#anti-jewish hate
chanaleah · 2 days
Very recently, the FBI published hate crime statistics from 2023 in the US.
In the past year's data that has been reported (September 2023-January 2024), Jewish Americans faced the largest amount of hate crimes of all groups in the country, irregardless of category.
If you think antisemitism doesn't exist in the US today, you need to rethink your position.
Here is a link to the FBI's Crime Data Explorer if you wish to view the data yourself - note that you will need to filter by hate crimes.
disclaimer for anyone who tries to twist my words: this post is not meant to nor should be used to invalidate discrimination faced by any other group. all hate crimes are awful, no matter who is the target
clarification: largest amount of hate crimes in the fall of 2023. (Sep 2023-January 2024) So far, the FBI has not published statistics for hate crimes in 2024. If you’re looking at the statistics, filter by 1 year to see just hate crimes in that time period.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 3 months
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bottlepiecemuses · 5 months
bdsmovement net/news/76-universities-spain-suspend-ties-with-complicit-israeli-universities
Spain of course just loving being anti-semitic tools again.
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somerandomg33k · 1 year
John Brockman is kind of low key angry about something. And we have on our friend and guest Ozma in the Dark to talk about the history of Anti-Jewish. Oh what fun show we will have. Yea.
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I don't think goyim properly understand the fear and change that the wave of antisemitism currently taking place in the wake of the October 7th massacre has induced in the Jewish community.
In a wide-lens view, Jews have become a 1000% more wary and introspective. This isn't limited to diaspora Jews--the headlines pouring out of Israel until October 7th have been of division, polarization, and conflict. Conflict over the 2018 Nation-State Law. Over Bibi's premiership. Over the judicial reform laws. Over the Orthodox Rabbinate. Over this. Over that.
But Israeli society is more unified than ever right now. The judicial reform laws were shelved shortly after the war began and the protests ended on October 8th. Some of it is the rally around the flag effect, yes, and will probably fade as time passes--politics never stops--but the era of Israelis being at one another's throats? Of forgetting that we are all one people and we are all under attack? Gone. It died on October 7th.
In the Diaspora, Jews are once again asking themselves the question--will I need to flee? Guys, a fifth of Gen Z--my generation, that I attend university with--believes the Holocaust was a myth. Two thirds of them think Jews are oppressors. That's terrifying. And the reason we don't take comfort in people saying, 'They're kids with no political power.' is that that won't be true forever. Today's slacktivists who casually say that Israel has no right to exist are tomorrows lawmakers. They will grow up and set policy.
We don't know if they'll grow out of it. I pray to HaShem that they will, but how do I know if they will?
And that's tomorrow's world. Today's world is already bad enough. I don't wear my Star of David necklace to the self-defense classes I've started taking because being surrounded by burly dudes learning how to fight people better isn't a great place to potentially learn that I'm surrounded by antisemites.
Jews--in the year 2024--are being doxxed, seen their homes and synagogues vandalized and threatened, walk past Palestine protests screaming for the death of Zionists, and antisemitism has increased in the United States alone by more than 400%. It's worse elsewhere--Turkish shop owners have been barring Jews from their stores and France has seen antisemitic incidents increase by 1000%. Jews have been leaving social media sites like Tumblr, Reddit, Tik Tok, and Twitter in droves, chased away by the constant, unceasing stream of anti-Jewish hate.
Gentiles need to understand that their words and actions have very real consequences. Jews are not dumb. We're not imagining things. We aren't 'getting our just desserts'. Our fears are grounded not only by historical context but by our current, everyday, lived realities. To gentiles, reading 'antisemitism has gone up by x percent' is a factoid. To us, it is a serious threat and a deep concern.
EDIT: I'm tired of pro-Palestine people sharing this post and using it to back their agenda. You are not welcome to use my experiences to suit your agenda. I am a Zionist! This post is Zionist! Stop taking my words from me and using it against my people.
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phantasm-masquerade · 8 months
The "Stop Jewish Hate" Super Bowl commercial was not bought by Israel, but by an American-based nonprofit. It is only about anti-Jewish hate crimes in the United States. It does not mention Israel, Zionism, Palestine, or anything about the wars and genocides in the Middle East. Anyone saying otherwise is spreading disinformation.
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timaeuslover001 · 4 months
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I love how jumblr all clowns on tikkunolamresistance, it’s such a wonderful experience.
