#<sorry but this is genuine ‘transmisogyny is the fulcrum of oppression’ stuff—I would like to call it what it is.
trans-androgyne · 4 months
discrimination against trans men is literally just misdirected transmisogyny, and i don't see how it could be anything else- when transphobes go after trans men, it's just to further demonize trans women and treat them like predators who are going after young girls; if trans men didn't exist, transmisogyny would still exist, but if trans women didn't exist, there would be no systemic discrimination against trans men
Alright, this is a tad long but it’s for the benefit of anyone who isn’t sure about this position and would like my thoughts on it. (adding a TL;DR in the notes for anyone that doesn’t want a couple paragraphs worth of text)
Sorry, but this is a terrible take and not reflective of reality at all. I understand why you might feel that way considering a lot of transphobia directed at transmasculine people ties into transmisogyny against transfeminine people, like in the example you gave. Additionally, trans men do at times experience transmisogyny. However, that is not the majority of it. Even when it comes to the infantilization and characterization of transmascs as mentally ill, delusional young girls mutilating themselves, the cause is not always attributed to trans women. I encourage you to look into the idea of Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) as it applies to transmascs and the idea of them spreading a “social contagion” within groups of “young girls.” Transmascs’ bodies are treated as ruined and diseased, more and more the further we transition into masculinity. There is a full transphobic book on the subject focusing on transmascs, called Irreversable Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.
It is thoroughly untrue that transphobia against transmascs (transandrophobia) would cease to exist without transmisogyny. This stance leads me to believe you are relatively unfamiliar with some of the unique ways transmasculine people experience transphobia. I can absolutely promise you it is frequently directed at them. Your hypothetical is unrealistic to me, but I want to note: gender non-conformity is still punished outside transmisogyny. Misogyny still occurs outside just transmisogyny.
Fear and disgust at pregnant trans men is not transmisogyny. The idea of “lost lesbians”/“butch flight” is not transmisogyny. The corrective rape of transmascs by cis people as a means of detransition is not transmisogyny. Being called privileged gender traitors trying to climb up a rung in the patriarchy is not transmisogyny. At the least, not nearly as much as it is classic transandrophobia. All transphobia is connected, that much is true. But other types are just as serious and oppressive of systems as transmisogyny. Please seek out a more diverse selection of transmasculine people’s experiences before you try to theorize about their oppression; I think you may find them enlightening.
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