tigreshark · 4 years
anything you can do i can do better
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Their president’s voice fell completely on deaf ears as Xavier was too busy playing on his phone. He scrolled absentmindedly through his news feed, pausing with a hovering thumb anytime a headline caught his interest, before he went back to scrolling once more. For the past couple of weeks club meetings had become lecture halls with regional coming up. Xavier did not have to worry about his skills all that much - he knew he was the best fencer on the team.
If only a certain someone knew that too.
It was no secret he and a fellow fencer had it out for one another. At first Xavier had completely ignored the one sided rivalry; it was a stupid, trivial thing to dwell on. However, over the course of a year that silly rivalry turned into something more - a conquest to become the best.
Just thinking about his rival drove Xavier antsy. Briefly he looked up from his phone to spot him sitting on the other side of the room. Before they could make eye contact, Xavier looked back down at his phone. Eventually the club’s president dismissed them with a friendly reminder to practice, practice, practice! As the rest of the club members began to break off into groups to chat, Xavier quickly grabbed his bag and made a beeline for the door.
It was dusk outside and only a handful of people were walking in the quad. Xavier shuffled along with his hands in his pockets, digging for something he craved, his pace hurried to get further from the university. When he believed he was far enough away, he pulled out a box of cigarettes and a lighter, and then he lit one up. He took a deep drag, breathing heavily through his nose, a stream of wispy smoke floating freely in the chilly evening.
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nobloodboneash · 4 years
“What are you doing?”
Send “What are you doing?” and I’ll randomly generate what your muse catches mine doing
14 - kissing someone else
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   Misaki really wasn’t one for the party scene. When he drank, it was mostly with the Red Gang after a successful night of whatever they were doing, calmly in the bar they used as their home base. However, when a few guys from the baseball team invited him to a joint-campus party, he shrugged with a grumbled “sure, whatever” and joined them later that night. And, when he drank, Misaki drank to get drunk. It was only natural that he would end up here, at a house (branch off, maybe?) of someone he didn’t know, a ways passed tipsy and drink in hand.
   The night air was cool on his skin, a larger group with most of the students from various athletic clubs playing a game of beer pong catching his attention. The game itself was a bore and never kept Yata’s eye long, but the players were a different story. Since coming to college, a lot of things had changed for Yata. He still saw a lot of the Red Gang, naturally, but he’d begun to assess who he was apart from them - one of those things just happened to be his sexuality. He had a theory that maybe he was as straight-edged as he thought, which was fine, but it would at least be nice to know for sure. He wasn’t about to ask any of the guys in the gang for advice, not in a million fucking years. So when one of the said players, a guy from the basketball team who had been speaking to him in passing all night, pulled him around the side of the house, a drunk Misaki decided there was no better time to test his theory. He leaned in teasingly, testing the waters, and when he wasn’t met with any forms of protest he pressed his lips softly to the other male’s. 
   It wasn’t that Misaki had never kissed anyone - he had, a handful of times. But he’d never kissed a guy, and it was an experience he leaned eagerly into in the haze of his alcohol. However, as the athlete’s arms touched his waist a voice raised behind him and they abruptly separated from him. The film student turned as the player slinked away, not quite able to make out his expression in the dark. 
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   “Saruhiko!” Yata greeted, a slight slur to his voice. His head felt fuzzy, but even still he was certain of the figures identity. “I’m having fun, got a problem?” The junior held his cup towards him. “You should try it, Saru!”
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moondrop-thief · 4 years
“I’m not dying over a meme.”
Area 51 Starters
“Oh, c’mon, Fushimi, live a little!” Eugene exasperatedly sighed as he threw his head back and his arms outward. An annoyed growl rumbled in his throat. Why couldn’t everyone focus on the fun over this.
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“Besiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiides, you’re not dying over a meme,” Eugene argued. He playfully rolled his eyes. “You’re going to die by trespassing onto military government soil, so there’s much more at stake!”
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mixedbloodlines · 4 years
“Step out of the sun if you keep getting burned”
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    “Where’s the challenge in that though? I won’t grow if I give up now, I need to keep trying even if I keep getting my ass kicked and I won’t stop till I succeed.”
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sundropsmiles · 4 years
“No, I got nothin’ to say”
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    “Oh.....I see.” She replied softly as she turned away from him. She wasn’t really sure what else she could say to him, he wasn’t a student at her university so she didn’t really have the right to reprimand him for not following the dorms rules. “Er, well I’ll have to ask you to leave the dorms at least”
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