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thewoodbine · 18 days
Zionism doesn't mean what you think it means and you need to stop using it as a slur
I think this article excerpt I've included below sent by a friend does a great job of explaining why it is antisemitic, harmful, and misinformed to continue to use "Zionist" as an evil label.
If you're someone who values listening to minorities and educating yourself before you say something ignorant and hateful- this is an important thing to read and share in allyship with Jews everywhere.
If nothing else, at least consider that maybe learning what the word Zionist means from cultural Christians or people who generally have never engaged with Judaism isn't the best idea and try instead listening to Jews.
And before you start- this is in no way a comparison to Palestinian suffering or delegitimization of their need for respect and dignity. No need to comment "what about"ism It's just, believe it or not, possible to advocate for Palestinian's without hate criming local Jews to do so.
" The crux of the problem is whether Zionism must be treated as a dirty word. Because what most Jews mean by Zionism, and what anti-Zionists mean by Zionism, are not the same thing.
Most people are unaware, for example, that among the varieties of Zionism, one branch—the one advocated by people like Martin Buber, the famous philosopher, and Henrietta Szold, the founder of Hadassah—did not even believe there should be a Jewish state, but rather a binational state, founded on absolute equality between Jews and Palestinians.
Even the founder of the most right-wing branch of Zionism, Jabotinsky, believed that in the Jewish state, “in every cabinet where the prime minister is a Jew, the vice-premiership shall be offered to an Arab and vice versa.” In other words, the actual state of Israel is a very far cry from the vision of most of its founders.
But that kind of Zionism — the idea that a state where Jews would be safe and thrive could also be a state where Palestinians would be safe and thrive — is what liberal and progressive Jews, your friends and neighbors, are thinking about when they identify as Zionist.
People who see themselves as anti-Zionist are right to point out that from its very beginning, the nascent state of Israel engaged in ethnic cleansing, driving some Palestinian populations out of their homes during the 1948 war and not letting others return to their homes after the war, contrary to all of these aspirations. That's why cities like Khan Yunis are called refugee camps.
But Zionism, for people who identify with that word, is about the aspiration for safety and self-determination in the Holy Land, not an aspiration to oppress. "
(Citation can be provided upon request, I do not want to flood a poor local newspaper with random online hate mail)
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
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Anti-Jewish incidents surged around the world this week, again.
The problem is not just that Jewish people are having our lives threatened, synagogues ambushed, and families pummelled.
It’s that no one wants to talk about it.
Hen Mazzig
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secular-jew · 3 months
I keep hearing that, as Muhammad's murderous jihadis crusaded their way across the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, the Islamic overlords "respected and even protected their subjects' right to practice their own religion, especially the Jews." If this is respect, I'd hate to see what the bad side of Islamic ethnic cleansing looks like: 622 - 627: Ethnic cleansing of Jews (who comprised roughly 50% of the population of Medina) carried out by Muhammad and his Jihadis. Over 800 Jewish men and boys (based on a pubic hair check), were killed by beheading. Women were forced into sexual slavery, and the children were given to Islamic Jihadis as slaves. Mohammad force-married Safiyyah, after murdering her husband and father.
629: 1st Alexandria Massacres of Jews, Egypt.
622 - 634: Exterminations of Arabian Jewish tribes.
1033: 1st massacre of Jews in Fez, Morocco.
1066: Granada Massacre of Jews, Muslim-occupied Spain.
1106: Ali Ibn Yousef Ibn Tashifin of Marrakesh decrees death penalty for any local Jew, including his Jewish Physician, and as well as his Jewish military general.
1148: Almohadin of Morocco gives Jews the choice of converting to Islam, or expulsion.
1165 - 1178: Jews of Yemen given the choice (under new constitution) to either convert to Islam or die.
1165: Chief Rabbi of the Maghreb was publicly burnt alive. The Rambam (Maimonides, Moses ben Maimon), forced to flee Spain to Egypt.
1220: Tens of thousands of Jews massacred by Muslims Turkey, Iraq, Syria, and Egypt, after being blamed for Mongol invasion.
1270: Sultan Baibars of Egypt resolved to burn all the Jews, a ditch having been dug for that purpose; but at the last moment he repented, and instead exacted a heavy tribute, during the collection of which many perished.
