Your Side (1006 words) Perfect Black Flowers (1318 words) Going For A Ride (748 words) Kitchen Appliances (1180 words) Property Of James (550 words) Meet-Cute (Again) (1300 words) Have you heard the news that you're dead? (3994 words) Wedding Jitters (18673 words) Seeing Double (Sort Of) (1887 words) Dauntless (1022 words) Excitement (1941 words) Past Demons (1183 words) Not Actually Brothers (5972 words) Absorb (2235 words) On My Mind (1255 words) Lights On (659 words) Pregnancy Scare (852 words) Silver And Gold (3381 words) Periodical Pains (277 words) In Your Dreams, Whatever They Be (1698 words) Regrets (2374 words) Like Somebody I Used To Know (3546 words) Girlfriend (2252 words) Your Husband Looks Like Your Ex-Girlfriend (1680 words) Skirt The Subject (859 words) The Model Boyfriend (841 words) Too Sad (1955 words) Flowery Tattoo (1025 words) Wake Up Kisses (549 words) What Do You Know Of Love? (2515 words) My Bodyguard, My Love (2911 words) The Bachelor (1501 words) Closing Shift (939 words) Always Negotiating (413 words) Keep Holding On (1009 words) Christmas Eve (609 words) Top Of The World (1956 words) The Wishing Stone (2015 words) What I Like About You (29812 words)
Julie And The Phantoms
Baby Bi, Bi, Bi (1157 words) New Sound (659 words)
Jurassic World
First Dinosaur (482 words)
Lady Bloodfight
Ladies Bloodfight (529 words) This Isn't Dinner (348 words) You Need Motivation (401 words)
About A Little Boy That Lived In A Blue World (14621 words) WIP! The Kidnapper's Heart (15880 words) WIP! Handle With... (1314 words) In Body, In Soul (4964 words) The Value Of Bucky (8744 words) By Scent (11880 words) Some Self Love (1956 words) Have We? (2244 words) Sexy Thoughts (1475 words) All These Kidnappings And Only You Quoted Star Wars (5366 words) The Best Season And Friend (8060 words) Party Of Misunderstandings (1187 words) Molten Red And Gold (4988 words) More Color, More Pride (616 words) Fantasia (1018 words) All that's best of dark and bright (4148 words) Get What You Paid For (698 words) The Sound Of Your Heart (701 words) Your Halo (4146 words) Squad Of Two (586 words) Lady Natasha's Consort (967 words) You'll Do. (2368 words) My Blood Red Heart (7567 words) Meeting Jean Grey (1650 words) Work Six Times As Hard (3311 words) Only In Papers (707 words) Anywhere You Go, Let Me Go Too (19778 words) French Braid (447 words) The Man Who Has Everything (759 words) Front Page (831 words) Swirlin' On You Babe (1241 words) Lace And Silk (572 words) A Rose For You, My Dear (10369 words) Just One Look (532 words) An Airforce Pilot, A Pararescuer, And A Nuclear Deterrent Share A Bed (5085 words) Watching Is Loving (606 words) Damaged Wings (2931 words) Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend (14793 words) Your Dad Sucks (828 words) A Birthday Party To Remember (890 words) Childhood Sweethearts (1001 words) CEO's New Assistant (1183 words) Another Captain (1802 words) A Space Romance (3110 words) The Farm (1598 words) Black Lightning (2118 words) One Hell Of A Reunion (2556 words) All We Are Is Dust In The Wind (1432 words) Knives, Arrows, And Repulsors (640 words) Cooking Class (1439 words) The Wrong Uniform (865 words) Parent Of Two (374 words) Wrong Package (1522 words) Young Man (973 words) Grumpy (279 words) College Flame (2054 words) Feel It (382 words) Got Keys? (524 words) Domino Effect (360 words) Two Super Soldier Dumbasses (454 words) The Best Bathtub (1649 words) Play Pretend (402 words) Whose Soap? (557 words) Ugly Sobs (534 words) Blue Is Everywhere I See (667 words) Stranger Things (1259 words) Racing And Winning (422 words) Sleepy Meditation (535 words) Apollo's Gift (2293 words) Toys And Dolls (645 words) Black Holes (478 words) I'm a little lamb who's lost in the wood (2002 words) The Winter Ghost (822 words) The Bodyguards (4559 words) An Element (534 words) Perfect Recall (2147 words) Household of Videos (433 words) Masquerade (1297 words) Luck Be A Lady (440 words) A Little Wasp (322 words) A Hero In Need Of Saving (303 words)
Gotta Get Brooklyn (1695 words) Brooklyn Means Queer (481 words)
Not Bossy, Just The Boss (3861 words) Mundane Boyfriend (4884 words) You Talk Too Much (4960 words) The Person You Most Care About (1585 words) Out Tonight (2046 words)
That ‘70′s Show
We Said Nine (285 words)
The Umbrella Academy
The Book (2058 words) Who Do I Have To Kill For Coffee (803 words) All These Cracks Till I Break (4636 words)
The Witcher
The World On A Platter (11046 words) Bare Strings Of Breathlessness (1353 words) Parties Like This (704 words) Fiancé, I Guess? (1061 words) Being In Love (2310 words) I was highest by your warmth (441 words) Shrike To Snow (4160 words) Waking Comfortably (567 words) Absolve (529 words) Not A Stray (1280 words) Nightly Conversations (2990 words) Backwards Relationship (1689 words) Angelic Action Versus Human Nature (1351 words)
Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle
Every Day (1190 words) The Master And Priest Of Suwa (3801 words)
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