1276: 2nd Fez Pogrom (massacre) against Jews in Morocco
1385: Khorasan Massacres against Jews in Iran
1438: 1st Mellah Ghetto massacres against Jews in Morocco
1465: 3rd Fez Pogrom against Jews in Morocco, leaving only 11 Jews left alive
1517: 1st Safed Pogrom in Muslim Ottoman controlled Judea
1517: 1st Hebron Pogrom in Muslim-controlled Judea, by occupying Ottomans
1517: Marsa ibn Ghazi Massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Libya
1577: Passover Massacre throughout the Ottoman Empire
1588 - 1629: Mahalay Pogroms of Jews in Iran
1630 - 1700: Yemenite Jews considered 2nd class citizens and subjugated under strict Shi'ite 'dhimmi' rules
1660: 2nd Judean Pogrom, in Safed Israel (Ottoman-controlled Palestine)
1670: Expulsion of Mawza Jews in Yemen
1679 - 1680: Massacres of Jews in Sanaa, Yemen
1747: Massacres of the Jews of Mashhad, Iran
1785: Pogrom of Libyan Jews in Ottoman-controlled Tripoli, Libya
1790 - 92: Tetuan Pogrom. Morocco (Jews of Tetuan stripped naked, and lined up for Muslim perverts)
1800: Decree passed in Yemen, criminalizing Jews from wearing clothing that is new or good, or from riding mules or donkeys. Jews were also rounded up for long marches naked through the Roob al Khali dessert
1805: 1st Algiers Massacre/Pogrom of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Algeria
1808: 2nd Ghetto Massacres in Mellah, Morocco
1815: 2nd Algiers massacres/pogroms of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Algeria
1820: Sahalu Lobiant Massacres of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Syria
1828: Baghdad massacres/pogroms of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Iraq
1830: 3rd massacre/pogrom of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Algiers, Algeria
1830: Ethnic cleansing of Jews in Tabriz, Iran
1834: 2nd massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Hebron, Judea
1834: Massacre/pogrom of Safed Jews in Ottoman-controlled Palestine/Judea
1839: Massacre of the Mashadi Jews in Iran
1840: Damascus Affair following first of many blood libels against Jews in Ottoman-controlled Syria
1844: 1st Cairo Massacres of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Egypt.
1847: Dayr al-Qamar massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Lebanon
1847: Ethnic cleansing of the Jews in Jerusalem, Ottoman-controlled Palestine
1848: 1st Damascus massacre/pogrom, in Ottoman-controlled Syria
1850: 1st Aleppo massacre/pogrom of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Syria
1860: 2nd Damascus massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Syria
1862: 1st Beirut massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Lebanon
1866: Massacre of Jews by Ottomans Kuzguncuk, Turkey
1867: Massacre of Jews by Ottomans in Barfurush, Turkey
1868: Massacre of Jews by Ottomans in Eyub, Turkey
1869: Massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Tunis, Tunisia
1869: Massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Sfax, Tunisia
1864 - 1880: Massacres of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Marrakesh, Morocco
1870: 2nd Alexandria Massacres of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Egypt
1870: 1st Istanbul massacre of Jews in Ottoman Turkey
1871: 1st Damanhur Massacres of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Egypt
1872: Massacre of Jews by Ottomans in Edirne, Turkey
1872: 1st Massacre of Jews by Ottomans in Izmir, Turkey
1873: 2nd Damanhur Massacres of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Egypt
1874: 2nd Izmir massacre of Jews in Turkey
1874: 2nd massacre of Jews in Istanbul Turkey
1874: 2nd massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Beirut, Lebanon
1875: 2nd massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Aleppo, Syria
1875: Massacre of Jews in Djerba Island, Ottoman-controlled Tunisia
1877: 3rd massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Damanhur, Egypt
1877: Massacres of Jews in Mansura, Ottoman-controlled Egypt
1882: Massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Homs, Syria
1882: 3rd Massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Alexandria, Egypt.
1890: 2nd massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Cairo, Egypt.
1890: 3rd massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Damascus, Syria.
1890: 2nd massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Tunis, Tunisia
1891: 4th massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Damanahur, Egypt.
1897: Targeted murder of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Tripolitania, Libya.
1903 &1907: Massacres of Hews in Ottoman-controlled Taza & Settat, Morocco.
1901 - 1902: 3rd set of massacres of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Cairo, Egypt.
1901 - 1907: 4th set of Massacres of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Alexandria, Egypt.
1903: 1st massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Port Sa'id, Egypt.
1903 - 1940: Series of massacres in Taza and Settat, Morocco.
1907: Massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Casablanca, Morocco.
1908: 2nd Massacre of Jews in Ottoman-controlled Port Said, Egypt.
1910: Blood libel against Jews in Shiraz, Iran.
1911: Massacre of Jews by Muslims in Shiraz, Iran.
1912: 4th massacre in Ottoman-controlled Fez, Morocco.
1917: Baghdad Iraq Jews murdered by Ottomans.
1918 - 1948: Yemen passes a law criminalizing the raising of a Jewish orphan in Yemen.
1920: Massacres of Jews in Irbid Jordan (British mandate Palestine).
1920 - 1930: Arab riots resulting in hundreds of Jewish deaths, British mandate Palestine.
1921: 1st Jaffa (Israel) riots, British mandate Palestine.
1922: Massacres of Jews in Djerba, Tunisia.
1928: Jewish orphans sold into slavery, and forced to nvert to Islam by Muslim Brotherhood, Yemen.
1929: 3rd Hebron (Israel) massacre of Jews by Arabs in British mandate Palestine.
1929 3rd massacre of Jews by Arabs in Safed (Israel), British mandate Palestine.
1933: 2nd Jaffa (Israel) riots, British mandate Palestine.
1934: Massacre of Jews in Thrace, Turkey.
1936: 3rd riots by Arabs against Jews in Jaffa (Israel), British mandate Palestine.
1941: Massacres of Jews in Farhud, Iraq.
1942: Muslim leader Grand Mufti collaboration with the Nazis, playing a major role in the final solution.
1938 - 1945: Full alliance and collaboration by Arabs with the Nazis in attacking and murdering Jews in the Middle East and Africa.
1945: 4th massacre of Jews by Muslims in Cairo, Egypt.
1945: Massacre of Jews in Tripolitania, Libya.
1947: Massacre of Jews by Muslims in Aden, Yemen.
2023: Massacre, rape, torture and kidnapping of ~1,500 Israelis (mostly Jews) by Muslims in numerous towns throughout southern Israel.
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coffeelovinggayidiot · 9 months
Hi, your url is on an anti-Zionist blocklist because apparently you interacted with a disgusting pro-Israeli "bingo" blog. however your pinned post's tags allude to you being against those who are anti-palestine. I hope it was a mistake and i don't want hate sent your way for no reason
I interacted with a post that called out the antisemitic bullshit that I have personally been going through, and y'all decided that means I'm an evil (((zionist))) who wants Palestinians dead?
This is why Jewish people have been so worried. We aren't allowed to call out the vile hate we've been getting without people coming on our blogs and questioning if we're secretly evil baby killing monsters or something.
If standing up against antisemitism that I've been through makes me a "zionist" (most of you don't know what that word means btw but that's not the point) then I guess there's no point in me even talking about how I do believe in Palestinian liberation or some form of a two state solution or a ceasefire (after the release of all hostages tho).
Y'all don't actually care about my political stance on this issue. You care that I'm q Jewish person calling out your antisemitism.
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creekfiend · 9 months
truly nothing is more American than being like "yay I love the Marvel films yay I love the Captain America films" until the Captain America film has an Israeli superhero character who works with the Israeli military. and then we have to boycott it. but before this it was fine to support films about Captain America, an American superhero character who works with the American military!
our wholesome and universal commercialized nationalism vs their sinister child murdering nationalism!!! lmfao
ive made this unrebloggable but just in case someone gets up in my face I will make this crystal clear: I am not telling you to hate Israel less I am TELLING YOU TO HATE AMERICA MORE
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I'm a Zionist.
I'm tired of pro-Palestine anti-Zionists trying to turn 'Zionist' into a bad word, an antisemitic slur. And they demand that we Jews reject Zionism and that we only embrace alternative responses to antisemitism that they approve of.
You know what happened to the Jewish proponents of other solutions? The assimilationists, Bundists, territorialists, and Jewish communist revolutionaries were murdered. And now, the left wing antisemites hate the Zionists too. Why? What did the Zionists do that was so offensive to the anti-Zionists? I'll tell you what they did.
Zionists created the first independent Jewish state since the Bar Kokhba revolt. Zionists tried to bring as many Jews to safety as possible while the rest of the world closed their doors to them. And when they couldn't do so legally, they risked their lives to bring Jews home covertly during the Aliyah Bet. Zionists restored an indigenous people's sovereignty over their own land after a millennia of colonization, deforestation, and dispersion. Zionists restored an ancestral and historic language after millennia of forced disuse. Zionists took in and saved the lives of the Mizrahim when they were violently expelled by their home countries. Zionists created a prosperous, liberal democratic nation state in a part of the world very hostile to every word of that. And Zionists successfully defeated one, two, three, four, and are currently fighting off a fifth genocidal war of annihilation against all of their accomplishments and people.
What did the anti-Zionists do? They opposed every one of those things.
So, when you anti-Zionists hurl that label at my feet, 'Zionist', as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, because I will pick up that label and wear it as a badge of honor.
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Anti Zionism / antisemitism in the last of us fandom
I was scrolling through the last of us tag here and I came across this A/N
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What you’re doing here is using the term Zionist as a derogatory term to describe a Jewish person.
Look, the creator is Israeli-American. Israelis are allowed to create things and exist in the public domain. The game has nothing to do with the conflict. if you don’t like the fact that the creator of your favourite show and game is Israeli, don’t watch/play it. It’s as a simple as that.
The only connection is that he’s Jewish Israeli. If you assume his work has some ulterior motive or hidden war propaganda , based on that- surprise, that’s antisemitic
Unfortunately , this is not the first time I’ve encountered this phenomenon
There are so many misguided donation links, posts and misinformation regarding the conflict/ anti Israel/ posts with plain antisemitic rhetorics in this fandom. It’s honestly so frustrating to see how you’re promoting such misinformation.
The game has nothing to with Israel/ Palestine. Stop projecting your propaganda on everything made by Israelis or Jews
Literally do a quick google search- Neil Druckmann , the creator , said he was inspired by other zombie games and games he was working on …
I am not going to tag any users or the user whose post I’ve added here as I don’t want to harass them.
What is important here is the message, not finger pointing at specific users.
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q8qwertyuiop8p · 3 months
I was blown away by this post and need to talk about it, or I will never sleep lol. I wish I could show you our entire conversation but the OP deleted all my comments so I couldn't screenshot anything.
"Nazis weren’t atheists or pagans. They were deeply Christian and Christianity was part of their ideology just like it is for modern conservatives. They spoke at lengths about defending their Christian nation from godless leftism. The ones who hated the catholic church hated it for protestant reasons."
The nazis, including Hitler, were absolutely not supporters of Christianity, you don't even need to be a Christian to see why this is so problematic. The main idea of Christianity is that Jesus is the Messiah, the one and only Son who loved the world so much he sacrificed his life to pay the debt of our sins.
Jesus isn't just not Aryan, or not white. He is a Jew. Christians literally worship him, seeing him as both fully human and fully divine.
Hitler taught that Jews were inferior, the scum of the Earth, deserving of inhumane treatment and death. Why would he support a religion that worships a Jewish man as the Messiah?
Furthermore, the gospel teaches that ALL people, regardless of sex, race, ethnicity, etc. We're made equal in the eyes of God, and that we all came from the same two people.
Hitler taught that the Aryans were the superior race, and preached the inferiority of anyone else. Why would he support a religion that so blatantly contradicts his teachings?
But wait- if Hitler and the Nazis were against Christianity, why did they employ Christian rhetoric in speeches? Why did they negotiate a treaty with the Vatican?
If you are a psychopath vying for support and leadership in an overwhelmingly Christian nation, are you really going to talk about how useless you see Christianity, or how it is a threat to your rule? Of course not. Hitler was a demagogue. He wanted to appeal to the common 1930s German citizen, which meant he would need to appeal to Christians.
It wasn't until he had secured power that he could finally show his true colors, breaking his promise to the Vatican to not interfere with the rights of the church. Among the many groups persecuted in the holocaust were Christians, especially Roman Catholics. Clergy in Germany and other territories were closely supervised to make sure they didn't contradict the Nazi teachings, Catholic organizations were shut down, and many prominent Christians were sent to camps for forced labor and execution.
I pointed out some of these the the OP, to which they responded
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How stating that the Nazis weren't supporters of Christians and that Christianity cannot coexist with Nazism makes me a holocaust denier, I don't know. I'm not the one denying that a certain group was persecuted by the Nazis (the OP stated in a comment of theirs that the Christians put into camps were only attacked for their ethnicity, not their religion) and trying to make it look like the Nazis actually loved and cared about that group.
I also don't understand how Christianity is inherently antisemitic. I asked the OP what about it was antisemitic, so after deleting all my comments, they blocked me. If you have the answer, let me know, I am genuinely curious.
It makes me sad to see that people actually believe this kind of propaganda. Also, if you're going to make a post about the evils of Nazism, you probably shouldn't use misinformation to villianize and scapegoat a group, or censor people who speak out against said misinformation. Just saying.
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